blob: ee63d96f02c1ed8907622a8e8419202b788f5e32 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
"""Basic infrastructure for implementing retries."""
from __future__ import print_function
import sys
import time
from chromite.lib import cros_build_lib
from chromite.lib import cros_logging as logging
def GenericRetry(handler, max_retry, functor, *args, **kwargs):
"""Generic retry loop w/ optional break out depending on exceptions.
To retry based on the return value of |functor| see the timeout_util module.
Keep in mind that the total sleep time will be the triangular value of
max_retry multiplied by the sleep value. e.g. max_retry=5 and sleep=10
will be T5 (i.e. 5+4+3+2+1) times 10, or 150 seconds total. Rather than
use a large sleep value, you should lean more towards large retries and
lower sleep intervals, or by utilizing backoff_factor.
handler: A functor invoked w/ the exception instance that
functor(*args, **kwargs) threw. If it returns True, then a
retry is attempted. If False, the exception is re-raised.
max_retry: A positive integer representing how many times to retry
the command before giving up. Worst case, the command is invoked
(max_retry + 1) times before failing.
functor: A callable to pass args and kwargs to.
args: Positional args passed to functor.
kwargs: Optional args passed to functor.
sleep: Optional keyword. Multiplier for how long to sleep between
retries; will delay (1*sleep) the first time, then (2*sleep),
continuing via attempt * sleep.
backoff_factor: Optional keyword. If supplied and > 1, subsequent sleeps
will be of length (backoff_factor ^ (attempt - 1)) * sleep,
rather than the default behavior of attempt * sleep.
Whatever functor(*args, **kwargs) returns.
Exception: Whatever exceptions functor(*args, **kwargs) throws and
isn't suppressed is raised. Note that the first exception encountered
is what's thrown.
sleep = kwargs.pop('sleep', 0)
if max_retry < 0:
raise ValueError('max_retry needs to be zero or more: %s' % max_retry)
backoff_factor = kwargs.pop('backoff_factor', 1)
if backoff_factor < 1:
raise ValueError('backoff_factor must be 1 or greater: %s'
% backoff_factor)
exc_info = None
for attempt in xrange(max_retry + 1):
if attempt and sleep:
if backoff_factor > 1:
sleep_time = sleep * backoff_factor ** (attempt - 1)
sleep_time = sleep * attempt
return functor(*args, **kwargs)
except Exception as e:
# Note we're not snagging BaseException, so MemoryError/KeyboardInterrupt
# and friends don't enter this except block.
if not handler(e):
# We intentionally ignore any failures in later attempts since we'll
# throw the original failure if all retries fail.
if exc_info is None:
exc_info = sys.exc_info()
raise exc_info[0], exc_info[1], exc_info[2]
def RetryException(exc_retry, max_retry, functor, *args, **kwargs):
"""Convience wrapper for RetryInvocation based on exceptions.
exc_retry: A class (or tuple of classes). If the raised exception
is the given class(es), a retry will be attempted. Otherwise,
the exception is raised.
max_retry: See GenericRetry.
functor: See GenericRetry.
*args: See GenericRetry.
**kwargs: See GenericRetry.
if not isinstance(exc_retry, (tuple, type)):
raise TypeError('exc_retry should be an exception (or tuple), not %r' %
#pylint: disable=E0102
def exc_retry(exc, values=exc_retry):
return isinstance(exc, values)
return GenericRetry(exc_retry, max_retry, functor, *args, **kwargs)
def RetryCommand(functor, max_retry, *args, **kwargs):
"""Wrapper for RunCommand that will retry a command
functor: RunCommand function to run; retries will only occur on
RunCommandError exceptions being thrown.
max_retry: A positive integer representing how many times to retry
the command before giving up. Worst case, the command is invoked
(max_retry + 1) times before failing.
sleep: Optional keyword. Multiplier for how long to sleep between
retries; will delay (1*sleep) the first time, then (2*sleep),
continuing via attempt * sleep.
retry_on: If provided, we will retry on any exit codes in the given list.
Note: A process will exit with a negative exit code if it is killed by a
signal. By default, we retry on all non-negative exit codes.
args: Positional args passed to RunCommand; see RunCommand for specifics.
kwargs: Optional args passed to RunCommand; see RunCommand for specifics.
A CommandResult object.
Exception: Raises RunCommandError on error with optional error_message.
values = kwargs.pop('retry_on', None)
def ShouldRetry(exc):
"""Return whether we should retry on a given exception."""
if not ShouldRetryCommandCommon(exc):
return False
if values is None and exc.result.returncode < 0:'Child process received signal %d; not retrying.',
return False
return values is None or exc.result.returncode in values
return GenericRetry(ShouldRetry, max_retry, functor, *args, **kwargs)
def ShouldRetryCommandCommon(exc):
"""Returns whether any RunCommand should retry on a given exception."""
if not isinstance(exc, cros_build_lib.RunCommandError):
return False
if exc.result.returncode is None:
logging.error('Child process failed to launch; not retrying:\n'
'command: %s', exc.result.cmdstr)
return False
return True
def RunCommandWithRetries(max_retry, *args, **kwargs):
"""Wrapper for RunCommand that will retry a command
max_retry: See RetryCommand and RunCommand.
*args: See RetryCommand and RunCommand.
**kwargs: See RetryCommand and RunCommand.
A CommandResult object.
Exception: Raises RunCommandError on error with optional error_message.
return RetryCommand(cros_build_lib.RunCommand, max_retry, *args, **kwargs)
def RunCurl(args, **kwargs):
"""Runs curl and wraps around all necessary hacks."""
cmd = ['curl']
# These values were discerned via scraping the curl manpage; they're all
# retry related (dns failed, timeout occurred, etc, see the manpage for
# exact specifics of each).
# Note we allow 22 to deal w/ 500's- they're thrown by google storage
# occasionally.
# Note we allow 35 to deal w/ Unknown SSL Protocol error, thrown by
# google storage occasionally.
# Finally, we do not use curl's --retry option since it generally doesn't
# actually retry anything; code 18 for example, it will not retry on.
retriable_exits = frozenset([5, 6, 7, 15, 18, 22, 26, 28, 35, 52, 56])
return RunCommandWithRetries(5, cmd, sleep=3, retry_on=retriable_exits,
except cros_build_lib.RunCommandError as e:
code = e.result.returncode
if code in (51, 58, 60):
# These are the return codes of failing certs as per 'man curl'.
msg = 'Download failed with certificate error? Try "sudo c_rehash".'
return RunCommandWithRetries(5, cmd, sleep=60, retry_on=retriable_exits,
except cros_build_lib.RunCommandError as e:
cros_build_lib.Die("Curl failed w/ exit code %i", code)