blob: 7c29063553e9868b31034c4573fb85ba859ec80f [file] [log] [blame]
syntax = "proto3";
package chromite.api;
option go_package = "";
import "chromite/api/artifacts.proto";
import "chromite/api/build_api.proto";
import "chromite/api/sysroot.proto";
// TODO(crbug/1027720): Migrate BuilderConfig.Artifacts.ArtifactType to
// common.proto, and stop including builder_config.proto.
import "chromiumos/builder_config.proto";
import "chromiumos/common.proto";
// Information about a collection of artifacts.
message ArtifactInfo {
// The ArtifactType.
chromiumos.BuilderConfig.Artifacts.ArtifactTypes artifact_type = 1;
// Artifacts for this ArtifactType.
repeated Artifact artifacts = 2;
// Prepare the build for artifact building.
message PrepareForToolchainBuildRequest {
// The artifact types that this build should make.
repeated chromiumos.BuilderConfig.Artifacts.ArtifactTypes artifact_types = 1;
// Note: both chroot and sysroot may be unspecified, when the endpoint is
// called prior to their creation.
// The chroot where the sysroot lives.
chromiumos.Chroot chroot = 2;
// The sysroot where the files live.
chromite.api.Sysroot sysroot = 3;
// Information about artifacts available when preparing.
repeated chromiumos.BuilderConfig.Artifacts.InputArtifactInfo input_artifacts = 4;
// Additional arguments used in PrepareForBuild.
chromiumos.PrepareForBuildAdditionalArgs additional_args = 5;
// TODO(crbug/1019868): Migrate to using chromiumos.PrepareForBuildResponse.
message PrepareForToolchainBuildResponse {
// Does this artifact require a build?
enum BuildRelevance {
// Build is necessary to generate artifacts.
// Defer to other artifacts. Used primarily for aggregation of artifact
// results.
// Artifacts are already generated. The build is pointless.
BuildRelevance build_relevance = 1;
message BundleToolchainRequest {
// The chroot where the sysroot lives.
chromiumos.Chroot chroot = 1;
// The sysroot where the files live.
chromite.api.Sysroot sysroot = 2;
// Absolute path to the directory in which artifacts should be dropped.
string output_dir = 3;
// Which artifacts are wanted?
repeated chromiumos.BuilderConfig.Artifacts.ArtifactTypes artifact_types = 4;
// Additional arguments that were used in PrepareForBuild.
chromiumos.PrepareForBuildAdditionalArgs additional_args = 5;
// Response describing which bundles were dumped to the given output directory.
message BundleToolchainResponse {
reserved 1;
// The artifacts that added to the output directory.
repeated ArtifactInfo artifacts_info = 2;
// TODO( Drop this once this is live in production and all of
// the users have migrated to using BuilderConfig.Artifacts.ArtifactType
// Meanwhile, keep this in sync with chromiumos/builder_config.proto.
enum AFDOArtifactType {
// No AFDO artifact type specified.
// The type is orderfile.
// The type is Chrome AFDO files generated by benchmarks.
// The type is kernel AFDO files.
// The type is Chrome AFDO used in release builders.
message VerifyAFDOArtifactsRequest {
chromiumos.BuildTarget build_target = 1;
// The type of AFDO artifact to test.
chromiumos.AFDOArtifactType artifact_type = 2;
message VerifyAFDOArtifactsResponse {
// Status of the service
bool status = 1;
// End of TODO(
// Service for Android/ARC related functionality.
service ToolchainService {
option (service_options) = {
module: "toolchain",
service_chroot_assert: OUTSIDE,
// DEPRECATED for recipes: used only by legacy toolchain builders.
// See also crbug/1019868.
// Update Chrome ebuild with most recent unvetted orderfile
rpc UpdateEbuildWithAFDOArtifacts(VerifyAFDOArtifactsRequest)
returns (VerifyAFDOArtifactsResponse) {
option (method_options) = {
method_chroot_assert: INSIDE;
// DEPRECATED for recipes: used only by legacy toolchain builders.
// See also crbug/1019868.
// Copy the orderfile from unvetted GS bucket to vetted bucket.
rpc UploadVettedAFDOArtifacts(VerifyAFDOArtifactsRequest)
returns (VerifyAFDOArtifactsResponse) {
option (method_options) = {
method_chroot_assert: INSIDE;
// Prepare to build toolchain artifacts. This will be called twice:
// Once with chroot and sysroot = None, before the chroot is created, and
// again at the start of the 'install packages' step, if the build gets that
// far.
rpc PrepareForBuild(PrepareForToolchainBuildRequest)
returns (PrepareForToolchainBuildResponse);
// Bundle toolchain artifacts.
rpc BundleArtifacts(BundleToolchainRequest)
returns (BundleToolchainResponse);