blob: e757a6e53d4b2e51c5e6a630a1efcaa85fe1458a [file] [log] [blame]
syntax = "proto3";
package cycler;
option go_package = "";
import "cycler/effect.proto";
// Closure of all config for a single cycler run.
message RunConfig {
// The runlog configuration.
RunLogConfiguration run_log_configuration = 1;
// The stats configuration for the prefix and the action statistics.
StatsConfiguration stats_configuration = 2;
// Policy effect configuration.
PolicyEffectConfiguration policy_effect_configuration = 3;
// Must match the command line argument and policy effect as well.
bool mutation_allowed = 4;
// The bucket to operate on (can be overridden on the command line).
string bucket = 5;
// Options for the log generation during a cycler run.
message RunLogConfiguration {
// The destination url 'directory' for the logs, can be file:// or gs://.
string destination_url = 1;
// The rough chunk size in bytes to deliver the logs in (before compression).
int64 chunk_size_bytes = 2;
// How many outstanding log messages can we have before blocking producers.
int64 channel_size = 3;
// How many retries we should make to persist logs.
int64 persist_retries = 4;
// How many logs we'll allow to fail persistence and still continue.
// Since we do log shipping in goroutines this is also the cap on the number
// of those.
int64 max_unpersisted_logs = 5;
// Options provided to any run providing stats.
message StatsConfiguration {
// When generating a report for a prefix, how deep should the breakdown be.
int64 prefix_report_max_depth = 1;
// Histogram options for the objects ages.
HistogramOptions age_days_histogram_options = 2;
// Histogram options for the objects sizes.
HistogramOptions size_bytes_histogram_options = 3;
// Options for the Histogram generation during a cycler run.
// See definition in: ""
message HistogramOptions {
// The number of unique buckets in the histrogram.
int32 num_buckets = 1;
// The growth factor of each bucket to the next.
double growth_factor = 2;
// The base bucket's size.
double base_bucket_size = 3;
// The minimum valued bucket's value.
int64 min_value = 4;
// A policy effect configuration defines the policy and the resulting effect.
message PolicyEffectConfiguration {
// The effect configuration must be one of the following configs.
oneof effect_configuration {
// Do nothing, will still gather stats.
NoopEffectConfiguration noop = 1;
// Move the object to another location (same bucket or another).
MoveEffectConfiguration move = 2;
// Change the storage class of the objects.
ChillEffectConfiguration chill = 3;
// Duplicate the object to another location (same bucket or another).
DuplicateEffectConfiguration duplicate = 4;
// Common configuration values.
// The policy document to be parsed by rego and executed to determine if an
// effect is going to be taken upon the object.
string policy_document_path = 5;