blob: 4116804bad31b21005f1bf2042b9e0f38eb40a1e [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2015 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
"""cros shell: Open a remote shell on the target device."""
from __future__ import print_function
import argparse
from chromite.cli import command
from chromite.lib import commandline
from chromite.lib import cros_build_lib
from chromite.lib import cros_logging as logging
from chromite.lib import osutils
from chromite.lib import remote_access
class ShellCommand(command.CliCommand):
"""Opens a remote shell over SSH on the target device.
Can be used to start an interactive session or execute a command
remotely. Interactive sessions can be terminated like a normal SSH
session using Ctrl+D, `exit`, or `logout`.
Unlike other `cros` commands, this allows for both SSH key and user
password authentication. Because a password may be transmitted, the
known_hosts file is used by default to protect against connecting to
the wrong device.
The exit code will be the same as the last executed command.
EPILOG = """
Start an interactive session:
cros shell <ip>
cros shell <user>@<ip>:<port>
Non-interactive remote command:
cros shell <ip> -- cat var/log/messages
Quoting can be tricky; the rules are the same as with ssh:
Special symbols will end the command unless quoted:
cros shell <ip> -- cat /var/log/messages > log.txt (saves locally)
cros shell <ip> -- "cat /var/log/messages > log.txt" (saves remotely)
One set of quotes is consumed locally, so remote commands that
require quotes will need double quoting:
cros shell <ip> -- sh -c "exit 42" (executes: sh -c exit 42)
cros shell <ip> -- sh -c "'exit 42'" (executes: sh -c 'exit 42')
# Override base class property to enable stats upload.
upload_stats = True
def __init__(self, options):
"""Initializes ShellCommand."""
super(ShellCommand, self).__init__(options)
# SSH connection settings.
self.ssh_hostname = None
self.ssh_port = None
self.ssh_username = None
self.ssh_private_key = None
# Whether to use the SSH known_hosts file or not.
self.known_hosts = None
# How to set SSH StrictHostKeyChecking. Can be 'no', 'yes', or 'ask'. Has
# no effect if |known_hosts| is not True.
self.host_key_checking = None
def AddParser(cls, parser):
"""Adds a parser."""
super(cls, ShellCommand).AddParser(parser)
help='[user@]IP[:port] address of the target device. Defaults to '
'user=root, port=22')
'--private-key', type='path', default=None,
help='SSH identify file (private key).')
'--no-known-hosts', action='store_false', dest='known_hosts',
default=True, help='Do not use a known_hosts file.')
'command', nargs=argparse.REMAINDER,
help='(optional) Command to execute on the device.')
def _ReadOptions(self):
"""Processes options and set variables."""
self.ssh_hostname = self.options.device.hostname
self.ssh_username = self.options.device.username
self.ssh_port = self.options.device.port
self.ssh_private_key = self.options.private_key
self.known_hosts = self.options.known_hosts
# By default ask the user if a new key is found. SSH will still reject
# modified keys for existing hosts without asking the user.
self.host_key_checking = 'ask'
def _ConnectSettings(self):
"""Generates the correct SSH connect settings based on our state."""
kwargs = {'NumberOfPasswordPrompts': 2}
if self.known_hosts:
# Use the default known_hosts and our current key check setting.
kwargs['UserKnownHostsFile'] = None
kwargs['StrictHostKeyChecking'] = self.host_key_checking
return remote_access.CompileSSHConnectSettings(**kwargs)
def _UserConfirmKeyChange(self):
"""Asks the user whether it's OK that a host key has changed.
A changed key can be fairly common during Chrome OS development, so
instead of outright rejecting a modified key like SSH does, this
provides some common reasons a key may have changed to help the
user decide whether it was legitimate or not.
True if the user is OK with a changed host key.
return cros_build_lib.BooleanPrompt(
prolog='The host ID for "%s" has changed since last connect.\n'
'Some common reasons for this are:\n'
' - Device powerwash.\n'
' - Device flash from a USB stick.\n'
' - Device flash using "cros flash --clobber-stateful".\n'
'Otherwise, please verify that this is the correct device'
' before continuing.' % self.ssh_hostname)
def _StartSsh(self):
"""Starts an SSH session or executes a remote command.
Requires that _ReadOptions() has already been called to provide the
SSH configuration.
The SSH return code.
SSHConnectionError on SSH connect failure.
with osutils.TempDir(prefix='cros-shell-tmp') as tempdir:
# Use the basic RemoteAccess class rather than the more powerful
# ChromiumOSDevice/RemoteDevice classes because:
# 1. We don't need the additional features for a basic SSH connection.
# 2. These classes add additional SSH commands for setup, which makes
# usage really awkward with password authentication.
remote = remote_access.RemoteAccess(
self.ssh_hostname, tempdir, port=self.ssh_port,
username=self.ssh_username, private_key=self.ssh_private_key)
return remote.RemoteSh(self.options.command,
def Run(self):
"""Runs `cros shell`."""
# Nested try blocks so the inner can raise to the outer, which handles
# overall failures.
return self._StartSsh()
except remote_access.SSHConnectionError as e:
# Handle a mismatched host key; mismatched keys are a bit of a pain to
# fix manually since `ssh-keygen -R` doesn't work within the chroot.
if e.IsKnownHostsMismatch():
# The full SSH error message has extra info for the user.
logging.warning('\n%s', e)
if self._UserConfirmKeyChange():
# The user already OK'd so we can skip the additional SSH check.
self.host_key_checking = 'no'
return self._StartSsh()
except (Exception, KeyboardInterrupt) as e:
logging.error('\n%s', e)
logging.error('`cros shell` failed.')
if self.options.debug: