blob: 8ce65d6630ec758d6d38771d15465047d1563c27 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
syntax = "proto3";
package test_condition;
option go_package = "";
import "lab/chameleon.proto";
import "lab/peripherals.proto";
// Represents boolean and "missing" value. If UNSPECIFIED, this matches with
// any bool value. If TRUE or FALSE, these matches true and false respectively.
enum Tribool {
TRUE = 1;
FALSE = 2;
// Represents the condition of lab.Peripherals message. If all conditions for
// each field are satisfied, this message is considered as satisfied.
message LabPeripheralsCondition {
// Condition of lab.Chameleon. This condition needs to be satisfied by
// lab.Peripherals.chameleon.
LabChameleonCondition chameleon = 1;
// Condition of lab.Servo. This condition needs to be satisfied by
// lab.Peripherals.servo.
LabServoCondition servo = 2;
// Condition of lab.RPM. This condition needs to be satisfied by
// lab.Peripherals.rpm.
LabRPMCondition rpm = 3;
// Condition of lab.Audio. This condition needs to be satisfied by
LabAudioCondition audio = 4;
// Condition of lab.Wifi. This condition needs to be satisfied by
// lab.Peripherals.wifi.
LabWifiCondition wifi = 5;
// Condition of lab.Camera. If not empty, all the condition in this field
// needs to be satisfied by any of
repeated LabCameraCondition cameras = 6;
// Condition of lab.Camera. If not empty, any value in
// must not satisfy any condition in this field.
repeated LabCameraCondition no_cameras = 7;
// Condition of lab.Touch. This condition needs to be satisfied by
// lab.Peripherals.touch.
LabTouchCondition touch = 8;
// Represents the condition of lab.Chameleon message. If all conditions for
// each field are satisfied, this message is considered as satisfied.
message LabChameleonCondition {
reserved 1;
// If this is not CHAMELEON_TYPE_INVALID, chameleon_peripherals and
// labs.Chameleon.chameleon_peripherals must have same value.
repeated lab.ChameleonType chameleon_peripherals = 4;
// If not empty, the value of lab.Chameleon.chameleon_type must not be
// contained in this field.
repeated lab.ChameleonType no_chameleon_types = 2;
// If this is not UNSPECIFIED, the value of audio_board needs to be matched
// with the value in lab.Chameleon.audio_board.
Tribool audio_board = 3;
// Represents the condition of lab.Servo message. If all conditions for
// each field are satisfied, this message is considered as satisfied.
message LabServoCondition {
reserved 1;
// If not empty, servo_hostname and lab.Servo.servo_hostname must have
// same value.
string servo_hostname = 2;
// If not empty, the value of lab.Servo.servo_hostname must not be
// contained in this field.
repeated string no_servo_hostnames = 3;
// If servo_port is not 0, servo_port and lab.Servo.servo_port must have
// same value.
int32 servo_port = 4;
// If not empty, the value of lab.Servo.servo_port must not be contained
// in this field.
repeated int32 no_servo_ports = 5;
// If not empty, servo_serial and lab.Servo.servo_serial must have same
// value.
string servo_serial = 6;
// If not empty, the value of lab.Servo.servo_serial must not be contained
// in this field.
repeated string no_servo_serials = 7;
// If not empty, servo_type and lab.Servo.servo_type must have same value.
string servo_type = 8;
// If not empty, the value of lab.Servo.servo_type must not be contained
// in this field.
repeated string no_servo_types = 9;
// Represents the condition of lab.RPM message. If all conditions for
// each field are satisfied, this message is considered as satisfied.
message LabRPMCondition {
// If not empty, powerunit_name and lab.RPM.powerunit_name must have same
// value.
string powerunit_name = 1;
// If not empty, the value of lab.RPM.powerunit_name must not be contained
// in this field.
repeated string no_powerunit_names = 2;
// If not empty, powerunit_outlet and lab.RPM.powerunit_outlet must have
// same value.
string powerunit_outlet = 3;
// If not empty, the value of lab.RPM.powerunit_outlet must not be
// contained in this field.
repeated string no_powerunit_outlets = 4;
// Represents the condition of lab.Audio message. If all conditions for
// each field are satisfied, this message is considered as satisfied.
message LabAudioCondition {
// If this is not UNSPECIFIED, the value of audio_box needs to be matched
// with the value in lab.Audio.audio_box.
Tribool audio_box = 1;
// If this is not UNSPECIFIED, the value of atrus needs to be matched
// with the value in lab.Audio.atrus.
Tribool atrus = 2;
// Represents the condition of lab.Wifi message. If all conditions for
// each field are satisfied, this message is considered as satisfied.
message LabWifiCondition {
// If this is not UNSPECIFIED, the value of wificell needs to be matched
// with the value in lab.Wifi.wificell.
Tribool wificell = 1;
// If this is not CONN_UNKNOWN, antenna_conn and lab.Wifi.antenna_conn must
// have same value.
lab.Wifi.AntennaConnection antenna_conn = 2;
// If not empty, the value of lab.Wifi.antenna_conn must not be contained
// in this field.
repeated lab.Wifi.AntennaConnection no_antenna_conns = 3;
// Represents the condition of lab.Camera message. If all conditions for
// each field are satisfied, this message is considered as satisfied.
message LabCameraCondition {
// If this is not CAMERA_INVALID, camera_type and lab.Camera.camera_type
// must have same value.
lab.CameraType camera_type = 1;
// If not empty, the value of lab.Camera.camera_type must not be contained
// in this field.
repeated lab.CameraType no_camera_types = 2;
// Represents the condition of lab.Touch message. If all conditions for
// each field are satisfied, this message is considered as satisfied.
message LabTouchCondition {
// If this is not UNSPECIFIED, the value of mino needs to be matched
// with the value in lab.Touch.mino.
Tribool mino = 1;