blob: c7dcd8bb211b6d7b1550703cc8697a0095a3388f [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
"""Unit tests for autotest_quickmerge."""
import os
import sys
import unittest
sys.path.insert(0, os.path.abspath('%s/../..' % os.path.dirname(__file__)))
from chromite.lib import cros_build_lib_unittest
from chromite.lib import cros_test_lib
from chromite.scripts import autotest_quickmerge
RSYNC_TEST_OUTPUT = """.d..t...... ./
>f..t...... touched file with spaces
>f..t...... touched_file
> modified_contents_file
.f...p..... modified_permissions_file
.f....o.... modified_owner_file
>f+++++++++ new_file
cL+++++++++ new_symlink -> directory_a/new_file_in_directory
.d..t...... directory_a/
>f+++++++++ directory_a/new_file_in_directory
>f..t...... directory_a/touched_file_in_directory
cd+++++++++ new_empty_directory/
.d..t...... touched_empty_directory/"""
# The output format of rsync's itemized changes has a few unusual cases
# that are ambiguous. For instance, if the operation involved creating a
# symbolic link named "a -> b" to a file named "c", the rsync output would be:
# cL+++++++++ a -> b -> c
# which is indistinguishable from the output for creating a symbolic link named
# "a" to a file named "b -> c".
# Since there is no easy resolution to this ambiguity, and it seems like a case
# that would rarely or never be encountered in the wild, rsync quickmerge
# will exclude all files which contain the substring " -> " in their name.
class ItemizeChangesFromRsyncOutput(unittest.TestCase):
def testItemizeChangesFromRsyncOutput(self):
"""Test that rsync output parser returns correct FileMutations."""
destination_path = '/foo/bar'
expected_new = set(
[('>f+++++++++', '/foo/bar/new_file'),
('>f+++++++++', '/foo/bar/directory_a/new_file_in_directory'),
('cL+++++++++', '/foo/bar/new_symlink')])
expected_mod = set(
[('>f..t......', '/foo/bar/touched file with spaces'),
('>f..t......', '/foo/bar/touched_file'),
('>', '/foo/bar/modified_contents_file'),
('.f...p.....', '/foo/bar/modified_permissions_file'),
('.f....o....', '/foo/bar/modified_owner_file'),
('>f..t......', '/foo/bar/directory_a/touched_file_in_directory')])
expected_dir = set([('cd+++++++++', '/foo/bar/new_empty_directory/')])
report = autotest_quickmerge.ItemizeChangesFromRsyncOutput(
RSYNC_TEST_OUTPUT, destination_path)
self.assertEqual(expected_new, set(report.new_files))
self.assertEqual(expected_mod, set(report.modified_files))
self.assertEqual(expected_dir, set(report.new_directories))
class RsyncCommandTest(cros_build_lib_unittest.RunCommandTestCase):
def testRsyncQuickmergeCommand(self):
"""Test that RsyncQuickMerge makes correct call to SudoRunCommand"""
include_file_name = 'an_include_file_name'
source_path = 'a_source_path'
sysroot_path = 'a_sysroot_path'
expected_command = ['rsync', '-a', '-n', '-u', '-i',
'--exclude=**.pyc', '--exclude=**.pyo',
'--exclude=** -> *',
'--include-from=%s' % include_file_name,
autotest_quickmerge.RsyncQuickmerge(source_path, sysroot_path,
if __name__ == '__main__':