blob: 5d48c2b39ecbae8791fc2a313f2663b528234000 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
"""Classes representing the monitoring interface for tasks or devices."""
class Target(object):
"""Abstract base class for a monitoring target.
A Target is a "thing" that should be monitored, for example, a device or a
process. The majority of the time, a single process will have only a single
Do not directly instantiate an object of this class.
Use the concrete child classes instead:
* TaskTarget to monitor a job or tasks running in (potentially) many places;
* DeviceTarget to monitor a host machine that may be running a task.
def __init__(self):
# Subclasses should list the updatable target fields here.
self._fields = tuple()
def populate_target_pb(self, collection_pb):
"""Populate the 'target' into a MetricsCollection."""
raise NotImplementedError()
def to_dict(self):
"""Return target field values as a dictionary."""
return {field: getattr(self, field) for field in self._fields}
def update(self, target_fields):
"""Update values of some target fields given as a dict."""
for field, value in target_fields.iteritems():
if field not in self._fields:
raise AttributeError('Bad target field: %s' % field)
# Make sure the attribute actually exists in the object.
getattr(self, field)
setattr(self, field, value)
def __eq__(self, other):
if type(self) != type(other):
return False
for field in self._fields:
if getattr(self, field) != getattr(other,field):
return False
return True
def __hash__(self):
return hash(tuple(sorted(self.to_dict())))
class DeviceTarget(Target):
"""Monitoring interface class for monitoring specific hosts or devices."""
def __init__(self, region, role, network, hostname):
"""Create a Target object exporting info about a specific device.
region (str): physical region in which the device is located.
role (str): role of the device.
network (str): virtual network on which the device is located.
hostname (str): name by which the device self-identifies.
super(DeviceTarget, self).__init__()
self.region = region
self.role = role = network
self.hostname = hostname
self.realm = 'ACQ_CHROME'
self.alertable = True
self._fields = ('region', 'role', 'network', 'hostname')
def populate_target_pb(self, collection):
"""Populate the 'network_device' target into metrics_pb2.MetricsCollection.
collection (metrics_pb2.MetricsCollection): the collection proto to be
collection.network_device.metro = self.region
collection.network_device.role = self.role
collection.network_device.hostgroup =
collection.network_device.hostname = self.hostname
collection.network_device.realm = self.realm
collection.network_device.alertable = self.alertable
class TaskTarget(Target):
"""Monitoring interface class for monitoring active jobs or processes."""
def __init__(self, service_name, job_name, region, hostname, task_num=0):
"""Create a Target object exporting info about a specific task.
service_name (str): service of which this task is a part.
job_name (str): specific name of this task.
region (str): general region in which this task is running.
hostname (str): specific machine on which this task is running.
task_num (int): replication id of this task.
super(TaskTarget, self).__init__()
self.service_name = service_name
self.job_name = job_name
self.region = region
self.hostname = hostname
self.task_num = task_num
self._fields = ('service_name', 'job_name', 'region',
'hostname', 'task_num')
def populate_target_pb(self, collection):
"""Populate the 'task' target into metrics_pb2.MetricsCollection.
collection (metrics_pb2.MetricsCollection): the collection proto to be
collection.task.service_name = self.service_name
collection.task.job_name = self.job_name
collection.task.data_center = self.region
collection.task.host_name = self.hostname
collection.task.task_num = self.task_num