blob: 76ebb898dc915e36f466162c118ccc4db2e5466c [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
"""Contains functionality used to implement a partial mock."""
import collections
import logging
import mock
import os
import re
from chromite.lib import cros_build_lib
from chromite.lib import cros_test_lib
from chromite.lib import osutils
class Comparator(object):
"""Base class for all comparators."""
def Match(self, arg):
"""Match the comparator against an argument."""
raise NotImplementedError, 'method must be implemented by a subclass.'
def Equals(self, rhs):
"""Returns whether rhs compares the same thing."""
return type(self) == type(rhs) and self.__dict__ == rhs.__dict__
def __eq__(self, rhs):
return self.Equals(rhs)
def __ne__(self, rhs):
return not self.Equals(rhs)
class In(Comparator):
"""Checks whether an item (or key) is in a list (or dict) parameter."""
def __init__(self, key):
key: Any thing that could be in a list or a key in a dict
self._key = key
def Match(self, arg):
return self._key in arg
except TypeError:
return False
def __repr__(self):
return '<sequence or map containing %r>' % str(self._key)
class Regex(Comparator):
"""Checks if a string matches a regular expression."""
def __init__(self, pattern, flags=0):
pattern: is the regular expression to search for
flags: passed to re.compile function as the second argument
self.pattern = pattern
self.flags = flags
self.regex = re.compile(pattern, flags=flags)
def Match(self, arg):
return is not None
except TypeError:
return False
def __repr__(self):
s = '<regular expression %r' % self.regex.pattern
if self.regex.flags:
s += ', flags=%d' % self.regex.flags
s += '>'
return s
class ListRegex(Regex):
"""Checks if an iterable of strings matches a regular expression."""
def _ProcessArg(arg):
if not isinstance(arg, basestring):
return ' '.join(arg)
return arg
def Match(self, arg):
return is not None
except TypeError:
return False
class Ignore(Comparator):
"""Used when we don't care about an argument of a method call."""
def Match(self, _arg):
return True
def __repr__(self):
return '<IgnoreArg>'
def _RecursiveCompare(lhs, rhs):
"""Compare parameter specs recursively.
lhs, rhs: Function parameter specs to compare.
equality: In the case of comparing Comparator objects, True means we call
the Equals() function. We call Match() if set to False (default).
if isinstance(lhs, Comparator):
return lhs.Match(rhs)
elif type(lhs) != type(rhs):
return False
elif isinstance(lhs, (tuple, list)):
return (len(lhs) == len(rhs) and
all(_RecursiveCompare(i, j) for i, j in zip(lhs, rhs)))
elif isinstance(lhs, dict):
return _RecursiveCompare(sorted(lhs.iteritems()), sorted(rhs.iteritems()))
return lhs == rhs
def ListContains(small, big, strict=False):
"""Looks for a sublist within a bigger list.
small: The sublist to search for.
big: The list to search in.
strict: If True, all items in list must be adjacent.
if strict:
for i in xrange(len(big) - len(small) + 1):
if _RecursiveCompare(small, big[i:i + len(small)]):
return True
return False
j = 0
for i in xrange(len(small)):
for j in xrange(j, len(big)):
if _RecursiveCompare(small[i], big[j]):
j += 1
return False
return True
def DictContains(small, big):
"""Looks for a subset within a dictionary.
small: The sub-dict to search for.
big: The dict to search in.
for k, v in small.iteritems():
if k not in big or not _RecursiveCompare(v, big[k]):
return False
return True
class MockedCallResults(object):
"""Implements internal result specification for partial mocks.
Used with the PartialMock class.
Internal results are different from external results (return values,
side effects, exceptions, etc.) for functions. Internal results are
*used* by the partial mock to generate external results. Often internal
results represent the external results of the dependencies of the function
being partially mocked. Of course, the partial mock can just pass through
the internal results to become external results.
Params = collections.namedtuple('Params', ['args', 'kwargs'])
MockedCall = collections.namedtuple(
'MockedCall', ['params', 'strict', 'result', 'side_effect'])
def __init__(self, name):
name: The name given to the mock. Will be used in debug output.
""" = name
self.mocked_calls = []
self.default_result, self.default_side_effect = None, None
def AssertArgs(args, kwargs):
"""Verify arguments are of expected type."""
assert isinstance(args, (tuple))
if kwargs:
assert isinstance(kwargs, dict)
def AddResultForParams(self, args, result, kwargs=None, side_effect=None,
"""Record the internal results of a given partial mock call.
args: A list containing the positional args an invocation must have for
it to match the internal result. The list can contain instances of
meta-args (such as IgnoreArg, Regex, In, etc.). Positional argument
matching is always *strict*, meaning extra positional arguments in
the invocation are not allowed.
result: The internal result that will be matched for the command
invocation specified.
kwargs: A dictionary containing the keyword args an invocation must have
for it to match the internal result. The dictionary can contain
instances of meta-args (such as IgnoreArg, Regex, In, etc.). Keyword
argument matching is by default *strict*, but can be modified by the
|strict| argument.
side_effect: A functor that gets called every time a partially mocked
function is invoked. The arguments the partial mock is invoked with are
passed to the functor. This is similar to how side effects work for
strict: Specifies whether keyword are matched strictly. With strict
matching turned on, any keyword args a partial mock is invoked with that
are not specified in |kwargs| will cause the match to fail.
self.AssertArgs(args, kwargs)
if kwargs is None:
kwargs = {}
params = self.Params(args=args, kwargs=kwargs)
dup, filtered = cros_build_lib.PredicateSplit(
lambda mc: mc.params == params, self.mocked_calls)
new = self.MockedCall(params=params, strict=strict, result=result,
self.mocked_calls = filtered
if dup:
logging.debug('%s: replacing mock for arguments %r:\n%r -> %r',, params, dup, new)
def SetDefaultResult(self, result, side_effect=None):
"""Set the default result for an unmatched partial mock call.
result, side_effect: See AddResultsForParams.
self.default_result, self.default_side_effect = result, side_effect
def LookupResult(self, args, kwargs=None, hook_args=None, hook_kwargs=None):
"""For a given mocked function call lookup the recorded internal results.
args: A list containing positional args the function was called with.
kwargs: A dict containing keyword args the function was called with.
hook_args: A list of positional args to call the hook with.
hook_kwargs: A dict of key/value args to call the hook with.
The recorded result for the invocation.
AssertionError when the call is not mocked, or when there is more
than one mock that matches.
def filter_fn(mc):
if mc.strict:
return _RecursiveCompare(mc.params, params)
return (DictContains(mc.params.kwargs, kwargs) and
_RecursiveCompare(mc.params.args, args))
self.AssertArgs(args, kwargs)
if kwargs is None:
kwargs = {}
params = self.Params(args, kwargs)
matched, _ = cros_build_lib.PredicateSplit(filter_fn, self.mocked_calls)
if len(matched) > 1:
raise AssertionError(
"%s: args %r matches more than one mock:\n%s"
% (, params, '\n'.join([repr(c) for c in matched])))
elif matched:
side_effect, result = matched[0].side_effect, matched[0].result
elif (self.default_result, self.default_side_effect) != (None, None):
side_effect, result = self.default_side_effect, self.default_result
raise AssertionError("%s: %r not mocked!" % (, params))
if side_effect:
assert(hook_args is not None)
assert(hook_kwargs is not None)
hook_result = side_effect(*hook_args, **hook_kwargs)
if hook_result is not None:
return hook_result
return result
class PartialMock(object):
"""Provides functionality for partially mocking out a function or method.
Partial mocking is useful in cases where the side effects of a function or
method are complex, and so re-using the logic of the function with
*dependencies* mocked out is preferred over mocking out the entire function
and re-implementing the side effect (return value, state modification) logic
in the test. It is also useful for creating re-usable mocks.
ATTRS = None
def __init__(self, create_tempdir=False):
create_tempdir: If set to True, the partial mock will create its own
temporary directory when start() is called, and will set self.tempdir to
the path of the directory. The directory is deleted when stop() is
self.backup = {}
self.patchers = {}
self.patched = {}
self.create_tempdir = create_tempdir
# Set when start() is called.
self.tempdir = None
self.__saved_env__ = None
self.started = False
self._results = {}
for attr in self.ATTRS:
self._results[attr] = MockedCallResults(attr)
def __enter__(self):
return self.start()
def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, traceback):
def PreStart(self):
"""Called at the beginning of start(). Child classes can override this.
If __init__ was called with |create_tempdir| set, then self.tempdir will
point to an existing temporary directory when this function is called.
def PreStop(self):
"""Called at the beginning of stop(). Child classes can override this.
If __init__ was called with |create_tempdir| set, then self.tempdir will
not be deleted until after this function returns.
def _start(self):
chunks = self.TARGET.rsplit('.', 1)
module = cros_build_lib.load_module(chunks[0])
cls = getattr(module, chunks[1])
for attr in self.ATTRS:
self.backup[attr] = getattr(cls, attr)
src_attr = '_target%s' % attr if attr.startswith('__') else attr
if hasattr(self.backup[attr], 'reset_mock'):
raise AssertionError(
'You are trying to nest mock contexts - this is currently '
'unsupported by PartialMock.')
if callable(self.backup[attr]):
patcher = mock.patch.object(cls, attr, autospec=True,
side_effect=getattr(self, src_attr))
patcher = mock.patch.object(cls, attr, getattr(self, src_attr))
self.patched[attr] = patcher.start()
self.patchers[attr] = patcher
return self
def start(self):
"""Activates the mock context."""
# pylint: disable=W0212
if self.create_tempdir:
self.__saved_env__ = os.environ.copy()
self.started = True
return self._start()
def _stop(self):
cros_test_lib.SafeRun([p.stop for p in self.patchers.itervalues()])
def stop(self):
"""Restores namespace to the unmocked state."""
# pylint: disable=W0212
if self.__saved_env__ is not None:
if self.started:
cros_test_lib.SafeRun([self.PreStop, self._stop])
self.started = False
if getattr(self, 'tempdir', None):
osutils._TempDirTearDown(self, False)
def UnMockAttr(self, attr):
"""Unsetting the mock of an attribute/function."""
def CheckAttr(f):
"""Automatically set mock_attr based on class default.
This function decorator automatically sets the mock_attr keyword argument
based on the class default. The mock_attr specifies which mocked attribute
a given function is referring to.
Raises an AssertionError if mock_attr is left unspecified.
def new_f(self, *args, **kwargs):
mock_attr = kwargs.pop('mock_attr', None)
if mock_attr is None:
mock_attr = self.DEFAULT_ATTR
if self.DEFAULT_ATTR is None:
raise AssertionError(
'mock_attr not specified, and no default configured.')
return f(self, *args, mock_attr=mock_attr, **kwargs)
return new_f
class PartialCmdMock(PartialMock):
"""Base class for mocking functions that wrap command line functionality.
Implements mocking for functions that shell out. The internal results are
'returncode', 'output', 'error'.
CmdResult = collections.namedtuple(
'MockResult', ['returncode', 'output', 'error'])
def SetDefaultCmdResult(self, returncode=0, output='', error='',
side_effect=None, mock_attr=None):
"""Specify the default command result if no command is matched.
returncode, output, error: See AddCmdResult.
side_effect: See MockedCallResults.AddResultForParams
result = self.CmdResult(returncode, output, error)
self._results[mock_attr].SetDefaultResult(result, side_effect)
def AddCmdResult(self, cmd, returncode=0, output='', error='',
kwargs=None, strict=False, side_effect=None, mock_attr=None):
"""Specify the result to simulate for a given command.
cmd: The command string or list to record a result for.
returncode: The returncode of the command (on the command line).
output: The stdout output of the command.
error: The stderr output of the command.
kwargs: Keyword arguments that the function needs to be invoked with.
strict: Defaults to False. See MockedCallResults.AddResultForParams.
side_effect: See MockedCallResults.AddResultForParams
result = self.CmdResult(returncode, output, error)
(cmd,), result, kwargs=kwargs, side_effect=side_effect, strict=strict)
def CommandContains(self, args, cmd_arg_index=-1, mock_attr=None, **kwargs):
"""Verify that at least one command contains the specified args.
args: Set of expected command-line arguments.
cmd_arg_index: The index of the command list in the positional call_args.
Defaults to the last positional argument.
kwargs: Set of expected keyword arguments.
for call_args, call_kwargs in self.patched[mock_attr].call_args_list:
if (ListContains(args, call_args[cmd_arg_index]) and
DictContains(kwargs, call_kwargs)):
return True
return False
def assertCommandContains(self, args=(), expected=True, mock_attr=None,
"""Assert that RunCommand was called with the specified args.
This verifies that at least one of the RunCommand calls contains the
specified arguments on the command line.
args: Set of expected command-line arguments.
expected: If False, instead verify that none of the RunCommand calls
contained the specified arguments.
**kwargs: Set of expected keyword arguments.
if expected != self.CommandContains(args, **kwargs):
if expected:
msg = 'Expected to find %r in any of:\n%s'
msg = 'Expected to not find %r in any of:\n%s'
patched = self.patched[mock_attr]
cmds = '\n'.join(repr(x) for x in patched.call_args_list)
raise AssertionError(msg % (, **kwargs), cmds))