blob: b8da8e8e19045cfc5e2acf19cfceedc63af7bcbf [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The ChromiumOS Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
syntax = "proto3";
package chromite.api;
option go_package = "";
import "chromite/api/build_api.proto";
import "chromite/api/sysroot.proto";
import "chromiumos/common.proto";
import "chromiumos/metrics.proto";
import "chromiumos/build/api/container_metadata.proto";
// Proto for executing test-related functionality.
message TestServiceContainerBuildResult {
message Success {
// Metadata about the constructed container image image_info = 2;
// Full path to the build artifact in the hosted container registry.
string registry_path = 1; // deprecated
message Failure {
// Debugging details about the error that occurred.
string error_message = 1;
// Human friendly name of the container built (for debugging/reporting only).
string name = 1;
oneof result {
Success success = 2;
Failure failure = 3;
// BuilderType identifies builders running on private/public pool bots.
enum BuilderType {
// Public builders
// Private builders
message BuildTestServiceContainersRequest {
// The build target the test service containers are being build for.
chromiumos.BuildTarget build_target = 1;
// The chroot containing the sysroot.
chromiumos.Chroot chroot = 2;
// Build version number, which matches the build artifact version
// number that will be tested ultimately.
// NOTE: deprecated, remove once we migrate requests to new tag/label
// semantics
string version = 3;
// Repository to push to repository = 4;
// Tags to apply to built images. Note that Docker tags are limited in
// what they can contain. They can contain [A-Za-z0-9_.-], but may not
// start with . or -, and are a maximum of 128 characters.
repeated string tags = 5;
// Labels to apply to docker image. Labels are string key=value pairs which
// are added to the image itself. These are useful for things like eg:
// adding the full build URL to the container image for the build that
// produced them.
map<string, string> labels = 6;
BuilderType builder_type = 7;
message BuildTestServiceContainersResponse {
// List of containers that were attempted to be built and the success/failure
// results for each.
repeated TestServiceContainerBuildResult results = 1;
message BuildTargetUnitTestRequest {
message Flags {
// Assume the sysroot is empty.
bool empty_sysroot = 1;
// Whether a toolchain change has occurred.
bool toolchain_changed = 2;
// Whether to produce code coverage data.
bool code_coverage = 3;
// Whether to allow no testable packages to be found.
bool testable_packages_optional = 4;
// Whether to filter out any non-cros_workon packages passed in.
// Added in R92.
bool filter_only_cros_workon = 5;
// Whether to produce rust code coverage data.
// Details in go/cros-rust-code-coverage
// TODO(b/215596245): Reuse the code_coverage flag and remove this
// once rust and clang converge on tooling.
bool rust_code_coverage = 6;
// Whether to use Bazel to run unit tests.
bool bazel = 7;
reserved 2, 5;
reserved 'result_path';
// The build target being tested.
chromiumos.BuildTarget build_target = 1;
// The chroot containing the sysroot.
chromiumos.Chroot chroot = 3;
// The flags.
Flags flags = 4;
// Packages to be tested.
// Defaults to all testable packages when none are given.
repeated chromiumos.PackageInfo packages = 6;
// Skipped packages.
repeated chromiumos.PackageInfo package_blocklist = 7;
// Directory where results (logs, etc.) should be stored.
chromiumos.ResultPath results_path = 8;
message BuildTargetUnitTestResponse {
reserved 1, 2;
reserved 'tarball_path', 'failed_packages';
// The metric events that occurred during the running of BuildTargetUnitTest.
repeated chromiumos.MetricEvent events = 3;
// Additional data about the packages that failed to build.
repeated FailedPackageData failed_package_data = 4;
// Chromite UnitTest request.
message ChromiteUnitTestRequest {
// The chroot to use to execute the endpoint.
chromiumos.Chroot chroot = 1;
message ChromiteUnitTestResponse {}
message ChromitePytestRequest {
// The chroot to use to execute the endpoint.
chromiumos.Chroot chroot = 1;
message ChromitePytestResponse {}
message BazelTestRequest {
// Path to the Bazel's output user directory where Bazel stores cache of Bazel
// installation manifests and build outputs. If it is empty, the default path
// is used ($HOME/.cache/bazel/_bazel_$USER). Specify this field if the
// default location is not desirable (e.g. the disk space is limited).
string bazel_output_user_root = 1;
message BazelTestResponse {}
message CrosSigningTestRequest {
// Required if not in default location.
// The chroot where the tests should be executed.
chromiumos.Chroot chroot = 1;
message CrosSigningTestResponse {}
message VmTestRequest {
// The build target under test. Required.
chromiumos.BuildTarget build_target = 1;
// The chroot in which to run commands. Required.
chromiumos.Chroot chroot = 2;
// Required. The VM image path.
chromiumos.Path vm_path = 3;
// Options for SSHing into the VM.
message SshOptions {
// Path to the private key to the VM.
chromiumos.Path private_key_path = 1;
// SSH port to communicate with VM.
int32 port = 2;
// Options for SSHing into the VM.
SshOptions ssh_options = 4;
// The program that manages and runs the tests in the VM.
enum TestHarness {
// No test harness specified.
// Run tests with Tast.
TAST = 1;
// Run tests with Autotest.
TestHarness test_harness = 5;
// A specific VM test to run.
message VmTest {
// The name pattern for the VM test.
// For Autotest, this pattern matches against the test suite name.
// For Tast, this pattern matches against the Tast test name.
string pattern = 1;
// All VM tests that should be run. At least one must be specified.
repeated VmTest vm_tests = 6;
message VmTestResponse {}
// rules_cros UnitTest request.
message RulesCrosUnitTestRequest {
// The chroot to use to execute the endpoint.
chromiumos.Chroot chroot = 1;
message RulesCrosUnitTestResponse {}
message SimpleChromeWorkflowTestRequest {
// The sysroot for which SimpleChrome flow will be run.
// The path and build_target are required.
// Chrome will be built for the specified board using the sysroot.
Sysroot sysroot = 1;
// Chrome source directory under which chromium will be built and tested
// using cros chrome-sdk.
string chrome_root = 2;
// Options for using goma when building Chrome.
chromiumos.GomaConfig goma_config = 3;
message SimpleChromeWorkflowTestResponse {}
// The test service.
service TestService {
option (service_options) = {
module : "test",
service_chroot_assert : INSIDE,
// Build all of the container micro-services used for testing in various lab
// environments.
// As part of the build, containers will also be automatically updated to the
// hosted container registry for using the current chromeos version
// being build as the container image tag.
rpc BuildTestServiceContainers(BuildTestServiceContainersRequest)
returns (BuildTestServiceContainersResponse) {
option (method_options) = {
method_chroot_assert : OUTSIDE,
// Run a build target's ebuild unit tests.
rpc BuildTargetUnitTest(BuildTargetUnitTestRequest)
returns (BuildTargetUnitTestResponse);
// Run the chromite unit tests.
rpc ChromiteUnitTest(ChromiteUnitTestRequest)
returns (ChromiteUnitTestResponse);
// Run Pytest in chromite.
rpc ChromitePytest(ChromitePytestRequest) returns (ChromitePytestResponse);
// Run Bazel tests.
rpc BazelTest(BazelTestRequest) returns (BazelTestResponse) {
option (method_options) = {
method_chroot_assert : OUTSIDE,
// Run the cros-signing unit tests.
rpc CrosSigningTest(CrosSigningTestRequest) returns (CrosSigningTestResponse);
// Run VM tests and report failures.
rpc VmTest(VmTestRequest) returns (VmTestResponse);
// Run the rules_cros unit tests.
rpc RulesCrosUnitTest(RulesCrosUnitTestRequest)
returns (RulesCrosUnitTestResponse);
// Run the Simple Chrome workflow unit tests.
rpc SimpleChromeWorkflowTest(SimpleChromeWorkflowTestRequest)
returns (SimpleChromeWorkflowTestResponse) {
option (method_options) = {
method_chroot_assert : OUTSIDE,