blob: 6594155022ec72ffaf83dc9992bd4c3c41ccfb6e [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
syntax = "proto3";
package test.plan.v1;
option go_package = ";plan";
import "test/fleet/v1/dut.proto";
// From chromiumos/config repo.
import "chromiumos/config/api/topology.proto";
// A set of known test plans.
// In practice, a complete specification of all known plans may consist of
// multiple Specification instances. In that case the plan names MUST be unique
// across different Specification instances.
message Specification {
repeated Plan plans = 1;
// A Plan fully specifies a Test Platform end-user's coverage needs.
// Plans SHOULD associate platform software and Device Under Test condition
// coverage rules with tests that exercise those components. Plans MUST be used
// in the Test Platform request API. Other Test Lab Environments may use plans
// to ease interoperation with the Test Platform.
message Plan {
// A globally unique test plan name.
// MUST be valid resource name per
// Pattern: plans/{plan}
string name = 1;
// Each test plan unit specifies a particular set of tests to be run to meet
// specific conditions.
repeated Unit units = 2;
// Specifies a particular set of tests to be run to meet specific conditions.
// TODO(pprabhu): Add a full example showcasing test_constraints,
// dut_coverage_consraints and exclusions together.
message Unit {
// A globally unique test plan unit name.
// MUST be valid resource name per
// Pattern: plans/{plan}/units/{unit}
// where {plan} is the parent Plan of this Unit.
string name = 1;
// Selects tests to include in this test plan unit.
// See also: exclusions.
TestConstraint test_constraint = 2;
// Selects the set of Devices Under Test that satisfy the coverage
// requirements of this test plan unit.
// See also: exclusions.
DUTCoverageConstraint dut_coverage_constraint = 3;
// Chrome OS platform software covered by this test plan.
// Test Platform requests may optionally include a reference to platform
// software to be tested via the test plan. For such requests, Test Platform
// MUST only execute test plan units that have non-trivial coverage of the
// referenced platform software. Unrelated test plan units MUST be skipped.
// A typical example is presubmit testing: When testing a change to the
// network manager, it may be desirable to only run test plan units that
// are known to exercise the network manager.
// For a test plan unit with no `code_coverage` specified, Test Platform MUST
// assume coverage of all platform software (i.e., this test plan unit MUST
// never be skipped for code coverage considerations).
CodeCoverage code_coverage = 4;
// A list of criteria for (test, Device Under Test) pairs that MUST be
// excluded from this test plan.
// Exclusions are used to record exceptions to the test plan specification for
// devices that are known to cause test failures for some temporary or
// permanent reasons. The test_constraint and dut_coverage_constraint fields
// together specify the _intent_ of the test plan unit. The exclusions further
// restrict what Devices Under Test can be used to satisfy the test plan unit
// due to practical considerations.
// Each exclusion SHOULD correspond to a different business reason.
// Conceptually, fixing a known issue should result in an exclusion being
// removed.
repeated Exclusion exclusions = 5;
// Selects the test.metadata.Test to include in a test plan unit.
message TestConstraint {
// A Common Expression Language (CEL) expression to specify set of tests that
// are included in a test plan unit.
// Test Platform MUST effectively evaluate `expression` with the following
// declarations in scope for every test and include the test for which
// `expression` evaluates to true in the test plan unit.
// - Constant: `test` of type TestConstraint.Test defined below,
// populated with metadata for a particular test.
// The full CEL spec can be found at
// TODO( Add reference to the metadata validator package.
// ## Examples
// Typical instructive examples of expressions are:
// - Tauto dummy tests
// "suite:dummy" in test.attributes
// - Tast's crosbolt tests
// !("disabled" in test.attributes)
// && "group:crosbolt" in test.attributes
// && "crosbolt_perbuild" in test.attributes
// - network Tauto tests, selected by name
string expression = 1;
message Test {
// Name of the test as specified in
string name = 1;
// The test attribute name as specified in the
// attributes are populated from test.metadata.Test.attributes.
repeated string attributes = 2;
// Selects sets of Devices Under Test to run the tests on in a test plan unit.
message DUTCoverageConstraint {
// A Common Expression Language (CEL) expression to specify set of DUTs that
// provide the necessary coverage. `expression` MUST evaluate to a boolean
// value in the evaluation context described below.
// Test Platform MUST support scheduling test requests on a set of Devices
// Under Test that satisfy some constraints on their Chrome OS configuration.
// Test Platform MUST effectively evaluate `expression` with the following
// declarations in scope for each possible subset of Devices Under Test and
// ensure that the test is scheduled on a set of Devices Under Test for which
// `expression` evaluates to true.
// - Constant: `duts` of type repeated DUTConfigConstraint.DUT defined below,
// each entry in `duts` set to the Chrome OS configuration payload of a
// particular Device Under Test.
// - Types: Protobuf messages from `chromiumos.config.api.*`
// - Additionally available with the short-hand `api.*`
// - Types: Protobuf messages from `test.fleet.v1.*`
// - Additionally available with the short-hand `fleet.*`
// The full CEL spec can be found at
// TODO( Add reference to the metadata validator package.
// ## Examples
// Typical instructive examples of expressions are:
// - Constraints:
// - Run each test on one DUT with a stylus.
// (duts.all(dut, dut.hardware_features.stylus
// == api.HardwareFeatures.Present.PRESENT))
// && size(duts) == 1)
// - Fanout: In addition to constraints, the plan may want to ensure coverage
// across some device features.
// TODO(pprabhu) This is an instructive example. We can't say what arch
// yet.
// - Run each test on one x86 and ARM DUT with a specific camera.
// (duts.all(dut, != "gomoe")
// && duts.exist(dut,
// dut.cpu = api.Component.Soc.Architecture.X86)
// && duts.exist(dut,
// dut.cpu = api.Component.Soc.Architecture.ARM))
// Note that this expression does not have a clause for size(duts). Thus
// Test Platform may satisfy this expression by running the test on more
// than two DUTs. This behaviour can be unexpected, especially if the
// plan fails due to an error on test execution on one of the selected
// devices, even though it passed on other devices in the set such that
// the expression was satsifed by the passing subset. Selection of a
// minimal set of devices to run the plan is best effort.
string expression = 1;
// The evaluation context for `expression` MUST include the Chrome OS
// configuration payload for a set of Devices Under Test as a typed
// constant of the following type.
// repeated DUT duts = 1;
message DUT {
// Configuration information about the lab deployment of the device.
test.fleet.v1.DeviceUnderTest fleet_dut = 1;
chromiumos.config.api.HardwareFeatures hardware_features = 2;
// Exlclusion is used to record exceptions to the test plan
// specification for devices that are known to cause test failures for some
// temporary or permanent reasons.
message Exclusion {
enum Type {
// Do not use.
// There are no active plans to remove these exclusions becuase it is
// prohibitive to fix the issue or business needs do not justify the effort
// to fix the issue.
// Each PERMANENT exclusion MUST include references that point to a business
// justification for its addition.
// Use for excluding new tests from running on devices where the test has
// not yet been stabilized. The intention is to support incremental rollout
// of new tests.
// These exclsusion are temporary. These exclusions SHOULD be routinely
// audited and resolved or promoted to PERMANENT exclusions.
// Use for excluding broken / flakey tests while a fix is being worked on.
// These exclsusion are temporary. These exclusions SHOULD be routinely
// audited and resolved or promoted to PERMANENT exclusions.
// Required.
Type type = 1;
enum Action {
// Specify no action.
// The Test Lab Environment may choose any of the available actions based
// on internal heuristics.
// The default Action is a good default if none of the considersations for
// the specific actions below apply.
// Do not schedule the selected Tests on specified Devices Under Test.
// It is especially useful to set this Action for permanent exceptions as it
// is definitely not useful to run the Tests at all in those cases.
// Schedule the Test on Devices Under Test as required by the test plan
// unit, but mark the results for selected tests on the specified Devices
// Under Test as non-critical. Results marked non-critical are intended to
// be ignored by result consumers (e.g, presubmit system should consider the
// result irrelevant for validatting a Chrome OS build).
// This action does not guarantee that results for the selected (Test,
// Device Under Test) pairs are always available because that depends no how
// the test plan Unit is interpreted overall. When this action is set, the
// Test Lab Environment SHOULD NOT make any special effort to include /
// exclude the selected (Test, Device Under Test) pairs.
// It is useful to set this Action for temporary exclusions where the
// results generated from test execution can be uesd to root cause and fix
// the underlying issues.
Action action = 5;
// The tests this exclusion applies to, within a test plan unit.
// Tests selected by this condition that are not in the test plan unit are
// ignored. e.g., simply selecting all tests via the test_constraint will
// apply this exclusion to all tests in the test plan unit.
TestConstraint test_constraint = 2;
// Constraints to exclude particular Device Under Test from being considered
// to satisfy the test plan.
// Effectively, the negation of the constraint is added to the dut_constraints
// for each selected test.
DUTExclusionConstraint dut_constraint = 3;
// External references useful for archeology for this exclusion.
// PERMANENT exclusions MUST add references for the decision to make the
// exclusion PERMANENT.
// References should be links with more context behind the decision.
// Suggested forms:
// * Monorail bug:
// * Buganizer bug:
repeated string references = 4;
// Conditions to be met for the Chrome OS configuration of a Device Under
// Test for it to be excluded from consideration to satisfy a test plan unit.
message DUTExclusionConstraint {
// A Common Expression Language (CEL) expression to specify constraints on a
// Device Under Test's Chrome OS configuration payload. `expression` MUST
// evaluate to a boolean value in the evaluation context described below.
// Test Lab Environments may optionally support excluding specific Devices
// Under Test from being considered for a test plan unit.
// When supported, the Test Lab Environment MUST effectively evaluate
// `expression` with the following declarations in scope for each available
// Device Under Test and ensure that the test is *not* scheduled on a Device
// Under Test for which `expression` evaluates to true.
// - Constant: `dut` of type DUTConfigConstraint.DUT defined below, set to the
// Chrome OS configuration payload of a particular Device Under Test.
// - Types: Protobuf messages from `chromiumos.config.api.*`
// - Additionally available with the short-hand `api.*`
// The full CEL spec can be found at
// TODO( Add reference to the metadata validator package.
// ## Examples
// Typical examples of expressions are:
// - Must not run on a device with a given screen size:
// dut.hardware_features.screen.milliinch.value == 14000
// - TODO: Add model / build target example.
string expression = 1;
// The evaluation context for `expression` MUST include the Chrome OS
// configuration payload for a particular Device Under Test as a typed
// constant of the following type.
message DUT {
chromiumos.config.api.HardwareFeatures hardware_features = 1;
// TODO(pprabhu, shapiroc) Add a way to target model and build_target here.
// Specifies platforms software covered by a test plan unit.
message CodeCoverage {
// A Common Expression Language (CEL) expression to specify Chrome OS platform
// sources covered by a test plan unit.
// Test Platform may optionally support skipping test plan units that are not
// applicable for incoming changes to Chrome OS. If this feature is supported,
// and if a non-empty blamelist is available, Test Platform MUST effectively
// evaluate `expression` with the following declarations in scope for the
// blamelist only include the test plan unit if the `expression` evaluates to
// true.
// - Constant: `blamelist` of type CodeCoverage.Blamelist defined below,
// populated with blamelist attached to the request, if blamelist is
// non-empty.
// The full CEL spec can be found at
// TODO( Add reference to the metadata validator package.
// ## Examples
// Typical instructive examples of expressions are:
// - Only include test plan unit if there are changes to chromite
// blamelist.repo_paths.exists(p, p.startsWith("chromite"))
// - Only include test plan unit if there are changes to chromite or autotest
// blamelist.repo_paths.exists(p, [
// "src/third_party/autotest/files",
// "chromite"
// ].exists(s, p.startsWith(s)))
// - Do not include test plan unit if there are changes to private overlays
// blamelist.repo_paths.all(p, !p.contains("private-overlays"))
string expression = 1;
message Blamelist {
// Changed paths (usually directories) in a typical checkout of the Chrome
// OS source tree.
// Paths are relative to `repo` root. e.g., `src/platform2/shill`.
repeated string repo_paths = 1;