blob: 2f428a3b8a857287797fae094ae902ce5ac94f20 [file] [log] [blame]
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
"""Unittests for config."""
from __future__ import print_function
import copy
import json
import os
import re
import mock
from chromite.cbuildbot import builders
from chromite.config import chromeos_config
from chromite.config import chromeos_test_config as chromeos_test
from chromite.lib import config_lib
from chromite.lib import constants
from import generic_builders
from chromite.lib import cros_build_lib
from chromite.lib import cros_test_lib
from chromite.lib import git
from chromite.lib import osutils
# pylint: disable=protected-access
class ChromeosConfigTestBase(cros_test_lib.TestCase):
"""Base class for tests of chromeos_config.."""
def setUp(self):
self.site_config = chromeos_config.GetConfig()
def isReleaseBranch(self):
ge_build_config = config_lib.LoadGEBuildConfigFromFile()
return ge_build_config['release_branch']
class ConfigDumpTest(ChromeosConfigTestBase):
"""Tests related to config_dump.json &"""
def testDump(self):
"""Ensure generated files are up to date."""
# config_dump.json
new_dump = self.site_config.SaveConfigToString()
old_dump = osutils.ReadFile(constants.CHROMEOS_CONFIG_FILE)
if new_dump != old_dump:
if cros_test_lib.GlobalTestConfig.UPDATE_GENERATED_FILES:
osutils.WriteFile(constants.CHROMEOS_CONFIG_FILE, new_dump)
else:'config_dump.json does not match the '
'defined configs. Run '
'config/chromeos_config_unittest --update')
# watefall_layout_dump.txt
# We run this as a sep program to avoid the config cache.
cmd = os.path.join(constants.CHROMITE_BIN_DIR, 'cros_show_waterfall_layout')
result =[cmd], capture_output=True, encoding='utf-8')
new_dump = result.output
old_dump = osutils.ReadFile(constants.WATERFALL_CONFIG_FILE)
if new_dump != old_dump:
if cros_test_lib.GlobalTestConfig.UPDATE_GENERATED_FILES:
osutils.WriteFile(constants.WATERFALL_CONFIG_FILE, new_dump)
else:'waterfall_layout_dump.txt does not match the '
'defined configs. Run '
'config/chromeos_config_unittest --update')
# luci-scheduler.cfg
# We run this as a sep program to avoid the config cache.
cmd = os.path.join(constants.CHROMITE_DIR, 'scripts', 'gen_luci_scheduler')
result =[cmd], capture_output=True, encoding='utf-8')
new_dump = result.output
old_dump = osutils.ReadFile(constants.LUCI_SCHEDULER_CONFIG_FILE)
if new_dump != old_dump:
if cros_test_lib.GlobalTestConfig.UPDATE_GENERATED_FILES:
osutils.WriteFile(constants.LUCI_SCHEDULER_CONFIG_FILE, new_dump)
else:'luci-scheduler.cfg does not match the '
'defined configs. Run '
'config/chromeos_config_unittest --update')
def testSaveLoadReload(self):
"""Make sure that loading and reloading the config is a no-op."""
site_config_str = self.site_config.SaveConfigToString()
loaded = config_lib.LoadConfigFromString(site_config_str)
self.longMessage = True
for name in self.site_config:
self.assertDictEqual(loaded[name], self.site_config[name], name)
# This includes templates and the default build config.
self.assertEqual(self.site_config, loaded)
loaded_str = loaded.SaveConfigToString()
self.assertEqual(site_config_str, loaded_str)
# Cycle through save load again, just for completeness.
loaded2 = config_lib.LoadConfigFromString(loaded_str)
loaded2_str = loaded2.SaveConfigToString()
self.assertEqual(loaded_str, loaded2_str)
def testFullDump(self):
"""Make sure we can dump long content without crashing."""
# Note: This test takes ~ 1 second to run.
class FindConfigsForBoardTest(cros_test_lib.TestCase):
"""Test locating of official build for a board.
This test class used to live in config_lib_unittest, but was moved
here to help make lib/ hermetic and not depend on chromite/cbuildbot.
def setUp(self):
self.config = chromeos_config.GetConfig()
def _CheckFullConfig(
self, board, external_expected=None, internal_expected=None):
"""Check FindFullConfigsForBoard has expected results.
board: Argument to pass to FindFullConfigsForBoard.
external_expected: Expected config name (singular) to be found.
internal_expected: Expected config name (singular) to be found.
def check_expected(l, expected):
if expected is not None:
self.assertTrue(expected in [v['name'] for v in l])
external, internal = self.config.FindFullConfigsForBoard(board)
self.assertFalse(external_expected is None and internal_expected is None)
check_expected(external, external_expected)
check_expected(internal, internal_expected)
def _CheckCanonicalConfig(self, board, ending):
'-'.join((board, ending)),
def testExternal(self):
"""Test finding of a full builder."""
'amd64-generic', external_expected='amd64-generic-full')
def testInternal(self):
"""Test finding of a release builder."""
self._CheckFullConfig('eve', internal_expected='eve-release')
def testBoth(self):
"""Both an external and internal config exist for board."""
'nocturne', external_expected='nocturne-full',
def testExternalCanonicalResolution(self):
"""Test an external canonical config."""
self._CheckCanonicalConfig('amd64-generic', 'full')
def testInternalCanonicalResolution(self):
"""Test prefer internal over external when both exist."""
self._CheckCanonicalConfig('nocturne', 'release')
def testAFDOCanonicalResolution(self):
"""Test prefer non-AFDO over AFDO builder."""
self._CheckCanonicalConfig('eve', 'release')
def testOneFullConfigPerBoard(self):
"""There is at most one 'full' config for a board."""
# Verifies that there is one external 'full' and one internal 'release'
# build per board. This is to ensure that we fail any new configs that
# wrongly have names like *-bla-release or *-bla-full. This case can also
# be caught if the new suffix was added to
# (see testNonOverlappingConfigTypes), but that's not guaranteed to happen.
def AtMostOneConfig(board, label, configs):
if len(configs) > 1:
'Found more than one %s config for %s: %r'
% (label, board, [c['name'] for c in configs]))
boards = set()
for build_config in self.config.values():
# Sanity check of the boards.
for b in boards:
external, internal = self.config.FindFullConfigsForBoard(b)
AtMostOneConfig(b, 'external', external)
AtMostOneConfig(b, 'internal', internal)
class UnifiedBuildConfigTestCase(object):
"""Base test class that builds a fake config model based on unified builds"""
def setUp(self):
# Code assumes at least one non-unified build exists, so we're accommodating
# that by keeping the non-unified reef board.
self._fake_ge_build_config_json = """
"metadata_version": "1.0",
"release_branch": true,
"reference_board_unified_builds": [
"name": "coral",
"reference_board_name": "coral",
"builder": "RELEASE",
"experimental": true,
"arch": "X86_INTERNAL",
"models" : [
"name": "coral",
"board_name": "coral"
"name": "robo",
"board_name": "robo",
"test_suites": ["sanity"],
"cq_test_enabled": true
"boards": [
"name": "reef",
"configs": [
"builder": "RELEASE",
"experimental": false,
"leader_board": true,
"board_group": "reef",
"arch": "X86_INTERNAL"
self._fake_ge_build_config = json.loads(self._fake_ge_build_config_json)
defaults = chromeos_config.DefaultSettings()
self._site_config = config_lib.SiteConfig(defaults=defaults)
self._ge_build_config = config_lib.LoadGEBuildConfigFromFile()
self._boards_dict = chromeos_config.GetBoardTypeToBoardsDict(
self._site_config, self._fake_ge_build_config)
self._site_config, self._boards_dict, self._fake_ge_build_config)
class UnifiedBuildReleaseBuilders(
cros_test_lib.OutputTestCase, UnifiedBuildConfigTestCase):
"""Tests that verify how unified builder configs are generated"""
def setUp(self):
def testUnifiedReleaseBuilders(self):
coral_release = self._site_config['coral-release']
models = coral_release['models']
self.assertIn(config_lib.ModelTestConfig('coral', 'coral', [], False),
config_lib.ModelTestConfig('robo', 'robo', ['sanity']), models)
master_release = self._site_config['master-release']
self.assertIn('coral-release', master_release['slave_configs'])
class ConfigClassTest(ChromeosConfigTestBase):
"""Tests of the config class itself."""
def testAppendUseflags(self):
base_config = config_lib.BuildConfig(useflags=[])
inherited_config_1 = base_config.derive(
['foo', 'bar', '-baz']))
inherited_config_2 = inherited_config_1.derive(
useflags=config_lib.append_useflags(['-bar', 'baz']))
self.assertEqual(base_config.useflags, [])
self.assertEqual(inherited_config_1.useflags, ['-baz', 'bar', 'foo'])
self.assertEqual(inherited_config_2.useflags, ['-bar', 'baz', 'foo'])
class CBuildBotTest(ChromeosConfigTestBase):
"""General tests of chromeos_config."""
def findAllSlaveBuilds(self):
"""Test helper for finding all slave builds.
Set of slave build config names.
all_slaves = set()
for config in self.site_config.values():
if config.master:
return all_slaves
def _GetBoardTypeToBoardsDict(self):
"""Get boards dict.
A dict mapping a board type to a collections of board names.
ge_build_config = config_lib.LoadGEBuildConfigFromFile()
return chromeos_config.GetBoardTypeToBoardsDict(ge_build_config)
def testConfigsKeysMismatch(self):
"""Verify that all configs contain exactly the default keys.
This checks for mispelled keys, or keys that are somehow removed.
expected_keys = set(self.site_config.GetDefault())
for build_name, config in self.site_config.items():
config_keys = set(config)
extra_keys = config_keys.difference(expected_keys)
self.assertFalse(extra_keys, ('Config %s has extra values %s' %
(build_name, list(extra_keys))))
missing_keys = expected_keys.difference(config_keys)
self.assertFalse(missing_keys, ('Config %s is missing values %s' %
(build_name, list(missing_keys))))
def testConfigsHaveName(self):
"""Configs must have names set."""
for build_name, config in self.site_config.items():
self.assertTrue(build_name == config['name'])
def testConfigsHaveValidDisplayLabel(self):
"""Configs must have names set."""
for build_name, config in self.site_config.items():
self.assertIn(config.display_label, config_lib.ALL_DISPLAY_LABEL,
'Invalid display_label "%s" on "%s"' %
(config.display_label, build_name))
def testConfigsHaveValidLuciBuilder(self):
"""Configs must have names set."""
for build_name, config in self.site_config.items():
self.assertIn(config.luci_builder, config_lib.ALL_LUCI_BUILDER,
'Invalid luci_builder "%s" on "%s"' %
(config.luci_builder, build_name))
def testAffinityConfigsHaveAffinityLuciBuilder(self):
"""Configs must have names set."""
for build_name, config in self.site_config.items():
if config.build_affinity:
'Non affinity luci_builder "%s" on "%s"' %
(config.luci_builder, build_name))
def testAffinityPoolSize(self):
"""Verify we have enough affinity builders."""
affinity_count = len([b for b in self.site_config.values()
if b.build_affinity])
# Keep in sync with bots.cfg
# master/configs/chromeos-swarming/bots.cfg
affinity_pool_size = 460 - 350
self.assertTrue(affinity_count <= affinity_pool_size)
def testMasterSlaveConfigsExist(self):
"""Configs listing slave configs, must list valid configs."""
for config in self.site_config.values():
if config.master:
# Any builder with slaves must set both of these.
# If a builder lists slave config names, ensure they are all valid, and
# have an assigned waterfall.
for slave_name in config.slave_configs:
self.assertIn(slave_name, self.site_config)
def testMasterSlaveConfigsSorted(self):
"""Configs listing slave configs, must list valid configs."""
for config in self.site_config.values():
if config.slave_configs is not None:
expected = sorted(config.slave_configs)
self.assertEqual(config.slave_configs, expected)
def testOnlySlaveConfigsNotImportant(self):
"""Configs listing slave configs, must list valid configs."""
all_slaves = self.findAllSlaveBuilds()
for config in self.site_config.values():
self.assertTrue(config.important or in all_slaves,
'%s is not marked important, but is not a slave.' %
def testConfigUseflags(self):
"""Useflags must be lists.
Strings are interpreted as arrays of characters for this, which is not
for build_name, config in self.site_config.items():
useflags = config.get('useflags')
if not useflags is None:
isinstance(useflags, list),
'Config %s: useflags should be a list.' % build_name)
def testBoards(self):
"""Verify 'boards' is explicitly set for every config."""
for build_name, config in self.site_config.items():
self.assertTrue(isinstance(config['boards'], (tuple, list)),
"Config %s doesn't have a list of boards." % build_name)
self.assertEqual(len(set(config['boards'])), len(config['boards']),
'Config %s has duplicate boards.' % build_name)
if config['builder_class_name'] in (
self.assertTrue(len(config['boards']) >= 1,
'Config %s requires 1 or more boards.' % build_name)
def testOverlaySettings(self):
"""Verify overlays and push_overlays have legal values."""
for build_name, config in self.site_config.items():
overlays = config['overlays']
push_overlays = config['push_overlays']
self.assertTrue(overlays in [None, 'public', 'private', 'both'],
'Config %s: has unexpected overlays value.' % build_name)
push_overlays in [None, 'public', 'private', 'both'],
'Config %s: has unexpected push_overlays value.' % build_name)
if overlays is None:
subset = [None]
elif overlays == 'public':
subset = [None, 'public']
elif overlays == 'private':
subset = [None, 'private']
elif overlays == 'both':
subset = [None, 'public', 'private', 'both']
push_overlays in subset,
('Config %s: push_overlays should be a subset of overlays.' %
def testOverlayMaster(self):
"""Verify that only one master is pushing uprevs for each overlay."""
masters = {}
for build_name, config in self.site_config.items():
overlays = config['overlays']
push_overlays = config['push_overlays']
if (overlays and push_overlays and config['uprev'] and config['master']
and not config['branch'] and not config['workspace_branch']
and not config['debug']):
other_master = masters.get(push_overlays)
err_msg = 'Found two masters for push_overlays=%s: %s and %s'
other_master, err_msg % (push_overlays, build_name, other_master))
masters[push_overlays] = build_name
if 'both' in masters:
self.assertEqual(len(masters), 1, 'Found too many masters.')
def testChromeRev(self):
"""Verify chrome_rev has an expected value"""
for build_name, config in self.site_config.items():
config['chrome_rev'] in constants.VALID_CHROME_REVISIONS + [None],
'Config %s: has unexpected chrome_rev value.' % build_name)
config['chrome_rev'] == constants.CHROME_REV_LOCAL,
'Config %s: has unexpected chrome_rev_local value.' % build_name)
if config['chrome_rev']:
'Config %s: has chrome_rev but is not a PFQ.' % build_name)
def testValidVMTestType(self):
"""Verify vm_tests has an expected value"""
for build_name, config in self.site_config.items():
if config['vm_tests'] is None:
for vm_test in config['vm_tests']:
vm_test.test_type in constants.VALID_VM_TEST_TYPES,
'Config %s: has unexpected vm test type value.' % build_name)
if vm_test.test_type == constants.VM_SUITE_TEST_TYPE:
vm_test.test_suite is not None,
'Config %s: has unexpected vm test suite value.' % build_name)
def testValidGCETestType(self):
"""Verify gce_tests has an expected value"""
for build_name, config in self.site_config.items():
if config['gce_tests'] is None:
for gce_test in config['gce_tests']:
gce_test.test_type == constants.GCE_SUITE_TEST_TYPE,
'Config %s: has unexpected gce test type value.' % build_name)
gce_test.test_suite in constants.VALID_GCE_TEST_SUITES,
'Config %s: has unexpected gce test suite value.' % build_name)
def testImageTestMustHaveBaseImage(self):
"""Verify image_test build is only enabled with 'base' in images."""
for build_name, config in self.site_config.items():
if config.get('image_test', False):
'base' in config['images'],
'Build %s runs image_test but does not have base image' %
def testDisableHWQualWithoutTestImage(self):
"""Don't run steps that need a test image, without a test image."""
for build_name, config in self.site_config.items():
if config.hwqual and config.upload_hw_test_artifacts:
self.assertIn('test', config.images,
'Build %s must create a test image '
'to enable hwqual' % build_name)
def testBuildType(self):
"""Verifies that all configs use valid build types."""
for build_name, config in self.site_config.items():
# For builders that have explicit classes, this check doesn't make sense.
if config['builder_class_name']:
self.assertIn(config['build_type'], constants.VALID_BUILD_TYPES,
'Config %s: has unexpected build_type value.' % build_name)
def testGCCGitHash(self):
"""Verifies that gcc_githash is not set without setting latest_toolchain."""
for build_name, config in self.site_config.items():
if config['gcc_githash']:
'Config %s: has gcc_githash but not latest_toolchain.' % build_name)
def testBuildToRun(self):
"""Verify we don't try to run tests without building them."""
for build_name, config in self.site_config.items():
isinstance(config['useflags'], list) and
'-build_tests' in config['useflags'] and config['vm_tests'],
'Config %s: has vm_tests and use -build_tests.' % build_name)
def testSyncToChromeSdk(self):
"""Verify none of the configs build chrome sdk but don't sync chrome."""
for build_name, config in self.site_config.items():
if config['sync_chrome'] is not None and not config['sync_chrome']:
'Config %s: has chrome_sdk but not sync_chrome.' % build_name)
def testOverrideVmTestsOnly(self):
"""VM/unit tests listed should also be supported."""
for build_name, config in self.site_config.items():
if config.vm_tests_override is not None:
for test in config.vm_tests:
test, config.vm_tests_override,
'Config %s: has %s VM test, not in override (%s, %s).' % \
(build_name, test, config.vm_tests, config.vm_tests_override))
def testVmTestsOnlyOnVmTestBoards(self):
"""Verify that only VM capable boards run VM tests."""
for _, config in self.site_config.items():
if config['vm_tests'] or config['vm_tests_override']:
for board in config['boards']:
self.assertIn(board, chromeos_test.vmtest_boards,
'Board %s not able to run VM tests.' % board)
for child_config in config.child_configs:
if child_config['vm_tests'] or child_config['vm_tests_override']:
for board in config['boards']:
self.assertIn(board, chromeos_test.vmtest_boards,
'Board %s not able to run VM tests.' % board)
def testHWTestsArchivingHWTestArtifacts(self):
"""Make sure all configs upload artifacts that need them for hw testing."""
for build_name, config in self.site_config.items():
if config.hw_tests or config.hw_tests_override:
'%s is trying to run hw tests without uploading payloads.' %
def testTryjobConfigsDontDefineOverrides(self):
"""Make sure that no tryjob safe configs define test overrides."""
for build_name, config in self.site_config.items():
if not config_lib.isTryjobConfig(config):
'Config %s: is tryjob safe, but defines vm_tests_override.' % \
'Config %s: is tryjob safe, but defines hw_tests_override.' % \
def testHWTestsReleaseBuilderRequirement(self):
"""Make sure all release configs run hw tests."""
expected_exceptions = set((
# See b/140317527.
# See
missing_tests = set()
running_tests = set()
for build_name, config in self.site_config.items():
if (config.build_type == 'canary' and 'test' in config.images and
config.upload_hw_test_artifacts and config.hwqual):
check_name = build_name
# Release tryjobs match their release job.
if '-release-tryjob' in check_name:
check_name = check_name.replace('-tryjob', '')
if (check_name.startswith('betty-')
or check_name.startswith('novato-')
or check_name.startswith('amd64-generic-')):
# Betty is vm-only, so never does hardware tests. See crbug/998427.
elif check_name not in expected_exceptions:
# If it's not listed as an exception, it needs to run hardware tests.
if not config.hw_tests:
elif config.hw_tests:
# It is listed as an exception, and it is running hardware tests. It
# must be removed from the exceptions list.
# Assert at the end, so that we can print the entire list.
self.assertEqual(set(), running_tests,
'Expected no hw_tests, but found them: %s' % running_tests)
self.assertEqual(set(), missing_tests,
'Builds must run hardware tests: %s' % missing_tests)
def testHWTestsReleaseBuilderWeakRequirement(self):
"""Make sure most release configs run hw tests."""
for build_name, config in self.site_config.items():
# crbug/871967: clapper-release* hwtests are intentionally currently
# turned off.
if build_name.startswith('clapper'):
if build_name.startswith('betty'):
if build_name.startswith('novato'):
if build_name.startswith('amd64-generic'):
# expresso, jacuzzi, and zork do not run hwtests in the
# release builder.
if build_name.startswith(('expresso', 'jacuzzi', 'zork')):
# Jetstream boards currently do not run hwtests in the release builder,
# b/140317527.
if build_name.startswith(('arkham', 'gale', 'mistral', 'whirlwind')):
if (config.build_type == 'canary' and 'test' in config.images and
config.upload_hw_test_artifacts and config.hwqual):
'Release builder %s must run hw tests.' % build_name)
def testValidUnifiedMasterConfig(self):
"""Make sure any unified master configurations are valid."""
for build_name, config in self.site_config.items():
error = 'Unified config for %s has invalid values' % build_name
# Unified masters must be internal and must rev both overlays.
if config['master'] and config['manifest_version']:
self.assertTrue(config['internal'], error)
elif not config['master'] and config['manifest_version']:
# Unified slaves can rev either public or both depending on whether
# they are internal or not.
if not config['internal']:
self.assertEqual(config['overlays'], constants.PUBLIC_OVERLAYS, error)
elif config_lib.IsCQType(config['build_type']):
self.assertEqual(config['overlays'], constants.BOTH_OVERLAYS, error)
def testGetSlaves(self):
"""Make sure every master has a sane list of slaves"""
for build_name, config in self.site_config.items():
if config.master:
configs = self.site_config.GetSlavesForMaster(config)
len(configs), len(set(repr(x) for x in configs)),
'Duplicate board in slaves of %s will cause upload prebuilts'
' failures' % build_name)
# Our logic for calculating what slaves have completed their critical
# stages will break if the master is considered a slave of itself,
# because db.GetSlaveStages(...) doesn't include master stages.
if config.build_type == constants.PALADIN_TYPE:
config.boards, [],
'Master paladin %s cannot have boards.' % build_name)
build_name, [ for x in configs],
'Master paladin %s cannot be a slave of itself.' % build_name)
def _getSlaveConfigsForMaster(self, master_config_name):
"""Helper to fetch the configs for all slaves of a given master."""
master_config = self.site_config[master_config_name]
# Get a list of all active Paladins.
return [self.site_config[n] for n in master_config.slave_configs]
def testNoCqPrebuilts(self):
"""Make sure every master has a sane list of slaves"""
for build_name, config in self.site_config.items():
if config.build_type == constants.PALADIN_TYPE:
'Paladin %s should not generate prebuilts.' % build_name)
# Disabled due to
# def testPreCQHasVMTests(self):
# """Make sure that at least one pre-cq builder enables VM tests."""
# pre_cq_configs = constants.PRE_CQ_DEFAULT_CONFIGS
# have_vm_tests = any([self.site_config[name].vm_tests
# for name in pre_cq_configs])
# self.assertTrue(have_vm_tests, 'No Pre-CQ builder has VM tests enabled')
def testGetSlavesOnTrybot(self):
"""Make sure every master has a sane list of slaves"""
mock_options = mock.Mock()
mock_options.remote_trybot = True
for _, config in self.site_config.items():
if config['master']:
configs = self.site_config.GetSlavesForMaster(config, mock_options)
self.assertEqual([], configs)
def testFactoryFirmwareValidity(self):
"""Ensures that firmware/factory branches have at least 1 valid name."""
tracking_branch = git.GetChromiteTrackingBranch()
for branch in ['firmware', 'factory']:
if tracking_branch.startswith(branch):
saw_config_for_branch = False
for build_name in self.site_config:
if build_name.endswith('-%s' % branch):
self.assertFalse('release' in build_name,
'Factory|Firmware release builders should not '
'contain release in their name.')
saw_config_for_branch = True
saw_config_for_branch, 'No config found for %s branch. '
'As this is the %s branch, all release configs that are being used '
'must end in %s.' % (branch, tracking_branch, branch))
def testNoNewBuildersOnlyGroups(self):
"""Grouped builders are deprecated.
Ensure now new users are created. See
for build_name, config in self.site_config.items():
# These group builders are whitelisted, for now.
if not (build_name in ('test-ap-group',
'mixed-wificell-pre-cq') or
build_name.endswith('release-afdo') or
'Unexpected group builder found: %s' % build_name)
def testAFDOSameInChildConfigs(self):
"""Verify that 'afdo_use' is the same for all children in a group."""
msg = ('Child config %s for %s should have same value for afdo_use '
'as other children')
for build_name, config in self.site_config.items():
if build_name.endswith('-group'):
prev_value = None
'Config %s should have child configs' % build_name)
for child_config in config.child_configs:
if prev_value is None:
prev_value = child_config.afdo_use
self.assertEqual(child_config.afdo_use, prev_value,
msg % (, build_name))
def testReleaseAFDOConfigs(self):
"""Verify that <board>-release-afdo config have generate and use children.
These configs should have a 'generate' and a 'use' child config. Also,
any 'generate' and 'use' configs should be children of a release-afdo
msg = 'Config %s should have %s as a parent'
parent_suffix = config_lib.CONFIG_TYPE_RELEASE_AFDO
generate_suffix = '%s-generate' % parent_suffix
use_suffix = '%s-use' % parent_suffix
for build_name, config in self.site_config.items():
if build_name.endswith(parent_suffix):
len(config.child_configs), 2,
'Config %s should have 2 child configs' % build_name)
for child_config in config.child_configs:
child_name =
self.assertTrue(child_name.endswith(generate_suffix) or
'Config %s has wrong %s child' %
(build_name, child_config))
if build_name.endswith(generate_suffix):
parent_config_name = build_name.replace(generate_suffix,
self.assertTrue(parent_config_name in self.site_config,
msg % (build_name, parent_config_name))
if build_name.endswith(use_suffix):
parent_config_name = build_name.replace(use_suffix,
self.assertTrue(parent_config_name in self.site_config,
msg % (build_name, parent_config_name))
def testNoGrandChildConfigs(self):
"""Verify that no child configs have a child config."""
for build_name, config in self.site_config.items():
for child_config in config.child_configs:
for grandchild_config in child_config.child_configs:'Config %s has grandchild %s' % (build_name,
def testUseChromeLKGMImpliesInternal(self):
"""Currently use_chrome_lkgm refers only to internal manifests."""
for build_name, config in self.site_config.items():
if config['use_chrome_lkgm']:
'Chrome lkgm currently only works with an internal manifest: %s' % (
def _HasValidSuffix(self, config_name, config_types):
"""Given a config_name, see if it has a suffix in config_types.
config_name: Name of config to compare.
config_types: A tuple/list of config suffixes.
True, if the config has a suffix matching one of the types.
for config_type in config_types:
if config_name.endswith('-' + config_type) or config_name == config_type:
return True
return False
def testNoDuplicateSlavePrebuilts(self):
"""Test that no two same-board paladin slaves upload prebuilts."""
for cfg in self.site_config.values():
if cfg['build_type'] == constants.PALADIN_TYPE and cfg['master']:
slaves = self.site_config.GetSlavesForMaster(cfg)
prebuilt_slaves = [s for s in slaves if s['prebuilts']]
# Dictionary from board name to builder name that uploads prebuilt
prebuilt_slave_boards = {}
for slave in prebuilt_slaves:
for board in slave['boards']:
self.assertNotIn(board, prebuilt_slave_boards,
'Configs %s and %s both upload prebuilts for '
'board %s.' % (prebuilt_slave_boards.get(board),
prebuilt_slave_boards[board] = slave['name']
def testCantBeBothTypesOfAFDO(self):
"""Using afdo_generate and afdo_use together doesn't work."""
for config in self.site_config.values():
self.assertFalse(config['afdo_use'] and config['afdo_generate'])
self.assertFalse(config['afdo_use'] and config['afdo_generate_min'])
self.assertFalse(config['afdo_generate'] and config['afdo_generate_min'])
def testValidPrebuilts(self):
"""Verify all builders have valid prebuilt values."""
for build_name, config in self.site_config.items():
msg = 'Config %s: has unexpected prebuilts value.' % build_name
valid_values = (False, constants.PRIVATE, constants.PUBLIC)
self.assertTrue(config['prebuilts'] in valid_values, msg)
def testInternalPrebuilts(self):
for build_name, config in self.site_config.items():
if (config['internal'] and
config['build_type'] not in [constants.CHROME_PFQ_TYPE,
msg = 'Config %s is internal but has public prebuilts.' % build_name
self.assertNotEqual(config['prebuilts'], constants.PUBLIC, msg)
def testValidHWTestPriority(self):
"""Verify that hw test priority is valid."""
for build_name, config in self.site_config.items():
for test_config in config['hw_tests']:
test_config.priority in constants.HWTEST_VALID_PRIORITIES,
'%s has an invalid hwtest priority.' % build_name)
def testAllBoardsExist(self):
"""Verifies that all config boards are in _all_boards."""
boards_dict = self._GetBoardTypeToBoardsDict()
for build_name, config in self.site_config.items():
'Config %s has boards = None' % build_name)
for board in config.boards:
if config.workspace_branch:
# Builds on workspace branches may reference boards which no
# longer exist.
self.assertIn(board, boards_dict['all_boards'],
'Config %s has unknown board %s.' %
(build_name, board))
def testPushImagePaygenDependancies(self):
"""Paygen requires PushImage."""
for build_name, config in self.site_config.items():
# paygen can't complete without push_image, except for payloads
# where --channel arguments meet the requirements.
if config['paygen']:
self.assertTrue(config['push_image'] or
config['build_type'] == constants.PAYLOADS_TYPE,
'%s has paygen without push_image' % build_name)
def testPaygenTestDependancies(self):
"""paygen testing requires upload_hw_test_artifacts."""
for build_name, config in self.site_config.items():
# This requirement doesn't apply to payloads(-tryjob)
# builds. Payloads(-tryjob) are using artifacts from a previous build.
if build_name.endswith('-payloads') or \
if config['paygen'] and not config['paygen_skip_testing']:
'%s is not upload_hw_test_artifacts, but also not'
' paygen_skip_testing' % build_name)
def testPayloadImageIsBuilt(self):
for build_name, config in self.site_config.items():
if config.payload_image is not None:
self.assertNotEqual('recovery', config.payload_image,
'%s wants to generate payloads from recovery '
'images, which is not allowed.' % build_name)
self.assertIn(config.payload_image, config.images,
'%s builds payloads from %s, which is not in images '
'list %s' % (build_name, config.payload_image,
def testBuildPackagesForRecoveryImage(self):
"""Tests that we build the packages required for recovery image."""
for build_name, config in self.site_config.items():
if 'recovery' in config.images:
if not config.packages:
# No packages are specified. Defaults to build all packages.
'%s does not build chromeos-initramfs, which is required '
'for creating the recovery image' % build_name)
def testBuildRecoveryImageFlags(self):
"""Ensure the right flags are disabled when building the recovery image."""
incompatible_flags = ['paygen', 'signer_tests']
for build_name, config in self.site_config.items():
for flag in incompatible_flags:
if config[flag] and config.build_type != constants.PAYLOADS_TYPE:
self.assertIn('recovery', config.images,
'%s does not build the recovery image, which is '
'incompatible with %s=True' % (build_name, flag))
def testBuildBaseImageForRecoveryImage(self):
"""Tests that we build the packages required for recovery image."""
for build_name, config in self.site_config.items():
if 'recovery' in config.images:
self.assertIn('base', config.images,
'%s does not build the base image, which is required for '
'building the recovery image' % build_name)
def testExternalConfigsDoNotUseInternalFeatures(self):
"""External configs should not use chrome_internal, or official.xml."""
msg = ('%s is not internal, so should not use chrome_internal, or an '
'internal manifest')
for build_name, config in self.site_config.items():
if not config['internal']:
self.assertFalse('chrome_internal' in config['useflags'],
msg % build_name)
msg % build_name)
def testNoShadowedUseflags(self):
"""Configs should not have both useflags x and -x."""
msg = ('%s contains useflag %s and -%s.')
for build_name, config in self.site_config.items():
useflag_set = set(config['useflags'])
for flag in useflag_set:
if not flag.startswith('-'):
self.assertFalse('-' + flag in useflag_set,
msg % (build_name, flag, flag))
def testHealthCheckEmails(self):
"""Configs should only have valid email addresses or aliases"""
msg = ('%s contains an invalid tree alias or email address: %s')
for build_name, config in self.site_config.items():
health_alert_recipients = config['health_alert_recipients']
for recipient in health_alert_recipients:
self.assertTrue(re.match(r'[^@]+@[^@]+\.[^@]+', recipient) or
recipient == constants.CHROME_GARDENER,
msg % (build_name, recipient))
def testCheckBuilderClass(self):
"""Verify builder_class_name is a valid value."""
for build_name, config in self.site_config.items():
builder_class_name = config['builder_class_name']
if builder_class_name is None:
cls = builders.GetBuilderClass(builder_class_name)
self.assertTrue(issubclass(cls, generic_builders.Builder),
msg=('config %s has a broken builder_class_name' %
def testDistinctBoardSets(self):
"""Verify that distinct board sets are distinct."""
boards_dict = self._GetBoardTypeToBoardsDict()
# Every board should be in exactly one of the distinct board sets.
for board in boards_dict['all_boards']:
found = False
for s in boards_dict['distinct_board_sets']:
if board in s:
if found:
assert False, '%s in multiple board sets.' % board
found = True
if not found:
assert False, '%s in no board sets' % board
for s in boards_dict['distinct_board_sets']:
for board in s - boards_dict['all_boards']:
assert False, ('%s in distinct_board_sets but not in all_boards' %
def testCanaryBuildTimeouts(self):
"""Verify we get the expected timeout values."""
msg = ("%s doesn't have expected timout: (%s != %s)")
for build_name, config in self.site_config.items():
if config.build_type != constants.CANARY_TYPE:
expected = 12 * 60 * 60
config.build_timeout, expected,
msg % (build_name, config.build_timeout, expected))
def testBuildTimeouts(self):
"""Verify that timeout values are sane."""
for build_name, config in self.site_config.items():
# Chrome infra has a hard limit of 24h.
config.build_timeout, 24 * 60 * 60,
'%s timeout %s is greater than 24h'
% (build_name, config.build_timeout))
def testLuciScheduler(self):
"""LUCI Scheduler entries only work for swarming builds."""
for config in self.site_config.values():
if config.schedule is not None:
# TODO: validate the scheduler syntax.
self.assertIsInstance(config.schedule, str)
if config.triggered_gitiles is not None:
config.schedule, 'triggered',
'triggered_gitiles requires triggered schedule on config %s' %
for gitiles_url, ref_list in config.triggered_gitiles:
self.assertIsInstance(gitiles_url, str)
for ref in ref_list:
self.assertIsInstance(ref, str)
except (TypeError, ValueError):'%s has a triggered_gitiles that is malformed: %r\n'
"Simple example: [['url', ['refs/heads/master']]]") %
(, config.triggered_gitiles))
def testNoTestsInPostsubmit(self):
"""Configs must have names set."""
for build_name, config in self.site_config.items():
if config.build_type != constants.POSTSUBMIT_TYPE:
msg = 'Unexpected test in: %s' % build_name
self.assertFalse(config.unittests, msg)
self.assertFalse(config.hw_tests, msg)
self.assertFalse(config.vm_tests, msg)
self.assertFalse(config.gce_tests, msg)
self.assertFalse(config.tast_vm_tests, msg)
self.assertFalse(config.moblab_vm_tests, msg)
class TemplateTest(ChromeosConfigTestBase):
"""Tests for templates."""
def testConfigNamesMatchTemplate(self):
"""Test that all configs have names that match their templates."""
for name, config in self.site_config.items():
# Tryjob configs should be tested based on what they are mirrored from.
if name.endswith('-tryjob'):
name = name[:-len('-tryjob')]
template = config._template
if template:
# We mix '-' and '_' in various name spaces.
name = name.replace('_', '-')
template = template.replace('_', '-')
child_configs = config.child_configs
if not child_configs:
msg = '%s should end with %s to match its template'
self.assertTrue(name.endswith(template), msg % (name, template))
msg = 'Child config of %s has name that does not match its template'
msg % name)
for other in self.site_config.GetTemplates():
if name.endswith(other) and other != template:
if template:
msg = '%s has more specific template: %s' % (name, other)
self.assertGreater(len(template), len(other), msg)
msg = '%s should have %s as template' % (name, other)
self.assertFalse(name, msg)
class BoardConfigsTest(ChromeosConfigTestBase):
"""Tests for the per-board templates."""
def setUp(self):
ge_build_config = config_lib.LoadGEBuildConfigFromFile()
boards_dict = chromeos_config.GetBoardTypeToBoardsDict(ge_build_config)
self.external_board_configs = chromeos_config.CreateBoardConfigs(
self.site_config, boards_dict, ge_build_config)
self.internal_board_configs = chromeos_config.CreateInternalBoardConfigs(
self.site_config, boards_dict, ge_build_config)
def testBoardConfigsSuperset(self):
"""Ensure all external boards are listed as internal, also."""
for board in self.external_board_configs:
self.assertIn(board, self.internal_board_configs)
def _verifyNoTests(self, board_configs):
"""Defining tests in board specific templates doesn't work as expected."""
for board, template in board_configs.items():
'vm_tests' in template and template.vm_tests,
'Per-board template for %s defining vm_tests' % board)
'vm_tests_override' in template and template.vm_tests_override,
'Per-board template for %s defining vm_tests_override' % board)
'gce_tests' in template and template.gce_tests,
'Per-board template for %s defining gce_tests' % board)
'hw_tests' in template and template.hw_tests,
'Per-board template for %s defining hw_tests' % board)
'hw_tests_override' in template and template.hw_tests_override,
'Per-board template for %s defining hw_tests_override' % board)
def testExternalsDontDefineTests(self):
"""Verify no external boards define tests at the board level."""
def testInternalsDontDefineTests(self):
"""Verify no internal boards define tests at the board level."""
def testUpdateBoardConfigs(self):
"""Test UpdateBoardConfigs."""
pre_test = copy.deepcopy(self.internal_board_configs)
update_boards = list(pre_test)[2:5]
result = chromeos_config.UpdateBoardConfigs(
self.internal_board_configs, update_boards,
# The source wasn't modified.
self.assertEqual(self.internal_board_configs, pre_test)
# The result as the same list of boards.
self.assertCountEqual(list(result), list(pre_test))
# And only appropriate values were updated.
for b in pre_test:
if b in update_boards:
# Has new key.
self.assertTrue(result[b].test_specific_flag, 'Failed in %s' % b)
# Was not updated.
self.assertEqual(result[b], pre_test[b], 'Failed in %s' % b)