blob: 9b79ee792d3236f143345ab1a76867e815113aaa [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2022 The ChromiumOS Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
syntax = "proto3";
package chromite.api;
option go_package = "";
import "chromite/api/build_api.proto";
// The request to run CopyBot.
message RunCopybotRequest {
message Repo {
// The URL (e.g., "").
string url = 1;
// The branch (e.g., "main").
string branch = 2;
// The subtree (e.g., "soc/x86").
string subtree = 3;
// A username or email of a gerrit account.
message GerritUser { string user = 1; }
// The upstream repo to copy from.
Repo upstream = 1;
// The downstream GoB to upload to.
Repo downstream = 2;
// The topic to use for tracking dowstreaming (e.g., "zephyr-downstream").
string topic = 3;
// Any labels to set while uploading (e.g., "Verified+1").
message GerritLabel { string label = 1; }
repeated GerritLabel labels = 4;
// Any reviewers to add while uploading to Gerrit.
repeated GerritUser reviewers = 5;
// Any CCs to add while uploading to Gerrit.
repeated GerritUser ccs = 6;
// String to prepend the subject of the commit message with
// (e.g., "UPSTREAM: ").
string prepend_subject = 7;
// How should CopyBot beahve when it encounters a merge conflict?
enum MergeConflictBehavior {
// Use the default behavior (skip). Subject to change later.
// Skip the commit that merge conflicted and upload anyway. The
// job will exit with failure status.
// Fail the job immediately. Do not upload.
// Stop the job immediately. Upload pending changes anyway. The
// job will exit with failure status.
MergeConflictBehavior merge_conflict_behavior = 8;
// A list of paths which should not be copied. Interpreted as a
// Python regex.
message Pattern { string pattern = 1; }
repeated Pattern exclude_file_patterns = 9;
// A list of pseudoheaders which should be preserved (and not
// prefixed with "Original-").
message Pseudoheader { string name = 1; }
repeated Pseudoheader keep_pseudoheaders = 10;
// Should CopyBot add a "Signed-off-by" pseudoheader, even though a
// signature from a robot means nothing? Generally, you should only
// to set this to true if you plan to have CopyBot interact with
// another bot that wants this pseudoheader (e.g., Sean Paul Bot).
bool add_signed_off_by = 11;
// If true, CopyBot executes a dry run and will not push any commits
// to the downstream repo(s).
bool dry_run = 12;
// Allows specifying push options to be passed along when pushing commits to
// the downstream repo.
message PushOption { string opt = 1; }
repeated PushOption push_options = 13;
// A list of hashtags which should be applied to the copied CLs.
message Hashtag { string hashtag = 1; }
repeated Hashtag hashtags = 14;
// The upstream limit of CLs to evaluate.
uint32 upstream_limit = 15;
// The downstream limit of CLs to evaluate.
uint32 downstream_limit = 16;
// A list of full file paths to include in the downstream path.
message IncludePath { string path = 1; }
repeated IncludePath include_paths = 17;
// The result of CopyBot being run.
message RunCopybotResponse {
// If CopyBot failed, why did it? Note: you should first check the
// exit status of the Build API endpoint. If the exit status is
// zero, CopyBot ran successfully and this reason should not be
// checked. If the exit status is non-zero, you can check this
// field for the failure reason.
enum FailureReason {
// Failed for a reason not listed below.
// Failed to fetch the upstream Git repo.
// Failed to fetch the downstream Git repo.
// Failed to push commits to Gerrit.
// Failed due to merge conflict(s).
FailureReason failure_reason = 1;
// If there were merge conflicts, a list of the upstream commit
// hashes which conflicted.
message MergeConflictCommit { string hash = 1; }
repeated MergeConflictCommit merge_conflicts = 2;
service CopybotService {
option (service_options) = {
module : "copybot",
// Run CopyBot.
rpc RunCopybot(RunCopybotRequest) returns (RunCopybotResponse);