blob: 04e02957c0312c31bca64f542727d04e3f42b3d6 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The ChromiumOS Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
syntax = "proto3";
package chromite.api;
option go_package = "";
import "chromite/api/build_api.proto";
import "chromite/api/sysroot.proto";
import "chromiumos/common.proto";
// An artifact is a file generated during or after a build.
message Artifact {
// Absolute path to the artifact file. Deprecated.
string path = 1;
// Absolute path to the artifact file. Replaces |path|.
chromiumos.Path artifact_path = 2;
// For artifacts that are built via docker and pushed to a Google Cloud Registry
// (e.g., this provides the contents and instructions needed to perform
// the docker build itself and push to the respective registry (managed/owned by
// the CI project (e.g. chromeos-bot).
message DockerBuild {
// Image name that will be set in the GRC
string image_name = 1;
// Docker file that will be used to perform the build (absolute path)
string docker_file_path = 2;
// Build context that stores all of the contents to be built in the container
// (absolute path)
string build_context_path = 3;
// TODO(b/187790484): PrepareForBuild has never existed in chromite, and is
// being renamed to BuildSetup. PrepareForBuildResponse is still used by
// ToolchainService.
message PrepareForBuildResponse {
// Whether this artifact requires a build.
enum BuildRelevance {
// Build is necessary to generate artifacts.
// Defer to other artifacts. Used primarily for aggregation of artifact
// results.
// Artifacts are already generated. The build is pointless.
BuildRelevance build_relevance = 1;
message BuildSetupRequest {
// The chroot where the sysroot lives.
chromiumos.Chroot chroot = 1;
// The sysroot where the files live.
Sysroot sysroot = 2;
// Information about the artifacts.
chromiumos.ArtifactsByService artifact_info = 3;
// Whether we will proceed even if the build is POINTLESS.
bool forced_build_relevance = 4;
message BuildSetupResponse {
// Whether this artifact requires a build.
enum BuildRelevance {
// Build is necessary to generate artifacts.
// Defer to other artifacts. Used primarily for aggregation of artifact
// results.
// Artifacts are already generated. The build is pointless.
BuildRelevance build_relevance = 1;
message GetRequest {
// The chroot where the sysroot lives.
chromiumos.Chroot chroot = 1;
// The sysroot where the files live.
Sysroot sysroot = 2;
// Artifact information.
chromiumos.ArtifactsByService artifact_info = 3;
// Result path for artifacts.
chromiumos.ResultPath result_path = 4;
message GetResponse {
// The artifacts that were bundled.
chromiumos.UploadedArtifactsByService artifacts = 1;
message BundleArtifactsRequest {
// The chroot where the sysroot lives.
chromiumos.Chroot chroot = 1;
// The sysroot where the files live.
Sysroot sysroot = 2;
// Artifact information.
chromiumos.ArtifactsByService artifact_info = 3;
// Absolute path to the directory in which artifacts should be dropped.
// TODO(b/187790484): Switch the recipes code to use result_path.
string output_dir = 4;
// Result path for artifacts. If present this overrides output_dir.
chromiumos.ResultPath result_path = 5;
message BundleArtifactsResponse {
// The artifacts that were bundled.
chromiumos.UploadedArtifactsByService artifacts = 1;
// Request describing where build artifact bundles for a given build target
// should be dumped.
// TODO(b/187790484): BundleRequest and BundleResponse are being deprecated
// (along with most of this file). See BundleArtifactsRequest/Response
message BundleRequest {
// The build target to bundle artifacts for.
// Deprecated. Use sysroot instead.
chromiumos.BuildTarget build_target = 1;
// Absolute path to the directory in which artifacts should be dropped.
string output_dir = 2;
// The chroot where the sysroot lives.
chromiumos.Chroot chroot = 3;
// The sysroot where the files live.
chromite.api.Sysroot sysroot = 4;
// Result path for artifacts. If present this overrides output_dir.
chromiumos.ResultPath result_path = 5;
// Response describing which bundles were dumped to the given output directory.
message BundleResponse {
// The artifacts that added to the output directory.
repeated Artifact artifacts = 1;
// Instructions to complete docker builds with all of the required staged
// artifacts for the builds.
repeated DockerBuild docker_builds = 2;
// Request describing where to find build artifacts that are taken from a
// sysroot.
message BundleVmFilesRequest {
// The chroot where the sysroot lives.
chromiumos.Chroot chroot = 1;
// The sysroot where the files live.
chromite.api.Sysroot sysroot = 2;
// Test results directory relative to the sysroot.
string test_results_dir = 3;
// Absolute path to the directory in which artifacts should be dropped.
string output_dir = 4;
// Fetch the pinned guest image uris.
message PinnedGuestImageUriRequest {
// The chroot where the sysroot lives.
chromiumos.Chroot chroot = 1;
// The sysroot where the files live.
chromite.api.Sysroot sysroot = 2;
// Response from fetching pinned guest image uris.
message PinnedGuestImageUriResponse {
message PinnedGuestImage {
string filename = 1;
string uri = 2;
// The pinned guest images.
repeated PinnedGuestImage pinned_images = 1;
// Request to fetch metadata files.
message FetchMetadataRequest {
// The chroot where the sysroot lives.
chromiumos.Chroot chroot = 1;
// The sysroot where the files live.
// Absolute path within chroot.
chromite.api.Sysroot sysroot = 2;
// Response containing the locations of metadata files.
message FetchMetadataResponse {
// The absolute path to each metadata file.
repeated chromiumos.ResultPath filepaths = 1;
// Request to fetch test harness metadata files.
message FetchTestHarnessMetadataRequest {
// The chroot where the sysroot lives.
chromiumos.Chroot chroot = 1;
// The sysroot where the files live.
// Absolute path within chroot.
chromite.api.Sysroot sysroot = 2;
// Response containing the locations of test harness metadata files.
message FetchTestHarnessMetadataResponse {
// The absolute path to each metadata file.
repeated chromiumos.ResultPath filepaths = 1;
// Request to fetch centralized suite files.
message FetchCentralizedSuitesRequest {
// The chroot where the sysroot lives.
chromiumos.Chroot chroot = 1;
// The sysroot where the files live.
// Absolute path within chroot.
chromite.api.Sysroot sysroot = 2;
// Response containing the locations of centralized suite files.
message FetchCentralizedSuitesResponse {
// The absolute path to the SuiteSet file.
chromiumos.ResultPath suite_set_file = 1;
// The absolute path to the Suite file.
chromiumos.ResultPath suite_file = 2;
// Service for bundling build artifacts and dumping them somewhere on disk.
service ArtifactsService {
option (service_options) = {
module : "artifacts",
service_chroot_assert : OUTSIDE,
// Perform pre-build setup for artifact builds. Added in R90.
rpc BuildSetup(BuildSetupRequest) returns (BuildSetupResponse);
// Get artifacts for build. Added in R90.
rpc Get(GetRequest) returns (GetResponse);
// Fetch the pinned guest image locations. Added in R77.
rpc FetchPinnedGuestImageUris(PinnedGuestImageUriRequest)
returns (PinnedGuestImageUriResponse);
// Fetch the paths for any metadata files. Added in R94.
rpc FetchMetadata(FetchMetadataRequest) returns (FetchMetadataResponse);
// Fetch the paths for any metadata files. Added in R127.
rpc FetchTestHarnessMetadata(FetchTestHarnessMetadataRequest)
returns (FetchTestHarnessMetadataResponse);
// Fetch the paths for any centralized suite files. Added in R123.
rpc FetchCentralizedSuites(FetchCentralizedSuitesRequest)
returns (FetchCentralizedSuitesResponse);
// Everything that follows this line is planned to be deprecated
// as part of a BuildAPI refactoring detailed in b/187790484.
// Until that bug is closed, these endpoints are still used.
// TODO(b/187790484): DEPRECATED use Get
// Create a tar archive with all files needed for Autotest HW testing.
rpc BundleAutotestFiles(BundleRequest) returns (BundleResponse);
// TODO(b/187790484): DEPRECATED use Get
// Create the ChromeOS Config JSON payload. Added in R78.
rpc BundleChromeOSConfig(BundleRequest) returns (BundleResponse);
// TODO(b/187790484): DEPRECATED use Get
// Create a tar archive of debug symbols. Added in R90.
rpc BundleDebugSymbols(BundleRequest) returns (BundleResponse);
// TODO(b/187790484): DEPRECATED use Get
// Create a tar archive with ebuild logs.
rpc BundleEbuildLogs(BundleRequest) returns (BundleResponse);
// TODO(b/187790484): DEPRECATED use Get
// Create a tar archive with unsigned firmware images.
rpc BundleFirmware(BundleRequest) returns (BundleResponse);
// TODO(b/187790484): DEPRECATED use Get
// Create a tar.xz archive for each image that has been created.
// Added in R79.
rpc BundleImageArchives(BundleRequest) returns (BundleResponse);
// TODO(b/187790484): DEPRECATED use Get
// Generate zip containing all built images for the target.
rpc BundleImageZip(BundleRequest) returns (BundleResponse);
// TODO(b/187790484): DEPRECATED use Get
// Create a tar archive with all guest images test bundles.
rpc BundlePinnedGuestImages(BundleRequest) returns (BundleResponse);
// TODO(b/187790484): DEPRECATED use Get
// Create the simple chrome artifacts.
rpc BundleSimpleChromeArtifacts(BundleRequest) returns (BundleResponse);
// TODO(b/187790484): DEPRECATED use Get
// Create a tar archive with all files needed for Tast HW testing.
rpc BundleTastFiles(BundleRequest) returns (BundleResponse);
// TODO(b/187790484): DEPRECATED use Get
// Generate minimal update payloads to be used in HW testing.
rpc BundleTestUpdatePayloads(BundleRequest) returns (BundleResponse) {
option (method_options) = {
method_chroot_assert : INSIDE,
// TODO(b/187790484): DEPRECATED use Get
// Create a tar archive with VM memory and disk images.
rpc BundleVmFiles(BundleVmFilesRequest) returns (BundleResponse);
// TODO(b/187790484): DEPRECATED use Get
// Create a tar archive with fingerprint MCU on-device unittest binaries.
// Added in R88.
rpc BundleFpmcuUnittests(BundleRequest) returns (BundleResponse);
// TODO(b/187790484): DEPRECATED use Get
// Create a tarball from the test image suitable for importing into GCE.
// Added in R89.
rpc BundleGceTarball(BundleRequest) returns (BundleResponse);