blob: 9989687e1da7318bec82f35d463d6400d2a93979 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
syntax = "proto3";
package test_platform.migration.test_runner;
option go_package = "";
// Config describes how to split the entire traffic coming into CTP between
// test_runner and skylab_swarming_worker.
// The CTP requests directed to test_runner via
// request.migrations.use_test_runner are not affected by this config.
message Config {
repeated RedirectInstruction redirect_instructions = 1;
// RedirectInstruction describes the fraction and the type of traffic to
// send to test_runner.
message RedirectInstruction {
// Redirect a fraction of traffic that satisfies the constraint.
TrafficConstraint constraint = 1;
// The probability of sending a given CTP request to test_runner as a
// percentage. Should be in (0, 100].
int32 percent_of_requests = 2;
// TrafficConstraint describes a way to filter CTP requests.
// The constraints are evaluated right before the execute step. Thus, the
// predecing steps (e.g. traffic splitter) may modify the inputs into the
// contraints before evaluation.
message TrafficConstraint {
// The DUT pool as it would appear in a Skylab request, e.g
// "DUT_POOL_QUOTA", "DUT_POOL_CTS", "wificell".
string dut_pool = 1;
// The quota account as it would appear in a Skylab request, e.g. "pcq".
// Ignored if empty.
string quota_account = 2;