blob: f4cd4210f3372c5e0ae851992d2fc74b1b81e5e6 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2023 The ChromiumOS Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// using proto2 for compatibility with upstream
syntax = "proto2";
package chromite.telemetry;
option go_package = "";
// Individual log event
message LogEvent {
// unix timestamp in millis for the event
optional int64 event_time_ms = 1;
// serialized log message
optional bytes source_extension = 6;
message ClientInfo {
// Allocated id for the client
optional int32 client_type = 1;
// LogRequest made to log http api
message LogRequest {
optional ClientInfo client_info = 1;
// id to identify the log source
optional int32 log_source = 2;
// unix timestamp in millis for the request
optional int64 request_time_ms = 4;
// list of log events published to collector
repeated LogEvent log_event = 3;
// Response from log http api
message LogResponse {
// The number of milliseconds to wait before the next request
optional int64 next_request_wait_millis = 1;