blob: d27e9a263f74af65634e82ed8d941ab2ae1d6260 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2015 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
This project contains the cros-cq-stats-sheet app.
WARNING: A word about using django: In general, don't.
We're still discussing whether django is a good choice for future apps. It's not
the standard template engine used by other infra apps. Before you start writing
a new app for infra, email chromeos-infra-discuss@.
Local development
- Some settings are required for local development on the app. The CloudSQL SDK
must be setup correctly. This is taken care of by ../activate. Always use the
shell created by sourcing that script to launch the app locally (and to use
tools provided by the SDK).
- You need to update cq_stats/ to match your setup.
- You need to collect static files from the app directory to 'serving'
directory. To do that:
$ cd chromite/appengine
$ source activate cq_stats
$ python cq_stats/ collectstatic
- You need to update the SECRET_KEY in cq_stats/
You can find the key in valentine under
Description: cros-build-stats-annotator django
Purpose: django_secret_key