blob: a070dffc2b689bb22d257da6028fb6d266cb65eb [file] [log] [blame]
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright 2019 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
"""Metrics for general consumption.
See infra/proto/metrics.proto for a description of the type of record that this
module will be creating.
from __future__ import print_function
import collections
import contextlib
import functools
import os
import tempfile
import time
import uuid
from chromite.lib import cros_logging as logging
from chromite.lib import locking
OP_START_TIMER = 'start-timer'
OP_STOP_TIMER = 'stop-timer'
OP_NAMED_EVENT = 'event'
# MetricEvent store a start or a stop to a timer. Timers are keyed
# with a unique value to make matching the bookends easier.
MetricEvent = collections.namedtuple('MetricEvent', ('timestamp_epoch_millis',
'name', 'op', 'key'))
class Error(Exception):
"""Base Error class for other Error types to derive from."""
class ParseMetricError(Error):
"""ParseMetricError represents a coding error in metric events.
If you see this error there is probably an error in your metric event
emission code.
def current_milli_time():
"""Return the current Epoch time in milliseconds."""
return int(round(time.time() * 1000))
def parse_timer(terms):
"""Parse a timer line.
terms: A list of the subdimensions of the MetricEvent type.
A MetricEvent from the content of the terms.
ParseMetricError: An error occurred parsing the data from the list of terms.
if len(terms) != 4:
raise ParseMetricError('Incorrect number of terms for timer metric. Should '
'have been 4, instead it is %d. See terms %s.' %
(len(terms), terms))
assert terms[2] in {OP_START_TIMER, OP_STOP_TIMER}
return MetricEvent(int(terms[0]), terms[1], terms[2], terms[3])
def parse_named_event(terms):
"""Parse a named event line.
terms: A list of the subdimensions of the MetricEvent type, omitting "key".
A MetricEvent from the content of the terms.
ParseMetricError: An error occurred parsing the data from the list of terms.
if len(terms) != 3:
raise ParseMetricError('Incorrect number of terms for event metric. Should '
'have been 3, instead it is %d. See terms %s.' %
(len(terms), terms))
assert terms[2] == OP_NAMED_EVENT
return MetricEvent(int(terms[0]), terms[1], terms[2], key=None)
def get_metric_parser(op):
"""Return a function which can parse a line with this operator."""
return {
OP_START_TIMER: parse_timer,
OP_STOP_TIMER: parse_timer,
OP_NAMED_EVENT: parse_named_event,
def parse_metric(line):
"""Take a line and return a MetricEvent."""
terms = line.strip().split('|')
if 3 <= len(terms) <= 4:
# Get a parser for this (call the factory).
parser = get_metric_parser(terms[2])
if parser:
return parser(terms)
raise ParseMetricError('Malformed metric line: %s' % line)
def read_metrics_events():
"""Generate metric events by parsing the metrics log file."""
metrics_logfile = os.environ.get(UTILS_METRICS_LOG_ENVVAR)
if not metrics_logfile:
return'reading metrics logs from %s', metrics_logfile)
# TODO(wbbradley): Drop this once it's stable
with open(metrics_logfile) as f:'[metrics log file]\n%s',
with open(metrics_logfile, 'r') as f:
for line in f:
yield parse_metric(line)
def collect_metrics(functor):
"""Enable metric collection by setting up a temp file and env var."""
def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
"""Wrapped function which implements collect_metrics behavior."""
metrics_logfile = os.environ.get(UTILS_METRICS_LOG_ENVVAR)
if metrics_logfile:
# We are in a reentrant scenario, let's just pass the logfile name along.
return functor(*args, **kwargs)
# Let's manage the lifetime of a logfile for consumption within functor.
tmp_prefix = 'build-metrics-'
with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(prefix=tmp_prefix) as temp_file:
os.environ[UTILS_METRICS_LOG_ENVVAR] ='Setting up metrics collection (%s=%s).',
return functor(*args, **kwargs)
return wrapper
def append_metrics_log(timestamp, name, op, key=None):
"""Handle appending a list of terms to the metrics log.
If the environment does not specify a metrics log, then skip silently.
timestamp: A millisecond epoch timestamp.
name: A period-separated string describing the event.
op: One of the OP_* values, determining which type of event this is.
key: An optional key to disambiguate equivalenty named events.
metrics_log = os.environ.get(UTILS_METRICS_LOG_ENVVAR)
terms = [timestamp, name.replace('|', '_'), op]
if key:
# Format the actual line to log.
line = '|'.join(str(x) for x in terms)
if metrics_log:
with locking.FileLock(metrics_log).write_lock():
with open(metrics_log, 'a') as f:
f.write('%s\n' % line)
def timer(name):
"""A context manager to emit start/stop events.
name: A name for the timer event.
Context for context manager surrounding event emission.
# Timer events use a "key" to disambiguate in case of multiple concurrent or
# overlapping timers with the same name.
key = uuid.uuid4()
append_metrics_log(current_milli_time(), name, OP_START_TIMER, key=key)
append_metrics_log(current_milli_time(), name, OP_STOP_TIMER, key=key)
def event(name):
"""Emit a counter event.
name: A name for the timer event.
append_metrics_log(current_milli_time(), name, OP_NAMED_EVENT)