blob: f9c748ca9636b502d49f94bee2364ca45c415d2e [file] [log] [blame]
syntax = "proto3";
package chromiumos;
option go_package = "";
// Common message definitions.
// BuildTarget encapsulates a number of related arguments. At the moment, the
// usage of specific arguments is on a per endpoint basis, but will converge
// to support a standard set as time goes on.
// BuildTarget is a more appropriate name going forward for what we currently
// call "board".
message BuildTarget {
// The name of the build target (a.k.a. board name).
string name = 1;
// Chroot is used to define how to enter a chroot.
message Chroot {
// Deprecated fields.
reserved 5;
message ChrootEnv {
// USE flags to set.
repeated UseFlag use_flags = 1;
// FEATURES flags to set.
repeated Feature features = 2;
// The directory containing the chroot.
string path = 1;
// The cache directory override.
string cache_dir = 2;
// Environment configuration.
ChrootEnv env = 3;
// The directory where the chrome source should be mounted.
string chrome_dir = 4;
// FEATURES environment variable component message.
message Feature {
string feature = 1;
message GomaConfig {
// The goma install location.
// Required.
string goma_dir = 1;
// The goma client credentials file.
string goma_client_json = 2;
// Path to the Goma client used for build package.
// If None, goma_dir will be used instead.
string chromeos_goma_dir = 3;
// Facilitates testing new Goma approaches before rolling them out
// more widely.
enum GomaApproach {
GomaApproach goma_approach = 4;
// The directory where the goma logs will be extracted.
SyncedDir log_dir = 5;
// The name of the goma stats file. It will be dumped inside log_dir.
string stats_file = 6;
// The name of the goma counterz file. It will be dumped inside log_dir.
string counterz_file = 7;
message GomaArtifacts {
// The Goma artifacts (stats file, counterz file, and log files) are placed
// in the directory specified by the GomaConfig.log_dir.
// Goma stats file.
string stats_file = 1;
// Goma counterz file.
string counterz_file = 2;
// Goma log files.
repeated string log_files = 3;
// Message describing a package, The corresponding variable names are from
message PackageInfo {
// The package name (PN variable).
string package_name = 1;
// The package category (CATEGORY variable).
string category = 2;
// The package version and revision (PVR variable).
string version = 3;
// Information about the sysroot's profile.
message Profile {
// The name of the profile.
string name = 1;
// Message describing a package index (binhost) file.
message PackageIndexInfo {
// The snapshot SHA
string snapshot_sha = 1;
// The snapshot number. Higher is newer.
int32 snapshot_number = 2;
// The build target.
BuildTarget build_target = 3;
// The full URI of the package index file.
string location = 4;
// The sysroot profile.
Profile profile = 5;
// TODO(crbug/1088059): Add status of the prebuilts:
// - Passed HW Tests?
// - Marked stable?
// Etc
// A message to clarify inside/outside chroot paths.
message Path {
// Location enum; whether the resource is inside or outside of the chroot.
enum Location {
// The path to the resource.
string path = 1;
// The path location.
Location location = 2;
// A message used to indicate an output location for results. Specifically,
// this is used to automatically transfer files out of the chroot when needed.
// Note: No more than one ResultPath per message can be supported.
message ResultPath {
// Required.
// The result directory information.
Path path = 1;
// A SyncedDir will have all of its contents transferred into a tmp directory
// in the chroot before the endpoint is called, and afterwords its contents
// will be exactly what was in the tmp directory when the endpoint completed.
message SyncedDir {
// Required.
// The directory being synced.
string dir = 1;
// See also and:
// A Gerrit patchset.
message GerritChange {
// Gerrit hostname, e.g. "".
string host = 1;
// Gerrit project, e.g. "chromium/src".
string project = 2;
// Change number, e.g. 12345.
int64 change = 3;
// Patch set number, e.g. 1.
int64 patchset = 4;
message GitilesCommit {
// Gitiles hostname, e.g. "".
string host = 1;
// Repository name on the host, e.g. "chromium/src".
string project = 2;
// Commit HEX SHA1.
string id = 3;
// Commit ref, e.g. "refs/heads/master".
// NOT a branch name: if specified, must start with "refs/".
string ref = 4;
// Defines a total order of commits on the ref. Requires ref field.
uint32 position = 5;
// Message for USE flags.
message UseFlag {
// The use flag.
string flag = 1;
// The types of images that can be built.
// These correspond to support types in lib/ such
enum ImageType {
BASE = 1;
DEV = 2;
TEST = 3;
BASE_VM = 4;
TEST_VM = 5;
// The various channels that we release through.
enum Channel {
// A wrapper around a serialized protocol buffer.
message ProtoBytes {
bytes serialized_proto = 1;
// TODO( Drop this from chromite/api/toolchain.proto (and
// here) once usage has migrated to BuilderConfig.Artifacts.ArtifactType.
// Meanwhile, keep this in sync with chromite/api/toolchain.proto. The various
// toolchain optimization artifact types.
enum AFDOArtifactType {
// No AFDO artifact type specified.
// The type is orderfile.
// The type is Chrome AFDO files generated by benchmarks.
// The type is kernel AFDO files.
// The type is Chrome AFDO used in release builders.
// Additional information about artifacts used by PrepareForBuild endpoints.
// TODO(crbug/1019868): This is migrating to ArtifactProfileInfo.
message PrepareForBuildAdditionalArgs {
oneof prepare_for_build_args {
// ToolchainService Chrome AFDO artifacts require profile name.
string chrome_cwp_profile = 1;
// ToolchainService Kernel AFDO artifacts require a kernel version.
string kernel_version = 2;
// ToolchainService Unverified Release AFDO artifacts require information
// about the builder that created the image used to generate the unverified
// chrome benchmark perf file.
message AfdoRelease {
// ToolchainService Chrome AFDO artifacts require profile name.
string chrome_cwp_profile = 1;
// The build id of the image_build. Used to generate the location for the
// image archive.
int64 image_build_id = 2;
// Artifact profile information used by artifact prepare/bundle endpoints in
// addition to input_artifacts.
message ArtifactProfileInfo {
oneof artifact_profile_info {
// ToolchainService Chrome AFDO artifacts require profile name.
string chrome_cwp_profile = 1;
// ToolchainService Kernel AFDO artifacts require a kernel version.
string kernel_version = 2;
// ToolchainService Unverified Release AFDO artifacts require more.
AfdoRelease afdo_release = 3;
// Artifact information. Used bythe ArtifactsService.PrepareForBuild and
// BundleArtifacts endpoints to dispatch the appropriate service routines to
// prepare or bundle as a batch.
message ArtifactsByService {
// TODO(crbug/1034529): Drop this message.
// Artifacts handled within the ArtifactsService endpoints directly.
message Legacy {
// Legacy artifacts, handled in cros_artifacts. DO NOT ADD TO THIS.
enum ArtifactType {
// Indicates wanting a zip file of everything in the image directory.
// TODO(crbug/1034529): moves to ArtifactsByService.Image
// Indicates wanting update payloads.
// TODO(crbug/1034529): moves to ArtifactsByService.Test
// Indicates wanting the autotest tarballs.
// TODO(crbug/1034529): moves to ArtifactsByService.Test
// Indicates wanting a tarball containing private TAST test bundles.
// TODO(crbug/1034529): moves to ArtifactsByService.Test
// Indicates wanting a tarball containing guest images and test bundles.
// TODO(crbug/1034529): moves to ArtifactsByService.Test
// Indicates wanting an archive of firmware images built from source.
// TODO(crbug/1034529): moves to ArtifactsByService.Package
// Indicates wanting a tarball of the Ebuilds logs.
// TODO(crbug/1034529): moves to ArtifactsByService.Sysroot
// Indicates wanting an archive of the ChromeOS Config.
// TODO(crbug/1034529): moves to ArtifactsByService.Sysroot
// Indicates wanting the CPE report.
// TODO(crbug/1034529): moves to ArtifactsByService.Package
// Indicates wanting a tar.xz archive for each image created.
// TODO(crbug/1034529): moves to ArtifactsByService.Image
// TODO(crbug/1034529): BuilderConfig.Artifacts.ArtifactTypes is a common
// namespace for all services. We must reserve numbers until that is
// gone.
reserved 11 to 26;
// Indicates wanting a tarball containing fingerprint MCU test binaries.
// TODO(crbug/1034529): moves to ArtifactsByService.Test
// Information about one or more artifacts.
message ArtifactInfo {
// The ArtifactType. One or more types to which the rest of the fields
// apply.
repeated ArtifactType artifact_types = 1;
// GS location in which to upload artifacts ("gs://" is prepended).
// Several fields can be logically specified:
// %(kind)s: BuilderConfig.Id.Type with underscores turned into hyphens.
// %(version)s: Chromeos version (e.g., R81-12813.0.0)
// %(build_id)s: Buildbucket job ID.
// %(target)s: build target name.
// %(builder_name)s: The builder name (e.g. octopus-cq), lowercase with
// underscores turned into hyphens.
// %(gs_path)s: "%(builder_name)s/%(version)s-%(build_id)s".
// %(artifact_name)s: The name of the artifact being published.
// BuilderConfig.Artifacts.artifacts_gs_location is used for all
// artifacts. Artifact can be published to additional locations by
// specifying those here. Examples: include AFDO artifacts and Release
// images.
repeated string gs_locations = 2;
reserved 3;
// Any acl to apply, such as "public-read".
string acl_name = 4;
// Input artifact information
repeated ArtifactInfo input_artifacts = 1;
// Output artifact information
repeated ArtifactInfo output_artifacts = 2;
Legacy legacy = 1;
message Toolchain {
// Artifacts which the ArtifactsService endpoints pass to ToolchainService.
enum ArtifactType {
// TODO(crbug/1034529): BuilderConfig.Artifacts.ArtifactTypes is a common
// namespace for all services. We must reserve numbers until that is
// gone.
reserved 1 to 10;
// Indicates an unvetted orderfile for Chrome.
// Indicates a vetted orderfile for Chrome.
// Indicates a clang-tidy artifact.
// Indicates a PGO artifact for the compiler.
// Indicates an unvetted AFDO Chrome profile. (Generated by HW Tests in
// the benchmark-afdo-generate builder.)
// Indicates a vetted AFDO Chrome profile.
// Indicates a vetted AFDO Kernel profile.
// Indicates an unvetted AFDO Kernel CWP profile.
// Indicates an unvetted AFDO Chrome CWP profile.
// Indicates a vetted AFDO Chrome CWP profile.
// Indicates a vetted AFDO profile for release.
// Indicates an unvetted AFDO perf data file (from HW Test).
// Indicates an unstripped Chrome binary.
// Indicates toolchain logs for the compiler warnings for werror monitor
// Indicates a prod Chrome AFDO profile for Android/Linux.
// Indicates diagnoses for Clang crashes
// TODO(crbug/1034529): BuilderConfig.Artifacts.ArtifactTypes is a common
// namespace for all services. We must reserve numbers until that is
// gone.
reserved 27;
// Information about one or more artifacts. This should match the rest of
// the ArtifactInfo definitions in ArtifactsByService, other than having
// it's own (service-specific) definition for ArtifactType.
message ArtifactInfo {
// The ArtifactType. One or more types to which the rest of the fields
// apply.
repeated ArtifactType artifact_types = 1;
// GS location in which to upload artifacts ("gs://" is prepended).
// Several fields can be logically specified:
// %(kind)s: BuilderConfig.Id.Type with underscores turned into hyphens.
// %(version)s: Chromeos version (e.g., R81-12813.0.0)
// %(build_id)s: Buildbucket job ID.
// %(target)s: build target name.
// %(builder_name)s: The builder name (e.g. octopus-cq), lowercase with
// underscores turned into hyphens.
// specifying those here. Examples include AFDO artifacts and release
// %(artifact_name)s: The name of the artifact being published.
// BuilderConfig.Artifacts.artifacts_gs_location is used for all
// artifacts. Artifact can be published to additional locations by
// specifying those here. Examples: include AFDO artifacts and Release
// images.
repeated string gs_locations = 2;
// Any acl to apply, such as "public-read".
string acl_name = 4;
// Input artifact information
repeated ArtifactInfo input_artifacts = 1;
// Output artifact information
repeated ArtifactInfo output_artifacts = 2;
Toolchain toolchain = 2;
message Image {
// Artifacts which the ArtifactsService endpoints pass to ImageService.
enum ArtifactType {
// TODO(crbug/1034529): once an IMAGE_ZIP value is added here, please
// update the build planner (in chromiumos/infra/go), where it says
// "use the new output artifacts IMAGE_ZIP"
// TODO(crbug/1034529): BuilderConfig.Artifacts.ArtifactTypes is a common
// namespace for all services. We must reserve numbers until that is
// gone.
reserved 1 to 27;
// Information about one or more artifacts. This should match the rest of
// the ArtifactInfo definitions in ArtifactsByService, other than having
// it's own (service-specific) definition for ArtifactType.
message ArtifactInfo {
// The ArtifactType. One or more types to which the rest of the fields
// apply.
repeated ArtifactType artifact_types = 1;
// GS location in which to upload artifacts ("gs://" is prepended).
// Several fields can be logically specified:
// %(kind)s: BuilderConfig.Id.Type with underscores turned into hyphens.
// %(version)s: Chromeos version (e.g., R81-12813.0.0)
// %(build_id)s: Buildbucket job ID.
// %(target)s: build target name.
// %(builder_name)s: The builder name (e.g. octopus-cq), lowercase with
// underscores turned into hyphens.
// %(gs_path)s: "%(builder_name)s/%(version)s-%(build_id)s".
// %(artifact_name)s: The name of the artifact being published.
// BuilderConfig.Artifacts.artifacts_gs_location is used for all
// artifacts. Artifact can be published to additional locations by
// specifying those here. Examples: include AFDO artifacts and Release
// images.
repeated string gs_locations = 2;
// Any acl to apply, such as "public-read".
string acl_name = 4;
// Input artifact information
repeated ArtifactInfo input_artifacts = 1;
// Output artifact information
repeated ArtifactInfo output_artifacts = 2;
Image image = 3;
message Package {
// Artifacts which the ArtifactsService endpoints pass to PackageService.
enum ArtifactType {
// TODO(crbug/1034529): BuilderConfig.Artifacts.ArtifactTypes is a common
// namespace for all services. We must reserve numbers until that is
// gone.
reserved 1 to 27;
// Information about one or more artifacts. This should match the rest of
// the ArtifactInfo definitions in ArtifactsByService, other than having
// it's own (service-specific) definition for ArtifactType.
message ArtifactInfo {
// The ArtifactType. One or more types to which the rest of the fields
// apply.
repeated ArtifactType artifact_types = 1;
// GS location in which to upload artifacts ("gs://" is prepended).
// Several fields can be logically specified:
// %(kind)s: BuilderConfig.Id.Type with underscores turned into hyphens.
// %(version)s: Chromeos version (e.g., R81-12813.0.0)
// %(build_id)s: Buildbucket job ID.
// %(target)s: build target name.
// %(builder_name)s: The builder name (e.g. octopus-cq), lowercase with
// underscores turned into hyphens.
// %(gs_path)s: "%(builder_name)s/%(version)s-%(build_id)s".
// %(artifact_name)s: The name of the artifact being published.
// BuilderConfig.Artifacts.artifacts_gs_location is used for all
// artifacts. Artifact can be published to additional locations by
// specifying those here. Examples: include AFDO artifacts and Release
// images.
repeated string gs_locations = 2;
// Any acl to apply, such as "public-read".
string acl_name = 4;
// Input artifact information
repeated ArtifactInfo input_artifacts = 1;
// Output artifact information
repeated ArtifactInfo output_artifacts = 2;
Package package = 4;
message Sysroot {
// Artifacts which the ArtifactsService endpoints pass to SysrootService.
enum ArtifactType {
// TODO(crbug/1034529): BuilderConfig.Artifacts.ArtifactTypes is a common
// namespace for all services. We must reserve numbers until that is
// gone.
reserved 1 to 27;
// Information about one or more artifacts. This should match the rest of
// the ArtifactInfo definitions in ArtifactsByService, other than having
// it's own (service-specific) definition for ArtifactType.
message ArtifactInfo {
// The ArtifactType. One or more types to which the rest of the fields
// apply.
repeated ArtifactType artifact_types = 1;
// GS location in which to upload artifacts ("gs://" is prepended).
// Several fields can be logically specified:
// %(kind)s: BuilderConfig.Id.Type with underscores turned into hyphens.
// %(version)s: Chromeos version (e.g., R81-12813.0.0)
// %(build_id)s: Buildbucket job ID.
// %(target)s: build target name.
// %(builder_name)s: The builder name (e.g. octopus-cq), lowercase with
// underscores turned into hyphens.
// %(gs_path)s: "%(builder_name)s/%(version)s-%(build_id)s".
// %(artifact_name)s: The name of the artifact being published.
// BuilderConfig.Artifacts.artifacts_gs_location is used for all
// artifacts. Artifact can be published to additional locations by
// specifying those here. Examples: include AFDO artifacts and Release
// images.
repeated string gs_locations = 2;
// Any acl to apply, such as "public-read".
string acl_name = 4;
// Input artifact information
repeated ArtifactInfo input_artifacts = 1;
// Output artifact information
repeated ArtifactInfo output_artifacts = 2;
Sysroot sysroot = 5;
message Test {
// Artifacts which the ArtifactsService endpoints pass to TestService.
enum ArtifactType {
// TODO(crbug/1034529): BuilderConfig.Artifacts.ArtifactTypes is a common
// namespace for all services. We must reserve numbers until that is
// gone.
reserved 1 to 27;
// Information about one or more artifacts. This should match the rest of
// the ArtifactInfo definitions in ArtifactsByService, other than having
// it's own (service-specific) definition for ArtifactType.
message ArtifactInfo {
// The ArtifactType. One or more types to which the rest of the fields
// apply.
repeated ArtifactType artifact_types = 1;
// GS location in which to upload artifacts ("gs://" is prepended).
// Several fields can be logically specified:
// %(kind)s: BuilderConfig.Id.Type with underscores turned into hyphens.
// %(version)s: Chromeos version (e.g., R81-12813.0.0)
// %(build_id)s: Buildbucket job ID.
// %(target)s: build target name.
// %(builder_name)s: The builder name (e.g. octopus-cq), lowercase with
// underscores turned into hyphens.
// %(gs_path)s: "%(builder_name)s/%(version)s-%(build_id)s".
// %(artifact_name)s: The name of the artifact being published.
// BuilderConfig.Artifacts.artifacts_gs_location is used for all
// artifacts. Artifact can be published to additional locations by
// specifying those here. Examples: include AFDO artifacts and Release
// images.
repeated string gs_locations = 2;
// Any acl to apply, such as "public-read".
string acl_name = 4;
// Input artifact information
repeated ArtifactInfo input_artifacts = 1;
// Output artifact information
repeated ArtifactInfo output_artifacts = 2;
Test test = 6;
// Profile information needed by the artifact handler, if any.
ArtifactProfileInfo profile_info = 7;
// Artifact information. Used bythe ArtifactsService.PrepareForBuild and
// BundleArtifacts endpoints Response messages.
message UploadedArtifactsByService {
// Legacy artifacts, handled directly ArtifactsService.
// Artifacts handled within the ArtifactsService endpoints directly.
// TODO(crbug/1034529): Drop this message.
message Legacy {
message ArtifactPaths {
// The ArtifactType.
ArtifactsByService.Legacy.ArtifactType artifact_type = 1;
// Absolute path to the artifact file.
repeated string paths = 2;
repeated ArtifactPaths artifacts = 1;
Legacy legacy = 1;
message Toolchain {
message ArtifactPaths {
// The ArtifactType.
ArtifactsByService.Toolchain.ArtifactType artifact_type = 1;
// Absolute path to the artifact file.
repeated string paths = 2;
repeated ArtifactPaths artifacts = 1;
Toolchain toolchain = 2;
message Image {
message ArtifactPaths {
// The ArtifactType.
ArtifactsByService.Image.ArtifactType artifact_type = 1;
// Absolute path to the artifact file.
repeated string paths = 2;
repeated ArtifactPaths artifacts = 1;
Image image = 3;
message Package {
message ArtifactPaths {
// The ArtifactType.
ArtifactsByService.Package.ArtifactType artifact_type = 1;
// Absolute path to the artifact file.
repeated string paths = 2;
repeated ArtifactPaths artifacts = 1;
Package package = 4;
message Sysroot {
message ArtifactPaths {
// The ArtifactType.
ArtifactsByService.Sysroot.ArtifactType artifact_type = 1;
// Absolute path to the artifact file.
repeated string paths = 2;
repeated ArtifactPaths artifacts = 1;
Sysroot sysroot = 5;
message Test {
message ArtifactPaths {
// The ArtifactType.
ArtifactsByService.Test.ArtifactType artifact_type = 1;
// Absolute path to the artifact file.
repeated string paths = 2;
repeated ArtifactPaths artifacts = 1;
Test test = 6;