blob: f5ed79b118e17aa8761ba543584b26a668eb71ce [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The ChromiumOS Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
syntax = "proto3";
package chromite.api;
option go_package = "";
import "chromite/api/binhost.proto";
import "chromite/api/build_api.proto";
import "chromite/api/sysroot.proto";
import "chromiumos/common.proto";
// This can easily be generalized to a Builds method if necessary, but
// currently we have no use case for anything but Chrome, and making this
// specifically for Chrome simplifies the calling code significantly.
message BuildsChromeRequest {
// The chroot where the operations will be executed.
// Required.
chromiumos.Chroot chroot = 1;
// The build target we are checking for.
chromiumos.BuildTarget build_target = 2;
// List of packages to be installed by the builder. If none are specified the
// standard list of packages is used. Added in R79.
repeated chromiumos.PackageInfo packages = 3;
message BuildsChromeResponse {
// Whether or not it builds chrome.
bool builds_chrome = 1;
// Added in R92.
message GetAndroidMetadataRequest {
// The build target to examine.
// Required.
chromiumos.BuildTarget build_target = 1;
// The chroot where the operations will be executed.
// Required.
chromiumos.Chroot chroot = 2;
// Added in R92.
message GetAndroidMetadataResponse {
// The Android Portage package name e.g. 'android-vm-rvc'.
string android_package = 1;
// The Android branch e.g. 'git_rvc-arc'
string android_branch = 2;
// The Android version e.g. '7123456'.
string android_version = 3;
message GetBestVisibleRequest {
// An atom to pass to portageq, e.g. 'chromeos-chrome'.
string atom = 1;
// The chroot path. Added in R78.
// Required if not in the default location.
chromiumos.Chroot chroot = 2;
// The build target to examine. Checks the chroot when not provided.
// Required when examining a build target. Added in R78.
chromiumos.BuildTarget build_target = 3;
message GetBestVisibleResponse {
// TODO: is this sufficient? Needs tag too?
chromiumos.PackageInfo package_info = 1;
message GetChromeVersionRequest {
// The chroot path.
// Required if not in the default location.
chromiumos.Chroot chroot = 1;
// The build target to examine.
// Required.
chromiumos.BuildTarget build_target = 2;
message GetChromeVersionResponse {
// The chrome version.
string version = 1;
message GetTargetVersionsRequest {
// The chroot path.
// Required if not in the default location.
chromiumos.Chroot chroot = 1;
// The build target to examine.
// Required.
chromiumos.BuildTarget build_target = 2;
// Optional packages to generate the depgraph for, such as
// 'virtual/target-fuzzers'. This is passed in based on the informational
// builder type, see chromite/config/ for examples.
repeated chromiumos.PackageInfo packages = 3;
message GetTargetVersionsResponse {
// Android version, e.g. 5812377
string android_version = 1;
// Android-branch version, e.g. git_nyc
string android_branch_version = 2;
// Android-target version, e.g. cheets
string android_target_version = 3;
// Chrome version, e.g. 78.0.3877.0.
string chrome_version = 4;
// Full version, e.g. R78-12438.0.0.
string full_version = 5;
// Milestone version, e.g. 78.
string milestone_version = 6;
// Platform version, e.g. 12438.0.0.
string platform_version = 7;
// LaCrOS version, e.g. 111.0.5550.0.
string lacros_version = 8;
// The associated method can be run after InstallPackages.
message GetBuilderMetadataRequest {
// The chroot path.
// Required if not in the default location.
chromiumos.Chroot chroot = 1;
// The build target to examine.
// Required.
chromiumos.BuildTarget build_target = 2;
message GetBuilderMetadataResponse {
message ModelMetadata {
// Name of model, such as "astronaut", "babymega", etc.
string model_name = 1;
// EC firmware version, such as "coral_v1.1.7292-04956f5df".
string ec_firmware_version = 2;
// Firmware key id, such as "CORALG"
string firmware_key_id = 3;
// Main readonly firmware version, such as "Google_Coral.10068.82.0".
string main_readonly_firmware_version = 4;
// Main readwrite firmware version, such as "Google_Coral.10068.82.0".
string main_readwrite_firmware_version = 5;
message BuildTargetMetadata {
// Name of build_target, such as auron_paine, coral, etc.
string build_target = 1;
// Name of android container branch, such as "git_pi-arc".
string android_container_branch = 2;
// Name of android container target, such as "cheets".
string android_container_target = 3;
// Name of android container version, such as "6387315".
string android_container_version = 4;
// Whether or not arc-use is enabled.
bool arc_use_set = 5;
// EC firmware version.
string ec_firmware_version = 6;
// Fingerprints.
repeated string fingerprints = 7;
// Kernel version, such as "4.14.176-r1088".
string kernel_version = 8;
// Main firmware version, such as "Google_Auron_paine.6301.58.98.
string main_firmware_version = 9;
// Metadata for build targets.
repeated BuildTargetMetadata build_target_metadata = 1;
// Metadata for models.
repeated ModelMetadata model_metadata = 2;
// This can easily be generalized to a HasPrebuilt method if necessary, but
// currently we have no use case for anything but Chrome, and making this
// specifically for Chrome simplifies the calling code significantly.
message HasChromePrebuiltRequest {
// The chroot where the operations will be executed.
// Required.
chromiumos.Chroot chroot = 1;
// The build target whose prebuilt is being checked.
chromiumos.BuildTarget build_target = 2;
// Whether to look for internal chrome, or external chromium prebuilts.
// Shortcut for ensuring USE=chrome_internal. Does not disable
// chrome_internal when false if otherwise set (e.g. chroot env).
bool chrome = 3;
message HasChromePrebuiltResponse {
// Whether or not it has a prebuilt.
bool has_prebuilt = 1;
message NeedsChromeSourceRequest {
// The request that will be passed to InstallPackages.
InstallPackagesRequest install_request = 1;
// The chroot where the operations will be executed.
// Required.
chromiumos.Chroot chroot = 2;
message NeedsChromeSourceResponse {
// Whether Chrome source is needed.
bool needs_chrome_source = 1;
// Reasons for needing Chrome source.
enum Reason {
// There is no Chrome prebuilt available.
// The builder is compiling from source.
// There is a local uprev of Chrome.
// A follower package lacks prebuilts.
repeated Reason reasons = 2;
// Packages causing the need for source.
repeated chromiumos.PackageInfo packages = 3;
// Whether or not it builds Chrome. See BuildsChrome().
bool builds_chrome = 4;
// The generic version of HasChromePrebuilt.
message HasPrebuiltRequest {
// The chroot where the operations will be executed.
// Required.
chromiumos.Chroot chroot = 1;
// The build target whose prebuilt is being checked.
// Required.
chromiumos.BuildTarget build_target = 2;
// Whether to look for internal chrome, or external chromium prebuilts.
// Shortcut for ensuring USE=chrome_internal. Does not disable
// chrome_internal when false if otherwise set (e.g. chroot env).
bool chrome = 3;
// The package whose prebuilt is being queried.
// The category and package name are required.
chromiumos.PackageInfo package_info = 4;
message HasPrebuiltResponse {
// Whether or not it has a prebuilt.
bool has_prebuilt = 1;
message UprevPackagesRequest {
// The chroot path.
// Only required to clean the chroot.
chromiumos.Chroot chroot = 1;
// The build target(s) whose packages should be uprevved.
// Defaults to all build targets when none are given.
repeated chromiumos.BuildTarget build_targets = 2;
// Required.
// The overlay type to search against.
chromite.api.OverlayType overlay_type = 3;
// Optional.
// A directory where results should be dumped.
string output_dir = 4;
// If true, this is running in a limited checkout where not all referenced
// projects may be available, and ebuilds referencing missing projects should
// be ignored. This is used for paygen builders.
bool ignore_missing_projects = 5;
// TODO(evanhernandez): Support build-target specific uprevs once needed.
message UprevVersionedPackageRequest {
// The chroot path. Required.
chromiumos.Chroot chroot = 1;
// The package to uprev.
chromiumos.PackageInfo package_info = 2;
message GitRef {
// Relative path to the git repository.
string repository = 1;
// The name of the git ref.
string ref = 2;
// The exact sha1 of the git ref.
string revision = 3;
// The versions to consider for an update.
repeated GitRef versions = 3;
// The build targets whose sysroot should be cleaned of old versions.
repeated chromiumos.BuildTarget build_targets = 4;
message UprevPackagesResponse {
message Ebuild { string path = 1; }
// The list of ebuilds that were modified. Contains added and deleted files.
repeated Ebuild modified_ebuilds = 1;
// The new version that was uprevved to when an uprev was completed.
string version = 2;
// Packages that were uprev'd.
repeated chromiumos.PackageInfo packages = 3;
// Additional info to be appended to uprev cl's commit msg.
string additional_commit_info = 4;
message UprevVersionedPackageResponse {
// list of uprev responses.
repeated UprevPackagesResponse responses = 1;
message RevBumpChromeRequest {
// Rev bump chrome and its follower packages, if needed.
// Rev bumps can change the revision, but not the version, of a package.
// Service for package-centric functionality.
service PackageService {
option (service_options) = {
module : "packages",
service_chroot_assert : INSIDE,
// Check if the build target has chrome in its depgraph. Added in R79.
rpc BuildsChrome(BuildsChromeRequest) returns (BuildsChromeResponse);
// Return Android metadata of the given build target.
// Added in R92.
rpc GetAndroidMetadata(GetAndroidMetadataRequest)
returns (GetAndroidMetadataResponse);
// Find the best (highest) available version of the requested package.
// This must be run after the chroot is set up (for chroot package lookup) or
// after the sysroot is created (for build target package lookup).
// Added in R79.
rpc GetBestVisible(GetBestVisibleRequest) returns (GetBestVisibleResponse);
// Like GetBestVisible, but returns only the chrome version. The chrome
// package version is something like, where the chrome
// version itself is just This case does not have a spec in
// Portage, so it cannot be directly fetched by GetBestVisible.
// Added in R79.
rpc GetChromeVersion(GetChromeVersionRequest)
returns (GetChromeVersionResponse);
// Return the various build version fields that can be stored (e.g. in
// metadata.json). Added in R79.
rpc GetTargetVersions(GetTargetVersionsRequest)
returns (GetTargetVersionsResponse);
// Return the various metabuilder fields for a release builder.
// This can be run after InstallPackages. Added in R84.
rpc GetBuilderMetadata(GetBuilderMetadataRequest)
returns (GetBuilderMetadataResponse);
// Check if there is an available chrome prebuilt for the most recent
// version of chrome. Added in R79.
rpc HasChromePrebuilt(HasChromePrebuiltRequest)
returns (HasChromePrebuiltResponse);
// Check if there is an available prebuilt for the most recent version of the
// package. Added in R83.
rpc HasPrebuilt(HasPrebuiltRequest) returns (HasPrebuiltResponse);
// Check whether the Chrome source tree is needed. Does not compile nor
// install any packages.
rpc NeedsChromeSource(NeedsChromeSourceRequest)
returns (NeedsChromeSourceResponse);
// Rev bump Chrome.
// Revision bumps can change a pacakges revision, but not its version.
// e.g. ->
rpc RevBumpChrome(RevBumpChromeRequest)
returns (UprevVersionedPackageResponse) {
option (method_options) = {
method_chroot_assert : OUTSIDE,
// The generic uprev process -- performs uprevs for all packages in the
// public and/or private overlays for the build target(s) specified.
// This handles all cros_workon packages except those that have a separate
// uprev process. Added in R79.
rpc Uprev(UprevPackagesRequest) returns (UprevPackagesResponse) {
option (method_options) = {
method_chroot_assert : OUTSIDE,
// Uprev a package that is externally versioned (e.g. Chrome).
// This endpoint iterates over a list of git refs that represent versions
// and searches for a new version, updating and upreving the package ebuild
// if such a version is found. The exact behavior depends on the package.
// Added in R79.
rpc UprevVersionedPackage(UprevVersionedPackageRequest)
returns (UprevVersionedPackageResponse) {
option (method_options) = {
method_chroot_assert : OUTSIDE,