blob: f5a6b42fdf24d2abd4f25b3143d362d544a2b76e [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The ChromiumOS Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
syntax = "proto3";
package chromite.api;
option go_package = "";
import "chromite/api/build_api.proto";
import "chromite/api/sysroot.proto";
import "chromiumos/common.proto";
// The chroot version information.
message ChrootVersion {
// The version number.
uint32 version = 1;
// Create request message.
message CreateRequest {
// Options that affect how the chroot is created.
message Flags {
// Whether or not to replace the chroot if it already exists.
bool no_replace = 1;
// Whether to do a full build of the SDK or use prebuilts.
bool bootstrap = 2;
// Whether the chroot should be mounted on a loopback image or created
// directly inside a directory. Set to true to create in a directory.
bool no_use_image = 3;
// Whether to delete `out` directory when creating chroot.
bool no_delete_out_dir = 4;
// The chroot-create flag arguments.
Flags flags = 1;
// The chroot to create.
chromiumos.Chroot chroot = 2;
// Optional. The specific SDK version to use, passed as
// `cros_sdk --sdk-version`.
string sdk_version = 3;
// Optional. Whether or not to pass --skip-chroot-upgrade to `cros_sdk`.
// This option is unofficially supported and is not guaranteed to work.
bool skip_chroot_upgrade = 4;
// Optional. If provided and true, the chroot will be created with ccache
// fully disabled. Otherwise, the user can expect ccache to be enabled.
bool ccache_disable = 5;
// Optional. Whether or not to pass --update to `cros_sdk`. If provided and
// true, will update SDK via download of a new archive, rather than emerging.
bool update_replace = 6;
// Optional. Whether to keep the `out/` folder with SYSROOTs.
bool keep_out_dir = 7;
// Create response message.
message CreateResponse {
// The resulting chroot version.
ChrootVersion version = 1;
// Delete request message.
message DeleteRequest {
// The chroot to delete.
chromiumos.Chroot chroot = 2;
// Delete request message.
message DeleteResponse {}
// Deprecated.
message UnmountRequest {
// The chroot to unmount.
chromiumos.Chroot chroot = 1;
// Deprecated.
message UnmountResponse {}
// Chroot update request message.
// Example json:
// {"toolchain_targets": [{"name": "eve"}]}
message UpdateRequest {
// Update flag arguments.
message Flags {
// Whether to build from source or use prebuilt packages.
bool build_source = 1;
// Whether a toolchain change has occurred.
bool toolchain_changed = 2;
// If true, the SDK should be updated anyway when pinned SDKs are in use.
// build_source and toolchain_changed are also reasons to update.
bool force_update = 3;
// The flags.
Flags flags = 1;
// The targets whose toolchains should be updated in the chroot.
repeated chromiumos.BuildTarget toolchain_targets = 2;
// The chroot to use to execute the endpoint.
chromiumos.Chroot chroot = 3;
// Directory where results (logs, etc.) should be stored.
chromiumos.ResultPath result_path = 4;
// Whether to use host binpkgs uploaded by snapshot builders.
bool use_snapshot_binhosts = 5;
// Chroot update response message.
message UpdateResponse {
// The chroot version after update is complete.
ChrootVersion version = 1;
// Additional data about the packages that failed to build.
// Added in R118.
repeated FailedPackageData failed_package_data = 2;
// True when update_chroot was skipped (the typical case for R126 and later).
bool skipped = 3;
// Uprev SDK request.
// Creates code changes to uprev the SDK version file and prebuilt conf files.
message UprevRequest {
reserved 1 to 2;
// Required. The Google Storage bucket containing binhosts to point to.
// Example: "gs://chromeos-prebuilt/"
string binhost_gs_bucket = 3;
// Required. The SDK/prebuilt version to uprev to, formatted as
// "%Y.%m.%d.%H%M%S".
// Example: "2023.02.12.144623"
string version = 4;
// Required. Template string for locating toolchain tarballs on GS://.
// This is the value that will go into the TC_PATH field in
// src/third_party/chromiumos-overlay/chromeos/binhost/host/sdk_version.conf.
// Example: "2023/04/%(target)s-2023.02.12.144623.tar.xz"
string toolchain_tarball_template = 5;
// Optional. The Google Storage bucket containing the SDK and toolchains.
// Example: "gs://chromiumos-sdk".
// If not given, a default will be assumed, most likely gs://chromiumos-sdk.
string sdk_gs_bucket = 6;
// Uprev SDK response.
message UprevResponse {
// Files modified for this uprev.
repeated chromiumos.Path modified_files = 1;
// Version uprevved to.
string version = 2;
// Ask chromite to clean build artifacts.
// If no optional arguments are provided it will default to 'safe' &&
// 'sysroots'.
message CleanRequest {
// The chroot to clean.
chromiumos.Chroot chroot = 1;
// Optional. Clean all produced artifacts.
bool safe = 2;
// Optional. Remove all built images.
bool images = 3;
// Optional. Remove all of the sysroots.
bool sysroots = 4;
// Optional. Clean the tmp/ directory.
bool tmp = 5;
// Optional. Clean the shared cache.
bool cache = 6;
// Optional. Clean up various logs.
bool logs = 7;
// Optional. Clean out various package build work directories.
bool workdirs = 8;
// Optional. Clean out the incremental artifacts.
bool incrementals = 9;
message CleanResponse {}
// An opaque key to a chroot snapshot state.
message SnapshotToken { string value = 1; }
message CreateSnapshotRequest { chromiumos.Chroot chroot = 1; }
message CreateSnapshotResponse { SnapshotToken snapshot_token = 1; }
message RestoreSnapshotRequest {
chromiumos.Chroot chroot = 1;
SnapshotToken snapshot_token = 2;
message RestoreSnapshotResponse {}
message UnmountPathRequest {
// Path to unmount.
chromiumos.Path path = 1;
message UnmountPathResponse {}
// Build prebuilt packages for the SDK.
message BuildPrebuiltsRequest {
// The chroot to use to execute the endpoint
chromiumos.Chroot chroot = 1;
// The host build target to build packages for.
chromiumos.BuildTarget build_target = 2;
message BuildPrebuiltsResponse {
// Directory containing generated host prebuilts for the SDK board.
chromiumos.Path host_prebuilts_path = 1;
// Directory containing generated target prebuilts for the SDK board.
chromiumos.Path target_prebuilts_path = 2;
// Create a tarball from a previously built SDK.
message BuildSdkTarballRequest {
// The chroot which contains the built SDK.
chromiumos.Chroot chroot = 1;
// The SDK version to stamp in /etc/os-release.
string sdk_version = 2;
message BuildSdkTarballResponse {
// Path where the SDK tarball has been stored.
chromiumos.Path sdk_tarball_path = 1;
// Create a manifest file showing the ebuilds in an SDK.
message CreateManifestFromSdkRequest {
chromiumos.Chroot chroot = 1;
chromiumos.Path sdk_path = 2;
chromiumos.Path dest_dir = 3;
message CreateManifestFromSdkResponse { chromiumos.Path manifest_path = 1; }
// Create CLs to point the binhost at a given SDK version.
message CreateBinhostCLsRequest {
string prepend_version = 1;
string version = 2;
string upload_location = 3;
// Template string for locating the SDK tarball, as used in
// src/third_party/chromiumos-overlay/chromeos/binhost/host/sdk_version.conf
string sdk_tarball_template = 4;
message CreateBinhostCLsResponse {
// Identifiers for the created CLs (e.g. ["chromium:4149846"]).
repeated string cls = 1;
// Upload ChromeOS SDK prebuilt packages.
message UploadPrebuiltPackagesRequest {
// chroot in which the packages have been built.
chromiumos.Chroot chroot = 1;
string prepend_version = 2;
string version = 3;
string upload_location = 4;
message UploadPrebuiltPackagesResponse {}
// Request info for building toolchain packages for the SDK.
message BuildSdkToolchainRequest {
chromiumos.Chroot chroot = 1;
// USE flags to pass into cros_setup_toolchain.
repeated chromiumos.UseFlag use_flags = 2;
// Path into which generated files will be extracted.
chromiumos.ResultPath result_path = 3;
// Response from building toolchain packages for the SDK.
message BuildSdkToolchainResponse {
repeated chromiumos.Path generated_files = 1;
// SDK operations.
service SdkService {
// The service options (see build_api.proto).
option (service_options) = {
module : "sdk",
service_chroot_assert : OUTSIDE,
// Create method, supports replacing an existing chroot.
rpc Create(CreateRequest) returns (CreateResponse);
// Delete a chroot. Added in R79.
rpc Delete(DeleteRequest) returns (DeleteResponse);
// Clean up unneeded files from the chroot. Added in R81.
rpc Clean(CleanRequest) returns (CleanResponse);
// Unmount a chroot. Added in R81.
// Deprecated.
rpc Unmount(UnmountRequest) returns (UnmountResponse);
// Update the chroot.
rpc Update(UpdateRequest) returns (UpdateResponse) {
option (method_options) = {
method_chroot_assert : INSIDE,
// Uprev the SDK.
// Creates code changes to uprev the SDK version file and prebuilt conf files.
rpc Uprev(UprevRequest) returns (UprevResponse);
// Create a chroot snapshot. Added in R83.
rpc CreateSnapshot(CreateSnapshotRequest) returns (CreateSnapshotResponse);
// Restore a chroot to a snapshot. Added in R83.
rpc RestoreSnapshot(RestoreSnapshotRequest) returns (RestoreSnapshotResponse);
// Unmount a filesystem path and any submounts under it. Added in R86.
rpc UnmountPath(UnmountPathRequest) returns (UnmountPathResponse);
// Builds the binary packages that comprise the SDK.
rpc BuildPrebuilts(BuildPrebuiltsRequest) returns (BuildPrebuiltsResponse);
// Creates a tarball from a previously built SDK.
rpc BuildSdkTarball(BuildSdkTarballRequest) returns (BuildSdkTarballResponse);
// Create a manifest file showing the ebuilds in an SDK.
rpc CreateManifestFromSdk(CreateManifestFromSdkRequest)
returns (CreateManifestFromSdkResponse);
// Creates CLs to point the binhost at uploaded prebuilts.
rpc CreateBinhostCLs(CreateBinhostCLsRequest)
returns (CreateBinhostCLsResponse);
// Uploads prebuilt packages (such as built by BuildPrebuilts).
rpc UploadPrebuiltPackages(UploadPrebuiltPackagesRequest)
returns (UploadPrebuiltPackagesResponse);
// Build toolchain cross-compilers for the SDK.
rpc BuildSdkToolchain(BuildSdkToolchainRequest)
returns (BuildSdkToolchainResponse) {
option (method_options) = {
method_chroot_assert : INSIDE,