blob: df1602f2f96d32fc5da41ab6d87fbc5640afeb00 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
"""Common file and os related utilities, including tempdir manipulation."""
import collections
import errno
import logging
import os
import pwd
import re
import shutil
import signal
import cStringIO
import tempfile
from chromite.lib import cros_build_lib
from chromite.lib import retry_util
# Env vars that tempdir can be gotten from; minimally, this
# needs to match python's tempfile module and match normal
# unix standards.
def GetNonRootUser():
"""Returns a non-root user. Defaults to the current user.
If the current user is root, returns the username of the person who
ran the emerge command. If running using sudo, returns the username
of the person who ran the sudo command. If no non-root user is
found, returns None.
uid = os.getuid()
if uid == 0:
user = os.environ.get('PORTAGE_USERNAME', os.environ.get('SUDO_USER'))
user = pwd.getpwuid(os.getuid()).pw_name
if user == 'root':
return None
return user
def ExpandPath(path):
"""Returns path after passing through realpath and expanduser."""
return os.path.realpath(os.path.expanduser(path))
def WriteFile(path, content, mode='w', atomic=False, makedirs=False):
"""Write the given content to disk.
path: Pathway to write the content to.
content: Content to write. May be either an iterable, or a string.
mode: Optional; if binary mode is necessary, pass 'wb'. If appending is
desired, 'w+', etc.
atomic: If the updating of the file should be done atomically. Note this
option is incompatible w/ append mode.
makedirs: If True, create missing leading directories in the path.
write_path = path
if atomic:
write_path = path + '.tmp'
if makedirs:
with open(write_path, mode) as f:
if not atomic:
os.rename(write_path, path)
except EnvironmentError:
def Touch(path, makedirs=False, mode=None):
"""Simulate unix touch. Create if doesn't exist and update its timestamp.
path: a string, file name of the file to touch (creating if not present).
makedirs: If True, create missing leading directories in the path.
mode: The access permissions to set. In the style of chmod. Defaults to
using the umask.
if makedirs:
# Create the file if nonexistant.
open(path, 'a').close()
if mode is not None:
os.chmod(path, mode)
# Update timestamp to right now.
os.utime(path, None)
def ReadFile(path, mode='r'):
"""Read a given file on disk. Primarily useful for one off small files."""
with open(path, mode) as f:
def SafeUnlink(path, sudo=False):
"""Unlink a file from disk, ignoring if it doesn't exist.
True if the file existed and was removed, False if it didn't exist.
if sudo:
['rm', '--', path], print_cmd=False, redirect_stderr=True)
return True
except cros_build_lib.RunCommandError:
if os.path.exists(path):
# Technically racey, but oh well; very hard to actually hit...
return False
return True
except EnvironmentError as e:
if e.errno != errno.ENOENT:
return False
def SafeMakedirs(path, mode=0o775, sudo=False, user='root'):
"""Make parent directories if needed. Ignore if existing.
path: The path to create. Intermediate directories will be created as
mode: The access permissions in the style of chmod.
sudo: If True, create it via sudo, thus root owned.
user: If |sudo| is True, run sudo as |user|.
True if the directory had to be created, False if otherwise.
EnvironmentError: if the makedir failed and it was non sudo.
RunCommandError: If sudo mode, and the command failed for any reason.
if sudo:
if os.path.isdir(path):
return False
['mkdir', '-p', '--mode', oct(mode), path], user=user, print_cmd=False,
redirect_stderr=True, redirect_stdout=True)
return True
os.makedirs(path, mode)
return True
except EnvironmentError as e:
if e.errno != errno.EEXIST or not os.path.isdir(path):
return False
class MakingDirsAsRoot(Exception):
"""Raised when creating directories as root."""
def SafeMakedirsNonRoot(path, mode=0o775, user=None):
"""Create directories and make sure they are not owned by root.
See SafeMakedirs for the arguments and returns.
if user is None:
user = GetNonRootUser()
if user is None or user == 'root':
raise MakingDirsAsRoot('Refusing to create %s as root!' % path)
created = SafeMakedirs(path, mode=mode, user=user)
# Temporary fix: if the directory already exists and is owned by
# root, chown it. This corrects existing root-owned directories.
if not created:
stat_info = os.stat(path)
if stat_info.st_uid == 0:
cros_build_lib.SudoRunCommand(['chown', user, path],
return created
def RmDir(path, ignore_missing=False, sudo=False):
"""Recursively remove a directory.
path: Path of directory to remove.
ignore_missing: Do not error when path does not exist.
sudo: Remove directories as root.
if sudo:
['rm', '-r%s' % ('f' if ignore_missing else '',), '--', path],
redirect_stdout=True, redirect_stderr=True)
except cros_build_lib.RunCommandError as e:
if not ignore_missing or os.path.exists(path):
# If we're not ignoring the rm ENOENT equivalent, throw it;
# if the pathway still exists, something failed, thus throw it.
except EnvironmentError as e:
if not ignore_missing or e.errno != errno.ENOENT:
def Which(binary, path=None, mode=os.X_OK):
"""Return the absolute path to the specified binary.
binary: The binary to look for.
path: Search path. Defaults to os.environ['PATH'].
mode: File mode to check on the binary.
The full path to |binary| if found (with the right mode). Otherwise, None.
if path is None:
path = os.environ.get('PATH', '')
for p in path.split(os.pathsep):
p = os.path.join(p, binary)
if os.path.isfile(p) and os.access(p, mode):
return p
return None
def FindDepotTools():
"""Returns the location of depot_tools if it is in $PATH."""
gclient_dir = os.path.dirname(Which('', mode=os.F_OK) or '')
gitcl_dir = os.path.dirname(Which('', mode=os.F_OK) or '')
if gclient_dir and gclient_dir == gitcl_dir:
return gclient_dir
def FindMissingBinaries(needed_tools):
"""Verifies that the required tools are present on the system.
This is especially important for scripts that are intended to run
outside the chroot.
needed_tools: an array of string specified binaries to look for.
If all tools are found, returns the empty list. Otherwise, returns the
list of missing tools.
return [binary for binary in needed_tools if Which(binary) is None]
def DirectoryIterator(base_path):
"""Iterates through the files and subdirs of a directory."""
for root, dirs, files in os.walk(base_path):
for e in [d + os.sep for d in dirs] + files:
yield os.path.join(root, e)
def IteratePathParents(start_path):
"""Generator that iterates through a directory's parents.
start_path: The path to start from.
The passed-in path, along with its parents. i.e.,
IteratePathParents('/usr/local') would yield '/usr/local', '/usr/', and '/'.
path = os.path.abspath(start_path)
yield path
while path.strip('/'):
path = os.path.dirname(path)
yield path
def FindInPathParents(path_to_find, start_path, test_func=None):
"""Look for a relative path, ascending through parent directories.
Ascend through parent directories of current path looking for a relative
path. I.e., given a directory structure like:
the call FindInPathParents('bin', '/usr/local') would return '/usr/bin', and
the call FindInPathParents('google', '/usr/local') would return
path_to_find: The relative path to look for.
start_path: The path to start the search from. If |start_path| is a
directory, it will be included in the directories that are searched.
test_func: The function to use to verify the relative path. Defaults to
os.path.exists. The function will be passed one argument - the target
path to test. A True return value will cause AscendingLookup to return
the target.
if test_func is None:
test_func = os.path.exists
for path in IteratePathParents(start_path):
target = os.path.join(path, path_to_find)
if test_func(target):
return target
return None
# pylint: disable=W0212,R0904,W0702
def SetGlobalTempDir(tempdir_value, tempdir_env=None):
"""Set the global temp directory to the specified |tempdir_value|
tempdir_value: The new location for the global temp directory.
tempdir_env: Optional. A list of key/value pairs to set in the
environment. If not provided, set all global tempdir environment
variables to point at |tempdir_value|.
Returns (old_tempdir_value, old_tempdir_env).
old_tempdir_value: The old value of the global temp directory.
old_tempdir_env: A list of the key/value pairs that control the tempdir
environment and were set prior to this function. If the environment
variable was not set, it is recorded as None.
with tempfile._once_lock:
old_tempdir_value = tempfile._get_default_tempdir()
old_tempdir_env = tuple((x, os.environ.get(x)) for x in _TEMPDIR_ENV_VARS)
# Now update TMPDIR/TEMP/TMP, and poke the python
# internals to ensure all subprocess/raw tempfile
# access goes into this location.
if tempdir_env is None:
os.environ.update((x, tempdir_value) for x in _TEMPDIR_ENV_VARS)
for key, value in tempdir_env:
if value is None:
os.environ.pop(key, None)
os.environ[key] = value
# Finally, adjust python's cached value (we know it's cached by here
# since we invoked _get_default_tempdir from above). Note this
# is necessary since we want *all* output from that point
# forward to go to this location.
tempfile.tempdir = tempdir_value
return (old_tempdir_value, old_tempdir_env)
def _TempDirSetup(self, prefix='tmp', set_global=False, base_dir=None):
"""Generate a tempdir, modifying the object, and env to use it.
Specifically, if set_global is True, then from this invocation forward,
python and all subprocesses will use this location for their tempdir.
The matching _TempDirTearDown restores the env to what it was.
# Stash the old tempdir that was used so we can
# switch it back on the way out.
self.tempdir = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix=prefix, dir=base_dir)
os.chmod(self.tempdir, 0o700)
if set_global:
self._orig_tempdir_value, self._orig_tempdir_env = \
def _TempDirTearDown(self, force_sudo):
# Note that _TempDirSetup may have failed, resulting in these attributes
# not being set; this is why we use getattr here (and must).
tempdir = getattr(self, 'tempdir', None)
if tempdir is not None:
RmDir(tempdir, ignore_missing=True, sudo=force_sudo)
except EnvironmentError as e:
# Suppress ENOENT since we may be invoked
# in a context where parallel wipes of the tempdir
# may be occuring; primarily during hard shutdowns.
if e.errno != errno.ENOENT:
# Restore environment modification if necessary.
orig_tempdir_value = getattr(self, '_orig_tempdir_value', None)
if orig_tempdir_value is not None:
SetGlobalTempDir(orig_tempdir_value, self._orig_tempdir_env)
class TempDir(object):
"""Object that creates a temporary directory.
This object can either be used as a context manager or just as a simple
object. The temporary directory is stored as self.tempdir in the object, and
is returned as a string by a 'with' statement.
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
"""Constructor. Creates the temporary directory.
prefix: See tempfile.mkdtemp documentation.
base_dir: The directory to place the temporary directory.
set_global: Set this directory as the global temporary directory.
storage: The object that will have its 'tempdir' attribute set.
sudo_rm: Whether the temporary dir will need root privileges to remove.
self.kwargs = kwargs.copy()
self.sudo_rm = kwargs.pop('sudo_rm', False)
self.tempdir = None
_TempDirSetup(self, **kwargs)
def Cleanup(self):
"""Clean up the temporary directory."""
if self.tempdir is not None:
_TempDirTearDown(self, self.sudo_rm)
self.tempdir = None
def __enter__(self):
"""Return the temporary directory."""
return self.tempdir
def __exit__(self, _type, _value, _traceback):
def __del__(self):
# pylint: disable=W0212,R0904,W0702
def TempDirDecorator(func):
"""Populates self.tempdir with path to a temporary writeable directory."""
def f(self, *args, **kwargs):
with TempDir() as tempdir:
self.tempdir = tempdir
return func(self, *args, **kwargs)
f.__name__ = func.__name__
f.__doc__ = func.__doc__
f.__module__ = func.__module__
return f
def TempFileDecorator(func):
"""Populates self.tempfile with path to a temporary writeable file"""
def f(self, *args, **kwargs):
with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(dir=self.tempdir, delete=False) as f:
self.tempfile =
return func(self, *args, **kwargs)
f.__name__ = func.__name__
f.__doc__ = func.__doc__
f.__module__ = func.__module__
return TempDirDecorator(f)
def MountDir(src_path, dst_path, fs_type=None, sudo=True, makedirs=True,
mount_opts=('nodev', 'noexec', 'nosuid'), **kwargs):
"""Mount |src_path| at |dst_path|
src_path: Directory to mount the tmpfs.
dst_path: Directory to mount the tmpfs.
fs_type: Specify the filesystem type to use. Defaults to autodetect.
sudo: Run through sudo.
makedirs: Create |dst_path| if it doesn't exist.
mount_opts: List of options to pass to `mount`.
kwargs: Pass all other args to RunCommand.
if sudo:
runcmd = cros_build_lib.SudoRunCommand
runcmd = cros_build_lib.RunCommand
if makedirs:
SafeMakedirs(dst_path, sudo=sudo)
cmd = ['mount', src_path, dst_path]
if fs_type:
cmd += ['-t', fs_type]
runcmd(cmd + ['-o', ','.join(mount_opts)], **kwargs)
def MountTmpfsDir(path, name='osutils.tmpfs', size='5G',
mount_opts=('nodev', 'noexec', 'nosuid'), **kwargs):
"""Mount a tmpfs at |path|
path: Directory to mount the tmpfs.
name: Friendly name to include in mount output.
size: Size of the temp fs.
mount_opts: List of options to pass to `mount`.
kwargs: Pass all other args to MountDir.
mount_opts = list(mount_opts) + ['size=%s' % size]
MountDir(name, path, fs_type='tmpfs', mount_opts=mount_opts, **kwargs)
def UmountDir(path, lazy=True, sudo=True, cleanup=True):
"""Unmount a previously mounted temp fs mount.
path: Directory to unmount.
lazy: Whether to do a lazy unmount.
sudo: Run through sudo.
cleanup: Whether to delete the |path| after unmounting.
Note: Does not work when |lazy| is set.
if sudo:
runcmd = cros_build_lib.SudoRunCommand
runcmd = cros_build_lib.RunCommand
cmd = ['umount', '-d', path]
if lazy:
cmd += ['-l']
if cleanup:
# We will randomly get EBUSY here even when the umount worked. Suspect
# this is due to the host distro doing stupid crap on us like autoscanning
# directories when they get mounted.
def _retry(e):
# When we're using `rm` (which is required for sudo), we can't cleanly
# detect the aforementioned failure. This is because `rm` will see the
# errno, handle itself, and then do exit(1). Which means all we see is
# that rm failed. Assume it's this issue as -rf will ignore most things.
if isinstance(e, cros_build_lib.RunCommandError):
return True
# When we aren't using sudo, we do the unlink ourselves, so the exact
# errno is bubbled up to us and we can detect it specifically without
# potentially ignoring all other possible failures.
return e.errno == errno.EBUSY
retry_util.GenericRetry(_retry, 5, RmDir, path, sudo=sudo, sleep=1)
def SetEnvironment(env):
"""Restore the environment variables to that of passed in dictionary."""
def SourceEnvironment(script, whitelist, ifs=',', env=None, multiline=False):
"""Returns the environment exported by a shell script.
Note that the script is actually executed (sourced), so do not use this on
files that have side effects (such as modify the file system). Stdout will
be sent to /dev/null, so just echoing is OK.
script: The shell script to 'source'.
whitelist: An iterable of environment variables to retrieve values for.
ifs: When showing arrays, what separator to use.
env: A dict of the initial env to pass down. You can also pass it None
(to clear the env) or True (to preserve the current env).
multiline: Allow a variable to span multiple lines.
A dictionary containing the values of the whitelisted environment
variables that are set.
dump_script = ['source "%s" >/dev/null' % script,
'IFS="%s"' % ifs]
for var in whitelist:
'[[ "${%(var)s+set}" == "set" ]] && echo %(var)s="${%(var)s[*]}"'
% {'var': var})
dump_script.append('exit 0')
if env is None:
env = {}
elif env is True:
env = None
output = cros_build_lib.RunCommand(['bash'], env=env, redirect_stdout=True,
redirect_stderr=True, print_cmd=False,
return cros_build_lib.LoadKeyValueFile(cStringIO.StringIO(output),
def StrSignal(sig_num):
"""Convert a signal number to the symbolic name
Note: Some signal number have multiple names, so you might get
back a confusing result like "SIGIOT|SIGABRT". Since they have
the same signal number, it's impossible to say which one is right.
sig_num: The numeric signal you wish to convert
A string of the signal name(s)
sig_names = []
for name, num in signal.__dict__.iteritems():
if name.startswith('SIG') and num == sig_num:
if sig_names:
return '|'.join(sig_names)
return 'SIG_%i' % sig_num
def ListBlockDevices(device_path=None, in_bytes=False):
"""Lists all block devices.
device_path: device path (e.g. /dev/sdc).
in_bytes: whether to display size in bytes.
A list of BlockDevice items with attributes 'NAME', 'RM', 'TYPE',
'SIZE' (RM stands for removable).
keys = ['NAME', 'RM', 'TYPE', 'SIZE']
BlockDevice = collections.namedtuple('BlockDevice', keys)
cmd = ['lsblk', '--pairs']
if in_bytes:
if device_path:
cmd += ['--output', ','.join(keys)]
output = cros_build_lib.RunCommand(cmd, capture_output=True).output.strip()
devices = []
for line in output.splitlines():
d = {}
for k, v in re.findall(r'(\S+?)=\"(.+?)\"', line):
d[k] = v
return devices
def GetDeviceInfo(device, keyword='model'):
"""Get information of |device| by searching through device path.
Looks for the file named |keyword| in the path upwards from
/sys/block/|device|/device. This path is a symlink and will be fully
expanded when searching.
device: Device name (e.g. 'sdc').
keyword: The filename to look for (e.g. product, model).
The content of the |keyword| file.
device_path = os.path.join('/sys', 'block', device)
if not os.path.isdir(device_path):
raise ValueError('%s is not a valid device path.' % device_path)
path_list = ExpandPath(os.path.join(device_path, 'device')).split(os.path.sep)
while len(path_list) > 2:
target = os.path.join(os.path.sep.join(path_list), keyword)
if os.path.isfile(target):
return ReadFile(target).strip()
path_list = path_list[:-1]
def GetDeviceSize(device_path, in_bytes=False):
"""Returns the size of |device|.
device_path: Device path (e.g. '/dev/sdc').
in_bytes: If set True, returns the size in bytes.
Size of the device in human readable format unless |in_bytes| is set.
devices = ListBlockDevices(device_path=device_path, in_bytes=in_bytes)
for d in devices:
if d.TYPE == 'disk':
return int(d.SIZE) if in_bytes else d.SIZE
raise ValueError('No size info of %s is found.' % device_path)