blob: 9c11c1a6d131b525a4b35a6616e462435c46af79 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
syntax = "proto3";
package prototype;
import "prototype/client_profile_id.proto";
import "google/protobuf/duration.proto";
option go_package = "";
// Profile to coordinate behavioral configs of internal sub services e.g. test
// platform Next Tag: 4
message ClientProfile {
string name = 1;
ClientProfileId id = 2;
TestPlatformProfile test_platform_profile = 3;
// TestPlatformProfile configures aspects of the test platform behaviour
// per-request. Configure the scheduling priorities in the test platform, retry
// behavior, timeout characteristics and alerting thresholds throughout the test
// platform stack. Next Tag: 5
message TestPlatformProfile {
SchedulerProfile scheduler = 1;
RetryProfile retry = 2;
TimeoutProfile timeout = 3;
MonitoringProfile monitoring = 4;
// SchedulerProfile controls the test platform scheduling behaviour.
// Next Tag: 5
message SchedulerProfile {
// The task scheduling pools this device may be used for.
// Historical note: The concept of managed pools (e.g.: DUT_POOL_CQ) was used
// for automatic balancing of healthy devices in critical pools. Due to
// merging of critical pools into a common scheduler pool, this auto-balancing
// service is no longer required.
// Old enum values are now serialized to the JSON encoding of those enums
// (e.g. "DUT_POOL_QUOTA").
// See lab/device.proto:DeviceUnderTest::DutPool.
repeated string pools = 1;
oneof qos_channel {
// Priority corresponding to a swarming task priority.
// If specified, it should be in the range [50,255].
// It will be used for any swarming tasks created by this run.
// Note that the scheduler behavior with a given priority depends on
// other factors, such as pool. In particular, if requests are run in
// a quotascheduler-controlled pool, then this priority will be ignored,
// as priority will be determined by quota account balances.
uint32 priority = 2;
// Quota account for both managed and unamanged pools.
// It should be used if the request is scheduled on a pool
// managed by QuotaScheduler. See go/qs-enabled-pools for details.
// If set for requests on no QuotaScheduler pools,
// it will be ignored and the request will default to running at
// the lowest priority.
string quota_account = 3;
// RetryPrfoile defines parameters that affect how failed tests within
// a request are retried.
message RetryProfile {
// Whether to allow test retries.
bool allow = 1;
// Maximum number of retries of tests within this invocation to allow.
// 0 = unlimited.
uint32 max = 2;
// TimeoutProfile defines parameters related to timeouts.
message TimeoutProfile {
// Maximum duration for the entire request to be handled.
google.protobuf.Duration maximum_duration = 1;
// MonitoringProfile controls the alerting and monitoring of requests
// associated with the profile throughout the test infrastructure
// stack.
message MonitoringProfile {
TestPlatformAlertingThresholds test_platform_alerting_thresholds = 1;
// TestPlatformAlertingThresholds capture alerting thresholds for test platform.
message TestPlatformAlertingThresholds {