blob: 13ff66dcad4923650e83b7c0fa417a733b8d96d5 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
syntax = "proto3";
package testplans;
option go_package = "";
import "chromiumos/common.proto";
import "testplans/common.proto";
// Testing restrictions to apply to a source tree.
message TestRestriction {
// Whether to disable hardware test suites.
bool disable_hw_tests = 1;
// Whether to disable virtual machine test suites.
bool disable_vm_tests = 3;
// Whether to disable non-Tast-based test suites.
bool disable_non_tast_tests = 5;
// A subset of build targets for which testing should be performed.
// If this is nonempty, hw/vm tests will *only* be done for the provided
// list of build targets.
// DEPRECATED: being replaced in favor of cq_only_test_builders.
repeated chromiumos.BuildTarget only_test_build_targets = 4;
message OnlyTestBuilder {
string builder_name = 1;
// A subset of CQ builders for which testing should be performed.
// If this is nonempty, hw/vm tests will *only* be done for the provided
// list of build targets.
repeated OnlyTestBuilder cq_only_test_builders = 6;
// A set of test restrictions for a source tree.
message SourceTreeTestRestriction {
// A file pattern, representing a segment of Chrome OS code.
FilePattern file_pattern = 3;
// The test restrictions to apply to the source tree.
TestRestriction test_restriction = 2;
reserved 1;
// Configures test restrictions for all relevant source trees.
// This is the root message.
message SourceTreeTestCfg {
// (Source tree, test restriction) pairs.
repeated SourceTreeTestRestriction source_tree_test_restriction = 1;