blob: 9fabc08eb2b3cf9a2a9dcf8617310661ca7a37b9 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
Library containing utility functions used for Chrome-specific build tasks.
import functools
import glob
import logging
import os
import shlex
import shutil
from chromite.lib import cros_build_lib
from chromite.lib import osutils
# Taken from external/gyp.git/pylib.
def _NameValueListToDict(name_value_list):
Takes an array of strings of the form 'NAME=VALUE' and creates a dictionary
of the pairs. If a string is simply NAME, then the value in the dictionary
is set to True. If VALUE can be converted to an integer, it is.
result = { }
for item in name_value_list:
tokens = item.split('=', 1)
if len(tokens) == 2:
# If we can make it an int, use that, otherwise, use the string.
token_value = int(tokens[1])
except ValueError:
token_value = tokens[1]
# Set the variable to the supplied value.
result[tokens[0]] = token_value
# No value supplied, treat it as a boolean and set it.
result[tokens[0]] = True
return result
def ProcessGypDefines(defines):
"""Validate and convert a string containing GYP_DEFINES to dictionary."""
assert defines is not None
return _NameValueListToDict(shlex.split(defines))
class Conditions(object):
"""Functions that return conditions used to construct Path objects.
Condition functions returned by the public methods have signature
f(gyp_defines, staging_flags). For description of gyp_defines and
staging_flags see docstring for StageChromeFromBuildDir().
def _GypSet(cls, flag, value, gyp_defines, _staging_flags):
val = gyp_defines.get(flag)
return val == value if value is not None else bool(val)
def _GypNotSet(cls, flag, gyp_defines, staging_flags):
return not cls._GypSet(flag, None, gyp_defines, staging_flags)
def _StagingFlagSet(cls, flag, _gyp_defines, staging_flags):
return bool(staging_flags.get(flag))
def GypSet(cls, flag, value=None):
"""Returns condition that tests a gyp flag is set (possibly to a value)."""
return functools.partial(cls._GypSet, flag, value)
def GypNotSet(cls, flag):
"""Returns condition that tests a gyp flag is not set."""
return functools.partial(cls._GypNotSet, flag)
def StagingFlagSet(cls, flag):
"""Returns condition that tests a staging_flag is set."""
return functools.partial(cls._StagingFlagSet, flag)
class MultipleMatchError(AssertionError):
"""A glob pattern matches multiple files but a non-dir dest was specified."""
class MissingPathError(Exception):
"""An expected path is non-existant."""
class Path(object):
"""Represents an artifact to be copied from build dir to staging dir."""
def __init__(self, src, cond=None, dest=None, optional=False):
"""Initializes the object.
src: The relative path of the artifact. Can be a file or a directory.
Can be a glob pattern.
cond: A condition (see Conditions class) to test for in deciding whether
to process this artifact.
dest: Name to give to the target file/directory. Defaults to keeping the
same name as the source.
optional: Whether to enforce the existence of the artifact. If unset, the
script errors out if the artifact does not exist.
self.src = src
self.cond = cond
self.optional = optional
self.dest = dest
def ShouldProcess(self, gyp_defines, staging_flags):
"""Tests whether this artifact should be copied."""
if self.cond:
return self.cond(gyp_defines, staging_flags)
return True
def _Copy(src, dest):
def Log(directory):
sep = ' [d] -> ' if directory else ' -> '
logging.debug('%s %s %s', src, sep, dest)
src_is_dir = os.path.isdir(src)
if src_is_dir:
# copytree() does not know about copying to a containing directory.
if os.path.isdir(dest):
dest = os.path.join(dest, os.path.basename(src))
shutil.copytree(src, dest)
shutil.copy(src, dest)
def Copy(self, src_base, dest_base):
"""Copy artifact(s) from source directory to destination."""
src = os.path.join(src_base, self.src)
paths = glob.glob(src)
if not paths:
if self.optional:'%s does not exist. Skipping.', src)
raise MissingPathError('%s does not exist and is required.' % src)
if len(paths) > 1 and self.dest and not self.dest.endswith('/'):
raise MultipleMatchError(
'Glob pattern %r has multiple matches, but dest %s '
'is not a directory.' % (self.src, self.dest))
for p in paths:
dest = os.path.join(
os.path.relpath(p, src_base) if self.dest is None else self.dest)
self._Copy(p, dest)
_DISABLE_NACL = 'disable_nacl'
_USE_DRM = 'use_drm'
_USE_PDF = 'use_pdf'
_HIGHDPI_FLAG = 'highdpi'
_CHROME_DIR = 'opt/google/chrome'
_CHROME_SANDBOX_DEST = 'chrome-sandbox'
C = Conditions
Path('chrome_sandbox', dest=_CHROME_SANDBOX_DEST),
Path('extensions', optional=True),
Path('*.so', cond=C.GypSet('component', value='shared_library')),
Path('', cond=C.GypNotSet(_DISABLE_NACL)),
Path('nacl_helper_bootstrap', cond=C.GypNotSet(_DISABLE_NACL)),
Path('nacl_irt_*.nexe', cond=C.GypNotSet(_DISABLE_NACL)),
Path('nacl_helper.exe', optional=True, cond=C.GypNotSet(_DISABLE_NACL)),
Path('ash_shell', cond=C.GypSet(_USE_DRM)),
Path('aura_demo', cond=C.GypSet(_USE_DRM)),
Path('', cond=C.GypSet(_USE_PDF)),
Path('chrome_200_percent.pak', cond=C.StagingFlagSet(_HIGHDPI_FLAG)),
def _SetPermissions(staging_dir, dest_base):
# Set the ownership of all files in staging dir to root:root.
cros_build_lib.SudoRunCommand(['chown', 'root:root', '-R', staging_dir])
# Setuid the sandbox after running chown, since chown clears the setuid bit.
target = os.path.join(dest_base, _CHROME_SANDBOX_DEST)
cros_build_lib.SudoRunCommand(['chmod', '4755', target])
class StagingError(Exception):
"""Raised by StageChromeFromBuildDir."""
def StageChromeFromBuildDir(staging_dir, build_dir, gyp_defines, staging_flags):
"""Populates a staging directory with necessary build artifacts.
staging_dir: Path to an empty staging directory.
build_dir: Path to location of Chrome build artifacts.
gyp_defines: A dictionary (i.e., one returned by ProcessGypDefines)
containing GYP_DEFINES Chrome was built with.
staging_flags: A list of extra staging flags. Valid flags are specified in
if os.path.exists(staging_dir) and os.listdir(staging_dir):
raise StagingError('Staging directory %s must be empty.' % staging_dir)
dest_base = os.path.join(staging_dir, _CHROME_DIR)
os.makedirs(os.path.join(dest_base, 'plugins'))
for p in _COPY_PATHS:
if p.ShouldProcess(gyp_defines, staging_flags):
p.Copy(build_dir, dest_base)
_SetPermissions(staging_dir, dest_base)