cbuildbot: drop CQ-DEPEND support

We haven't used CQ-DEPEND tags for a while since the new CQ doesn't
respect them, so drop the logic from chromite.

TEST=CQ passes

Change-Id: Ie353a4d781204e6fc61c10d07b466da0bd585849
Reviewed-on: https://chromium-review.googlesource.com/c/chromiumos/chromite/+/2690934
Reviewed-by: George Engelbrecht <engeg@google.com>
Commit-Queue: Mike Frysinger <vapier@chromium.org>
Tested-by: Mike Frysinger <vapier@chromium.org>
diff --git a/cbuildbot/patch_series.py b/cbuildbot/patch_series.py
index 2c46b83..3cdab81 100644
--- a/cbuildbot/patch_series.py
+++ b/cbuildbot/patch_series.py
@@ -433,9 +433,8 @@
     plan = []
     gerrit_deps_seen = cros_patch.PatchCache()
-    cq_deps_seen = cros_patch.PatchCache()
     self._AddChangeToPlanWithDeps(change, plan, gerrit_deps_seen,
-                                  cq_deps_seen, limit_to=limit_to)
+                                  limit_to=limit_to)
     return plan
   def CreateTransactions(self, changes, limit_to=None):
@@ -468,8 +467,7 @@
   def _AddChangeToPlanWithDeps(self, change, plan, gerrit_deps_seen,
-                               cq_deps_seen, limit_to=None,
-                               include_cq_deps=True,
+                               limit_to=None,
     """Add a change and its dependencies into a |plan|.
@@ -479,12 +477,8 @@
         |change| and any necessary dependencies to |plan|.
       gerrit_deps_seen: The changes whose Gerrit dependencies have already been
-      cq_deps_seen: The changes whose CQ-DEPEND and Gerrit dependencies have
-        already been processed.
       limit_to: If non-None, limit the allowed uncommitted patches to
         what's in that container/mapping.
-      include_cq_deps: If True, include CQ dependencies in the list
-        of dependencies. Defaults to True.
       remaining_depth: Amount of permissible recursion depth from this call.
@@ -499,33 +493,20 @@
     # Get a list of the changes that haven't been committed.
     # These are returned as cros_patch.PatchQuery objects.
-    gerrit_deps, cq_deps = self.GetDepsForChange(change)
+    gerrit_deps = self.GetDepsForChange(change)
     # Only process the Gerrit dependencies for each change once. We prioritize
     # Gerrit dependencies over CQ dependencies, since Gerrit dependencies might
     # be required in order for the change to apply.
-    old_plan_len = len(plan)
     if change not in gerrit_deps_seen:
       gerrit_deps = self._LookupUncommittedChanges(
           gerrit_deps, limit_to=limit_to)
       for dep in gerrit_deps:
-        self._AddChangeToPlanWithDeps(dep, plan, gerrit_deps_seen, cq_deps_seen,
-                                      limit_to=limit_to, include_cq_deps=False,
+        self._AddChangeToPlanWithDeps(dep, plan, gerrit_deps_seen,
+                                      limit_to=limit_to,
                                       remaining_depth=remaining_depth - 1)
-    if include_cq_deps and change not in cq_deps_seen:
-      cq_deps = self._LookupUncommittedChanges(
-          cq_deps, limit_to=limit_to)
-      cq_deps_seen.Inject(change)
-      for dep in plan[old_plan_len:] + cq_deps:
-        # Add the requested change (plus deps) to our plan, if it we aren't
-        # already in the process of doing that.
-        if dep not in cq_deps_seen:
-          self._AddChangeToPlanWithDeps(dep, plan, gerrit_deps_seen,
-                                        cq_deps_seen, limit_to=limit_to,
-                                        remaining_depth=remaining_depth - 1)
     # If there are cyclic dependencies, we might have already applied this
     # patch as part of dependency resolution. If not, apply this patch.
     if change not in plan:
@@ -545,11 +526,7 @@
     val = self._change_deps_cache.get(change)
     if val is None:
-      git_repo = self.GetGitRepoForChange(change)
-      val = self._change_deps_cache[change] = (
-          change.GerritDependencies(),
-          change.PaladinDependencies(git_repo))
+      val = self._change_deps_cache[change] = change.GerritDependencies()
     return val
   def InjectCommittedPatches(self, changes):
diff --git a/cbuildbot/patch_series_unittest.py b/cbuildbot/patch_series_unittest.py
index 8d92ce3..f2ff3f0 100644
--- a/cbuildbot/patch_series_unittest.py
+++ b/cbuildbot/patch_series_unittest.py
@@ -49,23 +49,20 @@
   """Mocks out dependency and fetch methods of GitRepoPatch.
-    set FakePatch.parents, .cq and .build_roots per patch, and set
+    set FakePatch.parents and .build_roots per patch, and set
     FakePatch.assertEqual to your TestCase's assertEqual method.  The behavior
-    of GerritDependencies, PaladinDependencies and Fetch` depends on the patch
-    id.
+    of GerritDependencies, and Fetch` depends on the patch id.
   TARGET = 'chromite.lib.patch.GitRepoPatch'
-  ATTRS = ('GerritDependencies', 'PaladinDependencies', 'Fetch')
+  ATTRS = ('GerritDependencies', 'Fetch')
   parents = {}
-  cq = {}
   build_root = None
   assertEqual = None
   def PreStart(self):
     FakePatch.parents = {}
-    FakePatch.cq = {}
   def PreStop(self):
     FakePatch.build_root = None
@@ -74,15 +71,12 @@
   def GerritDependencies(self, patch):
     return [cros_patch.ParsePatchDep(x) for x in self.parents[patch.id]]
-  def PaladinDependencies(self, patch, path):
-    self._assertPath(patch, path)
-    return [cros_patch.ParsePatchDep(x) for x in self.cq[patch.id]]
   def Fetch(self, patch, path):
     self._assertPath(patch, path)
     return patch.sha1
   def _assertPath(self, patch, path):
+    # pylint: disable=not-callable
                      os.path.join(self.build_root, patch.project))
@@ -207,350 +201,3 @@
     self.assertEqual(len(not_in_manifest), 2)
     self.assertEqual(not_in_manifest[0].patch, patch_1)
     self.assertEqual(not_in_manifest[1].patch, patch_2)
-class TestPatchSeries(PatchSeriesTestCase):
-  """Tests resolution and applying logic of validation_pool.ValidationPool."""
-  def setUp(self):
-    self.StartPatcher(FakePatch())
-    self.PatchObject(FakePatch, 'assertEqual', new=self.assertEqual)
-    self.PatchObject(FakePatch, 'build_root', new=self.build_root)
-    self.PatchObject(patch_series, '_FetchChangesForRepo',
-                     new=FakeFetchChangesForRepo)
-    self.StartPatcher(FakeGerritPatch())
-  def SetPatchDeps(self, patch, parents=(), cq=()):
-    """Set the dependencies of |patch|.
-    Args:
-      patch: The patch to process.
-      parents: A set of strings to set as parents of |patch|.
-      cq: A set of strings to set as paladin dependencies of |patch|.
-    """
-    FakePatch.parents[patch.id] = parents
-    FakePatch.cq[patch.id] = cq
-  def testApplyWithDeps(self):
-    """Test that we can apply changes correctly and respect deps.
-    This tests a simple out-of-order change where change1 depends on change2
-    but tries to get applied before change2.  What should happen is that
-    we should notice change2 is a dep of change1 and apply it first.
-    """
-    series = self.GetPatchSeries()
-    patch1, patch2 = patches = self.GetPatches(2)
-    self.SetPatchDeps(patch2)
-    self.SetPatchDeps(patch1, [patch2.id])
-    apply_mocks = [self.SetPatchApply(x) for x in patches]
-    self.assertResults(series, patches, [patch2, patch1])
-    self.CheckPatchApply(apply_mocks)
-  def testSha1Deps(self):
-    """Test that we can apply changes correctly and respect sha1 deps.
-    This tests a simple out-of-order change where change1 depends on change2
-    but tries to get applied before change2.  What should happen is that
-    we should notice change2 is a dep of change1 and apply it first.
-    """
-    site_params = config_lib.GetSiteParams()
-    series = self.GetPatchSeries()
-    patch1, patch2, patch3 = patches = self.GetPatches(3)
-    patch3.remote = site_params.INTERNAL_REMOTE
-    self.SetPatchDeps(patch1, ['chromium:%s' % patch2.sha1])
-    self.SetPatchDeps(patch2, ['chrome-internal:%s' % patch3.sha1])
-    self.SetPatchDeps(patch3)
-    apply_mocks = [self.SetPatchApply(x) for x in patches]
-    self.assertResults(series, patches, [patch3, patch2, patch1])
-    self.CheckPatchApply(apply_mocks)
-  def testGerritNumberDeps(self):
-    """Test that we can apply CQ-DEPEND changes in the right order."""
-    series = self.GetPatchSeries()
-    patch1, patch2, patch3 = patches = self.GetPatches(3)
-    self.SetPatchDeps(patch1, cq=[patch2.id])
-    self.SetPatchDeps(patch2, cq=[patch3.gerrit_number])
-    self.SetPatchDeps(patch3, cq=[patch1.gerrit_number])
-    apply_mocks = [self.SetPatchApply(x) for x in patches]
-    self.assertResults(series, patches, patches[::-1])
-    self.CheckPatchApply(apply_mocks)
-  def testGerritLazyMapping(self):
-    """Given a patch lacking a gerrit number, via gerrit, map it to that change.
-    Literally, this ensures that local patches pushed up- lacking a gerrit
-    number- are mapped back to a changeid via asking gerrit for that number,
-    then the local matching patch is used if available.
-    """
-    series = self.GetPatchSeries()
-    patch1 = self.MockPatch()
-    self.PatchObject(patch1, 'LookupAliases', return_value=[patch1.id])
-    patch2 = self.MockPatch(change_id=int(patch1.change_id[1:]))
-    patch3 = self.MockPatch()
-    self.SetPatchDeps(patch3, cq=[patch2.gerrit_number])
-    self.SetPatchDeps(patch2)
-    self.SetPatchDeps(patch1)
-    apply_mocks = [self.SetPatchApply(x) for x in (patch1, patch3)]
-    helper = series._helper_pool.GetHelper(patch2.remote)
-    def QueryChecker(query, **kwargs):
-      self.assertEqual(query, patch2.gerrit_number)
-      self.assertTrue(kwargs['must_match'])
-      return patch2
-    helper.QuerySingleRecord.side_effect = QueryChecker
-    applied = self.assertResults(series, [patch1, patch3], [patch1, patch3])[0]
-    self.assertIs(applied[0], patch1)
-    self.assertIs(applied[1], patch3)
-    self.CheckPatchApply(apply_mocks)
-  def testCrosGerritDeps(self, cros_internal=True):
-    """Test that we can apply changes correctly and respect deps.
-    This tests a simple out-of-order change where change1 depends on change3
-    but tries to get applied before it.  What should happen is that
-    we should notice the dependency and apply change3 first.
-    """
-    site_params = config_lib.GetSiteParams()
-    helper_pool = self.MakeHelper(cros_internal=cros_internal, cros=True)
-    series = self.GetPatchSeries(helper_pool=helper_pool)
-    patch1 = self.MockPatch(remote=site_params.EXTERNAL_REMOTE)
-    patch2 = self.MockPatch(remote=site_params.INTERNAL_REMOTE)
-    patch3 = self.MockPatch(remote=site_params.EXTERNAL_REMOTE)
-    patches = [patch1, patch2, patch3]
-    if cros_internal:
-      applied_patches = [patch3, patch2, patch1]
-    else:
-      applied_patches = [patch3, patch1]
-    self.SetPatchDeps(patch1, [patch3.id])
-    self.SetPatchDeps(patch2)
-    self.SetPatchDeps(patch3, cq=[patch2.id])
-    apply_mocks = [
-        self.SetPatchApply(patch1),
-        self.SetPatchApply(patch3),
-    ]
-    if cros_internal:
-      apply_mocks.append(self.SetPatchApply(patch2))
-    self.assertResults(series, patches, applied_patches)
-    self.CheckPatchApply(apply_mocks)
-  def testExternalCrosGerritDeps(self):
-    """Test that we exclude internal deps on external trybot."""
-    self.testCrosGerritDeps(cros_internal=False)
-  def testApplyMissingDep(self):
-    """Test that we don't try to apply a change without met dependencies.
-    Patch2 is in the validation pool that depends on Patch1 (which is not)
-    Nothing should get applied.
-    """
-    series = self.GetPatchSeries()
-    patch1, patch2 = self.GetPatches(2)
-    self.SetPatchDeps(patch2, [patch1.id])
-    helper = series._helper_pool.GetHelper(patch1.remote)
-    def QueryChecker(query, **kwargs):
-      self.assertEqual(query, patch1.full_change_id)
-      self.assertTrue(kwargs['must_match'])
-      return patch1
-    helper.QuerySingleRecord.side_effect = QueryChecker
-    self.assertResults(series, [patch2],
-                       [], [patch2])
-  def testApplyWithCommittedDeps(self):
-    """Test that we apply a change with dependency already committed."""
-    series = self.GetPatchSeries()
-    # Use for basic commit check.
-    patch1 = self.GetPatches(1, is_merged=True)
-    patch2 = self.GetPatches(1)
-    self.SetPatchDeps(patch2, [patch1.id])
-    apply_mocks = [self.SetPatchApply(patch2)]
-    # Used to ensure that an uncommitted change put in the lookup cache
-    # isn't invalidly pulled into the graph...
-    patch3, patch4, patch5 = self.GetPatches(3)
-    self.SetPatchDeps(patch4, [patch3.id])
-    self.SetPatchDeps(patch5, [patch3.id])
-    # Sanity check so we only set up one mock query.
-    self.assertEqual(patch1.remote, patch3.remote)
-    helper = series._helper_pool.GetHelper(patch1.remote)
-    def QueryChecker(query, **kwargs):
-      self.assertTrue(kwargs['must_match'])
-      if query == patch1.full_change_id:
-        return patch1
-      elif query == patch3.full_change_id:
-        return patch3
-      else:
-        self.fail()
-    helper.QuerySingleRecord.side_effect = QueryChecker
-    self.assertResults(series, [patch2, patch4, patch5], [patch2],
-                       [patch4, patch5])
-    self.CheckPatchApply(apply_mocks)
-  def testCyclicalDeps(self):
-    """Verify that the machinery handles cycles correctly."""
-    series = self.GetPatchSeries()
-    patch1, patch2, patch3 = patches = self.GetPatches(3)
-    self.SetPatchDeps(patch1, [patch2.id])
-    self.SetPatchDeps(patch2, cq=[patch3.id])
-    self.SetPatchDeps(patch3, [patch1.id])
-    apply_mocks = [self.SetPatchApply(x) for x in patches]
-    self.assertResults(series, patches, [patch2, patch1, patch3])
-    self.CheckPatchApply(apply_mocks)
-  def testApplyWithNotInManifestException(self):
-    """Test Apply with NotInManifest Exception."""
-    series = self.GetPatchSeries()
-    patch1, patch2, patch3 = patches = self.GetPatches(3)
-    self.SetPatchDeps(patch1, [])
-    self.SetPatchDeps(patch2, [])
-    self.SetPatchDeps(patch3, [])
-    apply_mocks = [self.SetPatchApply(x) for x in (patch1, patch2)]
-    not_in_manifest = [cros_patch.ChangeNotInManifest(patch3)]
-    series.FetchChanges = lambda changes: ([patch1, patch2], not_in_manifest)
-    self.assertResults(series, patches, applied=[patch1, patch2],
-                       failed_tot=[patch3])
-    self.CheckPatchApply(apply_mocks)
-  def testComplexCyclicalDeps(self, fail=False):
-    """Verify handling of two interdependent cycles."""
-    series = self.GetPatchSeries()
-    # Create two cyclically interdependent patch chains.
-    # Example: Two patch series A1<-A2<-A3<-A4 and B1<-B2<-B3<-B4. A1 has a
-    # CQ-DEPEND on B4 and B1 has a CQ-DEPEND on A4, so all of the patches must
-    # be committed together.
-    chain1, chain2 = chains = self.GetPatches(4), self.GetPatches(4)
-    for chain in chains:
-      (other_chain,) = [x for x in chains if x != chain]
-      self.SetPatchDeps(chain[0], [], cq=[other_chain[-1].id])
-      for i in range(1, len(chain)):
-        self.SetPatchDeps(chain[i], [chain[i-1].id])
-    # Apply the second-last patch first, so that the last patch in the series
-    # will be pulled in via the CQ-DEPEND on the other patch chain.
-    to_apply = [chain1[-2]] + [x for x in (chain1 + chain2) if x != chain1[-2]]
-    # Mark all the patches but the last ones as applied successfully.
-    apply_mocks = [self.SetPatchApply(x) for x in chain1 + chain2[:-1]]
-    if fail:
-      # Pretend that chain2[-1] failed to apply.
-      self.SetPatchApply(chain2[-1]).side_effect = (
-          cros_patch.ApplyPatchException(chain1[-1]))
-      applied = []
-      failed_tot = to_apply
-    else:
-      # We apply the patches in this order since the last patch in chain1
-      # is pulled in via CQ-DEPEND.
-      apply_mocks.append(self.SetPatchApply(chain2[-1]))
-      applied = chain1[:2] + chain2[:-1] + chain1[2:] + chain2[-1:]
-      failed_tot = []
-    self.assertResults(series, to_apply, applied=applied, failed_tot=failed_tot)
-    self.CheckPatchApply(apply_mocks)
-  def testFailingComplexCyclicalDeps(self):
-    """Verify handling of failing interlocked cycles."""
-    self.testComplexCyclicalDeps(fail=True)
-  def testApplyPartialFailures(self):
-    """Test that can apply changes correctly when one change fails to apply.
-    This tests a simple change order where 1 depends on 2 and 1 fails to apply.
-    Only 1 should get tried as 2 will abort once it sees that 1 can't be
-    applied.  3 with no dependencies should go through fine.
-    Since patch1 fails to apply, we should also get a call to handle the
-    failure.
-    """
-    series = self.GetPatchSeries()
-    patch1, patch2, patch3, patch4 = patches = self.GetPatches(4)
-    self.SetPatchDeps(patch1)
-    self.SetPatchDeps(patch2, [patch1.id])
-    self.SetPatchDeps(patch3)
-    self.SetPatchDeps(patch4)
-    self.SetPatchApply(patch1).side_effect = (
-        cros_patch.ApplyPatchException(patch1))
-    apply_mock = self.SetPatchApply(patch3)
-    self.SetPatchApply(patch4).side_effect = (
-        cros_patch.ApplyPatchException(patch1, inflight=True))
-    self.assertResults(series, patches,
-                       [patch3], [patch2, patch1], [patch4])
-    self.CheckPatchApply([apply_mock])
-  def testComplexApply(self):
-    """More complex deps test.
-    This tests a total of 2 change chains where the first change we see
-    only has a partial chain with the 3rd change having the whole chain i.e.
-    1->2, 3->1->2.  Since we get these in the order 1,2,3,4,5 the order we
-    should apply is 2,1,3,4,5.
-    This test also checks the patch order to verify that Apply re-orders
-    correctly based on the chain.
-    """
-    series = self.GetPatchSeries()
-    patch1, patch2, patch3, patch4, patch5 = patches = self.GetPatches(5)
-    self.SetPatchDeps(patch1, [patch2.id])
-    self.SetPatchDeps(patch2)
-    self.SetPatchDeps(patch3, [patch1.id, patch2.id])
-    self.SetPatchDeps(patch4, cq=[patch5.id])
-    self.SetPatchDeps(patch5)
-    apply_mocks = [self.SetPatchApply(x)
-                   for x in (patch2, patch1, patch3, patch4, patch5)]
-    self.assertResults(
-        series, patches, [patch2, patch1, patch3, patch5, patch4])
-    self.CheckPatchApply(apply_mocks)
-  def testApplyStandalonePatches(self):
-    """Simple apply of two changes with no dependent CL's."""
-    series = self.GetPatchSeries()
-    patches = self.GetPatches(3)
-    for patch in patches:
-      self.SetPatchDeps(patch)
-    apply_mocks = [self.SetPatchApply(x) for x in patches]
-    self.assertResults(series, patches, patches)
-    self.CheckPatchApply(apply_mocks)
diff --git a/cbuildbot/stages/sync_stages_unittest.py b/cbuildbot/stages/sync_stages_unittest.py
index 3c07850..37bc49b 100644
--- a/cbuildbot/stages/sync_stages_unittest.py
+++ b/cbuildbot/stages/sync_stages_unittest.py
@@ -222,10 +222,6 @@
     """Return whether this patch is merged or in the middle of being merged."""
     return self.status in ('SUBMITTED', 'MERGED')
-  def IsMergeable(self):
-    """Default implementation of IsMergeable, stubbed out by some tests."""
-    return True
   def GetDiffStatus(self, _):
     return self.mock_diff_status
diff --git a/lib/patch.py b/lib/patch.py
index 14d56c7..77455ca 100644
--- a/lib/patch.py
+++ b/lib/patch.py
@@ -63,23 +63,6 @@
 ATTR_TOTAL_FAIL_COUNT = 'total_fail_count'
 ATTR_COMMIT_MESSAGE = 'commit_message'
-    ATTR_REF,
 def ParseSHA1(text, error_ok=True):
   """Checks if |text| conforms to the SHA1 format and parses it.
@@ -347,21 +330,6 @@
     return key_error
-class BrokenCQDepends(PatchException):
-  """Raised if a patch has a CQ-DEPEND line that is ill formated."""
-  def __init__(self, patch, text, msg=None):
-    PatchException.__init__(self, patch)
-    self.text = text
-    self.msg = msg
-    self.args = (patch, text, msg)
-  def ShortExplanation(self):
-    s = 'has a malformed CQ-DEPEND target: %s' % (self.text,)
-    if self.msg is not None:
-      s += '; %s' % (self.msg,)
-    return s
 class BrokenChangeID(PatchException):
   """Raised if a patch has an invalid or missing Change-ID."""
@@ -1367,37 +1335,6 @@
     return ParseChangeID(change_id_match)
-  def PaladinDependencies(self, git_repo):
-    """Returns an ordered list of dependencies based on the Commit Message.
-    Parses the Commit message for this change looking for lines that follow
-    the format:
-    CQ-DEPEND=change_num+ e.g.
-    A commit which depends on a couple others.
-    BUG=blah
-    TEST=blah
-    CQ-DEPEND=10001,10002
-    """
-    dependencies = []
-    logging.debug('Checking for CQ-DEPEND dependencies for change %s', self)
-    # Only fetch the commit message if needed.
-    if self.commit_message is None:
-      self.Fetch(git_repo)
-    try:
-      dependencies = GetPaladinDeps(self.commit_message)
-    except ValueError as e:
-      raise BrokenCQDepends(self, str(e))
-    if dependencies:
-      logging.debug('Found %s Paladin dependencies for change %s',
-                    dependencies, self)
-    return dependencies
   def _FindEbuildConflicts(self, git_repo, upstream, inflight=False):
     """Verify that there are no ebuild conflicts in the given |git_repo|.
@@ -2049,35 +1986,10 @@
       return value in type_approvals
-  def HasApprovals(self, flags):
-    """Return whether the current patchset has the specified approval.
-    Args:
-      flags: A dictionary of flag -> value mappings in
-        GerritPatch.HasApproval format.
-        ex: { 'CRVW': '2', 'VRIF': '1', 'COMR': ('1', '2') }
-    returns boolean telling if all flag requirements are met.
-    """
-    return all(self.HasApproval(field, value)
-               for field, value in flags.items())
   def IsPrivate(self):
     """Return whether this CL is currently marked Private."""
     return self.private
-  def WasVetoed(self):
-    """Return whether this CL was vetoed with VRIF=-1 or CRVW=-2."""
-    return self.HasApproval('VRIF', '-1') or self.HasApproval('CRVW', '-2')
-  def IsMergeable(self):
-    """Return true if all Gerrit approvals required for submission are set."""
-    return not self.GetMergeException()
-  def HasReadyFlag(self):
-    """Return true if the commit-ready flag is set."""
-    return self.HasApproval('COMR', ('1', '2'))
   def GetMergeException(self):
     """Return the reason why this change is not mergeable.
diff --git a/lib/patch_unittest.py b/lib/patch_unittest.py
index ca02a7f..76ca236 100644
--- a/lib/patch_unittest.py
+++ b/lib/patch_unittest.py
@@ -626,99 +626,6 @@
   def testInternalLookupAliases(self):
-  def _CheckPaladin(self, repo, master_id, ids, extra):
-    patch = self.CommitChangeIdFile(
-        repo, master_id, extra=extra,
-        filename='paladincheck', content=str(_GetNumber()))
-    deps = patch.PaladinDependencies(repo)
-    # Assert that our parsing unique'ifies the results.
-    self.assertEqual(len(deps), len(set(deps)))
-    # Verify that we have the correct dependencies.
-    dep_ids = []
-    dep_ids += [(dep.remote, dep.change_id) for dep in deps
-                if dep.change_id is not None]
-    dep_ids += [(dep.remote, dep.gerrit_number) for dep in deps
-                if dep.gerrit_number is not None]
-    dep_ids += [(dep.remote, dep.sha1) for dep in deps
-                if dep.sha1 is not None]
-    for input_id in ids:
-      change_tuple = cros_patch.StripPrefix(input_id)
-      self.assertIn(change_tuple, dep_ids)
-    return patch
-  def testPaladinDependencies(self):
-    git1 = self._MakeRepo('git1', self.source)
-    cid1, cid2, cid3, cid4 = self.MakeChangeId(4)
-    # Verify it handles nonexistant CQ-DEPEND.
-    self._CheckPaladin(git1, cid1, [], '')
-    # Single key, single value.
-    self._CheckPaladin(git1, cid1, [cid2],
-                       'CQ-DEPEND=%s' % cid2)
-    self._CheckPaladin(git1, cid1, [cid2],
-                       'Cq-Depend: %s' % cid2)
-    # Single key, gerrit number.
-    self._CheckPaladin(git1, cid1, ['123'],
-                       'CQ-DEPEND=%s' % 123)
-    self._CheckPaladin(git1, cid1, ['123'],
-                       'Cq-Depend: %s' % 123)
-    # Single key, gerrit number.
-    self._CheckPaladin(git1, cid1, ['123456'],
-                       'CQ-DEPEND=%s' % 123456)
-    self._CheckPaladin(git1, cid1, ['123456'],
-                       'Cq-Depend: %s' % 123456)
-    # Single key, gerrit number; ensure it
-    # cuts off before a million changes (this
-    # is done to avoid collisions w/ sha1 when
-    # we're using shortened versions).
-    self.assertRaises(cros_patch.BrokenCQDepends,
-                      self._CheckPaladin, git1, cid1,
-                      ['123456789'], 'CQ-DEPEND=%s' % '123456789')
-    # Single key, gerrit number, internal.
-    self._CheckPaladin(git1, cid1, ['*123'],
-                       'CQ-DEPEND=%s' % '*123')
-    # Ensure SHA1's aren't allowed.
-    sha1 = '0' * 40
-    self.assertRaises(cros_patch.BrokenCQDepends,
-                      self._CheckPaladin, git1, cid1,
-                      [sha1], 'CQ-DEPEND=%s' % sha1)
-    # Single key, multiple values
-    self._CheckPaladin(git1, cid1, [cid2, '1223'],
-                       'CQ-DEPEND=%s %s' % (cid2, '1223'))
-    self._CheckPaladin(git1, cid1, [cid2, '1223'],
-                       'Cq-Depend:%s %s' % (cid2, '1223'))
-    # Dumb comma behaviour
-    self._CheckPaladin(git1, cid1, [cid2, cid3],
-                       'CQ-DEPEND=%s, %s,' % (cid2, cid3))
-    self._CheckPaladin(git1, cid1, [cid2, cid3],
-                       'Cq-Depend: %s, %s,' % (cid2, cid3))
-    # Multiple keys.
-    self._CheckPaladin(git1, cid1, [cid2, '*245', cid4],
-                       'CQ-DEPEND=%s, %s\nCQ-DEPEND=%s' % (cid2, '*245', cid4))
-    # Ensure it goes boom on invalid data.
-    self.assertRaises(cros_patch.BrokenCQDepends, self._CheckPaladin,
-                      git1, cid1, [], 'CQ-DEPEND=monkeys')
-    self.assertRaises(cros_patch.BrokenCQDepends, self._CheckPaladin,
-                      git1, cid1, [], 'Cq-Depend:monkeys')
-    self.assertRaises(cros_patch.BrokenCQDepends, self._CheckPaladin,
-                      git1, cid1, [], 'CQ-DEPEND=%s monkeys' % (cid2,))
-    # Validate numeric is allowed.
-    self._CheckPaladin(git1, cid1, [cid2, '1'], 'CQ-DEPEND=1 %s' % cid2)
-    # Validate that it unique'ifies the results.
-    self._CheckPaladin(git1, cid1, ['1'], 'CQ-DEPEND=1 1')
-    # Invalid syntax
-    self.assertRaises(cros_patch.BrokenCQDepends, self._CheckPaladin,
-                      git1, cid1, [], 'CQ-DEPENDS=1')
-    self.assertRaises(cros_patch.BrokenCQDepends, self._CheckPaladin,
-                      git1, cid1, [], 'CQ_DEPEND=1')
-    self.assertRaises(cros_patch.BrokenCQDepends, self._CheckPaladin,
-                      git1, cid1, [], ' CQ-DEPEND=1')
-    self.assertRaises(cros_patch.BrokenCQDepends, self._CheckPaladin,
-                      git1, cid1, [], ' Cq-Depend:1')
   def testChangeIdMetadata(self):
     """Verify Change-Id is set in git metadata."""
     git1, git2, _ = self._CommonGitSetup()
diff --git a/scripts/gerrit.py b/scripts/gerrit.py
index d3790ad..7cf8928 100644
--- a/scripts/gerrit.py
+++ b/scripts/gerrit.py
@@ -432,10 +432,7 @@
   def _Children(cls, opts, querier, cl):
-    """Yields the Gerrit and CQ-Depends dependencies of a patch"""
-    for change in cls._ProcessDeps(
-        opts, querier, cl, cl.PaladinDependencies(None), True):
-      yield change
+    """Yields the Gerrit dependencies of a patch"""
     for change in cls._ProcessDeps(
         opts, querier, cl, cl.GerritDependencies(), False):
       yield change