blob: 2e5e07e9e094f392d7576564f2cc22748576f3db [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
syntax = "proto3";
package test_platform.steps;
import "test_platform/request.proto";
import "test_platform/steps/enumeration.proto";
import "test_platform/steps/execution.proto";
option go_package = "";
message ComputeBackfillRequests {
// Each ComputeBackfillRequest is handled independently.
repeated ComputeBackfillRequest requests = 1;
map<string, ComputeBackfillRequest> tagged_requests = 2;
message ComputeBackfillResponses {
// Each ComputeBackfillResponse corresponds to a single
// ComputeBackfillRequest handled independently.
repeated ComputeBackfillResponse responses = 1;
// tagged_responses only contains responses for requests that need to be
// backfilled. Successfully completed requests are not included.
map<string, ComputeBackfillResponse> tagged_responses = 2;
// ComputeBackfillRequest defines the input of the compute-backfill step.
message ComputeBackfillRequest {
test_platform.Request request = 1;
EnumerationResponse enumeration = 2;
ExecuteResponse execution = 3;
// ComputeBackfillResponse defines the output of the compute-backfill step.
message ComputeBackfillResponse {
test_platform.Request request = 1;