Force to use generation rather than sequence-match.

Currently no consuming code has been found sans unittests so
this is reasonably safe.  For existing usage where it was
just a fail-if-exists check, the change restores functionality;
for any sequence tracking code (which I've yet to find sans locks
that don't use this pathway) it will break; it was broken via
the referenced bug anyways, thus is decided to move forward with.

TEST=validation of the header, but nothing beyond that; TBR.

Change-Id: Ic1d42b0e9dca1be60105f86aa0eaaed6020e0f40
(cherry picked from commit 114efcca9aca3e36ccac964b4b4a3768346ab799)
Commit-Queue: Jon Salz <>
(cherry picked from commit e7089f2f6c3b557fc8aa83f2c8e3d11d8037fb4f)
Reviewed-by: David James <>
Tested-by: David James <>
diff --git a/lib/ b/lib/
index 79cd102..8dc8cf5 100644
--- a/lib/
+++ b/lib/
@@ -105,8 +105,11 @@
       filename: If given, the filename to place the content at; if not given,
         it's discerned from basename(local_path).
       acl: If given, a canned ACL.
-      version: If given, the sequence-number; essentially the version we intend
-        to replace/update.  This is useful for distributed reasons- for example,
+      version: If given, the generation; essentially the timestamp of the last
+        update.  Note this is not the same as sequence-number; it's
+        monotonically increasing bucket wide rather than reset per file.
+        The usage of this is if we intend to replace/update only if the version
+        is what we expect.  This is useful for distributed reasons- for example,
         to ensure you don't overwrite someone else's creation, a version of
         0 states "only update if no version exists".
@@ -148,8 +151,11 @@
       dest_path: Fully qualified local path or full gs:// path of the dest
       acl: One of the google storage canned_acls to apply.
-      version: If given, the sequence-number; essentially the version we intend
-        to replace/update.  This is useful for distributed reasons- for example,
+      version: If given, the generation; essentially the timestamp of the last
+        update.  Note this is not the same as sequence-number; it's
+        monotonically increasing bucket wide rather than reset per file.
+        The usage of this is if we intend to replace/update only if the version
+        is what we expect.  This is useful for distributed reasons- for example,
         to ensure you don't overwrite someone else's creation, a version of
         0 states "only update if no version exists".
@@ -161,7 +167,7 @@
     cmd, headers = [], []
     if version is not None:
-      headers = ['x-goog-if-sequence-number-match:%d' % version]
+      headers = ['x-goog-if-generation-match:%d' % version]