blob: 0a423a5d7e89698ef5ce8633e2a0c2dc95e16fcc [file] [log] [blame]
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright 2015 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
"""Tests for verifying prebuilts."""
from __future__ import print_function
import inspect
# import os
import unittest
from chromite.cbuildbot import binhost
from chromite.lib import config_lib
# from chromite.lib import constants
from chromite.lib import cros_build_lib
from chromite.lib import cros_logging as logging
from chromite.lib import cros_test_lib
# from chromite.lib import osutils
from chromite.lib import parallel
class PrebuiltCompatibilityTest(cros_test_lib.TestCase):
"""Ensure that prebuilts are present for all builders and are compatible."""
# Whether to cache setup from run to run. If set, requires that you install
# joblib (sudo easy_install joblib). This is useful for iterating on the
# unit tests, but note that if you 'repo sync', you'll need to clear out
# /tmp/joblib and blow away /build in order to update the caches. Note that
# this is never normally set to True -- if you want to use this feature,
# you'll need to hand-edit this file.
# TODO(davidjames): Add a --caching option.
# A dict mapping BoardKeys to their associated compat ids.
# Boards that don't have Chromium PFQs.
# TODO(davidjames): Empty this list.
site_config = config_lib.GetConfig()
def setUpClass(cls):
assert cros_build_lib.IsInsideChroot()'Generating board configs.')
board_keys = binhost.GetAllImportantBoardKeys(cls.site_config)
boards = set(key.board for key in board_keys)
inputs = [[board, not cls.CACHING, False] for board in boards]
parallel.RunTasksInProcessPool(binhost.GenConfigsForBoard, inputs)
fetcher = binhost.CompatIdFetcher(caching=cls.CACHING)
cls.COMPAT_IDS = fetcher.FetchCompatIds(list(board_keys))'Running tests...')
def setUp(self):
self.complaints = []
self.fatal_complaints = []
def tearDown(self):
for complaint in self.complaints:
for complaint in self.fatal_complaints:
if self.fatal_complaints:'Fatal errors found in this test')
def Complain(self, msg, fatal):
"""Complain about an error when the test exits.
msg: The message to print.
fatal: Whether the message should be fatal. If not, the message will be
considered a warning.
if fatal:
def GetCompatIdDiff(self, expected, actual):
"""Return a string describing the differences between expected and actual.
expected: Expected value for CompatId.
actual: Actual value for CompatId.
if expected.arch != actual.arch:
return 'arch differs: %s != %s' % (expected.arch, actual.arch)
elif expected.useflags != actual.useflags:
msg = self.GetSequenceDiff(expected.useflags, actual.useflags)
return msg.replace('Sequences', 'useflags')
elif expected.cflags != actual.cflags:
msg = self.GetSequenceDiff(expected.cflags, actual.cflags)
return msg.replace('Sequences', 'cflags')
assert expected == actual
return 'no differences'
def _FindCloseConfigs(self, pfq_configs, config, skipped_useflags):
"""Find configs in |pfq_configs| that are "close" to |config|.
If there are no prebuilts from any PFQ that match this board, then try to
help with diagnostics by finding the "closest" matches.
pfq_configs: A PrebuiltMapping object.
config: The baseline config to compare against.
skipped_useflags: set of USE flags to ignore when computing changes.
A list of (BoardKey, CompatId, <flag source>, added-flags, removed-flags)
sorted by the number of changed flags.
compat_id = self.GetCompatId(config)
ret = []
for close_id, board_key in pfq_configs.by_compat_id.items():
# Only consider matching architectures.
if compat_id.arch == close_id.arch:
added = (set(close_id.useflags) - set(compat_id.useflags) -
removed = (set(compat_id.useflags) - set(close_id.useflags) -
if added or removed:
ret.append((board_key, compat_id, 'USE',
sorted('+%s' % x for x in added),
sorted('-%s' % x for x in removed)))
added = set(close_id.cflags) - set(compat_id.cflags)
removed = set(close_id.cflags) - set(compat_id.cflags)
ret.append((board_key, compat_id, 'CFLAGS',
sorted('+%s' % x for x in added),
sorted('-%s' % x for x in removed)))
# Do the final sort of the configs based on number of USE changes.
return sorted(ret, key=lambda x: len(x[3]) + len(x[4]))
def AssertChromePrebuilts(self, pfq_configs, config, skip_useflags=False):
"""Verify that the specified config has Chrome prebuilts.
pfq_configs: A PrebuiltMapping object.
config: The config to check.
skip_useflags: Don't use extra useflags from the config.
# Skip over useflags from the useflag if needed.
msg_prefix = ''
skipped_useflags = set()
if skip_useflags and config.useflags:
skipped_useflags = set(config.useflags)
msg_prefix = ('When we take out config-requested useflags %s for '
'public/partner builds, '
% (tuple(x.encode('ascii') for x in config.useflags),))
config = config.deepcopy()
config.useflags = []
compat_id = self.GetCompatId(config)
pfqs = pfq_configs.by_compat_id.get(compat_id, set())
if not pfqs:
arch_useflags = (compat_id.arch, compat_id.useflags)
for key in pfq_configs.by_arch_useflags[arch_useflags]:
# If there wasn't an exact match for this CompatId, but there
# was an (arch, useflags) match, then we'll be using mismatched
# Chrome prebuilts. Complain.
# TODO(davidjames): This should be a fatal error for important
# builders, but we need to clean up existing cases first.
pfq_compat_id = self.COMPAT_IDS.get(key)
if pfq_compat_id:
err = self.GetCompatIdDiff(compat_id, pfq_compat_id)
msg = '%s%s uses mismatched Chrome prebuilts from %s\n\t%s'
self.Complain(msg % (msg_prefix,, key.board, err),
if not pfqs:
pre_cq = (config.build_type == config_lib.CONFIG_TYPE_PRECQ)
fatal = False
if pre_cq:
fatal = True
fatal_scope = 'pre_cq'
elif config.important:
# The chromeos_config module hacks all tryjobs to important=True
# even when the underlying config sets it to False. Since tryjobs
# shouldn't really matter to binhost tests (we care more about the
# non-tryjob variant), just ignore them.
fatal_scope = 'ignoring tryjob'
fatal = True
fatal_scope = 'important'
fatal_scope = 'non-fatal'
msg = ('%s%s (%s) cannot find Chrome prebuilts (probably due to USE flag '
'mismatch)\nBuild settings: %s'
% (msg_prefix,, fatal_scope, compat_id))
# For brevity, we only show the first three closest matches. After that,
# we start getting redundant, and the deltas get larger. This is just a
# debug display, so it need not be perfect.
close_configs = self._FindCloseConfigs(pfq_configs, config,
if close_configs:
msg += '\nClosest matching configs:\n'
for board_key, compat_id, source, added, removed in close_configs[0:6]:
msg += ('\tBoards: %s\n\t\t%s changes: %s\n\t\tBuild settings: %s\n'
% (board_key, source, added + removed, compat_id))
self.Complain(msg, fatal=fatal)
def GetCompatId(self, config, board=None):
"""Get the CompatId for a config.
config: A config_lib.BuildConfig object.
board: Board to use. Defaults to the first board in the config.
Optional if len(config.boards) == 1.
if board is None:
assert len(config.boards) == 1
board = config.boards[0]
assert board in config.boards
board_key = binhost.GetBoardKey(config, board)
compat_id = self.COMPAT_IDS.get(board_key)
if compat_id is None:
compat_id = binhost.CalculateCompatId(board, config.useflags)
self.COMPAT_IDS[board_key] = compat_id
return compat_id
def _GuessActiveConfigs(self):
"""Guess at which build configs are artively used.
LUCI Scheduler's config is the source of truth, but that's
not available here, so take a guess at "good enough".
A map of build configs. { name: config }
result = {}
for name, config in self.site_config.items():
if config.master and config.important:
result[name] = config
for s in config.slave_configs:
result[s] = self.site_config[s]
return result
# TODO:( get rid of this test as chrome PFQ no
# longer runs in legacy and any such tests would need to exist in the new
# PCQ world.
# def testChromePrebuiltsPresent(self, filename=None):
# """Verify all builds that use Chrome have matching Chrome PFQ configs.
# Args:
# filename: Filename to load our PFQ mappings from. By default, generate
# the PFQ mappings based on the current config.
# """
# if filename is not None:
#'Checking PFQ database: %s', filename)
# pfq_configs = binhost.PrebuiltMapping.Load(filename)
# else:
#'Checking config_lib.GetConfig().site_config')
# keys = list(binhost.GetChromePrebuiltConfigs(self.site_config))
# pfq_configs = binhost.PrebuiltMapping.Get(keys, self.COMPAT_IDS)
# for compat_id, pfqs in sorted(pfq_configs.by_compat_id.items(),
# key=lambda x: str(x[1])):
# if len(pfqs) > 1:
# self.Complain(
# 'The following Chrome PFQs produce identical prebuilts:\n'
# '\t%s\n\t%s'
# % ('\n\t'.join(sorted(str(x) for x in pfqs)), compat_id),
# fatal=False)
# # Sort the names to ensure consistent errors.
# for _name, config in sorted(self._GuessActiveConfigs().items()):
# # Skip over configs that don't have Chrome or have >1 board.
# if config.sync_chrome is False or len(config.boards) != 1:
# continue
# # Look for boards with missing prebuilts.
# if config.usepkg_build_packages and not config.chrome_rev:
# self.AssertChromePrebuilts(pfq_configs, config)
# # Check that we have a builder for the version w/o custom useflags as
# # well.
# if (config.useflags and
# config.boards[0] not in self.BOARDS_WITHOUT_CHROMIUM_PFQS):
# self.AssertChromePrebuilts(pfq_configs, config, skip_useflags=True)
# def testCurrentChromePrebuiltsEnough(self):
# """Verify Chrome prebuilts actually exist for all configs building Chrome.
# This loads the list of Chrome prebuilts that were generated during last
# Chrome PFQ run from disk and verifies that it is sufficient.
# """
# filename = binhost.PrebuiltMapping.GetFilename(constants.SOURCE_ROOT,
# 'chrome')
# if os.path.exists(filename):
# self.testChromePrebuiltsPresent(filename)
# def testDumping(self):
# """Verify Chrome prebuilts exist for all configs that build Chrome.
# This loads the list of Chrome prebuilts that were generated during last
# Chrome PFQ run from disk and verifies that it is sufficient.
# """
# with osutils.TempDir() as tempdir:
# keys = list(binhost.GetChromePrebuiltConfigs(self.site_config))
# pfq_configs = binhost.PrebuiltMapping.Get(keys, self.COMPAT_IDS)
# filename = os.path.join(tempdir, 'foo.json')
# pfq_configs.Dump(filename)
# self.assertEqual(pfq_configs, binhost.PrebuiltMapping.Load(filename))
def NoIncremental():
"""Creates a suite containing only non-incremental tests.
This suite should be used on the Chrome PFQ as we don't need to preserve
incremental compatibility of prebuilts.
A unittest.TestSuite that does not contain any incremental tests.
suite = unittest.TestSuite()
method_names = [f[0] for f in inspect.getmembers(PrebuiltCompatibilityTest,
for m in method_names:
if m.startswith('test') and m != 'testCurrentChromePrebuiltsEnough':
return suite