blob: cafb7fc6d8c63bdd485d40c75139795dd838ca95 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2023 The ChromiumOS Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// using proto2 for compatibility with upstream
syntax = "proto2";
package chromite.telemetry;
option go_package = "";
import "google/protobuf/struct.proto";
// Proto used by chromeos build tools to produce trace spans.
message TraceSpan {
// Defines the telemetry sdk used to produce this entry
message TelemetrySdk {
// name of the telemetry sdk being used to instrument the code
optional string name = 1;
// version of the sdk
optional string version = 2;
// programming language for the sdk.
optional string language = 3;
message System {
// name of the os like Gentoo, Ubuntu.
optional string os_name = 1;
// version of os run on the machine
optional string os_version = 2;
// the family of os like Linux, Darwin, Windows
optional string os_type = 3;
// the processor used on the host
optional string cpu = 4;
// information about the host architecture like amd64, x86
optional string host_architecture = 5;
// Provides some metadata about the executing process
message Process {
optional string pid = 1;
// name of the executable. For Linux, Name from /proc/{pid}/status
optional string executable_name = 2;
// full path of the executable. For Linux, target of /proc/{pid}/exe
optional string executable_path = 3;
// the actual command executed. typically the first arg from
// /proc/{pid}/cmdline
optional string command = 4;
// the list of args passed to the command. typically contained in the
// /proc/{pid}/cmdline
repeated string command_args = 5;
// Whether the current owner is root
optional bool owner_is_root = 6;
// The runtime name like Cython, Jython etc
optional string runtime_name = 7;
// the version of the runtime being used
optional string runtime_version = 8;
// human readable description of runtime
optional string runtime_description = 9;
// the c api version used in this runtime
optional string api_version = 10;
// select set of environment variables and their values
map<string, string> env = 11;
// describes the resource where the trace was generated.
message Resource {
optional Process process = 1;
optional System system = 2;
optional google.protobuf.Struct attributes = 3;
// Points to the location for the scope of current span
message InstrumentationScope {
// Points to the code location where the span originated
optional string name = 1;
// version number for this code module
optional string version = 2;
enum SpanKind {
// Denotes any events published for this span
message Event {
// unix timestamp in millis when the event occurs
optional int64 event_time_millis = 1;
optional string name = 2;
optional google.protobuf.Struct attributes = 3;
// A single stack frame within the stacktrace
message StackFrame {
optional string function_name = 1;
optional string file_name = 2;
optional int64 line_number = 3;
optional int64 column_number = 4;
// Stacktrace captured during an exception
message StackTrace {
repeated StackFrame stack_frames = 1;
// The number of frames dropped to save packet size
optional int64 dropped_frames_count = 2;
// Since multiple spans will contain the same trace, this is a way to
// minimize the size of message.
optional string stacktrace_hash = 3;
// captures the status for the current span
message Status {
enum StatusCode {
optional StatusCode status_code = 1;
optional string message = 2;
optional StackTrace stack_trace = 3;
// Represents the trace-context
message Context {
// the random id generated for each trace. It is generated for each process
// execution.
optional string trace_id = 1;
// the random id generated for each span within a trace.
optional string span_id = 2;
optional string trace_state = 3;
message Link {
optional Context context = 1;
optional google.protobuf.Struct attributes = 2;
// --------------------------------
// Fields for TraceSpan
// --------------------------------
optional string name = 1;
optional Context context = 2;
optional string parent_span_id = 3;
optional SpanKind span_kind = 4;
// unix timestamp in millis when the span started
optional int64 start_time_millis = 5;
// unix timestamp in millis when the span ended
optional int64 end_time_millis = 6;
optional google.protobuf.Struct attributes = 7;
repeated Event events = 8;
repeated Link links = 9;
optional Status status = 10;
optional Resource resource = 11;
optional InstrumentationScope instrumentation_scope = 12;
optional TelemetrySdk telemetry_sdk = 13;