blob: 9704b03695f68b92db8998a2fbfe6493c993feef [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
# Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
"""Centralize knowledge about how to create standardized Google Storage paths.
This includes definitions for various build flags:
FINISHED - means that the payloads have been fully generated.
LOCK - means that payload processing is in progress on the host which
owns the locks. Locks have a timeout associated with them in
case of error, but are not 100% atomic when a lock is timing out.
Example file paths:
from __future__ import print_function
import hashlib
import os
import random
import re
from chromite.lib.paygen import utils
class Build(utils.RestrictedAttrDict):
"""Define a ChromeOS Build.
The order of attributes in self._slots dictates the order attributes
are printed in by __str__ method of super class. Keep the attributes
that are more helpful in identifying this build earlier in the list,
because this string ends up cut off in email subjects.
board: The board of the image "x86-mario", etc.
bucket: The bucket of the image. "chromeos-releases" as default.
channel: The channel of the image "stable-channel", "nplusone", etc.
uri: The URI of the build directory.
version: The version of the image. "", "3401.0.0", etc.
_slots = ('board', 'version', 'channel', 'bucket', 'uri')
_name = 'Build definition'
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super(Build, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
# If these match defaults, set to None.
self._clear_if_default('bucket', ChromeosReleases.BUCKET)
class Image(utils.RestrictedAttrDict):
"""Define a ChromeOS Image.
board: The board of the image "x86-mario", etc.
bucket: The bucket of the image. "chromeos-releases" as default.
channel: The channel of the image "stable-channel", "nplusone", etc.
image_channel: Sometimes an image has a different channel than the build
directory it's in. (ie: nplusone). None otherwise.
image_version: Sometimes an image has a different version than the build
directory it's in. (ie: nplusone). None otherwise.
image_type: The type of the image. Currently, "recovery" or "base" types
are supported.
key: The key the image was signed with. "premp", "mp", "mp-v2"
This is not the board specific key name, but the general value used
in image/payload names.
uri: The URI of the image. This URI can be any format understood by
version: The version of the image. "", "3401.0.0", etc.
_name = 'Image definition'
_slots = ('board', 'version', 'channel', 'image_type', 'key',
'image_channel', 'image_version', 'bucket',
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super(Image, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
# If these match defaults, set to None.
self._clear_if_default('bucket', ChromeosReleases.BUCKET)
self._clear_if_default('image_channel', self['channel'])
self._clear_if_default('image_version', self['version'])
# Force a default image_type if unspecified.
if not self['image_type']:
self['image_type'] = Image.DEFAULT_IMAGE_TYPE
def __str__(self):
if self.uri:
return '%s' % self.uri.split('/')[-1]
return ('Image: %s:%s/%s%s/%s%s/%s/%s (no uri)' %
(self.bucket, self.board,,
'(%s)' % self.image_channel if self.image_channel else '',
'(%s)' % self.image_version if self.image_version else '',
self.image_type, self.key))
class UnsignedImageArchive(utils.RestrictedAttrDict):
"""Define a unsigned ChromeOS image archive.
bucket: The bucket of the image. "chromeos-releases" as default.
channel: The channel of the image "stable-channel", "nplusone", etc.
board: The board of the image "x86-mario", etc.
version: The version of the image. "", "3401.0.0", etc.
milestone: the most recent branch corresponding to the version; "R19" etc
image_type: "test", "recovery" or "base"
uri: The URI of the image. This URI can be any format understood by
_name = 'Unsigned image archive definition'
_slots = ('bucket', 'channel', 'board', 'version', 'milestone', 'image_type',
def __str__(self):
if self.uri:
return '%s' % self.uri.split('/')[-1]
return ('Unsigned image archive: %s:%s/%s/%s-%s/%s (no uri)' %
(self.bucket, self.board,,
self.milestone, self.version,
class Payload(utils.RestrictedAttrDict):
"""Define a ChromeOS Payload.
tgt_image: A representation of image the payload updates to, either
Image or UnsignedImageArchive.
src_image: A representation of image it updates from. None for
Full updates, or the same type as tgt_image otherwise.
uri: The URI of the payload. This can be any format understood by urilib.
labels: A list of strings. Labels are used to catalogue payloads.
skip: A boolean. If true, we skip generating this payload.
exists: A boolean. If true, artifacts for this build already exist.
_name = 'Payload definition'
_slots = ('tgt_image', 'src_image', 'uri', 'labels', 'skip', 'exists')
def __init__(self, labels=None, skip=False, exists=False, *args, **kwargs):
kwargs.update(labels=labels, skip=skip, exists=exists)
super(Payload, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
if self['labels'] is None:
self['labels'] = []
def __str__(self):
if self.uri:
return self.uri.split('/')[-1]
return '%s -> %s (no uri)' % (self.src_image or 'any', self.tgt_image)
class ChromeosReleases(object):
"""Name space class for static methods for URIs in chromeos-releases."""
BUCKET = 'chromeos-releases'
# Build flags
UNSIGNED_IMAGE_TYPES = ('test', 'recovery', 'base')
def BuildUri(channel, board, version, bucket=None):
"""Creates the gspath for a given build.
channel: What channel does the build belong too. Usually "xxx-channel".
board: What board is the build for? "x86-alex", "lumpy", etc.
version: "What is the build version. "3015.0.0", "1945.76.3", etc
bucket: What bucket is the build in? (None means ChromeosReleases.BUCKET)
The url for the specified build artifacts. Should be of the form:
if not bucket:
bucket = ChromeosReleases.BUCKET
return 'gs://%s/%s/%s/%s' % (bucket, channel, board, version)
def GeneratorUri(channel, board, version, bucket=None):
"""Creates the gspath for a given build image.
channel: What channel does the build belong too. Usually "xxx-channel".
board: What board is the build for? "x86-alex", "lumpy", etc.
version: What is the build version. "3015.0.0", "1945.76.3", etc
bucket: What bucket is the build in? Usually "chromeos-releases".
The url for the specified build's delta generator zip file.
return os.path.join(ChromeosReleases.BuildUri(channel,
def BuildPayloadsUri(channel, board, version, bucket=None):
"""Creates the gspath for the payloads of a given build.
channel: What channel does the build belong too. Usually "xxx-channel".
board: What board is the build for? "x86-alex", "lumpy", etc.
version: "What is the build version. "3015.0.0", "1945.76.3", etc
bucket: What bucket is the build in? (None means ChromeosReleases.BUCKET)
The url for the specified build's payloads. Should be of the form:
return os.path.join(ChromeosReleases.BuildUri(channel,
def BuildPayloadsSigningUri(channel, board, version, bucket=None):
"""Creates the base gspath for payload signing files.
We create a number of files during signer interaction. This method creates
the base path for all such files associated with a given build. There
should still be subdirectories per-payload to avoid collisions, but by
using this uniform base pass clean up can be more reliable.
channel: What channel does the build belong to. Usually "xxx-channel".
board: What board is the build for? "x86-alex", "lumpy", etc.
version: What is the build version. "3015.0.0", "1945.76.3", etc
bucket: What bucket is the build in? (None means ChromeosReleases.BUCKET)
The url for the specified build's payloads. Should be of the form:
return os.path.join(ChromeosReleases.BuildPayloadsUri(channel,
def BuildPayloadsFlagUri(channel, board, version, flag, bucket=None):
"""Creates the gspath for a given build flag.
FINISHED - means that the payloads have been fully generated.
LOCK - means that payload processing is in progress on the host which
owns the locks. Locks have a timeout associated with them in
case of error, but are not 100% atomic when a lock is timing out.
channel: What channel does the build belong too. Usually "xxx-channel".
board: What board is the build for? "x86-alex", "lumpy", etc.
version: What is the build version. "3015.0.0", "1945.76.3", etc
flag: gs_paths.FINISHED, or gs_paths.LOCK
bucket: What bucket is the build in? (None means ChromeosReleases.BUCKET)
The url for the specified build's payloads. Should be of the form:
assert flag in ChromeosReleases.FLAGS
return os.path.join(ChromeosReleases.BuildPayloadsUri(channel,
'%s_flag' % flag)
def ImageName(channel, board, version, key, image_type):
"""Creates the base file name for a given build image.
channel: What channel does the build belong too. Usually xxx-channel.
board: What board is the build for? "x86-alex", "lumpy", etc.
version: "What is the build version. "3015.0.0", "1945.76.3", etc
key: "What is the signing key. "premp", "mp", "mp-v2", etc
image_type: The type of image. It can be either "recovery" or "base".
The name of the specified image. Should be of the form:
template = ('chromeos_%(version)s_%(board)s_%(image_type)s'
+ '_%(channel)s_%(key)s.bin')
return template % {
'channel': channel,
'board': board,
'version': version,
'key': key,
'image_type': image_type,
def UnsignedImageArchiveName(board, version, milestone, image_type):
"""The base name for the tarball containing an unsigned build image.
board: What board is the build for? "x86-alex", "lumpy", etc.
version: What is the build version? "3015.0.0", "1945.76.3", etc
milestone: the most recent branch corresponding to the version; "R19" etc
image_type: either "recovery" or "test", currently
The name of the specified image archive. Should be of the form:
template = (
return template % {
'board': board,
'version': version,
'milestone': milestone,
'image_type': image_type,
def ImageUri(channel, board, version, key, image_type,
image_channel=None, image_version=None,
"""Creates the gspath for a given build image.
channel: What channel does the build belong too? Usually "xxx-channel"
board: What board is the build for? "x86-alex", "lumpy", etc
version: What is the build version? "3015.0.0", "1945.76.3", etc
key: What is the signing key? "premp", "mp", "mp-v2", etc
image_type: The type of image. It can be either "recovery" or "base".
image_channel: Sometimes an image has a different channel than the build
directory it's in. (ie: nplusone).
image_version: Sometimes an image has a different version than the build
directory it's in. (ie: nplusone).
bucket: What bucket is the build in? (None means ChromeosReleases.BUCKET)
The url for the specified build's image. Should be of the form:
if not image_channel:
image_channel = channel
if not image_version:
image_version = version
return os.path.join(
ChromeosReleases.BuildUri(channel, board, version, bucket=bucket),
ChromeosReleases.ImageName(image_channel, board, image_version, key,
def UnsignedImageArchiveUri(channel, board, version, milestone, image_type,
"""Creates the gspath for a given unsigned build image archive.
channel: What channel does the build belong too? Usually "xxx-channel"
board: What board is the build for? "x86-alex", "lumpy", etc
version: What is the build version? "3015.0.0", "1945.76.3", etc
milestone: the most recent branch corresponding to the version; "R19" etc
image_type: either "recovery" or "test", currently
bucket: What bucket is the build in? (None means ChromeosReleases.BUCKET)
The url for the specified build's image. Should be of the form:
return os.path.join(
ChromeosReleases.BuildUri(channel, board, version, bucket=bucket),
ChromeosReleases.UnsignedImageArchiveName(board, version,
milestone, image_type))
def ParseImageUri(cls, image_uri):
"""Parse the URI of an image into an Image object."""
# The named values in this regex must match the arguments to gspaths.Image.
exp = (r'^gs://(?P<bucket>.*)/(?P<channel>.*)/(?P<board>.*)/'
m = re.match(exp, image_uri)
if not m:
return None
values = m.groupdict()
# Insert the URI
values['uri'] = image_uri
# Create an Image object using the values we parsed out.
return Image(values)
def ParseUnsignedImageArchiveUri(cls, image_uri):
"""Parse the URI of an image into an UnsignedImageArchive object."""
# The named values in this regex must match the arguments to gspaths.Image.
exp = (r'gs://(?P<bucket>[^/]+)/(?P<channel>[^/]+)/'
r'(?P=version)-(?P=board).tar.xz' %
m = re.match(exp, image_uri)
if not m:
return None
values = m.groupdict()
# Insert the URI
values['uri'] = image_uri
# Reset values if they match their defaults.
if values['bucket'] == cls.BUCKET:
values['bucket'] = None
# Create an Image object using the values we parsed out.
return UnsignedImageArchive(values)
def PayloadName(channel, board, version, key=None, random_str=None,
src_version=None, unsigned_image_type='test'):
"""Creates the gspath for a payload associated with a given build.
channel: What channel does the build belong to? Usually "xxx-channel".
board: What board is the build for? "x86-alex", "lumpy", etc.
version: What is the build version? "3015.0.0", "1945.76.3", etc
key: What is the signing key? "premp", "mp", "mp-v2", etc; None (default)
indicates that the image is not signed, e.g. a test image
image_channel: Sometimes an image has a different channel than the build
directory it's in. (ie: nplusone).
image_version: Sometimes an image has a different version than the build
directory it's in. (ie: nplusone).
random_str: Force a given random string. None means generate one.
src_version: If this payload is a delta, this is the version of the image
it updates from.
unsigned_image_type: the type descriptor (string) of an unsigned image;
significant iff key is None (default: "test")
The name for the specified build's payloads. Should be of the form:
if random_str is None:
random_str = hashlib.md5(str(random.getrandbits(128))).hexdigest()
if key is None:
signed_ext = ''
key = unsigned_image_type
signed_ext = '.signed'
if src_version:
template = ('chromeos_%(src_version)s-%(version)s_%(board)s_%(channel)s_'
return template % {
'channel': channel,
'board': board,
'version': version,
'key': key,
'random_str': random_str,
'src_version': src_version,
'signed_ext': signed_ext,
template = ('chromeos_%(version)s_%(board)s_%(channel)s_'
return template % {
'channel': channel,
'board': board,
'version': version,
'key': key,
'random_str': random_str,
'signed_ext': signed_ext,
def PayloadUri(channel, board, version, random_str, key=None,
image_channel=None, image_version=None,
src_version=None, bucket=None):
"""Creates the gspath for a payload associated with a given build.
channel: What channel does the build belong to? Usually "xxx-channel"
board: What board is the build for? "x86-alex", "lumpy", etc.
version: What is the build version? "3015.0.0", "1945.76.3", etc
key: What is the signing key? "premp", "mp", "mp-v2", etc; None means
that the image is unsigned (e.g. a test image)
image_channel: Sometimes an image has a different channel than the build
directory it's in. (ie: nplusone).
image_version: Sometimes an image has a different version than the build
directory it's in. (ie: nplusone).
random_str: Force a given random string. None means generate one.
src_version: If this payload is a delta, this is the version of the image
it updates from.
bucket: What bucket is the build in? (None means ChromeosReleases.BUCKET)
The url for the specified build's payloads. Should be of the form:
if image_channel is None:
image_channel = channel
if image_version is None:
image_version = version
return os.path.join(ChromeosReleases.BuildPayloadsUri(channel,
def ParsePayloadUri(cls, payload_uri):
"""Parse the URI of an image into an Image object."""
# Sample Delta URI:
# gs://chromeos-releases/stable-channel/x86-mario/4731.72.0/payloads/
# chromeos_4537.147.0-4731.72.0_x86-mario_stable-channel_delta_mp-v3.bin-
# 3a90d8666d1d42b7a7367660b897e8c9.signed
# Sample Full URI:
# gs://chromeos-releases/stable-channel/x86-mario/4731.72.0/payloads/
# chromeos_4731.72.0_x86-mario_stable-channel_full_mp-v3.bin-
# 969f24ba8cbf2096ebe3c57d5f0253b7.signed
# Handle FULL payload URIs.
full_exp = (r'^gs://(?P<bucket>.*)/(?P<channel>.*)/(?P<board>.*)/'
m = re.match(full_exp, payload_uri)
if m:
image_values = m.groupdict()
# The image URIs can't be discovered from the payload URI.
image_values['uri'] = None
# Create the Payload.
tgt_image = Image(image_values)
return Payload(tgt_image=tgt_image, uri=payload_uri)
# Handle DELTA payload URIs.
delta_exp = (r'^gs://(?P<bucket>.*)/(?P<channel>.*)/(?P<board>.*)/'
m = re.match(delta_exp, payload_uri)
if m:
image_values = m.groupdict()
# The image URIs can't be discovered from the payload URI.
image_values['uri'] = None
# Remember the src_version for the src_image.
src_version = image_values['src_version']
del image_values['src_version']
# Create the payload.
tgt_image = Image(image_values)
# Set the values which are different for src versions.
image_values['version'] = src_version
# The payload URI doesn't tell us any of these values. However, it's
# a mostly safe bet that the src version has no
# image_version/image_channel.
# Not knowing the source key is problematic.
image_values['image_version'] = None
image_values['image_channel'] = None
image_values['key'] = None
src_image = Image(image_values)
return Payload(src_image=src_image, tgt_image=tgt_image, uri=payload_uri)
# The URI didn't match.
return None
class ChromeosImageArchive(object):
"""Name space class for static methods for URIs in chromeos-image-archive."""
BUCKET = 'chromeos-image-archive'
def BuildUri(cls, board, milestone, version, bucket=None):
"""Creates the gspath for a given build.
board: What board is the build for? "x86-alex", "lumpy", etc.
milestone: a number that defines the milestone mark, e.g. 19 for R19
version: "What is the build version. "3015.0.0", "1945.76.3", etc
bucket: the bucket the build in (None means cls.BUCKET)
The url for the specified build artifacts. Should be of the form:
bucket = bucket or cls.BUCKET
return 'gs://%s/%s-release/R%s-%s' % (bucket, board, milestone, version)
def VersionKey(version):
"""Convert a version string to a comparable value.
All old style values are considered older than all new style values.
The actual values returned should only be used for comparison against
other VersionKey results.
version: String with a build version "1.2.3" or ""
A value comparable against other version strings.
key = [int(n) for n in version.split('.')]
# 3 number versions are new style.
# 4 number versions are old style.
assert len(key) in (3, 4)
if len(key) == 3:
# 1.2.3 -> (1, 0, 1, 2, 3)
return [1, 0] + key
# -> (0, 0, 12, 3, 4)
return [0] + key
def VersionGreater(left, right):
"""Compare two version strings. left > right
left: String with lefthand version string "1.2.3" or ""
right: String with righthand version string "1.2.3" or ""
left > right taking into account new style versions versus old style.
return VersionKey(left) > VersionKey(right)
def IsImage(a):
"""Return if the object is of Image type.
a: object whose type needs to be checked
True if |a| is of Image type, False otherwise
return isinstance(a, Image)
def IsUnsignedImageArchive(a):
"""Return if the object is of UnsignedImageArchive type.
a: object whose type needs to be checked
True if |a| is of UnsignedImageArchive type, False otherwise
return isinstance(a, UnsignedImageArchive)