blob: c02756a9fbe107973cf41183d3ed831e710d0b16 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (c) 2011 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
"""Module containing helper class and methods for interacting with Gerrit."""
import itertools
import json
import logging
import operator
from chromite.buildbot import constants
from chromite.lib import cros_build_lib
from chromite.lib import git
from chromite.lib import gob_util
from chromite.lib import patch as cros_patch
gob_util.LOGGER = cros_build_lib.logger
class GerritException(Exception):
"Base exception, thrown for gerrit failures"""
class QueryHasNoResults(GerritException):
"Exception thrown when a query returns no results."""
class QueryNotSpecific(GerritException):
"""Exception thrown for when a query needs to identify one CL, but matched
class FailedToReachGerrit(GerritException):
"""Exception thrown if we failed to contact the Gerrit server."""
class GerritHelper(object):
"""Helper class to manage interaction with Gerrit server."""
def __init__(self, host, remote, ssh_port=29418, ssh_user=None, suexec=None,
"""Initializes variables for interaction with a gerrit server.
host: Mandatory; this should be the address (ip or dns) of where
the gerrit instance lives.
port: Integer if given; the ssh port gerrit responds on.
user: If given, the user to force for all ssh activities.
suexec: If given, the email address to suexec to during ssh
commands. Used only by maintenance accounts.
print_cmd: This is passed to all RunCommand invocations; set it
to False if you want things quiet.
""" = host
self.remote = remote
self.ssh_port = int(ssh_port)
self.ssh_user = ssh_user
self.suexec = suexec
self.print_cmd = bool(print_cmd)
self._version = None
def FromRemote(cls, remote, **kwds):
if remote == constants.INTERNAL_REMOTE:
port = constants.GERRIT_INT_PORT
host = constants.GERRIT_INT_HOST
elif remote == constants.EXTERNAL_REMOTE:
port = constants.GERRIT_PORT
host = constants.GERRIT_HOST
raise ValueError('Remote %s not supported.' % remote)
return cls(host, remote, ssh_port=port, **kwds)
def ssh_url(self):
s = '%s@%s' % (self.ssh_user, if self.ssh_user else
return "ssh://%s:%i" % (s, self.ssh_port)
def base_ssh_prefix(self):
l = ['ssh', '-p', str(self.ssh_port),]
if self.ssh_user:
l.extend(['-l', self.ssh_user])
return l
# Certain code needs access to this to override suexec...
def GetSshPrefix(self, suexec=None):
l = self.base_ssh_prefix
suexec = suexec if suexec is not None else self.suexec
if suexec is not None:
l += ['suexec', '--as', suexec, '--']
return l
# ... but most code prefers just the property route.
def ssh_prefix(self):
return self.GetSshPrefix()
def SetReviewers(self, change, add=(), remove=(), project=None):
"""Adjust the reviewers list for a given change.
change: Either the ChangeId, or preferably, the gerrit change number.
If you use a ChangeId be aware that this command will fail if multiple
changes match. Can be either a string or an integer.
add: Either this or removes must be given. If given, it must be a
either a single email address/group name, or a sequence of email
addresses or group names to add as reviewers. Note it's not
considered an error if you attempt to add a reviewer that
already is marked as a reviewer for the change.
remove: Same rules as 'add', just is the list of reviewers to remove.
project: If given, the project to find the given change w/in. Unnecessary
if passing a gerrit number for change; if passing a ChangeId, strongly
advised that a project be specified.
RunCommandError if the attempt to modify the reviewers list fails. If
the command fails, no changes to the reviewer list occurs.
if not add and not remove:
raise ValueError('Either add or remove must be non empty')
command = self.ssh_prefix + ['gerrit', 'set-reviewers']
[('--add', x) for x in cros_build_lib.iflatten_instance(add)] +
[('--remove', x) for x in cros_build_lib.iflatten_instance(remove)]))
if project is not None:
command += ['--project', project]
# Always set the change last; else --project may not take hold by that
# point, with gerrit complaining of duplicates when there aren't.
# Yes kiddies, gerrit can be retarded; this being one of those cases.
cros_build_lib.RunCommandCaptureOutput(command, print_cmd=self.print_cmd)
def GetGerritReviewCommand(self, command_list):
"""Returns array corresponding to Gerrit Review command.
Review can be used to modify a changelist. Specifically it can change
scores, abandon, restore or submit it. Pass in |command|.
assert isinstance(command_list, list), 'Review command must be list.'
return self.ssh_prefix + ['gerrit', 'review'] + command_list
def GrabPatchFromGerrit(self, project, change, commit, must_match=True):
"""Returns the GerritChange described by the arguments.
project: Name of the Gerrit project for the change.
change: The change ID for the change.
commit: The specific commit hash for the patch from the review.
must_match: Defaults to True; if True, the given changeid *must*
be found on the target gerrit server. If False, a change not found
is considered uncommited.
query = ('project:%(project)s AND change:%(change)s AND commit:%(commit)s'
% {'project': project, 'change': change, 'commit': commit})
return self.QuerySingleRecord(query, must_match=must_match)
def IsChangeCommitted(self, query, dryrun=False, must_match=True):
"""Checks to see whether a change is already committed.
query: Either a Change-Id or a Change number to query for.
dryrun: Whether to perform the operations or not. If set, returns True.
must_match: Defaults to True; if True, the given changeid *must*
be found on the target gerrit server. If False, a change not found
is considered uncommited.
GerritException: If must_match=True, and no match was found.
QueryNotSpecific: If multiple CLs match the given query. This can occur
when a Change-ID was uploaded to multiple branches of a project
result = self.QuerySingleRecord('change:%s' % (query,),
must_match=must_match, dryrun=dryrun)
if dryrun:
return True
if result is None:
# This can only occur if must_match=False
return False
return result.status == 'MERGED'
def GetLatestSHA1ForBranch(self, project, branch):
"""Finds the latest commit hash for a repository/branch.
The latest commit hash for this patch's repo/branch.
FailedToReachGerrit if we fail to contact gerrit.
ssh_url_project = '%s/%s' % (self.ssh_url, project)
cmd = ['ls-remote', ssh_url_project, 'refs/heads/%s' % (branch,)]
result = git.RunGit('.', cmd, print_cmd=self.print_cmd)
if result:
return result.output.split()[0]
except cros_build_lib.RunCommandError as e:
# Fall out to Gerrit error.
logging.error('Failed to contact git server with %s', e)
raise FailedToReachGerrit('Could not contact gerrit to get latest sha1')
def QuerySingleRecord(self, query, **kwds):
"""Freeform querying of a gerrit server, expecting exactly one row returned
query: See Query for details. This is just a wrapping function.
kwds: See Query for details. This is just a wrapping function. This
method accepts one additional keyword that Query doesn't: must_match,
which defaults to True. If this is True and the query didn't match
anything, it'll raise a GerritException. If False, it returns None
If raw=True, a single dictionary or a cros_patch.GerritPatch instance
if a single record was found. If must_match=False and no record was
found in gerrit, None.
GerritException derivatives.
dryrun = kwds.get('dryrun')
must_match = kwds.pop('must_match', True)
results = self.Query(query, **kwds)
if dryrun:
return None
elif not results:
if must_match:
raise QueryHasNoResults('Query %s had no results' % (query,))
return None
elif len(results) != 1:
raise QueryNotSpecific('Query %s returned too many results: %s'
% (query, results))
return results[0]
def Query(self, query, sort=None, current_patch=True, options=(),
dryrun=False, raw=False, _resume_sortkey=None):
"""Freeform querying of a gerrit server.
query: gerrit query to run: see the official docs for valid parameters:
sort: if given, the key in the resultant json to sort on
current_patch: If True, append --current-patch-set to options. If this
is set to False, return the raw dictionary. If False, raw is forced
to True.
options: Any additional commandline options to pass to the gerrit query.
A sequence of JSON dictionaries from the gerrit server. This includes
patch dependencies in the 'dependsOn' and 'neededBy' fields.
RunCommandException if the invocation fails, or GerritException if
there is something wrong with the query parameters given
cmd = self.ssh_prefix + ['gerrit', 'query', '--format=JSON',
'--dependencies', '--commit-message']
if current_patch:
raw = True
# Note we intentionally cap the query to 500; gerrit does so
# already, but we force it so that if gerrit were to change
# its return limit, this wouldn't break.
overrides = ['limit:%i' % self._GERRIT_MAX_QUERY_RETURN]
if _resume_sortkey:
overrides += ['resume_sortkey:%s' % _resume_sortkey]
cmd.extend(['--', query] + overrides)
if dryrun:'Would have run %s', ' '.join(cmd))
return []
result = cros_build_lib.RunCommand(cmd, redirect_stdout=True,
result = self.InterpretJSONResults(query, result.output)
if len(result) == self._GERRIT_MAX_QUERY_RETURN:
# Gerrit cuts us off at 500; thus go recursive via the sortKey to
# get the rest of the results.
result += self.Query(query, _resume_sortkey=result[-1]['sortKey'],
options=options, dryrun=dryrun, raw=True)
if sort:
result = sorted(result, key=operator.itemgetter(sort))
if not raw:
return [cros_patch.GerritPatch(x, self.remote, self.ssh_url)
for x in result]
return result
def InterpretJSONResults(self, query, result_string, query_type='stats',
result = map(json.loads, result_string.splitlines())
status = result[-1]
if 'type' not in status:
raise GerritException('Weird results from gerrit: asked %s %s, got %s' %
(mode, query, result))
if status['type'] != query_type:
raise GerritException('Bad gerrit %s: query %s, error %s' %
(mode, query, status.get('message', status)))
return result[:-1]
def QueryMultipleCurrentPatchset(self, queries):
"""Query chromeos gerrit servers for the current patch for given changes
queries: sequence of Change-IDs (Ic04g2ab, 6 characters to 40),
or change numbers (12345 for example).
A change number can refer to the same change as a Change ID,
but Change IDs given should be unique, and the same goes for Change
an unordered sequence of GerritPatches for each requested query.
GerritException: if a query fails to match, or isn't specific enough,
or a query is malformed.
RunCommandException: if for whatever reason, the ssh invocation to
gerrit fails.
if not queries:
# process the queries in two seperate streams; this is done so that
# we can identify exactly which patchset returned no results; it's
# basically impossible to do it if you query with mixed numeric/ID
numeric_queries = [x for x in queries if x.isdigit()]
if numeric_queries:
query = ' OR '.join('change:%s' % x for x in numeric_queries)
results = self.Query(query, sort='number')
# Sort via alpha comparison, rather than integer; Query sorts via the
# raw textual field, thus we need to match that.
numeric_queries = sorted(numeric_queries, key=str)
for query, result in itertools.izip_longest(numeric_queries, results):
if result is None or result.gerrit_number != query:
raise GerritException('Change number %s not found on server %s.'
% (query,
yield query, result
id_queries = sorted(cros_patch.FormatPatchDep(x, sha1=False)
for x in queries if not x.isdigit())
if not id_queries:
results = self.Query(' OR '.join('change:%s' % x for x in id_queries),
last_patch_id = None
for query, result in itertools.izip_longest(id_queries, results):
# case insensitivity to ensure that if someone queries for IABC
# and gerrit returns Iabc, we still properly match.
result_id = ''
if result:
result_id = cros_patch.FormatChangeId(result.change_id)
if result is None or (query and not result_id.startswith(query)):
if last_patch_id and result_id.startswith(last_patch_id):
raise GerritException(
'While querying for change %s, we received '
'back multiple results. Please be more specific. Server=%s'
% (last_patch_id,
raise GerritException('Change-ID %s not found on server %s.'
% (query,
if query is None:
raise GerritException(
'While querying for change %s, we received '
'back multiple results. Please be more specific. Server=%s'
% (last_patch_id,
yield query, result
last_patch_id = query
def version(self):
obj = self._version
if obj is None:
# We suppress the gerrit version call's logging; it's basically
# never useful log wise.
obj = cros_build_lib.RunCommandCaptureOutput(
self.ssh_prefix + ['gerrit', 'version'],
obj = obj.replace('gerrit version ', '')
self._version = obj
return obj
def _SqlQuery(self, query, dryrun=False, is_command=False):
"""Run a gsql query against gerrit.
Doing so requires an admin account, and a fair amount of care-
bad code can trash the underlying DB pretty easily.
query: SQL query to run.
dryrun: Should we run the SQL, or just pretend we did?
is_command: Does the SQL modify records (DML), or is it just
a query? If it's DML, then this must be set to True.
List of dictionaries returned from gerrit for the SQL ran.
if dryrun:"Would have ran sql query %r", (query,))
return []
command = self.ssh_prefix + ['gerrit', 'gsql', '--format=JSON']
result = cros_build_lib.RunCommand(command, redirect_stdout=True,
input=query, print_cmd=self.print_cmd)
query_type = 'update-stats' if is_command else 'query-stats'
result = self.InterpretJSONResults(query, result.output,
return result
def RemoveCommitReady(self, change, dryrun=False):
"""Remove any commit ready bits associated with CL.
change: GerritChange instance to strip the CR bit from.
dryrun: Whether to perform the operation or not.
query = ("DELETE FROM patch_set_approvals WHERE change_id=%s"
" AND patch_set_id=%s "
" AND category_id='COMR';"
% (change.gerrit_number, change.patch_number))
self._SqlQuery(query, dryrun=dryrun, is_command=True)
def SubmitChange(self, change, dryrun=False):
"""Submits patch using Gerrit Review."""
cmd = self.GetGerritReviewCommand(
['--submit', '%s,%s' % (change.gerrit_number, change.patch_number)])
if dryrun:'Would have run: %s', ' '.join(map(repr, cmd)))
except cros_build_lib.RunCommandError:
cros_build_lib.Error('Command failed', exc_info=True)
class GerritOnBorgHelper(GerritHelper):
"""Helper class to manage interaction with the gerrit-on-borg service."""
# Fields that appear in gerrit change query results
MORE_CHANGES = '_more_changes'
SORTKEY = '_sortkey'
def __init__(self, host, remote, **kwds):
kwds['ssh_port'] = 0
kwds['ssh_user'] = None
super(GerritOnBorgHelper, self).__init__(host, remote, **kwds)
def base_ssh_prefix(self):
raise NotImplementedError(
'The base_ssh_prefix is undefined for GerritOnBorg.')
def ssh_prefix(self):
raise NotImplementedError(
'The ssh_prefix property is undefined for GerritOnBorg.')
def ssh_url(self):
raise NotImplementedError(
'The ssh_url property is undefined for GerritOnBorg.')
def version(self):
raise NotImplementedError('Cannot get gerrit version from gerrit-on-borg.')
def SetReviewers(self, change, add=(), remove=(), project=None):
if add:
gob_util.AddReviewers(, change, add)
if remove:
gob_util.RemoveReviewers(, change, remove)
def GetChangeDetail(self, change_num):
return gob_util.GetChangeDetail(, change_num, o_params=('CURRENT_REVISION', 'CURRENT_COMMIT'))
def GrabPatchFromGerrit(self, project, change, commit, must_match=True):
query = { 'project': project, 'commit': commit, 'must_match': must_match }
return self.QuerySingleRecord(change, **query)
def IsChangeCommitted(self, change, dryrun=False, must_match=False):
change = gob_util.GetChange(, change)
if not change:
if must_match:
raise QueryHasNoResults('Could not query for change %s' % change)
return change.get('status') == 'MERGED'
def GetLatestSHA1ForBranch(self, project, branch):
url = 'https://%s/a/%s' % (, project)
cmd = ['ls-remote', url, 'refs/heads/%s' % branch]
result = git.RunGit('.', cmd, print_cmd=self.print_cmd)
if result:
return result.output.split()[0]
except cros_build_lib.RunCommandError:
logging.error('Command "%s" failed.', ' '.join(map(repr, cmd)),
def QuerySingleRecord(self, change=None, **query_kwds):
dryrun = query_kwds.get('dryrun')
must_match = query_kwds.pop('must_match', True)
results = self.Query(change, **query_kwds)
if dryrun:
return None
elif not results:
if must_match:
raise QueryHasNoResults('Query %s had no results' % (change,))
return None
elif len(results) != 1:
raise QueryNotSpecific('Query %s returned too many results: %s'
% (change, results))
return results[0]
def Query(self, change=None, sort=None, current_patch=True, options=(),
dryrun=False, raw=False, sortkey=None, **query_kwds):
if options:
raise GerritException('"options" argument unsupported on gerrit-on-borg.')
url_prefix = gob_util.GetGerritFetchUrl(
# All possible params are documented at
# pylint: disable=C0301
if current_patch:
if change and change.isdigit() and not query_kwds:
if dryrun:'Would have run gob_util.GetChangeDetail(%s, %s)',, change)
return []
change = self.GetChangeDetail(change)
if change is None:
return []
patch_dict = cros_patch.GerritPatch.ConvertQueryResults(change,
if raw:
return [patch_dict]
return [cros_patch.GerritPatch(patch_dict, self.remote, url_prefix)]
if change and query_kwds.get('change'):
raise GerritException('Bad query params: provided a change-id-like query,'
' and a "change" search parameter')
if dryrun:'Would have run gob_util.QueryChanges(%s, %s, '
'first_param=%s, limit=%d)',, repr(query_kwds),
return []
moar = gob_util.QueryChanges(, query_kwds, first_param=change, sortkey=sortkey,
limit=self._GERRIT_MAX_QUERY_RETURN, o_params=o_params)
result = list(moar)
while moar and self.MORE_CHANGES in moar[-1]:
if self.SORTKEY not in moar[-1]:
raise GerritException(
'Gerrit query has more results, but is missing _sortkey field.')
sortkey = moar[-1][self.SORTKEY]
moar = gob_util.QueryChanges(, query_kwds, first_param=change, sortkey=sortkey,
limit=self._GERRIT_MAX_QUERY_RETURN, o_params=o_params)
# NOTE: Query results are served from the gerrit cache, which may be stale.
# To make sure the patch information is accurate, re-request each query
# result directly, circumventing the cache. For reference:
result = [self.GetChangeDetail(x['_number']) for x in result]
result = [cros_patch.GerritPatch.ConvertQueryResults(
x, for x in result]
if sort:
result = sorted(result, key=operator.itemgetter(sort))
if raw:
return result
return [cros_patch.GerritPatch(x, self.remote, url_prefix) for x in result]
def QueryMultipleCurrentPatchset(self, changes):
if not changes:
url_prefix = gob_util.GetGerritFetchUrl(
for change in changes:
change_detail = self.GetChangeDetail(change)
if not change_detail:
raise GerritException('Change %s not found on server %s.'
% (change,
patch_dict = cros_patch.GerritPatch.ConvertQueryResults(
yield change, cros_patch.GerritPatch(patch_dict, self.remote, url_prefix)
def _to_changenum(change):
"""Unequivocally return a gerrit change number.
The argument may either be an number, which will be returned unchanged;
or an instance of GerritPatch, in which case the gerrit number wil be
extracted and converted to its 'external' (i.e., raw numeric) form.
if isinstance(change, cros_patch.GerritPatch):
change = cros_patch.FormatGerritNumber(change.gerrit_number,
return change
def SetReview(self, change, msg=None, labels=None, dryrun=False):
if not msg and not labels:
if dryrun:
if msg:'Would have add message "%s" to change "%s".',
msg, change)
if labels:
for key, val in labels.iteritems():'Would have set label "%s" to "%s" for change "%s".',
key, val, change)
gob_util.SetReview(, self._to_changenum(change),
msg=msg, labels=labels, notify='ALL')
def RemoveCommitReady(self, change, dryrun=False):
if dryrun:'Would have reset Commit-Queue label for %s', change)
gob_util.ResetReviewLabels(, self._to_changenum(change),
label='Commit-Queue', notify='OWNER')
def SubmitChange(self, change, dryrun=False):
if dryrun:'Would have submitted change %s', change)
gob_util.SubmitChange(, self._to_changenum(change))
def AbandonChange(self, change, dryrun=False):
if dryrun:'Would have abandoned change %s', change)
gob_util.AbandonChange(, self._to_changenum(change))
def RestoreChange(self, change, dryrun=False):
if dryrun:'Would have restored change %s', change)
gob_util.RestoreChange(, self._to_changenum(change))
def GetGerritPatchInfo(patches):
"""Query Gerrit server for patch information.
patches: a list of patch IDs to query. Internal patches start with a '*'.
A list of GerritPatch objects describing each patch. Only the first
instance of a requested patch is returned.
PatchException if a patch can't be found.
parsed_patches = {}
# First, standardize 'em.
patches = [cros_patch.FormatPatchDep(x, sha1=False, allow_CL=True)
for x in patches]
# Next, split on internal vs external.
internal_patches = [x for x in patches if x.startswith('*')]
external_patches = [x for x in patches if not x.startswith('*')]
if internal_patches:
# feed it id's w/ * stripped off, but bind them back
# so that we can return patches in the supplied ordering.
# while this may seem silly, we do this to preclude the potential
# of a conflict between gerrit instances. Since change-id is
# effectively user controlled, better safe than sorry.
helper = GetGerritHelper(constants.INTERNAL_REMOTE)
raw_ids = [x[1:] for x in internal_patches]
parsed_patches.update(('*' + k, v) for k, v in
if external_patches:
helper = GetGerritHelper(constants.EXTERNAL_REMOTE)
seen = set()
results = []
for query in patches:
# return a unique list, while maintaining the ordering of the first
# seen instance of each patch. Do this to ensure whatever ordering
# the user is trying to enforce, we honor; lest it break on cherry-picking
gpatch = parsed_patches[query]
if gpatch.change_id not in seen:
return results
def GetGerritHelper(remote, **kwargs):
"""Return a GerritHelper instance for interacting with the given remote."""
helper_cls = GerritOnBorgHelper if constants.USE_GOB else GerritHelper
return helper_cls.FromRemote(remote, **kwargs)
def GetGerritHelperForChange(change):
"""Return a usable GerritHelper instance for this change.
If you need a GerritHelper for a specific change, get it via this
return GetGerritHelper(change.remote)
def GetCrosInternal(**kwds):
"""Convenience method for accessing private ChromeOS gerrit."""
return GetGerritHelper(constants.INTERNAL_REMOTE, **kwds)
def GetCrosExternal(**kwds):
"""Convenience method for accessing public ChromiumOS gerrit."""
return GetGerritHelper(constants.EXTERNAL_REMOTE, **kwds)
def GetChangeRef(change_number, patchset=None):
"""Given a change number, return the refs/changes/* space for it.
change_number: The gerrit change number you want a refspec for.
patchset: If given it must either be an integer or '*'. When given,
the returned refspec is for that exact patchset. If '*' is given, it's
used for pulling down all patchsets for that change.
A git refspec.
change_number = int(change_number)
s = 'refs/changes/%02i/%i' % (change_number % 100, change_number)
if patchset is not None:
s += '/%s' % ('*' if patchset == '*' else int(patchset))
return s