blob: a9835d6fbebf9373b283878b39e164d59c7d8372 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2022 The ChromiumOS Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
syntax = "proto3";
package chromite.observability;
option go_package = "";
import "chromiumos/common.proto";
import "chromite/observability/shared.proto";
message ImageSizeObservabilityData {
observability.BuilderMetadata builder_metadata = 1;
observability.BuildVersionData build_version_data = 2;
repeated ImageData image_data = 3;
message ImageData {
chromiumos.ImageType image_type = 1;
repeated ImagePartitionData image_partition_data = 2;
message ImagePartitionData {
string partition_name = 1;
repeated PackageSizeData packages = 3;
// Apparent size represents how many bytes are contained in a fileset's
// contents; in this case, the fileset is all of the files installed by
// packages on the partition.
uint64 partition_apparent_size = 4;
// Disk utilization represents how many bytes are reserved by the operating
// system for a given fileset; in this case, the fileset is all of the files
// installed by packages on the partition.
uint64 partition_disk_utilization_size = 5;
reserved 2;
reserved "partition_size";
message PackageSizeData {
PackageIdentifier identifier = 1;
// Apparent size represents how many bytes are contained in a file's
// contents. It is the number provided by `ls -l` in the terminal. This field
// represents the total sum of the apparent size of all real files installed
// by the package in question. It does not include inode blocks or symlinks.
uint64 apparent_size = 3;
// Disk utilization represents how many bytes are reserved by the operating
// system for a given file. It is provided in bytes, not blocks. This field
// represents the total sum of all bytes reserved for the files installed by
// the package in question. It does not include inode blocks or symlinks.
uint64 disk_utilization_size = 4;
reserved 2;
reserved "size";
// Provides the category, name, version components, and revision components of a
// given package. This is used in place of chromiumos.PackageInfo because it is
// more extensible and minimizes the amount of post-processing required for
// building out the ISCP data pipeline.
message PackageIdentifier {
PackageName package_name = 1;
PackageVersion package_version = 2;
message PackageName {
string atom = 1;
string category = 2;
string package_name = 3;
message PackageVersion {
uint32 major = 1;
uint32 minor = 2;
uint32 patch = 3;
uint32 extended = 4;
uint32 revision = 5;
string full_version = 6;