blob: fb75f6ad1ce730fd87e47d5157056a2059541e69 [file] [log] [blame]
syntax = "proto3";
package chromite.api;
option go_package = "";
import "chromite/api/build_api.proto";
import "chromiumos/common.proto";
// Protos for executing firmware builder functionality.
// TODO(b/177907747): Drop this once the migration is complete.
// List of known location that firmware can be built from
enum FwLocation {
PLATFORM_EC = 1; // platform/ec/
PLATFORM_ZEPHYR = 2; // platform/zephyr-chrome/
PLATFORM_TI50 = 3; // platform/ti50/common/
// Metrics collected on every successful firmware build
message FwBuildMetric {
// Lowercase name of the firmware target built. E.g. phaser
string target_name = 1;
// Lowercase name of the platform the firmware target belongs to. May be
// blank. E.g. octopus
string platform_name = 2;
// List of firmware sections and their free and total sizes in bytes
repeated FwSection fw_section = 3;
message FwSection {
// Region as described in FMAP or linker script.
FwRegion region = 1;
enum FwRegion {
EC_RO = 1; // The entire section protected by write protect
EC_RW = 2; // Also RW_A for EFS1 systems
EC_RO_BSS = 3;
EC_RW_BSS = 4;
// The number of bytes used in this section
uint32 used = 2;
// The total number of bytes available in this section
uint32 total = 3;
// Version number components: "major.minor.tiny".
message Version {
uint32 major = 1;
uint32 minor = 2;
uint32 tiny = 3;
// Optional information related to a specific target type
oneof image_type {
ZephyrTarget zephyr = 4;
// Zephyr-base firmware target related build metrics
message ZephyrTarget {
// The version of the Zephyr kernel used during build
Version kernel_version = 1;
// A list of FW metrics collected on every successful firmware build
// Implementation note, this is a separate message since it serves as the
// serialization base between the build_api end point and the entry point
// in the
message FwBuildMetricList {
repeated FwBuildMetric value = 1;
// Metrics collect on successful firmware unit test runs
message FwTestMetric {
// Name of firmware test
string name = 1;
// A list of FW metrics collected on every successful firmware unit test.
// Implementation note, this is a separate message since it serves as the
// serialization base between the build_api end point and the entry point
// in the
message FwTestMetricList {
repeated FwTestMetric value = 1;
// TODO(b/177907747): Drop this once the migration is complete.
message BuildAllTotFirmwareRequest {
// Location of firmware to build call into entry point.
// The `build` subcommand will be called
FwLocation firmware_location = 1;
// The chroot where the operations will be executed.
// Required.
chromiumos.Chroot chroot = 2;
// TODO(b/177907747): Drop this once the migration is complete.
message BuildAllTotFirmwareResponse {
// Metrics collected on every successful firmware build
FwBuildMetricList metrics = 1;
// TODO(b/177907747): Drop this once the migration is complete.
message TestAllTotFirmwareRequest {
// Location of firmware to build call into entry point.
// The `test` subcommand will be called
FwLocation firmware_location = 1;
// The chroot where the operations will be executed.
// Required.
chromiumos.Chroot chroot = 2;
// TODO(b/177907747): Drop this once the migration is complete.
message TestAllTotFirmwareResponse {
// Metrics collect on successfuly firmware unit test runs
FwTestMetricList metrics = 1;
message BuildAllFirmwareRequest {
// Location of firmware to build call into entry point.
// The `build` subcommand will be called
chromiumos.FwLocation firmware_location = 1;
// The chroot where the operations will be executed.
// Required.
chromiumos.Chroot chroot = 2;
message BuildAllFirmwareResponse {
// Metrics collected on every successful firmware build
FwBuildMetricList metrics = 1;
message TestAllFirmwareRequest {
// Location of firmware to build call into entry point.
// The `test` subcommand will be called
chromiumos.FwLocation firmware_location = 1;
// The chroot where the operations will be executed.
// Required.
chromiumos.Chroot chroot = 2;
message TestAllFirmwareResponse {
// Metrics collect on successfuly firmware unit test runs
FwTestMetricList metrics = 1;
message BundleFirmwareArtifactsRequest {
// Location of firmware to build call into entry point.
// The `build` subcommand will be called
chromiumos.FwLocation firmware_location = 1;
// The chroot where the operations will be executed.
// Required.
chromiumos.Chroot chroot = 2;
// The output directory in which to place the bundled artifacts.
chromiumos.ResultPath result_path = 3;
// The artifact types requested
chromiumos.ArtifactsByService.Firmware artifacts = 4;
message BundleFirmwareArtifactsResponse {
// The artifacts that were bundled.
chromiumos.UploadedArtifactsByService.Firmware artifacts = 1;
// The Firmware service.
service FirmwareService {
option (service_options) = {
module: "firmware",
service_chroot_assert: INSIDE,
// TODO(b/177907747): Drop this once the migration is complete.
// Builds all of the firmware targets on ToT at specified location
rpc BuildAllTotFirmware(BuildAllTotFirmwareRequest)
returns (BuildAllTotFirmwareResponse);
// TODO(b/177907747): Drop this once the migration is complete.
// Runs all of the firmware tests on ToT at specified location
rpc TestAllTotFirmware(TestAllTotFirmwareRequest)
returns (TestAllTotFirmwareResponse);
// Builds all of the firmware targets at specified location
rpc BuildAllFirmware(BuildAllFirmwareRequest)
returns (BuildAllFirmwareResponse);
// Runs all of the firmware tests at specified location
rpc TestAllFirmware(TestAllFirmwareRequest)
returns (TestAllFirmwareResponse);
// Bundles any firmware images and other artifacts.
rpc BundleFirmwareArtifacts(BundleFirmwareArtifactsRequest)
returns (BundleFirmwareArtifactsResponse);