blob: 46883d34afd827bffe478c93ec9d06d3ea2beb0a [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
# Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
"""Test download_cache library.
DEPRECATED: Should be migrated to chromite.lib.cache_unittest.
from __future__ import print_function
import multiprocessing
import os
import pickle
import traceback
from chromite.lib import cros_test_lib
from chromite.lib import osutils
from chromite.lib.paygen import download_cache
from chromite.lib.paygen import gslib
# We access a lot of protected members during testing.
# pylint: disable=W0212
# The inProcess methods have to be standalone to be pickleable.
def _inProcessFetchIntoCache(uri_tempdir):
"""In a sub-process, call DownloadCache._UriToCacheFile."""
uri, tempdir = uri_tempdir
process_cache = download_cache.DownloadCache(tempdir)
file_name = process_cache._UriToCacheFile(uri)
with process_cache._PurgeLock(shared=True, blocking=True):
return process_cache._FetchIntoCache(uri, file_name)
except Exception:
def _inProcessGetFile(uri_tempdir):
"""In a sub-process, call DownloadCache.GetFile."""
uri, tempdir = uri_tempdir
process_cache = download_cache.DownloadCache(tempdir, cache_size=0)
# If there is a URI, fetch it, else wipe.
if uri:
with process_cache.GetFileObject(uri) as f:
return None
except Exception:
class DownloadCachePickleTest(cros_test_lib.TempDirTestCase):
"""Test pickle/unpickle the download cache."""
def testPickleUnpickle(self):
# pylint: disable=E1101
cache = download_cache.DownloadCache(self.tempdir)
pickle_path = os.path.join(self.tempdir, 'cache.pickle')
# Do pickle dump.
with open(pickle_path, 'w') as pickle_fh:
pickle.dump(cache, pickle_fh)
# Load pickle file.
with open(pickle_path, 'r') as pickle_fh:
class FetchFuncTest(cros_test_lib.TempDirTestCase):
"""Test getting files with a custom fetch function."""
dummy_uri = 'dummy URI'
dummy_uri2 = 'dummy URI 2'
def testFetchFunc(self):
"""Test getting files with a custome fetch function."""
call_count = [0]
def dummyFetchFunction(uri, cache_file):
"""Write the uri into the file to have verifiable content"""
call_count[0] += 1
osutils.WriteFile(cache_file, uri)
cache = download_cache.DownloadCache(self.tempdir)
self.assertEqual(call_count[0], 0)
cache.GetFileObject(self.dummy_uri, dummyFetchFunction)
self.assertEqual(call_count[0], 1)
with cache.GetFileObject(self.dummy_uri, dummyFetchFunction) as f:
self.assertEqual(, self.dummy_uri)
self.assertEqual(call_count[0], 1)
cache.GetFileObject(self.dummy_uri2, dummyFetchFunction)
self.assertEqual(call_count[0], 2)
with cache.GetFileObject(self.dummy_uri2, dummyFetchFunction) as f:
self.assertEqual(, self.dummy_uri2)
self.assertEqual(call_count[0], 2)
with cache.GetFileObject(self.dummy_uri, dummyFetchFunction) as f:
self.assertEqual(, self.dummy_uri)
with cache.GetFileObject(self.dummy_uri2, dummyFetchFunction) as f:
self.assertEqual(, self.dummy_uri2)
self.assertEqual(call_count[0], 2)
class DownloadCacheTest(cros_test_lib.TempDirTestCase):
"""Test DownloadCache helper class."""
uri_large = 'gs://chromeos-releases-test/download_cache/file_large'
uri_a = 'gs://chromeos-releases-test/download_cache/file_a'
uri_b = 'gs://chromeos-releases-test/download_cache/file_b'
hash_large = 'ce11166b2742c12c93efa307c4c4adbf'
hash_a = '591430f83b55355d9233babd172baea5'
hash_b = '22317eb6cccea8c87f960c45ecec3478'
def setUp(self):
# Use a subdir specifically for the cache so we can use the tempdir for
# other things (including tempfiles by gsutil/etc...).
self.cache_dir = os.path.join(self.tempdir, 'unittest-cache')
def _verifyFileContents(self, cache, uri):
"""Test helper to make sure a cached file contains correct contents."""
# Fetch it
with cache.GetFileObject(uri) as f:
contents =
# Make sure the contents are valid.
self.assertEqual(contents, gslib.Cat(uri))
# Make sure the cache file exists where expected.
cache_file = cache._UriToCacheFile(uri)
def _validateCacheContents(self, cache, expected_contents):
"""Test helper to make sure the cache holds what we expect."""
expected_contents = set(expected_contents)
expected_top_contents = set(['cache', 'cache.lock', 'lock'])
cache_top_contents = set(os.listdir(cache._cache_dir))
file_dir_contents = set(os.listdir(cache._file_dir))
lock_dir_contents = set(os.listdir(cache._lock_dir))
# We should always have exactly the expected files in the top dir.
self.assertEqual(cache_top_contents, expected_top_contents)
# Cache contents should match the expected list.
self.assertEqual(file_dir_contents, expected_contents)
# The lock directory should contain no files not in the file_dir.
def testCacheFileNames(self):
"""Make sure that some of the files we create have the expected names."""
cache = download_cache.DownloadCache(self.cache_dir)
expected_cache_lock = os.path.join(self.cache_dir, 'cache.lock')
expected_cache = os.path.join(self.cache_dir,
expected_lock = os.path.join(self.cache_dir,
# Make sure a cache content file is named as expected.
# Make sure the lock file for a cache content file is named as expected.
with cache._CacheFileLock(expected_cache) as file_lock:
self.assertEqual(file_lock.path, expected_lock)
with cache._PurgeLock() as purge_lock:
self.assertEqual(purge_lock.path, expected_cache_lock)
with cache._CacheFileLock(expected_cache) as cache_file_lock:
self.assertEqual(cache_file_lock.path, expected_lock)
def testSetupCacheClean(self):
"""Test _SetupCache with a clean directory."""
# Create a cache, and see if it has expected contents.
cache = download_cache.DownloadCache(self.cache_dir)
self._validateCacheContents(cache, ())
def testSetupCacheDirty(self):
"""Test _SetupCache with a dirty directory."""
# Create some unexpected directories.
for make_dir in ['foo/bar/stuff', 'bar']:
os.makedirs(os.path.join(self.cache_dir, make_dir))
# Touch some unexpected files.
for touch_file in ['bogus', 'foo/bogus']:
file(os.path.join(self.cache_dir, touch_file), 'w').close()
# Create a cache, and see
cache = download_cache.DownloadCache(self.cache_dir)
self._validateCacheContents(cache, ())
def testGetFileObject(self):
"""Just create a download cache, and GetFile on it."""
cache = download_cache.DownloadCache(self.cache_dir)
# Fetch a file
with cache.GetFileObject(self.uri_a) as f:
self.assertIsInstance(f, file)
self._verifyFileContents(cache, self.uri_a)
self._validateCacheContents(cache, (self.hash_a,))
# Fetch a different file
with cache.GetFileObject(self.uri_b) as f:
self.assertIsInstance(f, file)
self._verifyFileContents(cache, self.uri_b)
self._validateCacheContents(cache, (self.hash_a, self.hash_b))
# Fetch the first file a second time.
self._verifyFileContents(cache, self.uri_a)
# There should be only 2 files in the cache.
self._validateCacheContents(cache, (self.hash_a, self.hash_b))
# Fetch a larger file
self._verifyFileContents(cache, self.uri_large)
# There should be 3 files in the cache.
(self.hash_a, self.hash_b, self.hash_large))
def testGetFileCopy(self):
"""Just create a download cache, and GetFileCopy from it."""
file_a = os.path.join(self.tempdir, 'foo')
file_b = os.path.join(self.tempdir, 'bar')
cache = download_cache.DownloadCache(self.cache_dir)
# Fetch non-existent files.
cache.GetFileCopy(self.uri_a, file_a)
cache.GetFileCopy(self.uri_a, file_b)
with open(file_a, 'r') as f:
contents_a =
with open(file_b, 'r') as f:
contents_b =
self.assertEqual(contents_a, contents_b)
# Fetch and overwrite existent files.
cache.GetFileCopy(self.uri_b, file_a)
cache.GetFileCopy(self.uri_b, file_b)
with open(file_a, 'r') as f:
contents_a =
with open(file_b, 'r') as f:
contents_b =
self.assertEqual(contents_a, contents_b)
def testGetFileInTempFile(self):
"""Just create a download cache, and GetFileInTempFile on it."""
cache = download_cache.DownloadCache(self.cache_dir)
# Fetch a file
file_t = cache.GetFileInTempFile(self.uri_a)
with cache.GetFileObject(self.uri_a) as f:
contents_a =
with file_t as f:
contents_t =
self.assertEqual(contents_t, contents_a)
self.assertEqual(contents_t, gslib.Cat(self.uri_a))
def testPurgeLogic(self):
cache = download_cache.DownloadCache(self.cache_dir)
# The default cache logic should leave these files untouched, since
# they are less than a day old.
self._validateCacheContents(cache, (self.hash_a, self.hash_b))
# Purge until the cache is empty.
self._validateCacheContents(cache, ())
# Refetch two files.
# Change the timestamp so uri_a hasn't been used for a very long time.
os.utime(os.path.join(self.cache_dir, 'cache', self.hash_a),
(2, 2))
# Purge files that haven't been used recently.
self._validateCacheContents(cache, (self.hash_b,))
def testContextMgr(self):
"""Make sure we behave properly with 'with'."""
# Create an instance, and use it in a with
precache = download_cache.DownloadCache(self.cache_dir, cache_size=0)
with precache as cache:
# Assert the instance didn't change.
self.assertIs(precache, cache)
# Download a file.
self._validateCacheContents(cache, (self.hash_a,))
# After the with exited, which should have purged everything.
self._validateCacheContents(cache, ())
def testThreadedDownloads(self):
"""Spin off multiple processes and fetch a file.
Ensure the process locking allows the file to be downloaded exactly
pool = multiprocessing.Pool(processes=10)
# Create a tuple of the three args we want to pass to inProcess test,
# use map semantics as a convenient way to run in parallel.
results =,
[(self.uri_large, self.cache_dir)] * 20)
# Results contains a list of booleans showing which instances actually
# performed the download. Exactly one of them should have. The list could
# also contain exceptions if one of the downloads failed.
self.assertEqual(results, [False] * 19 + [True])
def testThreadedGetFile(self):
"""Spin off multiple processes and call GetFile.
Ensure all processes complete, and return the same local file.
pool = multiprocessing.Pool(processes=10)
# Create a tuple of the three args we want to pass to inProcess test,
# use map semantics as a convenient way to run in parallel.
results =,
[(self.uri_a, self.cache_dir)] * 20)
# Fetch it ourselves and verify the results.
cache = download_cache.DownloadCache(self.cache_dir)
self._verifyFileContents(cache, self.uri_a)
with cache.GetFileObject(self.uri_a) as f:
contents_a =
# Ensure that every process gave back the expected result.
expected = [contents_a] * 20
self.assertEqual(results, expected)
def testThreadedGetFileMultiple(self):
"""Spin off multiple processes and call GetFile with multiple uris.
Ensure all processes complete, and return the right local file.
pool = multiprocessing.Pool(processes=20)
# Create a tuple of the three args we want to pass to inProcess test,
# use map semantics as a convenient way to run in parallel.
results =,
[(self.uri_a, self.cache_dir),
(self.uri_b, self.cache_dir)] * 10)
# Fetch it ourselves and verify the results.
cache = download_cache.DownloadCache(self.cache_dir)
with cache.GetFileObject(self.uri_a) as f:
contents_a =
with cache.GetFileObject(self.uri_b) as f:
contents_b =
self._verifyFileContents(cache, self.uri_a)
self._verifyFileContents(cache, self.uri_b)
# Ensure that every process gave back the expected result.
expected = [contents_a, contents_b] * 10
self.assertEqual(results, expected)
def testThreadedGetFileMultiplePurge(self):
"""Do fetches and purges in a multiprocess environment.
Ensure all processes complete, and return the right local file.
pool = multiprocessing.Pool(processes=30)
requests = [(self.uri_a, self.cache_dir),
(self.uri_b, self.cache_dir),
(None, self.cache_dir)] * 10
# Create a tuple of the three args we want to pass to inProcess test,
# use map semantics as a convenient way to run in parallel.
results =, requests)
# Fetch it ourselves and verify the results.
cache = download_cache.DownloadCache(self.cache_dir)
with cache.GetFileObject(self.uri_a) as f:
contents_a =
with cache.GetFileObject(self.uri_b) as f:
contents_b =
self._verifyFileContents(cache, self.uri_a)
self._verifyFileContents(cache, self.uri_b)
# Ensure that every process gave back the expected result.
expected = [contents_a, contents_b, None] * 10
self.assertEqual(results, expected)