blob: 40fac04c5ddafc3ebf72c406f9307be5a6a8ba1b [file] [log] [blame]
syntax = "proto3";
package chromite.api;
option go_package = "";
import "chromite/api/build_api.proto";
import "chromiumos/common.proto";
// Defines a single build directory in storage.
message Build {
// The board of the image "x86-mario", etc.
chromiumos.BuildTarget build_target = 1;
// The version of the image. "", "3401.0.0", etc.
string version = 2;
// The bucket of the image. "chromeos-releases" as default.
string bucket = 3;
// The channel of the image "stable-channel", "nplusone", etc.
string channel = 4;
// Define a signed ChromeOS image archived.
message SignedImage {
// An instance of Build that defines the build artifacts directory.
Build build = 1;
// The type of the image. Currently, "recovery" or "base" types are supported.
chromiumos.ImageType image_type = 2;
// The key the image was signed with. "premp", "mp", "mp-v2". This is not the
// board specific key name, but the general value used in image/payload names.
string key = 3;
// Define a unsigned ChromeOS image archived.
message UnsignedImage {
// An instance of Build that defines the build artifacts directory.
Build build = 1;
/// The type of the image. Currently one of "test", "recovery", or "base".
chromiumos.ImageType image_type = 2;
// The most recent branch corresponding to the version; "R19" etc.
string milestone = 3;
// Request payload generation to be done with a source and target image.
message PayloadGenerationRequest {
// Source image properties, must be either full_update or the same type as
// the included tgt_image_oneof. full_update indicates the lack of a source.
oneof src_image_oneof {
bool full_update = 1;
SignedImage src_signed_image = 2;
UnsignedImage src_unsigned_image = 3;
// Target image properties.
oneof tgt_image_oneof {
SignedImage tgt_signed_image = 4;
UnsignedImage tgt_unsigned_image = 5;
// TODO(engeg@): We could override the output build artifacts location via
// specifying an additional parameter build and supplying it to
// but have chosen not to implement yet.
// The destination bucket (defaults to "chromeos-releases").
string bucket = 6;
// Should we run verification?
bool verify = 7;
// The keyset to sign with (e.g. "coral-mp-v16"), if empty do not sign.
string keyset = 8;
// Do not sign images or upload artifacts.
bool dryrun = 9;
// Result of a payload generation.
message PayloadGenerationResult {
// Whether we've completed successfully.
bool success = 1;
// The image service definition.
service PayloadService {
option (service_options) = {
module: "payload",
service_chroot_assert: OUTSIDE,
rpc GeneratePayload(PayloadGenerationRequest) returns (PayloadGenerationResult);