blob: 4895b2316d548ab931b16ed787f31435b5885cc8 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
"""ChromeOS image pusher (from cbuildbot to signer).
This pushes files from the archive bucket to the signer bucket and marks
artifacts for signing (which a signing process will look for).
from __future__ import print_function
import ConfigParser
import cStringIO
import errno
import getpass
import os
import re
import tempfile
from chromite.buildbot import constants
from chromite.lib import commandline
from chromite.lib import cros_build_lib
from chromite.lib import git
from chromite.lib import gs
from chromite.lib import osutils
from chromite.lib import signing
# This will split a fully qualified ChromeOS version string up.
# R34-5126.0.0 will break into "34" and "5126.0.0".
VERSION_REGEX = r'^R([0-9]+)-([^-]+)'
class MissingBoardInstructions(Exception):
"""Raised when a board lacks any signer instructions."""
class InputInsns(object):
"""Object to hold settings for a signable board.
Note: The format of the instruction file pushimage outputs (and the signer
reads) is not exactly the same as the instruction file pushimage reads.
def __init__(self, board):
self.board = board
config = ConfigParser.ConfigParser()
input_insn = self.GetInsnFile('recovery')
except IOError as e:
if e.errno == errno.ENOENT:
# This board doesn't have any signing instructions.
# This is normal for new or experimental boards.
raise MissingBoardInstructions(input_insn)
self.cfg = config
def GetInsnFile(self, image_type):
"""Find the signer instruction files for this board/image type.
image_type: The type of instructions to load. It can be a common file
(like "DEFAULT"), or one of the --sign-types.
Full path to the instruction file using |image_type| and |self.board|.
if image_type == image_type.upper():
name = image_type
elif image_type == 'recovery':
name = self.board
name = '%s.%s' % (self.board, image_type)
return os.path.join(signing.INPUT_INSN_DIR, '%s.instructions' % name)
def SplitCfgField(val):
"""Split a string into multiple elements.
This centralizes our convention for multiple elements in the input files
being delimited by either a space or comma.
val: The string to split.
The list of elements from having done split the string.
return val.replace(',', ' ').split()
def GetChannels(self):
"""Return the list of channels to sign for this board.
If the board-specific config doesn't specify a preference, we'll use the
common settings.
return self.SplitCfgField(self.cfg.get('insns', 'channel'))
def GetKeysets(self):
"""Return the list of keysets to sign for this board."""
return self.SplitCfgField(self.cfg.get('insns', 'keyset'))
def OutputInsns(self, image_type, output_file, sect_insns, sect_general):
"""Generate the output instruction file for sending to the signer.
Note: The format of the instruction file pushimage outputs (and the signer
reads) is not exactly the same as the instruction file pushimage reads.
image_type: The type of image we will be signing (see --sign-types).
output_file: The file to write the new instruction file to.
sect_insns: Items to set/override in the [insns] section.
sect_general: Items to set/override in the [general] section.
config = ConfigParser.ConfigParser()
# Clear channel entry in instructions file, ensuring we only get
# one channel for the signer to look at. Then provide all the
# other details for this signing request to avoid any ambiguity
# and to avoid relying on encoding data into filenames.
for sect, fields in zip(('insns', 'general'), (sect_insns, sect_general)):
if not config.has_section(sect):
for k, v in fields.iteritems():
config.set(sect, k, v)
output = cStringIO.StringIO()
data = output.getvalue()
osutils.WriteFile(output_file, data)
cros_build_lib.Debug('generated insns file for %s:\n%s', image_type, data)
def MarkImageToBeSigned(ctx, tbs_base, insns_path, priority):
"""Mark an instructions file for signing.
This will upload a file to the GS bucket flagging an image for signing by
the signers.
ctx: A viable gs.GSContext.
tbs_base: The full path to where the tobesigned directory lives.
insns_path: The path (relative to |tbs_base|) of the file to sign.
priority: Set the signing priority (lower == higher prio).
The full path to the remote tobesigned file.
if priority < 0 or priority > 99:
raise ValueError('priority must be [0, 99] inclusive')
if insns_path.startswith(tbs_base):
insns_path = insns_path[len(tbs_base):].lstrip('/')
tbs_path = '%s/tobesigned/%02i,%s' % (tbs_base, priority,
insns_path.replace('/', ','))
with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(
bufsize=0, prefix='pushimage.tbs.') as temp_tbs_file:
lines = [
'PROG=%s' % __file__,
'USER=%s' % getpass.getuser(),
'HOSTNAME=%s' % cros_build_lib.GetHostName(fully_qualified=True),
'GIT_REV=%s' % git.RunGit(constants.CHROMITE_DIR, ['rev-parse', 'HEAD'])
osutils.WriteFile(, lines)
ctx.Copy(, tbs_path)
return tbs_path
def PushImage(src_path, board, versionrev=None, profile=None, priority=50,
sign_types=None, dry_run=False, mock=False):
"""Push the image from the archive bucket to the release bucket.
src_path: Where to copy the files from; can be a local path or gs:// URL.
Should be a full path to the artifacts in either case.
board: The board we're uploading artifacts for (e.g. $BOARD).
versionrev: The full Chromium OS version string (e.g. R34-5126.0.0).
profile: The board profile in use (e.g. "asan").
priority: Set the signing priority (lower == higher prio).
sign_types: If set, a set of types which we'll restrict ourselves to
signing. See the --sign-types option for more details.
dry_run: Show what would be done, but do not upload anything.
mock: Upload to a testing bucket rather than the real one.
A dictionary that maps 'channel' -> ['gs://signer_instruction_uri1',
if versionrev is None:
# Extract milestone/version from the directory name.
versionrev = os.path.basename(src_path)
# We only support the latest format here. Older releases can use pushimage
# from the respective branch which deals with legacy cruft.
m = re.match(VERSION_REGEX, versionrev)
if not m:
raise ValueError('version %s does not match %s' %
(versionrev, VERSION_REGEX))
milestone =
version =
# Normalize board to always use dashes not underscores. This is mostly a
# historical artifact at this point, but we can't really break it since the
# value is used in URLs.
boardpath = board.replace('_', '-')
if profile is not None:
boardpath += '-%s' % profile.replace('_', '-')
ctx = gs.GSContext(dry_run=dry_run)
if mock:
gs_base = os.path.join(constants.TRASH_BUCKET, 'pushimage-tests',
gs_base = constants.RELEASE_BUCKET
input_insns = InputInsns(board)
except MissingBoardInstructions as e:
cros_build_lib.Warning('board "%s" is missing base instruction file: %s',
board, e)
cros_build_lib.Warning('not uploading anything for signing')
channels = input_insns.GetChannels()
keysets = input_insns.GetKeysets()
sect_general = {
'config_board': board,
'board': boardpath,
'version': version,
'versionrev': versionrev,
'milestone': milestone,
sect_insns = {}
if dry_run:
cros_build_lib.Info('Signing for channels: %s', ' '.join(channels))
cros_build_lib.Info('Signing for keysets : %s', ' '.join(keysets))
instruction_urls = {}
def _ImageNameBase(image_type=None):
lmid = ('%s-' % image_type) if image_type else ''
return 'ChromeOS-%s%s-%s' % (lmid, versionrev, boardpath)
for channel in channels:
cros_build_lib.Debug('\n\n#### CHANNEL: %s ####\n', channel)
sect_insns['channel'] = channel
sub_path = '%s-channel/%s/%s' % (channel, boardpath, version)
dst_path = '%s/%s' % (gs_base, sub_path)
cros_build_lib.Info('Copying images to %s', dst_path)
recovery_base = _ImageNameBase('recovery')
factory_base = _ImageNameBase('factory')
firmware_base = _ImageNameBase('firmware')
test_base = _ImageNameBase('test')
hwqual_tarball = 'chromeos-hwqual-%s-%s.tar.bz2' % (board, versionrev)
# Upload all the files first before flagging them for signing.
files_to_copy = (
# <src> <dst>
# <signing type> <sfx>
('recovery_image.tar.xz', recovery_base, 'tar.xz',
('', factory_base, 'zip',
('firmware_from_source.tar.bz2', firmware_base, 'tar.bz2',
('', _ImageNameBase(), 'zip', ''),
('chromiumos_test_image.tar.xz', test_base, 'tar.xz', ''),
('debug.tgz', 'debug-%s' % boardpath, 'tgz', ''),
(hwqual_tarball, '', '', ''),
('', '', '', ''),
files_to_sign = []
for src, dst, sfx, image_type in files_to_copy:
if not dst:
dst = src
elif sfx:
dst += '.%s' % sfx
ctx.Copy(os.path.join(src_path, src), os.path.join(dst_path, dst))
except gs.GSNoSuchKey:
cros_build_lib.Warning('Skipping %s as it does not exist', src)
if image_type:
dst_base = dst[:-(len(sfx) + 1)]
assert dst == '%s.%s' % (dst_base, sfx)
files_to_sign += [[image_type, dst_base, '.%s' % sfx]]
# Now go through the subset for signing.
for keyset in keysets:
cros_build_lib.Debug('\n\n#### KEYSET: %s ####\n', keyset)
sect_insns['keyset'] = keyset
for image_type, dst_name, suffix in files_to_sign:
dst_archive = '%s%s' % (dst_name, suffix)
sect_general['archive'] = dst_archive
sect_general['type'] = image_type
# See if the caller has requested we only sign certain types.
if sign_types:
if not image_type in sign_types:
cros_build_lib.Info('Skipping %s signing as it was not requested',
# In the default/automatic mode, only flag files for signing if the
# archives were actually uploaded in a previous stage.
gs_artifact_path = os.path.join(dst_path, dst_archive)
if not ctx.Exists(gs_artifact_path):
cros_build_lib.Info('%s does not exist. Nothing to sign.',
input_insn_path = input_insns.GetInsnFile(image_type)
if not os.path.exists(input_insn_path):
cros_build_lib.Info('%s does not exist. Nothing to sign.',
# Generate the insn file for this artifact that the signer will use,
# and flag it for signing.
with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(
bufsize=0, prefix='pushimage.insns.') as insns_path:
input_insns.OutputInsns(image_type,, sect_insns,
gs_insns_path = '%s/%s' % (dst_path, dst_name)
if keyset != keysets[0]:
gs_insns_path += '-%s' % keyset
gs_insns_path += '.instructions'
ctx.Copy(, gs_insns_path)
MarkImageToBeSigned(ctx, gs_base, gs_insns_path, priority)
cros_build_lib.Info('Signing %s image %s', image_type, gs_insns_path)
instruction_urls.setdefault(channel, []).append(gs_insns_path)
return instruction_urls
def main(argv):
parser = commandline.ArgumentParser(description=__doc__)
# The type of image_dir will strip off trailing slashes (makes later
# processing simpler and the display prettier).
parser.add_argument('image_dir', default=None, type='local_or_gs_path',
help='full path of source artifacts to upload')
parser.add_argument('--board', default=None, required=True,
help='board to generate symbols for')
parser.add_argument('--profile', default=None,
help='board profile in use (e.g. "asan")')
parser.add_argument('--version', default=None,
help='version info (normally extracted from image_dir)')
parser.add_argument('-n', '--dry-run', default=False, action='store_true',
help='show what would be done, but do not upload')
parser.add_argument('-M', '--mock', default=False, action='store_true',
help='upload things to a testing bucket (dev testing)')
parser.add_argument('--priority', type=int, default=50,
help='set signing priority (lower == higher prio)')
parser.add_argument('--sign-types', default=None, nargs='+',
choices=('recovery', 'factory', 'firmware'),
help='only sign specified image types')
opts = parser.parse_args(argv)
PushImage(opts.image_dir, opts.board, versionrev=opts.version,
profile=opts.profile, priority=opts.priority,
sign_types=opts.sign_types, dry_run=opts.dry_run, mock=opts.mock)