blob: 89bef021101ad7ed6a2a170c291d93ffe0f0b6d3 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2023 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
syntax = "proto3";
package satlabrpcserver;
option go_package = "";
import "google/protobuf/timestamp.proto";
import "test_platform/request.proto";
import "chromiumos/longrunning/operations.proto";
import "chromiumos/test/api/servod_service.proto";
service SatlabRpcService {
rpc ListAccessibleModels (ListAccessibleModelsRequest) returns (ListAccessibleModelsResponse);
rpc ListBuildVersions (ListBuildVersionsRequest) returns (ListBuildVersionsResponse);
rpc StageBuild (StageBuildRequest) returns (StageBuildResponse);
rpc ListConnectedDutsFirmware (ListConnectedDutsFirmwareRequest) returns (ListConnectedDutsFirmwareResponse);
rpc GetSystemInfo (GetSystemInfoRequest) returns (GetSystemInfoResponse);
rpc GetVersionInfo (GetVersionInfoRequest) returns (GetVersionInfoResponse);
rpc GetNetworkInfo (GetNetworkInfoRequest) returns (GetNetworkInfoResponse);
rpc GetPeripheralInformation (GetPeripheralInformationRequest) returns (GetPeripheralInformationResponse);
rpc UpdateDutsFirmware (UpdateDutsFirmwareRequest) returns (UpdateDutsFirmwareResponse);
// Run Suite
rpc ListBuildTargets (ListBuildTargetsRequest) returns (ListBuildTargetsResponse);
rpc ListMilestones (ListMilestonesRequest) returns (ListMilestonesResponse);
rpc ListTestPlans (ListTestPlansRequest) returns (ListTestPlansResponse);
rpc GetTestPlan (GetTestPlanRequest) returns (GetTestPlanResponse);
// services to run different types of test suites
rpc RunSuite (RunSuiteRequest) returns (RunSuiteResponse);
rpc RunTest (RunTestRequest) returns (RunTestResponse);
rpc RunTestPlan (RunTestPlanRequest) returns (RunTestPlanResponse);
rpc RunStorageQual (RunStorageQualRequest) returns (RunStorageQualResponse);
// manage DUTs
rpc AddPool (AddPoolRequest) returns (AddPoolResponse);
rpc UpdatePool (UpdatePoolRequest) returns (UpdatePoolResponse);
rpc DeleteDuts (DeleteDutsRequest) returns (DeleteDutsResponse);
rpc AddDuts (AddDutsRequest) returns (AddDutsResponse);
rpc RepairDuts(RepairDutsRequest) returns (RepairDutsResponse);
// get DUTs information
rpc GetDutDetail (GetDutDetailRequest) returns (GetDutDetailResponse);
rpc ListDutTasks (ListDutTasksRequest) returns (ListDutTasksResponse);
rpc ListDutEvents (ListDutEventsRequest) returns (ListDutEventsResponse);
rpc ListEnrolledDuts (ListEnrolledDutsRequest) returns (ListEnrolledDutsResponse);
rpc ListDuts (ListDutsRequest) returns (ListDutsResponse);
// setup
rpc SetCloudConfiguration (SetCloudConfigurationRequest) returns (SetCloudConfigurationResponse);
rpc GetCloudConfiguration (GetCloudConfigurationRequest) returns (GetCloudConfigurationResponse);
// system
rpc Reboot (RebootRequest) returns (RebootResponse);
rpc UploadLog (UploadLogRequest) returns (UploadLogResponse);
rpc DownloadLog (DownloadLogRequest) returns (stream DownloadLogResponse);
// servo
rpc StartServod(chromiumos.test.api.StartServodRequest)
returns (chromiumos.longrunning.Operation) {
option (chromiumos.longrunning.operation_info) = {
response_type : "StartServodResponse",
metadata_type : "StartServodMetadata"
// Jobs/Tasks information
rpc ListJobs (ListJobsRequest) returns (ListJobsResponse);
// Jobs operation
rpc AbortJobs (AbortJobsRequest) returns (AbortJobsResponse);
message StartServodResponse {
// Empty response for success.
message Success {
// Error message for failure.
message Failure {
string error_message = 1;
oneof result {
Success success = 1;
Failure failure = 2;
message StartServodMetadata {
message ListBuildTargetsRequest {
// NEXT_TAG = 2
message ListBuildTargetsResponse {
repeated string build_targets = 1;
// NEXT_TAG = 4
message BuildItem {
// NEXT_TAG = 4
enum BuildStatus {
string value = 1;
bool is_staged = 2;
BuildStatus status = 3;
// NEXT_TAG = 3
message ListMilestonesRequest {
string board = 1;
string model = 2;
// NEXT_TAG = 3
message ListMilestonesResponse {
repeated BuildItem milestones = 1;
// NEXT_TAG = 2
message ListAccessibleModelsRequest {
string board = 1;
// NEXT_TAG = 3
message Model {
string name = 1;
repeated string boards = 2;
// NEXT_TAG = 2
message ListAccessibleModelsResponse {
repeated Model models = 1;
// NEXT_TAG = 4
message ListBuildVersionsRequest {
string board = 1;
string model = 2;
int32 milestone = 3;
// NEXT_TAG = 2
message ListBuildVersionsResponse {
repeated BuildItem build_versions = 1;
// NEXT_TAG = 4
message StageBuildRequest {
string board = 1;
string model = 2;
string build_version = 3;
// NEXT_TAG = 2
message StageBuildResponse {
string build_bucket = 1;
// NEXT_TAG = 1
message ListConnectedDutsFirmwareRequest {
// NEXT_TAG = 4
message ConnectedDutFirmwareInfo {
string ip = 1;
string current_firmware = 2;
string update_firmware = 3;
// NEXT_TAG = 2
message ListConnectedDutsFirmwareResponse {
repeated ConnectedDutFirmwareInfo duts = 1;
// NEXT_TAG = 1
message GetSystemInfoRequest {
// NEXT_TAG = 3
message GetSystemInfoResponse {
float cpu_temperature = 1;
google.protobuf.Timestamp start_time = 2;
// NEXT_TAG = 2
message GetPeripheralInformationRequest {
string dut_hostname = 1;
// NEXT_TAG = 2
message GetPeripheralInformationResponse {
string json_info = 1;
// NEXT_TAG = 2
message UpdateDutsFirmwareRequest {
repeated string ips = 1;
// NEXT_TAG = 3
message FirmwareUpdateCommandOutput {
string ip = 1;
string command_output = 2;
// NEXT_TAG = 2
message UpdateDutsFirmwareResponse {
repeated FirmwareUpdateCommandOutput outputs = 1;
// NEXT_TAG = 3
message Dim {
string key = 1;
string value = 2;
// NEXT_TAG = 8
message RunSuiteRequest {
string suite = 1;
string build_target = 2;
string milestone = 3;
string build_version = 4;
string model = 5;
string pool = 6;
// We use `repeated Dim` (not `map<string, string>`) in here
// because the generated files in Typescript do not
// have a setter function.
repeated Dim dims = 7;
// NEXT_TAG = 2
message RunSuiteResponse {
string build_link= 1;
// NEXT_TAG = 2
message GetVersionInfoRequest {}
// NEXT_TAG = 7
message GetVersionInfoResponse {
reserved 5;
string version = 1;
string chromeos_version = 2;
string track = 3;
string description = 4;
string host_id = 6;
// NEXT_TAG = 3
message AddPoolRequest {
repeated string hostnames = 1;
string pool = 2;
// NEXT_TAG = 1
message AddPoolResponse {}
// NEXT_TAG = 2
message UpdatePoolRequest {
// NEXT_TAG = 3
message Item {
string hostname = 1;
repeated string pools = 2;
repeated Item items = 1;
// NEXT_TAG = 1
message UpdatePoolResponse {}
// NEXT_TAG = 2
message GetDutDetailRequest {
string address = 1;
// NEXT_TAG = 3
message StringListPair {
string key = 1;
repeated string values = 2;
// NEXT_TAG = 13
message GetDutDetailResponse {
string bot_id = 1;
string task_id = 2;
string external_ip = 3;
string authenticated_as = 4;
google.protobuf.Timestamp first_seen_ts = 5;
bool is_dead = 6;
google.protobuf.Timestamp last_seen_ts = 7;
bool quarantined = 8;
string maintenance_msg = 9;
repeated StringListPair dimensions = 10;
string task_name = 11;
string version = 12;
// NEXT_TAG = 4
message ListDutTasksRequest {
// the IP address of DUT
string address = 1;
// A page token, received from the previous `ListDUTEvents` call.
// Provide this, to retrieve the subsequent page.
string page_token = 2;
// The maximum number of events to return
// if unspecified, at most 30 events will be returned
int32 page_size = 3;
// NEXT_TAG = 7
message Task {
string id = 1;
google.protobuf.Timestamp start_at = 2;
float duration = 3;
string url = 4;
bool is_success = 5;
string name = 6;
// NEXT_TAG = 4
message ListDutTasksResponse {
// A page token, the next token for retrieving the subsequent page.
// if it is empty, means it is at the end, no more plans
// that we can read from the bucket
string next_page_token = 1;
repeated Task tasks = 2;
// NEXT_TAG = 4
message ListDutEventsRequest {
// the IP address of DUT
string address = 1;
// A page token, received from the previous `ListDUTEvents` call.
// Provide this, to retrieve the subsequent page.
string page_token = 2;
// The maximum number of events to return
// if unspecified, at most 30 events will be returned
int32 page_size = 3;
// NEXT_TAG = 7
message BotEvent {
string msg = 1;
string event_type = 2;
google.protobuf.Timestamp created_at = 3;
string task_id = 4;
string task_link = 5;
string version = 6;
// NEXT_TAG = 3
message ListDutEventsResponse {
// A page token, the next token for retrieving the subsequent page.
// if it is empty, means it is at the end, no more plans
// that we can read from the bucket
string next_page_token = 1;
repeated BotEvent events = 2;
// NEXT_TAG = 9
message RunTestRequest {
repeated string tests = 1;
string test_args = 2;
string board = 3;
string model = 4;
string milestone = 5;
string build = 6;
string pool = 7;
// We use `repeated Dim` (not `map<string, string>`) in here
// because the generated files in Typescript do not
// have a setter function.
repeated Dim dims = 8;
// NEXT_TAG = 2
message RunTestResponse {
string build_link = 1;
// NEXT_TAG = 1
message ListEnrolledDutsRequest {}
// NEXT_TAG = 16
message Dut {
string address = 1;
string name = 2;
string hostname = 3;
string board = 4;
string model = 5;
repeated string pools = 6;
string mac_address = 7;
bool is_pingable = 8;
string servo_serial = 9;
string servo_type = 10;
int32 servo_port = 11;
string state = 12;
bool has_test_image = 13;
BotInfo bot_info = 14;
string ccd_status = 15;
// NEXT_TAG = 4
message BotInfo {
// NEXT_TAG = 6
enum BotState {
ALIVE = 1;
BUSY = 2;
DEAD = 3;
IDLE = 5;
BotState bot_state = 1;
// Link to the current running task.
string current_task = 2;
// Name of the task currently running (Test/Repair/Deploy).
string task_name = 3;
// NEXT_TAG = 2
message ListEnrolledDutsResponse {
repeated Dut duts = 1;
// NEXT_TAG = 1
message ListDutsRequest {}
// NEXT_TAG = 2
message ListDutsResponse {
repeated Dut duts = 1;
// NEXT_TAG = 2
message DeleteDutsRequest {
repeated string hostnames = 1;
// NEXT_TAG = 4
message DeleteDutsResponse {
// pass contains the hostnames that we have deleted DUTs successfully
repeated string pass = 1;
// fail contains the hostnames that we failed to delete DUTs
repeated string fail = 2;
reserved 3;
// NEXT_TAG = 1
message GetNetworkInfoRequest {}
// NEXT_TAG = 4
message GetNetworkInfoResponse {
string hostname = 1;
string mac_address = 2;
bool is_connected = 3;
// NEXT_TAG = 2
message AddDutsRequest {
// NEXT_TAG = 5
message Param {
// The IP address that connected to Satlab
string address = 1;
// The hostname that a user wants to name the DUT
string hostname = 2;
// The board of the DUT
string board = 3;
// The model of the DUT
string model = 4;
// The label pool that user wants to add
repeated string pools = 5;
// The servo serial number that connected with DUT
string servo_serial = 6;
repeated Param duts = 1;
// NEXT_TAG = 3
message AddDutsResponse {
// NEXT_TAG = 3
message PassedData {
string hostname = 1;
// the url of of deploying job
string url = 2;
repeated PassedData pass = 1;
// NEXT_TAG = 3
message FailedData {
string hostname = 1;
// the reason that why we can not add the DUT.
string reason = 2;
repeated FailedData fail = 2;
// NEXT_TAG = 1
message ListTestPlansRequest {}
// NEXT_TAG = 2
message ListTestPlansResponse {
// the name of test plan
repeated string names = 1;
// NEXT_TAG = 8
message RunTestPlanRequest {
// the name of the test plan in the bucket that a user wants to run
string test_plan_name = 1;
string board = 2;
string model = 3;
string milestone = 4;
string build = 5;
string pool = 6;
// We use `repeated Dim` (not `map<string, string>`) in here
// because the generated files in Typescript do not
// have a setter function.
repeated Dim dims = 7;
// NEXT_TAG = 2
message RunTestPlanResponse {
string build_link = 1;
// NEXT_TAG = 2
message GetTestPlanRequest {
// the name of test plan we want to fetch the content
string name = 1;
// NEXT_TAG = 2
message GetTestPlanResponse {
// plan is the content of the test plan
test_platform.Request.TestPlan plan = 1;
// NEXT_TAG = 4
message SetCloudConfigurationRequest {
string boto_key_id = 1;
string boto_key_secret = 2;
string gcs_bucket_url = 3;
// NEXT_TAG = 1
message SetCloudConfigurationResponse {}
// NEXT_TAG = 1
message GetCloudConfigurationRequest {}
// NEXT_TAG = 3
message GetCloudConfigurationResponse {
string boto_key_id = 1;
string gcs_bucket_url = 2;
// NEXT_TAG = 1
message RebootRequest {}
// NEXT_TAG = 1
message RebootResponse {}
// NEXT_TAG = 1
message UploadLogRequest {}
// NEXT_TAG = 2
message UploadLogResponse {
// the link of visit the tar file in bucket
string bucket_link = 1;
// NEXT_TAG = 1
message DownloadLogRequest {}
// NEXT_TAG = 2
message DownloadLogResponse {
bytes file_chunk = 1;
// NEXT_TAG = 3
message RepairDutsRequest {
// The DUTs' hostnames that a user wants to repair.
repeated string hostnames = 1;
// a flag that control we want to deep repair.
bool deep = 2;
// NEXT_TAG = 2
message RepairDutsResponse {
// NEXT_TAG = 5
message RepairResult {
// The hostname that has been triggered the repair task.
string hostname = 1;
string build_link = 2;
string task_link = 3;
bool is_success = 4;
repeated RepairResult result = 1;
// NEXT_TAG = 9
message RunStorageQualRequest {
string suite = 1;
string board = 2;
string model = 3;
string milestone = 4;
string build = 5;
string pool = 6;
// We use `repeated Dim` (not `map<string, string>`) in here
// because the generated files in Typescript do not
// have a setter function.
repeated Dim dims = 7;
string bug_id = 8;
// NEXT_TAG = 2
message RunStorageQualResponse {
string build_link= 1;
// NEXT_TAG = 17
message Job {
// NEXT_TAG = 4
enum JobType {
SUITE = 1;
TEST = 3;
// NEXT_TAG = 9
enum JobStatus {
// Job ran and completed normally irrespective of swarming task exit code
// This should be sure for CTP (suite/testplan) tasks, as these task
// don't indicate actual test status.
// Job ran and completed nomarlly with swarming exit code = 0
// Job ran and completed nomarlly with swarming exit code != 0
// Job ran longer than allowed time
// Job never ran due to lack of bot availablity
// Job manually canceled or killed or aborted
string job_id = 1;
string name = 2;
google.protobuf.Timestamp created_time = 3;
google.protobuf.Timestamp start_time = 4;
google.protobuf.Timestamp finished_time = 5;
JobStatus status = 6;
string parent_job_id = 7;
string hostname = 8;
string label_pool = 9;
string satlab_id = 10;
string task_url = 11;
string results_url = 12;
TasksStatusCount child_status_count = 13;
string board = 14;
string model = 15;
string build = 16;
// NEXT_TAG = 3
message Tag {
string key = 1;
string value = 2;
// Use one of the values in this enum to query for task/job in one of the
// specified state.
// Use 'ALL' to not use any filtering based on task state.
// Note: This enum is same as the one found in swarming.proto
// NEXT_TAG = 11
enum StateQuery {
// Query for all tasks currently TaskState.PENDING.
// Query for all tasks currently TaskState.RUNNING. This includes tasks
// currently in the overhead phase; mapping input files or archiving outputs
// back to the server.
// Query for all tasks currently TaskState.PENDING or TaskState.RUNNING. This
// is the query for the 'active' tasks.
// Query for all tasks that completed normally as TaskState.COMPLETED,
// independent of the process exit code.
// Query for all tasks that completed normally as TaskState.COMPLETED and that
// had exit code 0.
// Query for all tasks that completed normally as TaskState.COMPLETED and that
// had exit code not 0.
// Query for all tasks that are TaskState.EXPIRED.
// Query for all tasks that are TaskState.TIMED_OUT.
// Query for all tasks that are TaskState.CANCELED.
// Query for all tasks, independent of the task state.
// In hindsight, this constant should have been the value 0. Sorry, the
// original author was young and foolish.
// Note: This enum is same as the one found in swarming.proto
// Use this to specify the sort_by, default is CREATED_TS
// NEXT_TAG = 5
enum SortBy {
// NEXT_TAG = 9
message ListJobsRequest {
google.protobuf.Timestamp created_time_gt = 1;
google.protobuf.Timestamp created_time_lt = 2;
// Job type is one of test/testplan/suite.
Job.JobType job_type = 3;
// This are different filters that we want to query jobs
// eg: label-pool:abc or satlab-id:xyz etc
repeated Tag tags = 4;
SortBy sort_by = 5;
StateQuery query_status = 6;
string page_token = 7;
// No. of records, max 1000
int64 limit = 8;
// NEXT_TAG = 3
message ListJobsResponse {
// A page token, the next token for retrieving the subsequent page.
// if it is empty, means it is at the end, no more plans
// that we can read from the bucket
string next_page_token = 1;
repeated Job jobs = 2;
// NEXT_TAG = 3
message CftMixTestplan {
test_platform.Request.TestPlan cft = 1;
test_platform.Request.TestPlan non_cft = 2;
// Returns counts of child tasks per status.
// NEXT_TAG = 2
message TasksStatusCount {
// NEXT_TAG = 3
message TaskCount {
StateQuery state = 1;
int32 count = 2;
repeated TaskCount task_count = 1;
// NEXT_TAG = 5
message AbortJobsRequest {
repeated string ids = 1;
Job.JobType job_type = 2;
google.protobuf.Timestamp created_time_gt = 3;
google.protobuf.Timestamp created_time_lt = 4;
// NEXT_TAG = 1
message AbortJobsResponse {}