blob: 9ea721975f41d079fc8d580878aed224007b7d3e [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
syntax = "proto3";
package test_platform.migration.scheduler;
import "chromiumos/common.proto";
import "test_platform/request.proto";
option go_package = "";
// The cros_test_platform traffic splitting stage interprets this config in two
// phases.
// 1. First, the request is matched to any of the rules in the suite_overrides,
// including the requested suite. If matching rules are found, second phase
// is skipped.
// 2. Next, the request is matched against the base rules (exluding suite name)
// If no matching rules are found, the steps fails.
// If multiple rules are found, they *must agree on the traffic splitting
// decision* including any pool overrides. In case of conflicting rules, the
// step fails.
message TrafficSplit {
// Rules are expected to be exhaustive. If an incoming request does not match
// any available rule, the traffic splitter will fail.
// This policy prevents requests for newly deployed models / pools from getting
// scheduled on the incorrect scheduler and then timing out due to lack of
// devices.
repeated Rule rules = 1;
// Unlike rules, suite overrides are only specified for suites that need
// different handling from the rule that otherwise matches the request.
repeated SuiteOverride suite_overrides = 2;
message Rule {
Request request = 1;
Backend backend = 2;
RequestMod request_mod = 3;
// Request is a subset of test_platform.Request that is relevant to the
// scheduler backend traffic splitting decision.
message Request {
test_platform.Request.Params.Scheduling scheduling = 1;
string model = 2;
chromiumos.BuildTarget build_target = 3;
enum Backend {
// RequestMod contains the test_platform.Requset arguments that must be
// overridden when forwarding a request to the chosen scheduler backend.
message RequestMod {
test_platform.Request.Params.Scheduling scheduling = 1;
// SuiteOverride provides per-suite overrides for the traffic split laid down by
// the basic rules.
message SuiteOverride {
// Incoming request must target this suite, in addition to the requirements
// of the rule specified below.
test_platform.Request.Suite suite = 1;
Rule rule = 2;