blob: be539a20bf8a3b7da80fbf3152c1285062e5dfc7 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
"""Unittests for the module."""
# pylint: disable=bad-continuation
from __future__ import print_function
import contextlib
import functools
import datetime
import os
import string # pylint: disable=W0402
import sys
sys.path.insert(0, os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(
from chromite.cbuildbot import constants
from chromite.lib import cros_build_lib
from chromite.lib import cros_build_lib_unittest
from chromite.lib import cros_test_lib
from chromite.lib import gs
from chromite.lib import osutils
from chromite.lib import partial_mock
from chromite.lib import retry_stats
# TODO(build): Finish test wrapper (
# Until then, this has to be after the chromite imports.
import mock
def PatchGS(*args, **kwargs):
"""Convenience method for patching GSContext."""
return mock.patch.object(gs.GSContext, *args, **kwargs)
class GSContextMock(partial_mock.PartialCmdMock):
"""Used to mock out the GSContext class."""
ATTRS = ('__init__', 'DoCommand', 'DEFAULT_SLEEP_TIME',
DEFAULT_ATTR = 'DoCommand'
GSResponsePreconditionFailed = """
[Setting Content-Type=text/x-python]
GSResponseError:: status=412, code=PreconditionFailed,
reason=Precondition Failed."""
TMP_ROOT = '/tmp/cros_unittest'
DEFAULT_BOTO_FILE = '%s/boto_file' % TMP_ROOT
DEFAULT_GSUTIL_BIN = '%s/gsutil_bin' % TMP_ROOT
def __init__(self):
partial_mock.PartialCmdMock.__init__(self, create_tempdir=True)
self.raw_gs_cmds = []
def _SetGSUtilUrl(self):
tempfile = os.path.join(self.tempdir, 'tempfile')
osutils.WriteFile(tempfile, 'some content')
gsutil_path = os.path.join(self.tempdir, gs.GSContext.GSUTIL_TAR)
cros_build_lib.CreateTarball(gsutil_path, self.tempdir, inputs=[tempfile])
self.GSUTIL_URL = 'file://%s' % gsutil_path
def PreStart(self):
os.environ.pop("BOTO_CONFIG", None)
# Set it here for now, instead of mocking out Cached() directly because
# python-mock has a bug with mocking out class methods with autospec=True.
# TODO(rcui): Change this when this is fixed in PartialMock.
def _target__init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
with PatchGS('_CheckFile', return_value=True):
self.backup['__init__'](*args, **kwargs)
def DoCommand(self, inst, gsutil_cmd, **kwargs):
result = self._results['DoCommand'].LookupResult(
(gsutil_cmd,), hook_args=(inst, gsutil_cmd,), hook_kwargs=kwargs)
rc_mock = cros_build_lib_unittest.RunCommandMock()
partial_mock.ListRegex('gsutil'), result.returncode, result.output,
with rc_mock:
return self.backup['DoCommand'](inst, gsutil_cmd, **kwargs)
self.raw_gs_cmds.extend(args[0] for args, _ in rc_mock.call_args_list)
class AbstractGSContextTest(cros_test_lib.MockTempDirTestCase):
"""Base class for GSContext tests."""
def setUp(self):
self.gs_mock = self.StartPatcher(GSContextMock())
self.ctx = gs.GSContext()
class CanonicalizeURLTest(cros_test_lib.TestCase):
"""Tests for the CanonicalizeURL function."""
def _checkit(self, in_url, exp_url):
self.assertEqual(gs.CanonicalizeURL(in_url), exp_url)
def testPublicUrl(self):
"""Test public https URLs."""
def testPrivateUrl(self):
"""Test private https URLs."""
def testDuplicateBase(self):
"""Test multiple prefixes in a single URL."""
class VersionTest(AbstractGSContextTest):
"""Tests GSContext.gsutil_version functionality."""
LOCAL_PATH = '/tmp/file'
GIVEN_REMOTE = EXPECTED_REMOTE = 'gs://test/path/file'
def testGetVersionStdout(self):
"""Simple gsutil_version fetch test from stdout."""
self.gs_mock.AddCmdResult(partial_mock.In('version'), returncode=0,
output='gsutil version 3.35\n')
self.assertEquals('3.35', self.ctx.gsutil_version)
def testGetVersionStderr(self):
"""Simple gsutil_version fetch test from stderr."""
self.gs_mock.AddCmdResult(partial_mock.In('version'), returncode=0,
error='gsutil version 3.36\n')
self.assertEquals('3.36', self.ctx.gsutil_version)
def testGetVersionCached(self):
"""Simple gsutil_version fetch test from cache."""
# pylint: disable=protected-access
self.ctx._gsutil_version = '3.37'
self.assertEquals('3.37', self.ctx.gsutil_version)
def testGetVersionNewFormat(self):
"""Simple gsutil_version fetch test for new gsutil output format."""
self.gs_mock.AddCmdResult(partial_mock.In('version'), returncode=0,
output='gsutil version: 4.5\n')
self.assertEquals('4.5', self.ctx.gsutil_version)
def testGetVersionBadOutput(self):
"""Simple gsutil_version fetch test from cache."""
self.gs_mock.AddCmdResult(partial_mock.In('version'), returncode=0,
output='gobblety gook\n')
self.assertRaises(gs.GSContextException, getattr, self.ctx,
class GetSizeTest(AbstractGSContextTest):
"""Tests GetSize functionality."""
GETSIZE_PATH = 'gs://abc/1'
def _GetSize(self, ctx, path, **kwargs):
return ctx.GetSize(path, **kwargs)
def GetSize(self, ctx=None, **kwargs):
if ctx is None:
ctx = self.ctx
return self._GetSize(ctx, self.GETSIZE_PATH, **kwargs)
def testBasic(self):
"""Simple test."""
self.gs_mock.AddCmdResult(['stat', self.GETSIZE_PATH],
self.assertEqual(self.GetSize(), 74)
class UnmockedGetSizeTest(cros_test_lib.TempDirTestCase):
"""Tests GetSize functionality w/out mocks."""
def testBasic(self):
"""Simple test."""
ctx = gs.GSContext()
local_file = os.path.join(self.tempdir, 'foo')
osutils.WriteFile(local_file, '!' * 5)
with gs.TemporaryURL('chromite.getsize') as tempuri:
ctx.Copy(local_file, tempuri)
self.assertEqual(ctx.GetSize(tempuri), 5)
def testLocal(self):
"""Test local files."""
ctx = gs.GSContext()
f = os.path.join(self.tempdir, 'f')
self.assertEqual(ctx.GetSize(f), 0)
osutils.WriteFile(f, 'f' * 10)
self.assertEqual(ctx.GetSize(f), 10)
class LSTest(AbstractGSContextTest):
"""Tests LS/List functionality."""
LS_PATH = 'gs://test/path/to/list'
'%s/foo' % LS_PATH,
'%s/bar bell' % LS_PATH,
'%s/nada/' % LS_PATH,
SIZE1 = 12345
SIZE2 = 654321
DT1 = datetime.datetime(2000, 1, 2, 10, 10, 10)
DT2 = datetime.datetime(2010, 3, 14)
DT_STR1 = DT1.strftime(gs.DATETIME_FORMAT)
DT_STR2 = DT2.strftime(gs.DATETIME_FORMAT)
'%10d %s %s/foo' % (SIZE1, DT_STR1, LS_PATH),
'%10d %s %s/bar bell' % (SIZE2, DT_STR2, LS_PATH),
' %s/nada/' % LS_PATH,
'TOTAL: 3 objects, XXXXX bytes (X.XX GB)',
url='%s/foo' % LS_PATH,
url='%s/bar bell' % LS_PATH,
url='%s/nada/' % LS_PATH,
def _LS(self, ctx, path, **kwargs):
return ctx.LS(path, **kwargs)
def LS(self, ctx=None, **kwargs):
if ctx is None:
ctx = self.ctx
return self._LS(ctx, self.LS_PATH, **kwargs)
def _List(self, ctx, path, **kwargs):
return ctx.List(path, **kwargs)
def List(self, ctx=None, **kwargs):
if ctx is None:
ctx = self.ctx
return self._List(ctx, self.LS_PATH, **kwargs)
def testBasicLS(self):
"""Simple LS test."""
result = self.LS()
self.gs_mock.assertCommandContains(['ls', '--', self.LS_PATH])
self.assertEqual(self.LS_OUTPUT_LINES, result)
def testBasicList(self):
"""Simple List test."""
result = self.List(details=True)
self.gs_mock.assertCommandContains(['ls', '-l', '--', self.LS_PATH])
self.assertEqual(self.LIST_RESULT, result)
class UnmockedLSTest(cros_test_lib.TempDirTestCase):
"""Tests LS/List functionality w/out mocks."""
def testLocalPaths(self):
"""Tests listing local paths."""
ctx = gs.GSContext()
# The tempdir should exist, but be empty, by default.
self.assertEqual([], ctx.LS(self.tempdir))
# Create a few random files.
files = ['a', 'b', 'c!@', 'd e f', 'k\tj']
for f in files:
osutils.Touch(os.path.join(self.tempdir, f))
# See what the code finds -- order is not guaranteed.
found = ctx.LS(self.tempdir)
self.assertEqual(files, found)
def testRemotePath(self):
"""Tests listing remote paths."""
ctx = gs.GSContext()
with gs.TemporaryURL('') as tempuri:
# The path shouldn't exist by default.
with self.assertRaises(gs.GSNoSuchKey):
# Create some files with known sizes.
files = ['a', 'b', 'c!@', 'd e f', 'k\tj']
uris = []
for f in files:
filename = os.path.join(self.tempdir, f)
osutils.WriteFile(filename, f * 10)
uri = os.path.join(tempuri, f)
ctx.Copy(filename, uri)
# Check the plain listing -- order is not guaranteed.
found = ctx.LS(tempuri)
self.assertEqual(uris, found)
# Check the detailed listing.
found = ctx.List(tempuri, details=True)
self.assertEqual(files, sorted([os.path.basename(x.url) for x in found]))
# Make sure sizes line up.
for f in found:
l = len(os.path.basename(f.url)) * 10
self.assertEqual(f.content_length, l)
class CopyTest(AbstractGSContextTest, cros_test_lib.TempDirTestCase):
"""Tests GSContext.Copy() functionality."""
GIVEN_REMOTE = EXPECTED_REMOTE = 'gs://test/path/file'
ACL = 'public-read'
def setUp(self):
self.local_path = os.path.join(self.tempdir, 'file')
osutils.WriteFile(self.local_path, '')
def _Copy(self, ctx, src, dst, **kwargs):
return ctx.Copy(src, dst, **kwargs)
def Copy(self, ctx=None, **kwargs):
if ctx is None:
ctx = self.ctx
return self._Copy(ctx, self.local_path, self.GIVEN_REMOTE, **kwargs)
def testBasic(self):
"""Simple copy test."""
['cp', '--', self.local_path, self.EXPECTED_REMOTE])
def testWithACL(self):
"""ACL specified during init."""
ctx = gs.GSContext(acl=self.ACL)
self.gs_mock.assertCommandContains(['cp', '-a', self.ACL])
def testWithACL2(self):
"""ACL specified during invocation."""
self.gs_mock.assertCommandContains(['cp', '-a', self.ACL])
def testWithACL3(self):
"""ACL specified during invocation that overrides init."""
ctx = gs.GSContext(acl=self.ACL)
self.Copy(ctx=ctx, acl=self.ACL)
self.gs_mock.assertCommandContains(['cp', '-a', self.ACL])
def testRunCommandError(self):
"""Test RunCommandError is propagated."""
self.gs_mock.AddCmdResult(partial_mock.In('cp'), returncode=1)
self.assertRaises(cros_build_lib.RunCommandError, self.Copy)
def testGSContextException(self):
"""GSContextException is raised properly."""
partial_mock.In('cp'), returncode=1,
self.assertRaises(gs.GSContextException, self.Copy)
def testNonRecursive(self):
"""Test non-recursive copy."""
self.gs_mock.assertCommandContains(['-r'], expected=False)
def testRecursive(self):
"""Test recursive copy."""
self.gs_mock.assertCommandContains(['-r'], expected=False)
self._Copy(self.ctx, self.tempdir, self.GIVEN_REMOTE, recursive=True)
self.gs_mock.assertCommandContains(['cp', '-r'])
def testCompress(self):
"""Test auto_compress behavior."""
path = os.path.join(self.tempdir, 'ok.txt')
self._Copy(self.ctx, path, self.GIVEN_REMOTE, auto_compress=True)
self.gs_mock.assertCommandContains(['-z', 'txt'], expected=True)
def testCompressNoExt(self):
"""Test auto_compress w/bad src path."""
path = os.path.join(self.tempdir, 'bad.dir/bad-file')
self.assertRaises(ValueError, self._Copy, self.ctx, path,
self.GIVEN_REMOTE, auto_compress=True)
def testGeneration(self):
"""Test generation return value."""
exp_gen = 1413571271901000
error = (
'Copying file:///dev/null [Content-Type=application/octet-stream]...\n'
'Uploading %(uri)s: 0 B \r'
'Uploading %(uri)s: 0 B \r'
'Created: %(uri)s#%(gen)s'
) % {'uri': self.GIVEN_REMOTE, 'gen': exp_gen}
self.gs_mock.AddCmdResult(partial_mock.In('cp'), returncode=0, error=error)
gen = self.Copy()
self.assertEqual(gen, exp_gen)
def testGeneration404(self):
"""Test behavior when we get weird output."""
error = (
# This is a bit verbose, but it's from real output, so should be fine.
'Copying file:///tmp/tmpyUUPg1 [Content-Type=application/octet-stream]'
'Uploading ...recovery-R38-6158.66.0-mccloud.instructions.lock:'
' 0 B/38 B \r'
'Uploading ...recovery-R38-6158.66.0-mccloud.instructions.lock:'
' 38 B/38 B \r'
'NotFoundException: 404 Attempt to get key for "gs://chromeos-releases'
'recovery-R38-6158.66.0-mccloud.instructions.lock" failed. This can '
'happen if the\n'
'URI refers to a non-existent object or if you meant to operate on a '
'(e.g., leaving off -R option on gsutil cp, mv, or ls of a bucket)\n'
self.gs_mock.AddCmdResult(partial_mock.In('cp'), returncode=1, error=error)
self.assertEqual(self.Copy(), None)
class UnmockedCopyTest(cros_test_lib.TempDirTestCase):
"""Tests Copy functionality w/out mocks."""
def testNormal(self):
"""Test normal upload/download behavior."""
ctx = gs.GSContext()
content = 'foooooooooooooooo!@!'
local_src_file = os.path.join(self.tempdir, 'src.txt')
local_dst_file = os.path.join(self.tempdir, 'dst.txt')
osutils.WriteFile(local_src_file, content)
with gs.TemporaryURL('chromite.cp') as tempuri:
# Upload the file.
gen = ctx.Copy(local_src_file, tempuri)
# Verify the generation is sane. All we can assume is that it's a valid
# whole number greater than 0.
self.assertNotEqual(gen, None)
self.assertIn(type(gen), (int, long))
self.assertGreater(gen, 0)
# Verify the size is what we expect.
self.assertEqual(ctx.GetSize(tempuri), os.path.getsize(local_src_file))
# Copy it back down and verify the content is unchanged.
ctx.Copy(tempuri, local_dst_file)
new_content = osutils.ReadFile(local_dst_file)
self.assertEqual(content, new_content)
def testCompress(self):
"""Test auto_compress behavior."""
ctx = gs.GSContext()
# Need a string that compresses well.
content = ('zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz'
local_src_file = os.path.join(self.tempdir, 'src.txt')
local_dst_file = os.path.join(self.tempdir, 'dst.txt')
osutils.WriteFile(local_src_file, content)
with gs.TemporaryURL('chromite.cp') as tempuri:
# Upload & compress the file.
gen = ctx.Copy(local_src_file, tempuri, auto_compress=True)
# Verify the generation is sane. All we can assume is that it's a valid
# whole number greater than 0.
self.assertNotEqual(gen, None)
self.assertGreater(gen, 0)
# Verify the size is smaller (because it's compressed).
self.assertLess(ctx.GetSize(tempuri), os.path.getsize(local_src_file))
# Copy it back down and verify the content is decompressed & unchanged.
ctx.Copy(tempuri, local_dst_file)
new_content = osutils.ReadFile(local_dst_file)
self.assertEqual(content, new_content)
def testVersion(self):
"""Test version (generation) behavior."""
ctx = gs.GSContext()
local_src_file = os.path.join(self.tempdir, 'src.txt')
with gs.TemporaryURL('chromite.cp') as tempuri:
# Upload the file.
osutils.WriteFile(local_src_file, 'gen0')
gen = ctx.Copy(local_src_file, tempuri, version=0)
# Verify the generation is sane. All we can assume is that it's a valid
# whole number greater than 0.
self.assertNotEqual(gen, None)
self.assertGreater(gen, 0)
# The file should exist, so this will die due to wrong generation.
osutils.WriteFile(local_src_file, 'gen-bad')
self.assertRaises(gs.GSContextPreconditionFailed, ctx.Copy,
local_src_file, tempuri, version=0)
# Sanity check the content is unchanged.
self.assertEquals(ctx.Cat(tempuri), 'gen0')
# Upload the file, but with the right generation.
osutils.WriteFile(local_src_file, 'gen-new')
gen = ctx.Copy(local_src_file, tempuri, version=gen)
self.assertEquals(ctx.Cat(tempuri), 'gen-new')
class CopyIntoTest(CopyTest):
"""Test CopyInto functionality."""
FILE = 'ooga'
GIVEN_REMOTE = 'gs://test/path/file'
def _Copy(self, ctx, *args, **kwargs):
return ctx.CopyInto(*args, filename=self.FILE, **kwargs)
class RemoveTest(AbstractGSContextTest):
"""Tests GSContext.Remove() functionality."""
def testNormal(self):
"""Test normal remove behavior."""
self.assertEqual(self.ctx.Remove('gs://foo/bar'), None)
def testMissing(self):
"""Test behavior w/missing files."""
self.gs_mock.AddCmdResult(['rm', 'gs://foo/bar'],
error='CommandException: No URLs matched: '
self.assertRaises(gs.GSNoSuchKey, self.ctx.Remove, 'gs://foo/bar')
# This one should not throw an exception.
self.ctx.Remove('gs://foo/bar', ignore_missing=True)
def testRecursive(self):
"""Verify we pass down -R in recursive mode."""
self.ctx.Remove('gs://foo/bar', recursive=True)
self.gs_mock.assertCommandContains(['rm', '-R'])
class UnmockedRemoveTest(cros_test_lib.TestCase):
"""Tests Remove functionality w/out mocks."""
def testNormal(self):
"""Test normal remove behavior."""
ctx = gs.GSContext()
with gs.TemporaryURL('chromite.rm') as tempuri:
ctx.Copy('/dev/null', tempuri)
self.assertEqual(ctx.Remove(tempuri), None)
def testMissing(self):
"""Test behavior w/missing files."""
ctx = gs.GSContext()
with gs.TemporaryURL('chromite.rm') as tempuri:
self.assertRaises(gs.GSNoSuchKey, ctx.Remove, tempuri)
# This one should not throw an exception.
ctx.Remove(tempuri, ignore_missing=True)
def testRecursive(self):
"""Verify recursive mode works."""
files = ('a', 'b/c', 'd/e/ffff')
ctx = gs.GSContext()
with gs.TemporaryURL('chromite.rm') as tempuri:
for p in files:
ctx.Copy('/dev/null', os.path.join(tempuri, p))
ctx.Remove(tempuri, recursive=True)
for p in files:
self.assertFalse(ctx.Exists(os.path.join(tempuri, p)))
def testGeneration(self):
"""Test conditional remove behavior."""
ctx = gs.GSContext()
with gs.TemporaryURL('chromite.rm') as tempuri:
ctx.Copy('/dev/null', tempuri)
gen, _ = ctx.GetGeneration(tempuri)
self.assertRaises(gs.GSContextPreconditionFailed, ctx.Remove,
tempuri, version=gen + 1)
ctx.Remove(tempuri, version=gen)
class MoveTest(AbstractGSContextTest, cros_test_lib.TempDirTestCase):
"""Tests GSContext.Move() functionality."""
GIVEN_REMOTE = EXPECTED_REMOTE = 'gs://test/path/file'
def setUp(self):
self.local_path = os.path.join(self.tempdir, 'file')
osutils.WriteFile(self.local_path, '')
def _Move(self, ctx, src, dst, **kwargs):
return ctx.Move(src, dst, **kwargs)
def Move(self, ctx=None, **kwargs):
if ctx is None:
ctx = self.ctx
return self._Move(ctx, self.local_path, self.GIVEN_REMOTE, **kwargs)
def testBasic(self):
"""Simple move test."""
['mv', '--', self.local_path, self.EXPECTED_REMOTE])
#pylint: disable=E1101,W0212
class GSContextInitTest(cros_test_lib.MockTempDirTestCase):
"""Tests GSContext.__init__() functionality."""
def setUp(self):
os.environ.pop("BOTO_CONFIG", None)
self.bad_path = os.path.join(self.tempdir, 'nonexistent')
file_list = ['gsutil_bin', 'boto_file', 'acl_file']
cros_test_lib.CreateOnDiskHierarchy(self.tempdir, file_list)
for f in file_list:
setattr(self, f, os.path.join(self.tempdir, f))
self.StartPatcher(PatchGS('DEFAULT_BOTO_FILE', new=self.boto_file))
self.StartPatcher(PatchGS('DEFAULT_GSUTIL_BIN', new=self.gsutil_bin))
def testInitGsutilBin(self):
"""Test we use the given gsutil binary, erroring where appropriate."""
self.assertEquals(gs.GSContext().gsutil_bin, self.gsutil_bin)
gs.GSContext, gsutil_bin=self.bad_path)
def testBadGSUtilBin(self):
"""Test exception thrown for bad gsutil paths."""
self.assertRaises(gs.GSContextException, gs.GSContext,
def testInitBotoFileEnv(self):
"""Test boto file environment is set correctly."""
os.environ['BOTO_CONFIG'] = self.gsutil_bin
self.assertTrue(gs.GSContext().boto_file, self.gsutil_bin)
def testInitBotoFileEnvError(self):
"""Boto file through env var error."""
self.assertEquals(gs.GSContext().boto_file, self.boto_file)
# Check env usage next; no need to cleanup, teardown handles it,
# and we want the env var to persist for the next part of this test.
os.environ['BOTO_CONFIG'] = self.bad_path
self.assertEqual(gs.GSContext().boto_file, self.bad_path)
def testInitBotoFileError(self):
"""Test bad boto file."""
def testDoNotUseDefaultBotoFileIfItDoesNotExist(self):
"""Do not set boto file if the default path does not exist."""
if 'BOTO_CONFIG' in os.environ:
del os.environ['BOTO_CONFIG']
gs.GSContext.DEFAULT_BOTO_FILE = 'foo/bar/doesnotexist'
self.assertEqual(gs.GSContext().boto_file, None)
def testInitAclFile(self):
"""Test ACL selection logic in __init__."""
self.assertEqual(gs.GSContext().acl, None)
def _testHTTPProxySettings(self, d):
flags = gs.GSContext().gsutil_flags
for key in d:
flag = 'Boto:%s=%s' % (key, d[key])
error_msg = '%s not in %s' % (flag, ' '.join(flags))
self.assertTrue(flag in flags, error_msg)
def testHTTPProxy(self):
"""Test we set http proxy correctly."""
d = {'proxy': 'fooserver', 'proxy_user': 'foouser',
'proxy_pass': 'foopasswd', 'proxy_port': '8080'}
os.environ['http_proxy'] = 'http://%s:%s@%s:%s/' % (
d['proxy_user'], d['proxy_pass'], d['proxy'], d['proxy_port'])
def testHTTPProxyNoPort(self):
"""Test we accept http proxy without port number."""
d = {'proxy': 'fooserver', 'proxy_user': 'foouser',
'proxy_pass': 'foopasswd'}
os.environ['http_proxy'] = 'http://%s:%s@%s/' % (
d['proxy_user'], d['proxy_pass'], d['proxy'])
def testHTTPProxyNoUserPasswd(self):
"""Test we accept http proxy without user and password."""
d = {'proxy': 'fooserver', 'proxy_port': '8080'}
os.environ['http_proxy'] = 'http://%s:%s/' % (d['proxy'], d['proxy_port'])
def testHTTPProxyNoPasswd(self):
"""Test we accept http proxy without password."""
d = {'proxy': 'fooserver', 'proxy_user': 'foouser',
'proxy_port': '8080'}
os.environ['http_proxy'] = 'http://%s@%s:%s/' % (
d['proxy_user'], d['proxy'], d['proxy_port'])
class GSDoCommandTest(cros_test_lib.TestCase):
"""Tests of gs.DoCommand behavior.
This test class inherits from cros_test_lib.TestCase instead of from
AbstractGSContextTest, because the latter unnecessarily mocks out
cros_build_lib.RunCommand, in a way that breaks _testDoCommand (changing
cros_build_lib.RunCommand to refer to a mock instance after the
GenericRetry mock has already been set up to expect a reference to the
original RunCommand).
def setUp(self):
self.ctx = gs.GSContext()
def _testDoCommand(self, ctx, headers=(), retries=None, sleep=None,
version=None, recursive=False):
if retries is None:
retries = ctx.DEFAULT_RETRIES
if sleep is None:
result = cros_build_lib.CommandResult(error='')
with mock.patch.object(retry_stats, 'RetryWithStats', autospec=True,
ctx.Copy('/blah', 'gs://foon', version=version, recursive=recursive)
cmd = [self.ctx.gsutil_bin] + self.ctx.gsutil_flags + list(headers)
cmd += ['cp', '-v']
if recursive:
cmd += ['-r', '-e']
cmd += ['--', '/blah', 'gs://foon']
ctx._RetryFilter, retries,
cmd, sleep=sleep,
extra_env={'BOTO_CONFIG': mock.ANY})
def testDoCommandDefault(self):
"""Verify the internal DoCommand function works correctly."""
def testDoCommandCustom(self):
"""Test that retries and sleep parameters are honored."""
ctx = gs.GSContext(retries=4, sleep=1)
self._testDoCommand(ctx, retries=4, sleep=1)
def testVersion(self):
"""Test that the version field expands into the header."""
self._testDoCommand(self.ctx, version=3,
headers=['-h', 'x-goog-if-generation-match:3'])
def testDoCommandRecursiveCopy(self):
"""Test that recursive copy command is honored."""
self._testDoCommand(self.ctx, recursive=True)
class GSRetryFilterTest(cros_test_lib.TestCase):
"""Verifies that we filter and process gsutil errors correctly."""
LOCAL_PATH = '/tmp/file'
REMOTE_PATH = ('gs://chromeos-prebuilt/board/beltino/paladin-R33-4926.0.0'
def setUp(self):
self.ctx = gs.GSContext()
def _getException(self, cmd, error, returncode=RETURN_CODE):
result = cros_build_lib.CommandResult(
return cros_build_lib.RunCommandError('blah', result)
def assertNoSuchKey(self, error_msg):
cmd = ['gsutil', 'ls', self.REMOTE_PATH]
e = self._getException(cmd, error_msg)
self.assertRaises(gs.GSNoSuchKey, self.ctx._RetryFilter, e)
def assertPreconditionFailed(self, error_msg):
cmd = ['gsutil', 'ls', self.REMOTE_PATH]
e = self._getException(cmd, error_msg)
self.ctx._RetryFilter, e)
def testRetryOnlyFlakyErrors(self):
"""Test that we retry only flaky errors."""
cmd = ['gsutil', 'ls', self.REMOTE_PATH]
e = self._getException(cmd, 'ServiceException: 503')
e = self._getException(cmd, 'UnknownException: 603')
def testRaiseGSErrors(self):
"""Test that we raise appropriate exceptions."""
self.assertNoSuchKey('CommandException: No URLs matched.')
self.assertNoSuchKey('NotFoundException: 404')
'PreconditionException: 412 Precondition Failed')
def testRemoveUploadTrackerFile(self, exists_mock, readfile_mock,
"""Test removal of tracker files for resumable upload failures."""
cmd = ['gsutil', 'cp', self.LOCAL_PATH, self.REMOTE_PATH]
e = self._getException(cmd, self.ctx.RESUMABLE_UPLOAD_ERROR)
exists_mock.return_value = True
readfile_mock.return_value = 'foohash'
tracker_file_path = os.path.join(self.GSUTIL_TRACKER_DIR,
def testRemoveDownloadTrackerFile(self, exists_mock, readfile_mock,
"""Test removal of tracker files for resumable download failures."""
cmd = ['gsutil', 'cp', self.REMOTE_PATH, self.LOCAL_PATH]
e = self._getException(cmd, self.ctx.RESUMABLE_DOWNLOAD_ERROR)
exists_mock.return_value = True
readfile_mock.return_value = 'foohash'
tracker_file_path = os.path.join(self.GSUTIL_TRACKER_DIR,
def testRemoveTrackerFileOnlyForCP(self):
"""Test that we remove tracker files only for 'gsutil cp'."""
cmd = ['gsutil', 'ls', self.REMOTE_PATH]
e = self._getException(cmd, self.ctx.RESUMABLE_DOWNLOAD_ERROR)
with mock.MagicMock() as self.ctx.GetTrackerFilenames:
def testNoRemoveTrackerFileOnOtherErrors(self):
"""Test that we do not attempt to delete tracker files for other errors."""
cmd = ['gsutil', 'cp', self.REMOTE_PATH, self.LOCAL_PATH]
e = self._getException(cmd, 'One or more URLs matched no objects')
with mock.MagicMock() as self.ctx.GetTrackerFilenames:
self.assertRaises(gs.GSNoSuchKey, self.ctx._RetryFilter, e)
def testRetryTransient(self):
"""Verify retry behavior when hitting b/11762375"""
error = (
'Removing gs://foo/bar/monkey...\n'
'GSResponseError: status=403, code=InvalidAccessKeyId, '
'reason="Forbidden", message="The User Id you provided '
'does not exist in our records.", detail="GOOGBWPADTH7OV25KJXZ"'
e = self._getException(['gsutil', 'rm', 'gs://foo/bar/monkey'], error)
self.assertEqual(self.ctx._RetryFilter(e), True)
class GSContextTest(AbstractGSContextTest):
"""Tests for GSContext()"""
def testTemporaryUrl(self):
"""Just verify the url helper generates valid URLs."""
with gs.TemporaryURL('mock') as url:
base = url[0:len(constants.TRASH_BUCKET)]
self.assertEqual(base, constants.TRASH_BUCKET)
valid_chars = set(string.ascii_letters + string.digits + '/-')
used_chars = set(url[len(base) + 1:])
self.assertEqual(used_chars - valid_chars, set())
def testSetAclError(self):
"""Ensure SetACL blows up if the acl isn't specified."""
self.assertRaises(gs.GSContextException, self.ctx.SetACL, 'gs://abc/3')
def testSetDefaultAcl(self):
"""Test default ACL behavior."""
self.ctx.SetACL('gs://abc/1', 'monkeys')
self.gs_mock.assertCommandContains(['acl', 'set', 'monkeys', 'gs://abc/1'])
def testSetAcl(self):
"""Base ACL setting functionality."""
ctx = gs.GSContext(acl='/my/file/acl')
self.gs_mock.assertCommandContains(['acl', 'set', '/my/file/acl',
def testChangeAcl(self):
"""Test changing an ACL."""
basic_file = """
-g foo:READ
-u bar:FULL_CONTROL"""
comment_file = """
# Give foo READ permission
-g foo:READ # Now foo can read this
# This whole line should be removed
# A comment at the end"""
tempfile = os.path.join(self.tempdir, 'tempfile')
ctx = gs.GSContext()
osutils.WriteFile(tempfile, basic_file)
ctx.ChangeACL('gs://abc/1', acl_args_file=tempfile)
'acl', 'ch', '-g', 'foo:READ', '-u', 'bar:FULL_CONTROL', 'gs://abc/1'
osutils.WriteFile(tempfile, comment_file)
ctx.ChangeACL('gs://abc/1', acl_args_file=tempfile)
'acl', 'ch', '-g', 'foo:READ', '-u', 'bar:FULL_CONTROL', 'gs://abc/1'
acl_args=['-g', 'foo:READ', '-u', 'bar:FULL_CONTROL'])
'acl', 'ch', '-g', 'foo:READ', '-u', 'bar:FULL_CONTROL', 'gs://abc/1'
with self.assertRaises(gs.GSContextException):
ctx.ChangeACL('gs://abc/1', acl_args_file=tempfile, acl_args=['foo'])
with self.assertRaises(gs.GSContextException):
def testIncrement(self):
"""Test ability to atomically increment a counter."""
ctx = gs.GSContext()
with mock.patch.object(ctx, 'GetGeneration', return_value=(0, 0)):
self.gs_mock.assertCommandContains(['cp', 'gs://abc/1'])
def testGetGeneration(self):
"""Test ability to get the generation of a file."""
self.gs_mock.AddCmdResult(['stat', 'gs://abc/1'],
ctx = gs.GSContext()
self.gs_mock.assertCommandContains(['stat', 'gs://abc/1'])
def testCreateCached(self):
"""Test that the function runs through."""
def testReuseCached(self):
"""Test that second fetch is a cache hit."""
gs.GSUTIL_URL = None
def testUnknownError(self):
"""Test that when gsutil fails in an unknown way, we do the right thing."""
self.gs_mock.AddCmdResult(['cat', '/asdf'], returncode=1)
ctx = gs.GSContext()
self.assertRaises(gs.GSCommandError, ctx.DoCommand, ['cat', '/asdf'])
def testWaitForGsPathsAllPresent(self):
"""Test for waiting when all paths exist already."""
ctx = gs.GSContext()
with mock.patch.object(ctx, 'Exists', return_value=True):
ctx.WaitForGsPaths(['/path1', '/path2'], 20)
def testWaitForGsPathsDelayedSuccess(self):
"""Test for waiting, but not all paths exist so we timeout."""
ctx = gs.GSContext()
# First they both don't exist, then one does, then remaining does.
exists = [False, False, True, False, True]
with mock.patch.object(ctx, 'Exists', side_effect=exists):
ctx.WaitForGsPaths(['/path1', '/path2'], 20, period=0.02)
def testWaitForGsPathsTimeout(self):
"""Test for waiting, but not all paths exist so we timeout."""
ctx = gs.GSContext()
exists = {'/path1': True, '/path2': False}
with mock.patch.object(ctx, 'Exists', side_effect=lambda p: exists[p]):
ctx.WaitForGsPaths, ['/path1', '/path2'],
timeout=1, period=0.02)
def testParallelFalse(self):
"""Tests that "-m" is not used by default."""
ctx = gs.GSContext()
ctx.Copy('-', 'gs://abc/1')
self.assertFalse(any('-m' in cmd for cmd in self.gs_mock.raw_gs_cmds))
def testParallelTrue(self):
"""Tests that "-m" is used when you pass parallel=True."""
ctx = gs.GSContext()
ctx.Copy('gs://abc/1', 'gs://abc/2', parallel=True)
self.assertTrue(all('-m' in cmd for cmd in self.gs_mock.raw_gs_cmds))
def testNoParallelOpWithStdin(self):
"""Tests that "-m" is not used when we pipe the input."""
ctx = gs.GSContext()
ctx.Copy('gs://abc/1', 'gs://abc/2', input='foo', parallel=True)
self.assertFalse(any('-m' in cmd for cmd in self.gs_mock.raw_gs_cmds))
class UnmockedGSContextTest(cros_test_lib.TempDirTestCase):
"""Tests for GSContext that go over the network."""
def testIncrement(self):
ctx = gs.GSContext()
with gs.TemporaryURL('testIncrement') as url:
counter = ctx.Counter(url)
self.assertEqual(0, counter.Get())
for i in xrange(1, 4):
self.assertEqual(i, counter.Increment())
self.assertEqual(i, counter.Get())
class StatTest(AbstractGSContextTest):
"""Tests Stat functionality."""
# Convenient constant for mocking Stat results.
STAT_OUTPUT = """gs://abc/1:
Creation time: Sat, 23 Aug 2014 06:53:20 GMT
Content-Language: en
Content-Length: 74
Content-Type: application/octet-stream
Hash (crc32c): BBPMPA==
Hash (md5): ms+qSYvgI9SjXn8tW/5UpQ==
ETag: CNCgocbmqMACEAE=
Generation: 1408776800850000
Metageneration: 1
# Stat output can vary based on how/when the file was created.
STAT_OUTPUT_OLDER = """gs://abc/1:
Creation time: Sat, 23 Aug 2014 06:53:20 GMT
Content-Length: 74
Content-Type: application/octet-stream
Hash (crc32c): BBPMPA==
Hash (md5): ms+qSYvgI9SjXn8tW/5UpQ==
ETag: CNCgocbmqMACEAE=
Generation: 1408776800850000
Metageneration: 1
def testStat(self):
"""Test ability to get the generation of a file."""
self.gs_mock.AddCmdResult(['stat', 'gs://abc/1'],
ctx = gs.GSContext()
result = ctx.Stat('gs://abc/1')
self.gs_mock.assertCommandContains(['stat', 'gs://abc/1'])
datetime.datetime(2014, 8, 23, 6, 53, 20))
self.assertEqual(result.content_length, 74)
self.assertEqual(result.content_type, 'application/octet-stream')
self.assertEqual(result.hash_crc32c, 'BBPMPA==')
self.assertEqual(result.hash_md5, 'ms+qSYvgI9SjXn8tW/5UpQ==')
self.assertEqual(result.etag, 'CNCgocbmqMACEAE=')
self.assertEqual(result.generation, 1408776800850000)
self.assertEqual(result.metageneration, 1)
def testStatOlderOutput(self):
"""Test ability to get the generation of a file."""
self.gs_mock.AddCmdResult(['stat', 'gs://abc/1'],
ctx = gs.GSContext()
result = ctx.Stat('gs://abc/1')
self.gs_mock.assertCommandContains(['stat', 'gs://abc/1'])
datetime.datetime(2014, 8, 23, 6, 53, 20))
self.assertEqual(result.content_length, 74)
self.assertEqual(result.content_type, 'application/octet-stream')
self.assertEqual(result.hash_crc32c, 'BBPMPA==')
self.assertEqual(result.hash_md5, 'ms+qSYvgI9SjXn8tW/5UpQ==')
self.assertEqual(result.etag, 'CNCgocbmqMACEAE=')
self.assertEqual(result.generation, 1408776800850000)
self.assertEqual(result.metageneration, 1)
def testStatNoExist(self):
"""Test ability to get the generation of a file."""
self.gs_mock.AddCmdResult(['stat', 'gs://abc/1'],
output='No URLs matched gs://abc/1',
ctx = gs.GSContext()
self.assertRaises(gs.GSNoSuchKey, ctx.Stat, 'gs://abc/1')
self.gs_mock.assertCommandContains(['stat', 'gs://abc/1'])
class UnmockedStatTest(cros_test_lib.TempDirTestCase):
"""Tests Stat functionality w/out mocks."""
def testStat(self):
"""Test ability to get the generation of a file."""
ctx = gs.GSContext()
with gs.TemporaryURL('testStat') as url:
# The URL doesn't exist. Test Stat for this case.
self.assertRaises(gs.GSNoSuchKey, ctx.Stat, url)
# Populate the URL.
ctx.CreateWithContents(url, 'test file contents')
# Stat a URL that exists.
result = ctx.Stat(url)
# Verify the Stat results.
self.assertIsInstance(result.creation_time, datetime.datetime)
self.assertEqual(result.content_length, 18)
self.assertEqual(result.content_type, 'application/octet-stream')
self.assertEqual(result.hash_crc32c, 'wUc4sQ==')
self.assertEqual(result.hash_md5, 'iRvNNwBhmvUVG/lbg2/5sQ==')
self.assertIsInstance(result.etag, str)
self.assertIsInstance(result.generation, int)
self.assertEqual(result.metageneration, 1)
def testMissing(self):
"""Test exceptions when the file doesn't exist."""
ctx = gs.GSContext()
with gs.TemporaryURL('testStat') as url:
self.assertRaises(gs.GSNoSuchKey, ctx.Stat, url)
def testExists(self):
"""Test Exists behavior with local files."""
ctx = gs.GSContext()
f = os.path.join(self.tempdir, 'f')
class CatTest(cros_test_lib.TempDirTestCase):
"""Tests GSContext.Copy() functionality."""
def testLocalFile(self):
"""Tests catting a local file."""
ctx = gs.GSContext()
filename = os.path.join(self.tempdir, 'myfile')
content = 'foo'
osutils.WriteFile(filename, content)
self.assertEqual(content, ctx.Cat(filename))
def testLocalMissingFile(self):
"""Tests catting a missing local file."""
ctx = gs.GSContext()
with self.assertRaises(gs.GSNoSuchKey):
ctx.Cat(os.path.join(self.tempdir, 'does/not/exist'))
def testLocalForbiddenFile(self):
"""Tests catting a local file that we don't have access to."""
ctx = gs.GSContext()
filename = os.path.join(self.tempdir, 'myfile')
content = 'foo'
osutils.WriteFile(filename, content)
os.chmod(filename, 000)
with self.assertRaises(gs.GSContextException):
def testNetworkFile(self):
"""Tests catting a GS file."""
ctx = gs.GSContext()
filename = os.path.join(self.tempdir, 'myfile')
content = 'fOoOoOoo1\n\thi@!*!(\r\r\nend'
osutils.WriteFile(filename, content)
with gs.TemporaryURL('') as tempuri:
ctx.Copy(filename, tempuri)
self.assertEqual(content, ctx.Cat(tempuri))
def testNetworkMissingFile(self):
"""Tests catting a missing GS file."""
ctx = gs.GSContext()
with gs.TemporaryURL('') as tempuri:
with self.assertRaises(gs.GSNoSuchKey):
class DryRunTest(cros_build_lib_unittest.RunCommandTestCase):
"""Verify dry_run works for all of GSContext."""
def setUp(self):
self.ctx = gs.GSContext(dry_run=True)
def tearDown(self):
# Verify we don't try to call gsutil at all.
for call_args in self.rc.call_args_list:
self.assertNotIn('gsutil', call_args[0][0])
def testCat(self):
"""Test Cat in dry_run mode."""
self.assertEqual(self.ctx.Cat('gs://foo/bar'), '')
def testChangeACL(self):
"""Test ChangeACL in dry_run mode."""
self.ctx.ChangeACL('gs://foo/bar', acl_args_file='/dev/null'),
def testCopy(self):
"""Test Copy in dry_run mode."""
self.ctx.Copy('/dev/null', 'gs://foo/bar')
self.ctx.Copy('gs://foo/bar', '/dev/null')
def testCreateWithContents(self):
"""Test Copy in dry_run mode."""
self.ctx.CreateWithContents('gs://foo/bar', 'My Little Content(tm)')
def testCopyInto(self):
"""Test CopyInto in dry_run mode."""
self.ctx.CopyInto('/dev/null', 'gs://foo/bar')
def testDoCommand(self):
"""Test DoCommand in dry_run mode."""
def testExists(self):
"""Test Exists in dry_run mode."""
self.assertEqual(self.ctx.Exists('gs://foo/bar'), True)
def testGetGeneration(self):
"""Test GetGeneration in dry_run mode."""
self.assertEqual(self.ctx.GetGeneration('gs://foo/bar'), (0, 0))
def testGetSize(self):
"""Test GetSize in dry_run mode."""
self.assertEqual(self.ctx.GetSize('gs://foo/bar'), 0)
def testGetTrackerFilenames(self):
"""Test GetTrackerFilenames in dry_run mode."""
def testLS(self):
"""Test LS in dry_run mode."""
self.assertEqual(self.ctx.LS('gs://foo/bar'), [])
def testList(self):
"""Test List in dry_run mode."""
self.assertEqual(self.ctx.List('gs://foo/bar'), [])
def testMove(self):
"""Test Move in dry_run mode."""
self.ctx.Move('gs://foo/bar', 'gs://foo/bar2')
def testRemove(self):
"""Test Remove in dry_run mode."""
def testSetACL(self):
"""Test SetACL in dry_run mode."""
self.assertEqual(self.ctx.SetACL('gs://foo/bar', 'bad-acl'), None)
def testStat(self):
"""Test Stat in dry_run mode."""
result = self.ctx.Stat('gs://foo/bar')
self.assertEqual(result.content_length, 0)
self.assertNotEqual(result.creation_time, None)
def testVersion(self):
"""Test gsutil_version in dry_run mode."""
self.assertEqual(self.ctx.gsutil_version, gs.GSContext.GSUTIL_VERSION)
class InitBotoTest(AbstractGSContextTest):
"""Test boto file interactive initialization."""
GS_LS_ERROR = """\
You are attempting to access protected data with no configured credentials.
Please see for
details about activating the Google Cloud Storage service and then run the
"gsutil config" command to configure gsutil to use these credentials."""
GS_LS_ERROR2 = """\
GSResponseError: status=400, code=MissingSecurityHeader, reason=Bad Request, \
"GSResponseError: status=400, code=MissingSecurityHeader, reason=Bad Request,
detail=A nonempty x-goog-project-id header is required for this request."""
def setUp(self):
self.boto_file = os.path.join(self.tempdir, 'boto_file')
self.ctx = gs.GSContext(boto_file=self.boto_file)
def testGSLsSkippableError(self):
"""Benign GS error."""
self.gs_mock.AddCmdResult(['ls'], returncode=1, error=self.GS_LS_BENIGN)
def testGSLsAuthorizationError1(self):
"""GS authorization error 1."""
self.gs_mock.AddCmdResult(['ls'], returncode=1, error=self.GS_LS_ERROR)
def testGSLsError2(self):
"""GS authorization error 2."""
self.gs_mock.AddCmdResult(['ls'], returncode=1, error=self.GS_LS_ERROR2)
def _WriteBotoFile(self, contents, *_args, **_kwargs):
osutils.WriteFile(self.ctx.boto_file, contents)
def testInitGSLsFailButSuccess(self):
"""Invalid GS Config, but we config properly."""
self.gs_mock.AddCmdResult(['ls'], returncode=1, error=self.GS_LS_ERROR)
def _AddLsConfigResult(self, side_effect=None):
self.gs_mock.AddCmdResult(['ls'], returncode=1, error=self.GS_LS_ERROR)
self.gs_mock.AddCmdResult(['config'], returncode=1, side_effect=side_effect)
def testGSLsFailAndConfigError(self):
"""Invalid GS Config, and we fail to config."""
side_effect=functools.partial(self._WriteBotoFile, 'monkeys'))
self.assertRaises(cros_build_lib.RunCommandError, self.ctx._InitBoto)
def testGSLsFailAndEmptyConfigFile(self):
"""Invalid GS Config, and we raise error on empty config file."""
side_effect=functools.partial(self._WriteBotoFile, ''))
self.assertRaises(gs.GSContextException, self.ctx._InitBoto)
class GSCounterTest(AbstractGSContextTest):
"""Tests GSCounter functionality."""
COUNTER_URI = 'gs://foo/mock/counter'
def setUp(self):
self.counter = gs.GSCounter(self.ctx, self.COUNTER_URI)
self.cat_mock = self.PatchObject(self.ctx, 'Cat')
self.gen_mock = self.PatchObject(self.ctx, 'GetGeneration',
return_value=(1, 1))
def _SetCounter(self, value):
"""Set the test counter to |value|."""
self.cat_mock.return_value = str(value)
def testGetInitial(self):
"""Test Get when the counter doesn't exist."""
self.cat_mock.side_effect = gs.GSNoSuchKey
self.assertEqual(self.counter.Get(), 0)
def testGet(self):
"""Basic Get() test."""
self.assertEqual(self.counter.Get(), self.INITIAL_VALUE)
def testIncrement(self):
"""Basic Increment() test."""
self.assertEqual(self.counter.Increment(), self.INITIAL_VALUE + 1)
def testDecrement(self):
"""Basic Decrement() test."""
self.assertEqual(self.counter.Decrement(), self.INITIAL_VALUE - 1)
def testReset(self):
"""Basic Reset() test."""
self.assertEqual(self.counter.Reset(), 0)
def testStreakIncrement(self):
"""Basic StreakIncrement() test."""
self.assertEqual(self.counter.StreakIncrement(), 11)
def testStreakIncrementReset(self):
"""Test StreakIncrement() when the counter is negative."""
self.assertEqual(self.counter.StreakIncrement(), 1)
def testStreakDecrement(self):
"""Basic StreakDecrement() test."""
self.assertEqual(self.counter.StreakDecrement(), -11)
def testStreakDecrementReset(self):
"""Test StreakDecrement() when the counter is positive."""
self.assertEqual(self.counter.StreakDecrement(), -1)
class UnmockedGSCounterTest(cros_test_lib.TestCase):
"""Tests GSCounter functionality w/out mocks."""
def _Counter():
ctx = gs.GSContext()
with gs.TemporaryURL('chromite.counter') as tempuri:
yield gs.GSCounter(ctx, tempuri)
def _SetCounter(counter, value):
"""Set the test counter to |value|."""
counter.AtomicCounterOperation(value, lambda x: value)
def testGetInitial(self):
"""Test Get when the counter doesn't exist."""
with self._Counter() as counter:
self.assertEqual(counter.Get(), 0)
def testGet(self):
"""Basic Get() test."""
with self._Counter() as counter:
self._SetCounter(counter, 100)
self.assertEqual(counter.Get(), 100)
def testIncrement(self):
"""Basic Increment() test."""
with self._Counter() as counter:
self._SetCounter(counter, 100)
self.assertEqual(counter.Increment(), 101)
def testDecrement(self):
"""Basic Decrement() test."""
with self._Counter() as counter:
self._SetCounter(counter, 100)
self.assertEqual(counter.Decrement(), 99)
def testReset(self):
"""Basic Reset() test."""
with self._Counter() as counter:
self._SetCounter(counter, 100)
self.assertEqual(counter.Reset(), 0)
self.assertEqual(counter.Get(), 0)
def testStreakIncrement(self):
"""Basic StreakIncrement() test."""
with self._Counter() as counter:
self._SetCounter(counter, 100)
self.assertEqual(counter.StreakIncrement(), 101)
def testStreakIncrementReset(self):
"""Test StreakIncrement() when the counter is negative."""
with self._Counter() as counter:
self._SetCounter(counter, -100)
self.assertEqual(counter.StreakIncrement(), 1)
def testStreakDecrement(self):
"""Basic StreakDecrement() test."""
with self._Counter() as counter:
self._SetCounter(counter, -100)
self.assertEqual(counter.StreakDecrement(), -101)
def testStreakDecrementReset(self):
"""Test StreakDecrement() when the counter is positive."""
with self._Counter() as counter:
self._SetCounter(counter, 100)
self.assertEqual(counter.StreakDecrement(), -1)
if __name__ == '__main__':