blob: b3c6049382b1b0b49d9aa10c7a6522a405e0c29b [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2016 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
"""Module for tracking relevant changes (i.e. CLs) to validate."""
from __future__ import print_function
from chromite.lib import builder_status_lib
from chromite.lib import clactions
from chromite.lib import constants
from chromite.lib import cros_build_lib
from chromite.lib import cros_logging as logging
from chromite.lib import patch as cros_patch
from chromite.lib import triage_lib
class RelevantChanges(object):
"""Class that quries and tracks relevant changes."""
def _GetSlaveMappingAndCLActions(cls, master_build_id, db, config, changes,
slave_buildbucket_ids, include_master=False):
"""Query CIDB to for slaves and CL actions.
master_build_id: Build id of this master build.
db: Instance of cidb.CIDBConnection.
config: Instance of config_lib.BuildConfig of this build.
changes: A list of GerritPatch instances to examine.
slave_buildbucket_ids: A list of buildbucket_ids (strings) of slave builds
scheduled by Buildbucket.
include_master: Boolean indicating whether to include the master build in
the config_map. Default to False.
A tuple of (config_map, action_history). The config_map is a dictionary
mapping build_id to config name for all slaves in this run. If
include_master is True, the config_map also includes master build. The
action_history is a list of all CL actions associated with |changes|.
assert db, 'No database connection to use.'
assert config.master, 'This is not a master build.'
slave_list = db.GetSlaveStatuses(
master_build_id, buildbucket_ids=slave_buildbucket_ids)
# TODO(akeshet): We are getting the full action history for all changes that
# were in this CQ run. It would make more sense to only get the actions from
# build_ids of this master and its slaves.
action_history = db.GetActionsForChanges(changes)
config_map = dict()
for d in slave_list:
config_map[d['id']] = d['build_config']
if include_master:
config_map[master_build_id] =
return config_map, action_history
def GetRelevantChangesForSlaves(cls, master_build_id, db, config, changes,
no_stat, slave_buildbucket_ids,
"""Compile a set of relevant changes for each slave.
master_build_id: Build id of this master build.
db: Instance of cidb.CIDBConnection.
config: Instance of config_lib.BuildConfig of this build.
changes: A list of GerritPatch instances to examine.
no_stat: Set of builder names of slave builders that had status None.
slave_buildbucket_ids: A list of buildbucket_ids (strings) of slave builds
scheduled by Buildbucket.
include_master: Boolean indicating whether to include the master build in
the config_map. Default to False.
A dictionary mapping a slave config name to a set of relevant changes
(as GerritPatch instances). If include_master is True, the dictionary
includes the master build config and its relevant changes.
# Retrieve the slaves and clactions from CIDB.
config_map, action_history = cls._GetSlaveMappingAndCLActions(
master_build_id, db, config, changes, slave_buildbucket_ids,
changes_by_build_id = clactions.GetRelevantChangesForBuilds(
changes, action_history, config_map.keys())
# Convert index from build_ids to config names.
changes_by_config = dict()
for k, v in changes_by_build_id.iteritems():
changes_by_config[config_map[k]] = v
for config in no_stat:
# If a slave is in |no_stat|, it means that the slave never
# finished applying the changes in the sync stage. Hence the CL
# pickup actions for this slave may be
# inaccurate. Conservatively assume all changes are relevant.
changes_by_config[config] = set(changes)
return changes_by_config
def GetSubsysResultForSlaves(cls, master_build_id, db):
"""Get the pass/fail HWTest subsystems results for each slave.
A dictionary mapping a slave config name to a dictionary of the pass/fail
subsystems. E.g.
{'foo-paladin': {'pass_subsystems':{'A', 'B'},
assert db, 'No database connection to use.'
slave_msgs = db.GetSlaveBuildMessages(master_build_id)
slave_subsys_msgs = ([m for m in slave_msgs
if m['message_type'] == constants.SUBSYSTEMS])
subsys_by_config = dict()
group_msg_by_config = cros_build_lib.GroupByKey(slave_subsys_msgs,
for config, dict_list in group_msg_by_config.iteritems():
d = subsys_by_config.setdefault(config, {})
subsys_groups = cros_build_lib.GroupByKey(dict_list, 'message_subtype')
for k, v in subsys_groups.iteritems():
if k == constants.SUBSYSTEM_PASS:
d['pass_subsystems'] = set([x['message_value'] for x in v])
if k == constants.SUBSYSTEM_FAIL:
d['fail_subsystems'] = set([x['message_value'] for x in v])
# If message_subtype==subsystem_unused, keep d as an empty dict.
return subsys_by_config
class TriageRelevantChanges(object):
"""Class to triage relevant changes within a CQ run..
This class keeps track of relevant_changes of a list slave builds of given a
master build. With the build information fetched from Buildbucket and CIDB,
it performs relevant change triages, and returns a ShouldWait flag indicating
whether it's still meaningful for the master build to wait for the slave
builds. The triages include anaylizing whether the failed slave builds have
passed the critial sync stage, whether the failures in failed slave builds
are ignorable for changes, classifying changes into will_submit, might_submit
and will_not_submit sets, and so on.
More context: go/self-destructed-commit-queue
# Accepted statues of the critical stages
# TODO(nxia):
# Get stage names from stage classes instead of duplicating them here.
COMMIT_QUEUE_SYNC = 'CommitQueueSync'
def __init__(self, master_build_id, db, builders_array, config, metadata,
version, build_root, changes, buildbucket_info_dict,
cidb_status_dict, completed_builds, dependency_map,
buildbucket_client, dry_run=True):
"""Initialize an instance of TriageRelevantChanges.
master_build_id: The build_id of the master build.
db: An instance of cidb.CIDBConnection to fetch data from CIDB.
builders_array: A list of expected slave build config names (strings).
config: An instance of config_lib.BuildConfig. Config dict of this build.
metadata: Instance of metadata_lib.CBuildbotMetadata. Metadata of this
version: Current manifest version string. See the return type of
build_root: Path to the build root directory.
changes: A list of changes (GerritPatch instances) which have been applied
to this build.
buildbucket_info_dict: A dict mapping all slave build config names to
their BuildbucketInfos (See SlaveBuilerStatus.GetAllSlaveBuildbucketInfo
for details).
cidb_status_dict: A dict mapping all slave build config names to their
CIDBStatusInfos (See SlaveBuilerStatus.GetAllSlaveCIDBStatusInfo for
completed_builds: A set of slave build config names (strings) which
have completed and will not be retried.
dependency_map: A dict mapping a change (patch.GerritPatch instance) to a
set of changes (patch.GerritPatch instances) depending on this change.
(See ValidationPool.GetDependMapForChanges for details.)
buildbucket_client: Instance of buildbucket_lib.buildbucket_client.
dry_run: Boolean indicating whether it's a dry run. Default to True.
self.master_build_id = master_build_id
self.db = db
self.builders_array = builders_array
self.config = config
self.metadata = metadata
self.version = version
self.buildbucket_info_dict = buildbucket_info_dict
self.cidb_status_dict = cidb_status_dict
self.completed_builds = completed_builds
self.build_root = build_root
self.changes = changes
self.dependency_map = dependency_map
self.buildbucket_client = buildbucket_client
self.dry_run = dry_run
# Dict mapping slave config names to a list of stages
self.slave_stages_dict = None
# Dict mapping slave config names to relevant change sets.
self.slave_changes_dict = None
# Dict mapping slave config names to subsys sets.
self.slave_subsys_dict = None
# A set of changes which will be submitted by the master.
self.will_submit = set()
# A set of changes which are being tested by the slaves.
self.might_submit = set(self.changes)
# A set of chagnes which won't be submitted by the master.
self.will_not_submit = set()
# A dict mapping build config name to a set of changes which can ignore the
# failures in the build.
self.build_ignorable_changes_dict = {}
def _UpdateSlaveInfo(self):
"""Update slave infomation with stages, relevant_changes, and subsys."""
self.slave_stages_dict = self.GetSlaveStages(
self.master_build_id, self.db, self.buildbucket_info_dict)
self.slave_changes_dict = self._GetRelevantChanges(
self.slave_subsys_dict = RelevantChanges.GetSubsysResultForSlaves(
self.master_build_id, self.db)
def GetDependChanges(changes, dependency_map):
"""Get a set of changes depending on the given changes.
changes: A set of changes to get the dependent change set.
dependency_map: A dict mapping a change (patch.GerritPatch instance) to a
set of changes (patch.GerritPatch instances) directly or indirectly
depending on this change. (See ValidationPool.GetDependMapForChanges for
A set of all changes directly or indirectly depending on the given
return set().union(*[dependency_map.get(c, set()) for c in changes])
# TODO(nxia): Consolidate with completion_stages._ShouldSubmitPartialPool
def GetSlaveStages(master_build_id, db, buildbucket_info_dict):
"""Get slave stages from CIDB.
master_build_id: The build_id of the master build.
db: An instance of cidb.CIDBConnection to fetch data from CIDB.
buildbucket_info_dict: A dict mapping all slave build config names to
their BuildbucketInfos (See SlaveStatus.GetAllSlaveBuildbucketInfo
for details).
A dict mapping all slave config names (strings) to their stages (a list
of dicts, see cidb.CIDBConnection.GetSlaveStages for details.)
assert db, 'No database connection to use.'
slave_stages_dict = {}
slave_buildbucket_ids = []
if buildbucket_info_dict is not None:
for slave_config, buildbucket_info in buildbucket_info_dict.iteritems():
# Set default value for all slaves, some may not have stages in CIDB.
slave_stages_dict.setdefault(slave_config, [])
stages = db.GetSlaveStages(master_build_id,
for stage in stages:
return slave_stages_dict
def PassedAnyOfStages(cls, stages, desired_stages):
"""Check if the stages have passed any stage from desired_stages.
stages: A list of stages (see the type of slave_stages_dict value part)
to check.
desired_stages: A set of desired stages (strings).
True if the accepted stages in the given stages cover any stage in
the desired_stages set; else, False.
accepted_stages = {stage['name'] for stage in stages
if stage['status'] in cls.ACCEPTED_STATUSES}
return accepted_stages.intersection(desired_stages)
def GetBuildsPassedAnyOfStages(cls, slave_stages_dict, desired_stages):
"""Get builds which have passed any stage from desired_stages.
slave_stages_dict: A dict mapping slaves config names to their stage lists
(see GetSlaveStages for details).
desired_stages: A set of desired stages (strings).
A set of build config names (strings) which have passed any stage in
return set(slave_config
for slave_config, stages in slave_stages_dict.iteritems()
if cls.PassedAnyOfStages(stages, desired_stages))
def _GetRelevantChanges(self, slave_stages_dict):
"""Get relevant changes for slave builds.
slave_stages_dict: A dict mapping slaves config names (strings) to their
stage lists. (see GetSlaveStages for details).
A dict mapping all slave config names (strings) to sets of changes which
are relevant to the slave builds. If a build has passed the STAGE_SYNC
stage, it has recorded the CLs it picked up in the CIDB, it's mapped to
its relevant change set. If a build failed to pass the STAGE_SYNC stage,
we assume it's relevant to all changes, so it's mapped to the change set
containing all the applied changes.
# If a build passed the sync stage, the picked up change stats are recorded.
stat_builds = self.GetBuildsPassedAnyOfStages(
slave_stages_dict, self.STAGE_SYNC)
no_stat_builds = set(self.buildbucket_info_dict.keys()) - stat_builds
slave_buildbucket_ids = [bb_info.buildbucket_id
for bb_info in self.buildbucket_info_dict.values()]
slave_changes_dict = RelevantChanges.GetRelevantChangesForSlaves(
self.master_build_id, self.db, self.config, self.changes,
no_stat_builds, slave_buildbucket_ids)
# Some slaves may not pick up any changes, update the value to set()
for slave_config in self.buildbucket_info_dict:
slave_changes_dict.setdefault(slave_config, set())
return slave_changes_dict
def _GetIgnorableChanges(self, build_config, builder_status,
"""Get changes that can ignore failures in BuilderStatus.
Some projects are configured with ignored-stages in COMMIT_QUEUE.ini. The CQ
can still submit changes from these projects if all failed statges are
listed in ignored-stages. Please refer to
triage_lib.GetStagesToIgnoreForChange for more details.
1) if the builder_status is in 'pass' status, it means the build uploaded a
'pass' builder_status but failed other steps in or after the completion
stage. This is rare but still possible, and it should not blame any changes
as the build has finishes its testing. Returns all changes in
relevant_changes in this case.
2) else if the builder_status is in 'fail' with failure messages, it
calculates and returns all ignorable changes given the failure messages.
3) else, the builder_status is either in 'fail' status without failure
messages or in one of the 'inflight' and 'missing' statuses. It cannot
calculate ignorable changes without any failure message so should just
return an empty set.
build_config: The config name (string) of the build.
builder_status: An instance of build_status.BuilderStatus.
relevant_changes: A set of relevant changes for triage to get the
ignorable changes.
A set of ignorable changes (GerritPatch instances).
if builder_status.Passed():
return relevant_changes
elif builder_status.Failed() and builder_status.message:
ignoreable_changes = set()
for change in relevant_changes:
ignore_result = triage_lib.CalculateSuspects.CanIgnoreFailures(
[builder_status.message], change, self.build_root,
if ignore_result[0]:
logging.debug('change %s is ignoreable for failures of %s.',
cros_patch.GetChangesAsString([change]), build_config)
return ignoreable_changes
return set()
def _UpdateWillNotSubmitChanges(self, will_not_submit):
"""Update will_not_submit change set.
will_not_submit: A set of changes (GerritPatch instances) to add to
def _ProcessCompletedBuilds(self):
"""Process completed and not retriable builds.
This method goes through all the builds which completed without SUCCESS
result and will not be retried.
1) if the failed build didn't pass the sync stage, move all changes to
will_not_submit set;
2) else, get BuilderStatus for the build (if there's no BuilderStatus
pickle file in GS, a BuilderStatus with 'missing' status will be returned).
Calculate ignorable changes given the BuilderStatus, move all not ignorable
changes and their dependencies to will_not_submit set.
# TODO(nxia): Improve SlaveBuilderStatus to take buildbucket_info_dict
# and cidb_status_dict as arguments to avoid extra queries.
slave_builder_statuses = builder_status_lib.SlaveBuilderStatus(
self.master_build_id, self.db, self.config, self.metadata,
self.buildbucket_client, self.builders_array, self.dry_run)
for build_config, bb_info in self.buildbucket_info_dict.iteritems():
if (build_config in self.completed_builds and
bb_info.status == constants.BUILDBUCKET_BUILDER_STATUS_COMPLETED and
bb_info.result != constants.BUILDBUCKET_BUILDER_RESULT_SUCCESS):
# This build didn't succeed and cannot be retired.'Process relevant changes of build %s status %s result %s',
build_config, bb_info.status, bb_info.result)
stages = self.slave_stages_dict[build_config]
if not self.PassedAnyOfStages(stages, self.STAGE_SYNC):
# The build didn't pass any of the sync stages. Will not submit all
# changes as the build failed to pick relevant changes in a passed
# sync stage.
self._UpdateWillNotSubmitChanges(set(self.changes))'Build %s didn\'t pass any stage in %s, will not submit '
'any changes.', build_config, list(self.STAGE_SYNC))
# The build passed the required sync stage. Get builder_status and
# calculate ignorable changes based on the builder_status. Move not
# ignorable changes and their dependencies to will_not_submit set.
relevant_changes = self.slave_changes_dict[build_config]
builder_status = slave_builder_statuses.GetBuilderStatusForBuild(
ignorable_changes = self._GetIgnorableChanges(
build_config, builder_status, relevant_changes)
self.build_ignorable_changes_dict[build_config] = ignorable_changes
not_ignorable_changes = relevant_changes - ignorable_changes
depend_changes = self.GetDependChanges(
not_ignorable_changes, self.dependency_map)
will_not_submit = not_ignorable_changes | depend_changes
if will_not_submit:
self._UpdateWillNotSubmitChanges(will_not_submit)'Build %s failed with not ignorable failures, will not'
' submit changes: %s', build_config,
if not self.might_submit:
# No need to process other completed builds, might_submit is empty.
def _GetChangeToSlavesDict(self, slave_changes_dict):
"""Get change to relevant slaves dict.
slave_changes_dict: A dict mapping all slave config names (strings) to
sets of changes (GerritPatch instances) which are relevant to the slave
builds (See return type of _GetRelevantChanges for details).
A dict mapping changes (GerritPatch instances) to sets of slave config
names (strings) which are relevant to changes.
change_slaves_dict = {}
for slave, changes in slave_changes_dict.iteritems():
for change in changes:
change_slaves_dict.setdefault(change, set()).add(slave)
return change_slaves_dict
def _ChangeCanBeSubmitted(self, change, relevant_slave_configs,
"""Verify whether the change can be submitted given its relevant slaves.
A change can be submitted if it satisfies either of the conditions:
1) all of its relevant slaves successfully completed;
2) all of its relevant slaves completed, and the slaves marked as 'FAILURE'
either uploaded 'passed' BuilderStatus pickle to GS or only contain failures
which can be ignored by the change.
change: A change (GerritPatch instance) to check.
relevant_slave_configs: A list of relevant slave config names (string) of
this change.
build_ignorable_changes_dict: A dict mapping build config name (string) to
a set of changes (GerritPatch instances) which can ignore the failures
in the build.
True if the change can be submitted given the statues of its relevant
slaves; else, False.
for slave_config in relevant_slave_configs:
bb_info = self.buildbucket_info_dict[slave_config]
if bb_info.status != constants.BUILDBUCKET_BUILDER_STATUS_COMPLETED:
return False
if bb_info.result != constants.BUILDBUCKET_BUILDER_RESULT_SUCCESS:
# If the build uploaded 'passed' BuilderStatus pickle or the build
# only contains failures which can be ignored by this change, change is
# in the value set for slave_config in build_ignorable_changes_dict.
if change not in build_ignorable_changes_dict.get(slave_config, set()):
return False
return True
def _ProcessMightSubmitChanges(self):
"""Process changes in might_submit set.
This method goes through all the changes in current might_submit set. For
each change, get a set of its relevant slaves. If all the relevant slaves
have completed with success, move the change to will_submit set.
if not self.might_submit:
change_slaves_dict = self._GetChangeToSlavesDict(self.slave_changes_dict)
changes_to_submit = set()
for change in self.might_submit:
if self._ChangeCanBeSubmitted(
change, change_slaves_dict.get(change, set()),
if changes_to_submit:
self.might_submit.difference_update(changes_to_submit)'Moving %s to will_submit set, because their relevant builds'
' completed successfully or all failures are ignorable. ',
def ShouldWait(self):
"""Process builds and relevant changes, decide whether to wait on slaves.
True if the master should wait for running slaves to finish testing
changes in might_submit set; False if the master shouldn't wait for any
not completed slaves.
self._ProcessMightSubmitChanges()'will_submit set contains %d changes: [%s]\n'
'might_submit set contains %d changes: [%s]\n'
'will_not_submit set contains %d changes: [%s]\n',
if not self.might_submit:
return False
return True