blob: 6c94171b79bf54f3ca0372045a51b95fb4e5a298 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2015 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
"""Controller for the build_annotations app.
This controller sits between the django models for cidb tables and the views
that power the app.
Keep non-trivial logic to aggregate data / optimize db access here and test it.
from __future__ import print_function
import collections
from django.db import models
from django.db.models import query
from build_annotations import models as ba_models
class BuildRow(collections.MutableMapping):
"""A database "view" that collects all relevant stats about a build."""
def __init__(self, build_entry, build_stage_entries,
cl_action_entries, failure_entries, annotations_qs):
"""Initialize a BuildRow.
Do not use QuerySets as arguments. All query sets must have been evaluated
before creating this object. All data manipulation within this object is
pure python.
All non-trivial computation on this object should be lazy: Defer it to
property getters.
assert not isinstance(build_entry, query.QuerySet)
assert not isinstance(build_stage_entries, query.QuerySet)
assert not isinstance(cl_action_entries, query.QuerySet)
assert not isinstance(failure_entries, query.QuerySet)
self._data = {}
self.build_entry = build_entry
self._build_stage_entries = build_stage_entries
self._cl_action_entries = cl_action_entries
self._failure_entries = failure_entries
# The readonly data is accessible from this object as dict entries.
self['id'] =
self['build_number'] = self.build_entry.build_number
self['status'] = self.build_entry.status
self['summary'] = self.build_entry.summary
self['start_time'] = self.build_entry.start_time
if (self.build_entry.finish_time is not None and
self['start_time'] is not None):
self['run_time'] = self.build_entry.finish_time - self['start_time']
self['run_time'] = None
if self['start_time'] is not None:
self['weekday'] = (self['start_time'].date().weekday() != 6)
self['weekday'] = None
self['chromeos_version'] = self.build_entry.full_version
self['chrome_version'] = self.build_entry.chrome_version
failed_stages = [ for x in build_stage_entries if
x.status == x.FAIL]
self['failed_stages'] = ', '.join(failed_stages)
self['picked_up_count'] = self._CountCLActions(
self['submitted_count'] = self._CountCLActions(
self['kicked_out_count'] = self._CountCLActions(
# Annotations are treated specially. They are not availabe via the dict API.
self.annotations = annotations_qs
self['annotation_summary'] = self._SummaryAnnotations()
def __getitem__(self, *args, **kwargs):
return self._data.__getitem__(*args, **kwargs)
def __iter__(self, *args, **kwargs):
return self._data.__iter__(*args, **kwargs)
def __len__(self, *args, **kwargs):
return self._data.__len__(*args, **kwargs)
def __setitem__(self, *args, **kwargs):
return self._data.__setitem__(*args, **kwargs)
def __delitem__(self, *args, **kwargs):
return self._data.__delitem__(*args, **kwargs)
def _CountCLActions(self, cl_action):
actions = [x for x in self._cl_action_entries if x.action == cl_action]
return len(actions)
def _SummaryAnnotations(self):
if not self.annotations:
return ''
result = '%d annotations: ' % len(self.annotations)
summaries = []
for annotation in self.annotations:
summary = annotation.failure_category
failure_message = annotation.failure_message
if failure_message is not None:
summary += '(%s)' % failure_message[:30]
result += '; '.join(summaries)
return result
class BuildRowController(object):
"""The 'controller' class that collates stats for builds.
More details here.
Unit-test this class please.
def __init__(self):
self._latest_build_id = 0
self._build_rows_map = {}
def GetStructuredBuilds(self, latest_build_id=None,
num_builds=DEFAULT_NUM_BUILDS, extra_filter_q=None):
"""The primary method to obtain stats for builds
latest_build_id: build_id of the latest build to query.
num_builds: Number of build to query.
extra_filter_q: An optional Q object to filter builds. Use GetQ* methods
provided in this class to form the filter.
A list of BuildRow entries for the queried builds.
# If we're not given any latest_build_id, we fetch the latest builds
if latest_build_id is not None:
build_qs = ba_models.BuildTable.objects.filter(id__lte=latest_build_id)
build_qs = ba_models.BuildTable.objects.all()
if extra_filter_q is not None:
build_qs = build_qs.filter(extra_filter_q)
build_qs = build_qs.order_by('-id')
build_qs = build_qs[:num_builds]
# Critical for performance: Prefetch all the join relations we'll need.
build_qs = build_qs.prefetch_related('buildstagetable_set')
build_qs = build_qs.prefetch_related('clactiontable_set')
build_qs = build_qs.prefetch_related(
build_qs = build_qs.prefetch_related('annotationstable_set')
# Now hit the database.
build_entries = [x for x in build_qs]
self._build_rows_map = {}
build_rows = []
for build_entry in build_entries:
build_stage_entries = [x for x in build_entry.buildstagetable_set.all()]
cl_action_entries = [x for x in build_entry.clactiontable_set.all()]
failure_entries = []
for entry in build_stage_entries:
failure_entries += [x for x in entry.failuretable_set.all()]
annotations_qs = build_entry.annotationstable_set.all()
build_row = BuildRow(build_entry, build_stage_entries, cl_action_entries,
failure_entries, annotations_qs)
self._build_rows_map[] = build_row
if build_entries:
self._latest_build_id = build_entries[0].id
return build_rows
# GetQ* methods are intended to be used in nifty search expressions to search
# for builds.
def GetQNoAnnotations(cls):
"""Return a Q for builds with no annotations yet."""
return models.Q(annotationstable__isnull=True)
def num_builds(self):
return len(self._build_rows_map)
def latest_build_id(self):
return self._latest_build_id