blob: d5257d6a22ff6ca1bdb865c07c27152148884aab [file] [log] [blame]
// Proto config.
syntax = "proto3";
package chromite.api;
option go_package = "";
import "chromite/api/build_api.proto";
import "chromiumos/common.proto";
// TODO( fix dependency for chromite protoc
// import "chromiumos/config/api/test/metadata/v1/metadata.proto";
message AssembleRequest {
// The chroot used to execute the endpoint.
chromiumos.Chroot chroot = 1;
// Target directory for the RTD dirs.
chromiumos.ResultPath target_dir = 2;
message AssembleResponse {
repeated RemoteTestDriver remote_test_drivers = 1;
message RemoteTestDriver {
// A folder containing the files needed to build a docker image for
// the Remote Test Driver. This folder will contain a Dockerfile in addition
// to test harness(es) and content. It will be such that `gcloud builds
// submit` can be invoked in the directory.
chromiumos.Path build_context = 1;
// Metadata about the RTD.
// TODO( fix dependency for chromite protoc
// repeated chromiumos.config.api.test.metadata.v1.Specification specifications = 2;
service RemoteTestDriverService {
option (service_options) = {
module: "remote_test_driver",
service_chroot_assert: INSIDE,
// Build RTDs (Tauto, Tast, etc.) and put them into a folder containing
// everything needed to build a Dockerized RTD image. The caller can then do a
// docker build from inside that directory.
rpc Assemble(AssembleRequest) returns (AssembleResponse);