blob: 7214ae7a1c9b18e383a3bb63506cc2785d133dbb [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The ChromiumOS Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
syntax = "proto3";
package chromite.api;
option go_package = "";
import "chromite/api/build_api.proto";
import "chromiumos/common.proto";
import "chromiumos/metrics.proto";
// Messages used to test build_api message and service handling.
message NestedPath { chromiumos.Path path = 1; }
enum TestEnum {
message MultiFieldMessage {
int32 id = 1;
string name = 2;
bool flag = 3;
TestEnum test_enum = 4;
// Simple input message.
message TestRequestMessage {
string id = 1;
// Chroot message for parsing and automatic chroot re-execution testing.
chromiumos.Chroot chroot = 2;
// Path and ResultPath messages for insertion/extraction testing.
chromiumos.Path path = 3;
chromiumos.Path another_path = 4;
NestedPath nested_path = 5;
chromiumos.ResultPath result_path = 6;
// BuildTarget messages for parsing tests.
chromiumos.BuildTarget build_target = 7;
repeated chromiumos.BuildTarget build_targets = 8;
// For SyncedDir syncing tests.
chromiumos.SyncedDir synced_dir = 9;
repeated chromiumos.SyncedDir synced_dirs = 10;
// Repeated message with multiple fields.
repeated MultiFieldMessage messages = 11;
TestEnum test_enum = 12;
repeated TestEnum test_enums = 13;
int32 number = 14;
repeated int32 numbers = 15;
// RemoteexecConfig message for testing remote execution values parsing.
chromiumos.RemoteexecConfig remoteexec_config = 16;
// Simple output message.
message TestResultMessage {
string result = 1;
// Path messages for ResultPath testing.
chromiumos.Path artifact = 2;
NestedPath nested_artifact = 3;
repeated chromiumos.Path artifacts = 4;
repeated chromiumos.MetricEvent events = 5;
// The test service.
service TestApiService {
// Mocking the method returns means we don't have an implementation of this
// module, but we do require it.
option (service_options) = {
module : "build_api_test",
// Method that has input and output messages.
rpc InputOutputMethod(TestRequestMessage) returns (TestResultMessage);
// Method name override.
rpc RenamedMethod(TestRequestMessage) returns (TestResultMessage) {
option (method_options) = {
implementation_name : "CorrectName",
rpc HiddenMethod(TestRequestMessage) returns (TestResultMessage) {
option (method_options) = {
method_visibility : LV_HIDDEN,
// Inside chroot service.
service InsideChrootApiService {
// Mocking the method returns means we don't have an implementation of this
// module, but we do require it.
option (service_options) = {
module : "build_api_test",
service_chroot_assert : INSIDE,
// No override of service level inside assertion.
rpc InsideServiceInsideMethod(TestRequestMessage) returns (TestResultMessage);
// Override service level inside assertion with outside assertion.
rpc InsideServiceOutsideMethod(TestRequestMessage)
returns (TestResultMessage) {
option (method_options) = {
method_chroot_assert : OUTSIDE,
// Outside chroot service.
service OutsideChrootApiService {
// Mocking the method returns means we don't have an implementation of this
// module, but we do require it.
option (service_options) = {
module : "build_api_test",
service_chroot_assert : OUTSIDE,
// No override of service level outside assertion.
rpc OutsideServiceOutsideMethod(TestRequestMessage)
returns (TestResultMessage);
// Override service level outside assertion with inside assertion.
rpc OutsideServiceInsideMethod(TestRequestMessage)
returns (TestResultMessage) {
option (method_options) = {
method_chroot_assert : INSIDE,
service HiddenService {
option (service_options) = {
module : "build_api_test",
service_chroot_assert : OUTSIDE,
service_visibility : LV_HIDDEN,
rpc HiddenMethod(TestRequestMessage) returns (TestResultMessage);
service TotExecutionService {
option (service_options) = {
module : "build_api_test",
service_branched_execution : EXECUTE_TOT,
service_chroot_assert : OUTSIDE,
rpc TotServiceTotMethod(TestRequestMessage) returns (TestResultMessage);
// This is not a valid combination.
rpc TotServiceTotMethodInside(TestRequestMessage)
returns (TestResultMessage) {
option (method_options) = {
method_chroot_assert : INSIDE,
rpc TotServiceBranchedMethod(TestRequestMessage) returns (TestResultMessage) {
option (method_options) = {
method_branched_execution : EXECUTE_BRANCHED,
rpc TotServiceBranchedMethodInside(TestRequestMessage)
returns (TestResultMessage) {
option (method_options) = {
method_branched_execution : EXECUTE_BRANCHED,