blob: b6422faff95488438f7223801f23d94890eba032 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
syntax = "proto3";
// This package contains the definitions for the test metadata generated as
// build artifacts for all supported tests.
// This metadata is used for test execution requests, scheduling decisions and
// results analytics in various Test Lab Environments.
// Metadata MUST be generated for all tests in supported Remote Test Drivers and
// MUST be respected in all Test Lab Environments.
package test.metadata.v1;
option go_package = ";metadata";
option java_outer_classname = "MetadataProto";
import "google/protobuf/struct.proto";
import "lab/peripherals.proto";
// From chromiumos/config repo.
import "api/hardware_topology.proto";
import "api/topology.proto";
// The test metadata specification.
// Test metadata MUST be generated for each Remote Test Driver as one of the
// test artifacts generated from Chrome OS build system.
message Specification {
// A set of Remote Test Driver packages.
// In practice, a complete specification of all known Remote Test Drivers may
// consist of multiple Specification instances. In that case the test names
// MUST be unique across different Specification instances.
// Unlike tests, a RemoteTestDriver (identified by its name) may be specified
// multiple times, in a single Specification or across different Specification
// instances. In that case, all fields except the list of tests MUST be
// identical across these RemoteTestDriver instances. The list of tests across
// these instances will be concatenated together.
repeated RemoteTestDriver remote_test_drivers = 1;
// go/cros-rtd-spec describes the Remote Test Driver bootstrapping flow inside
// the Remote Test Server. Remote Test Driver configures the bootstrapping flow
// for a test invocation.
message RemoteTestDriver {
// Globally unique name for a Remote Test Driver package.
// MUST be a valid resource per
// Pattern: remoteTestDrivers/{remoteTestDriver}
// The two most commonly used Remote Test Drivers are named
// - remoteTestDrivers/tauto
// - remoteTestDrivers/tast
// and contain the common public tests written in the Tauto and Tast framework
// respectively.
string name = 1;
// A container image containing all the required dependencies and other build
// artifacts required for test invocations.
// Test Lab Environments SHOULD fail with an error indicating that the request
// was invalid if the image fails to be found for a test invocation.
BuildArtifact image = 2;
// Command to invoke the Remote Test Driver inside `image`.
// Remote Test Servers MUST run `command` as
// $ ${command} -input_json ${input_json}
// where ${command} and ${input_json} are absolute paths inside the container.
// Remote Test Servers MUST populate `input_json` with a JSON encoded
// test.invocation.Request message.
string command = 3;
// Metadata for the smallest schedulable test units.
repeated Test tests = 4;
// A Chrome OS build artifact required for test execution.
message BuildArtifact {
// All build artifacts are assumed to be archived in some common directory
// root. `relative_path` is the relative path inside the root archive
// directory.
// Infrastructure Test Lab Environment: Chrome OS Continuous Integration
// builders archive build artifacts to a path on Google Storage. The Test
// Platform requests include a reference to the root archival path.
// e.g.,
// * The builder archives all build artifacts to
// gs://chromeos-image-archive/link-release/R64-
// * Test Platform request includes this archival path.
// * `relative_path` is set to tast/mighty.bin
// * Then, the full path to the artifact is
// gs://chromeos-image-archive/link-release/R64-
// Developer Test Lab Environment: For developer flow outside of the
// infrastructure, it is assumed that the build artifacts are available at a
// local path with the same directory layout as the Google Storage archival.
// e.g.,
// * Local build copies all artifacts to /tmp/cbuildbot/archive/
// * Local tooling includes a reference to this path.
// * `relative_path` is set to tauto/ssp.bin
// * Then, the full path to the artifact is
// /tmp/cbuildbot/archive/tauto/ssp.bin
string relative_path = 1;
// The smallest schedulable test unit.
// A Test is an atomic schdulable unit. In particular, it is not possible to
// modify the behaviour of a Remote Test Driver execution for a given Test by
// supplying test arguments. See the documentation of
// test.metadata.v1.Informational on how paramaterized tests may be in light of
// this restriction.
// A single test platform request or Remote Test Driver invocation may contain
// multiple instances of multiple Tests, but each instance of a Test MUST
// correspond to exactly one reported result.
// See Also:
// Test Platform request: TODO(pprabhu)
// Remote Test Driver invocation request: test/rtd/invocation.proto
// Remote Test Driver progress API: test/rtd/progress.proto
message Test {
// Globally unique name for this test.
// MUST be a valid resource per
// Pattern: remoteTestDrivers/{remoteTestDriver}/tests/{test}
// where {remoteTestDriver} is the Remote Test Driver package that contains
// this test.
string name = 1;
// Attributes are used to include tests in test plans.
// See Also:
// Test plans: test/plan/plan.proto
repeated Attribute attributes = 2;
// Required condition to be met for each Device Under Test targeted by this
// test.
// Condition enforcement is an optional feature for test scheduling, i.e.,
// some Test Lab Environments may ignore conditions entirely.
// May be specified multiple times for tests that target more than one Device
// Under Test, once per required device.
repeated DUTCondition conditions = 3;
// Metadata about the test that doesn't affect scheduling or execution.
Informational informational = 4;
// Attributes used to include tests in test plans.
message Attribute {
// Opaque name for this attribute.
// Value MUST be valid resource names per
// MUST NOT be interpreted by Test Lab Environments.
string name = 1;
// Condition to be met for each Device Under Test targeted by a test.
message DUTCondition {
// A Common Expression Language (CEL) expression to specify DUT conditions.
// Test Lab Environments may optionally support targeting test requests to
// Device Under Test based on DUTConditions. If this feature is supported, the
// Test Lab Environment MUST interpret `expression` in the scope of the
// protobuf message DUTCondition.Scope as defined below.
// The full CEL spec can be found at
// This API only currently only supports a small sub-set of the CEL features,
// as described here. Test Lab Environments SHOULD validate the expression and
// reject use of unsupported features.
// TODO( Add reference to the metadata validator package.
// ## Examples
// Typical instructive examples of expressions are:
// - A specific characteristic for a hardware feature, e.g.:
// scope.hardware_topology.screen.milliinch.value == 14000
// - A specific topology for a hardware feature, e.g.:
// == "fancy_clamshell"
// - Existence of a hardware feature, e.g.:
// scope.hardware_features.lte == scope.hardware_features.PRESENT
// - Exclude certain hardware topologies, e.g.:
// != "pencil"
// ## CEL support
// Current support for `expression` evaluation is very restricted due to
// limitations in the scheduling platform used by Test Platform. Specifying
// the conditions in CEL will allow gradual lifting of support restrictions.
// As this API matures, features will be added to the scheduling
// infrastructure of Test Platform and restrictions here will be lifted based
// on requirements collected from test authors. See milestones in
// go/cros-f20-plan for expected feature iterations.
// ### Evaluation context
// In general, a CEL expression must be evaluated in some context that
// provides the basic bindings for name resolution.
// In this case, `expression` MUST be evaluated in a context that contains
// - A variable 'scope' of type DUTCondition.Scope. This variable contains the
// information about a particular Device Under Test being tested for
// acceptance via `expression`.
// - Protobuf definitions in this git project (i.e., rooted at infra/proto/).
// ### Syntax
// See full syntax definition at
// CEL standard syntax allows expressions that evaluate to errors (e.g.,
// syntax allows negation of lists, which has no semantics in CEL).
// Thus, this spec does not attempt to restrict the syntax, but specifies what
// operations are unsupported to aid metadata producers. Ultimately, the
// reference metadata validator is the authority on what expressions are
// allowed.
// Unsupported standard CEL semantics:
// - Binary arithmetic operations
// e.g.: +, *, /, % ...
// - Relational Operators beyond (in)equality are not supported.
// e.g.: (>, <, >=, <= ...)
// - Logical OR in expressions is not supported.
// e.g.: (a || b), !(a && b) ...
// ### Macros
// See full macro definition at
// Supported macros: has(), e.all()
// Unsupported macros: e.exists(), e.exists_one(),, e.filter()
// ### Standard functions
// See full list of standard definitions at
// Most standard functions are not supported.
// - Supported operators: !_, -_, _!=_, _&&_, _=_, _[_]
// - All other operators are not supported.
// - All other standard functions are not supported. In particular take note:
// - size() is not supported.
// - string functions like endsWith() and contains() are not supported.
// - type conversions like int() and string() are not supported.
// - reflection with type(), null_type() and dyn() is not supported.
string expression = 1;
// Protocol buffer scope for interpretation of `expression`.
// Scope includes the Device Under Test features that can be targeted for test
// targeting.
message Scope {
// Peripherals information about the lab deployment of the device.
lab.Peripherals peripherals = 1;
// The relationship between topology and features is described at
chromiumos.config.api.HardwareTopology hardware_topology = 2;
chromiumos.config.api.HardwareFeatures hardware_features = 3;
// Contains metadata about the test that doesn't affect scheduling or execution.
message Informational {
// Contacts for ownership / flakiness notification etc.
repeated Contact authors = 1;
// Machine readable test-specific information.
// Remote Test Drivers SHOULD include detailed information to aid analytics.
// For example, test authors may minimize code duplication by writing
// paramterized tests. Thus, multiple test metadata may refer to the
// same test implementation with different arguments. It is useful to include
// this information as details. An example for Tauto:
// {
// "test_project": "chromiumos/third_party/autotest",
// "control_file": "site_tests/dummy_Pass/control.stress",
// "args": {
// "run_count": 35
// }
// }
// This field MUST NOT be interpreted by the Test Lab Environments, but Remote
// Test Drivers can enrich analytics by using uniform stable schema for
// details across all their tests.
google.protobuf.Struct details = 2;
// Contact information of individuals or teams.
message Contact {
oneof type {
// e.g.:
string email = 1;
// e.g.: team-name (not mdb/team-name)
string mdb_group = 2;