blob: e3a7c6b67b9d9aa2d732a9b0d36a74f7a6565793 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2023 The ChromiumOS Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
syntax = "proto3";
package chromite.api;
option go_package = "";
import "chromite/api/build_api.proto";
import "chromiumos/common.proto";
message Path { string path = 1; }
// A relevancy request.
message GetRelevantBuildTargetsRequest {
// The set of build targets to check for relevancy.
repeated chromiumos.BuildTarget build_targets = 1;
// The relative paths in the source tree which have been modified.
repeated Path affected_paths = 2;
// The response to the relevancy request.
message GetRelevantBuildTargetsResponse {
message RelevantTarget {
chromiumos.BuildTarget build_target = 1;
message Reason {
// The path that caused this reason.
Path trigger = 1;
// A fundamental build tooling path (e.g., chromite, src/scripts) was
// affected.
message BuildToolAffected {
// Which fundamental subtree was affected?
Path subtree = 1;
// A profile inherited by this target was affected.
message ProfileAffected {
// The profile that was affected.
Path profile = 1;
// An overlay inherited by this target was affected.
message OverlayAffected {
// The overlay that was affected.
Path overlay = 1;
// A package used by this build target was affected.
message PackageAffected {
// The package affected.
chromiumos.PackageInfo package_info = 1;
// The full path to the ebuild.
Path ebuild = 2;
// A special-case path rule resulted in the build target being affected.
message PathRuleAffected {
// The pattern that triggered the path rule.
string pattern = 1;
oneof reason {
BuildToolAffected build_tool_affected = 2;
ProfileAffected profile_affected = 3;
OverlayAffected overlay_affected = 4;
PackageAffected package_affected = 5;
PathRuleAffected path_rule_affected = 6;
// The reason this build target is considered relevant. Note that a build
// target may be relevant for many reasons, but the logic short-circuits and
// stops looking for further reasons a target may be relevant after its
// already found one (since only one is enough to make the build relevant).
Reason reason = 2;
// The (possibly) reduced set of build targets which are applicable.
repeated RelevantTarget build_targets = 1;
service RelevancyService {
option (service_options) = {
module : "relevancy",
// Get the relevant build targets for a change.
rpc GetRelevantBuildTargets(GetRelevantBuildTargetsRequest)
returns (GetRelevantBuildTargetsResponse);