blob: 292e30bc92fc910096d17017fd505215fb6bf025 [file] [log] [blame]
syntax = 'proto3';
package chromite.api;
option go_package = "";
import "chromite/api/build_api.proto";
import "chromite/api/sysroot.proto";
import "chromiumos/common.proto";
// Portage environment variable that points to a remote binhost.
enum BinhostKey {
// No binhost key was specified.
// Contains prebuilts generated by the postsubmit builder.
// Contains prebuilts generated by the PFQ.
// Contains prebuilts generated by pre-flight builders.
message Binhost {
// The binhost URI.
string uri = 1;
// The package index file name relative to the base binhost uri.
string package_index = 2;
// Local package index file message.
message PackageIndex {
chromiumos.Path path = 1;
// Get the private prebuilts' ACL args for a build target.
message AclArgsRequest {
// Required. The build target whose Prebuilt ACL args are being fetched.
chromiumos.BuildTarget build_target = 1;
message AclArgsResponse {
// An ACL command argument.
message AclArg {
// The argument (usually -g or -u).
string arg = 1;
// The argument value ([group_id|user]:PERMISSION)
string value = 2;
repeated AclArg args = 1;
// Get the binhosts for the build target.
message BinhostGetRequest {
// Required.
// The build target whose binhosts are being fetched.
chromiumos.BuildTarget build_target = 1;
// Required.
// Whether to include private binhosts.
bool private = 2;
message BinhostGetResponse {
// The binhosts.
repeated Binhost binhosts = 1;
// Describes where prebuilts will be uploaded so package index and other
// Portage metadata can be updated appropriately.
message PrepareBinhostUploadsRequest {
// Deprecated.
// Build target to prepare prebuilts for.
chromiumos.BuildTarget build_target = 1;
// Full URI where we wish to store prebuilts. Note that this service
// call does NOT upload them, it only updates metadata.
// Example: gs://chromeos-prebuilt/board/amd64-generic/packages/
string uri = 2;
// Required when chroot not at default location.
// The chroot where the sysroot lives.
chromiumos.Chroot chroot = 3;
// Required.
// The sysroot whose prebuilts are being uploaded.
Sysroot sysroot = 4;
// The package index files to deduplicate the prebuilt list.
repeated PackageIndex package_index_files = 5;
// An upload target is a file in the uploads_dir, and is used by
// PrepareBinhostUploadsResponse and PrepareDevInstallBinhostUploadsResponse.
message UploadTarget {
// Paths relative to uploads_dir.
string path = 1;
// Return all files to upload.
message PrepareBinhostUploadsResponse {
// Absolute chroot path to the local directory containing files to upload.
string uploads_dir = 1;
// All targets to be uploaded to the binhost.
repeated UploadTarget upload_targets = 2;
// Describes where dev-install prebuilts will be uploaded so package index and
// other Portage metadata can be updated appropriately.
message PrepareDevInstallBinhostUploadsRequest {
// Absolute path to the local directory that will contain all of the files to
// upload. This directory must already exist before calling
// PrepareDevInstallBinhostUploads.
string uploads_dir = 1;
// Full URI where we wish to store prebuilts. Note that this service
// call does NOT upload them, it only updates metadata.
// Example: gs://chromeos-prebuilt/board/amd64-generic/packages/
string uri = 2;
// Required when chroot not at default location.
// The chroot where the sysroot lives.
chromiumos.Chroot chroot = 3;
// Required.
// The sysroot whose prebuilts are being uploaded.
Sysroot sysroot = 4;
// Return all dev-install files to upload.
message PrepareDevInstallBinhostUploadsResponse {
// All targets to be uploaded to the binhost.
repeated UploadTarget upload_targets = 1;
// Set a binhost URL for the given build target.
message SetBinhostRequest {
// Build target to update binhost for.
chromiumos.BuildTarget build_target = 1;
// Whether or not the binhost is private.
bool private = 2;
// Binhost key to set or update.
BinhostKey key = 3;
// URI storing all the binaries.
string uri = 4;
// Response for SetBinhost service call.
message SetBinhostResponse {
// Absolute path to the updated binhost conf file.
string output_file = 1;
// Overlay types for push_overlays.
enum OverlayType {
// Not specified.
// Both public and private.
// Only public overlays.
// Only private overlays.
// No overlays will be used.
// Regenerate the build cache.
message RegenBuildCacheRequest {
// Required.
// The type of overlays to push: "public", "private", or "both".
OverlayType overlay_type = 1;
// Required if not in the default location.
// The chroot to be used.
chromiumos.Chroot chroot = 2;
message RegenBuildCacheResponse {
// Message to encapsulate the modified overlays.
message Overlay {
string path = 1;
// The overlays that have outstanding cache updates.
repeated Overlay modified_overlays = 1;
// Service for reading and writing to Portage package index.
service BinhostService {
option (service_options) = {
module: "binhost",
service_chroot_assert: OUTSIDE,
// Get the binhosts for a build target.
rpc Get(BinhostGetRequest) returns (BinhostGetResponse) {
option (method_options) = {
implementation_name: "GetBinhosts",
// Get the arguments from the private overlay's ACL file.
rpc GetPrivatePrebuiltAclArgs(AclArgsRequest) returns (AclArgsResponse);
// Return a list of files to upload to the binhost. Importantly, this method
// assumes that all files, once uploaded, will share the same relative path
// on the remote disk as they do on the remote disk. E.g., package foo/bar,
// stored locally at /mnt/bin/foo/bar, must be uploaded to <uri>/foo/bar.
rpc PrepareBinhostUploads(PrepareBinhostUploadsRequest)
returns (PrepareBinhostUploadsResponse);
// Return a list of dev-install files to upload to the binhost. Like
// PrepareBinhostUploads, this method assumes that all files, once uploaded,
// will share the same relative path on the remote disk as they do on the
// remote disk.
rpc PrepareDevInstallBinhostUploads(PrepareDevInstallBinhostUploadsRequest)
returns (PrepareDevInstallBinhostUploadsResponse);
// Update the binhost key for a build targets.
rpc SetBinhost(SetBinhostRequest) returns (SetBinhostResponse);
// Regenerate the builder cache.
rpc RegenBuildCache(RegenBuildCacheRequest) returns (RegenBuildCacheResponse);