blob: 71e9d1ade695b383c13463fd0d1f4ac19b9b3568 [file] [log] [blame]
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright 2016 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
"""Module that contains unittests for patch_series module."""
from __future__ import print_function
import contextlib
import os
import mock
from chromite.cbuildbot import patch_series
from chromite.cbuildbot import validation_pool_unittest
from chromite.lib import config_lib
from chromite.lib import gerrit
from chromite.lib import git
from chromite.lib import cros_test_lib
from chromite.lib import parallel
from chromite.lib import parallel_unittest
from chromite.lib import partial_mock
from chromite.lib import patch as cros_patch
from chromite.lib import patch_unittest
def FakeFetchChangesForRepo(fetched_changes, by_repo, repo):
"""Fake version of the "PatchSeries._FetchChangesForRepo" method.
Thes does nothing to the changes and simply copies them into the output
for c in by_repo[repo]:
fetched_changes[] = c
class FakePatch(partial_mock.PartialMock):
"""Mocks out dependency and fetch methods of GitRepoPatch.
Usage: set FakePatch.parents, .cq and .build_roots per patch, and set
FakePatch.assertEqual to your TestCase's assertEqual method. The behavior of
`GerritDependencies`, `PaladinDependencies` and `Fetch` depends on the patch
TARGET = 'chromite.lib.patch.GitRepoPatch'
ATTRS = ('GerritDependencies', 'PaladinDependencies', 'Fetch')
parents = {}
cq = {}
build_root = None
assertEqual = None
def PreStart(self):
FakePatch.parents = {}
FakePatch.cq = {}
def PreStop(self):
FakePatch.build_root = None
FakePatch.assertEqual = None
def GerritDependencies(self, patch):
return [cros_patch.ParsePatchDep(x) for x in self.parents[]]
def PaladinDependencies(self, patch, path):
self._assertPath(patch, path)
return [cros_patch.ParsePatchDep(x) for x in self.cq[]]
def Fetch(self, patch, path):
self._assertPath(patch, path)
return patch.sha1
def _assertPath(self, patch, path):
os.path.join(self.build_root, patch.project))
class FakeGerritPatch(FakePatch):
"""Mocks out the "GerritDependencies" method of GerritPatch.
This is necessary because GerritPatch overrides the GerritDependencies method.
TARGET = 'chromite.lib.patch.GerritPatch'
ATTRS = ('GerritDependencies',)
# pylint: disable=protected-access
# pylint: disable=too-many-ancestors
class PatchSeriesTestCase(patch_unittest.UploadedLocalPatchTestCase,
"""Base class for tests that need to test PatchSeries."""
def _ValidateTransactionCall(self, _changes):
def setUp(self):
self._patch_factory = patch_unittest.MockPatchFactory()
self.build_root = 'fakebuildroot'
self.GetPatches = self._patch_factory.GetPatches
self.MockPatch = self._patch_factory.MockPatch
def MakeHelper(self, cros_internal=None, cros=None):
# pylint: disable=attribute-defined-outside-init
site_params = config_lib.GetSiteParams()
if cros_internal:
cros_internal = mock.create_autospec(gerrit.GerritHelper)
cros_internal.version = '2.2'
cros_internal.remote = site_params.INTERNAL_REMOTE
if cros:
cros = mock.create_autospec(gerrit.GerritHelper)
cros.remote = site_params.EXTERNAL_REMOTE
cros.version = '2.2'
return patch_series.HelperPool(cros_internal=cros_internal,
def GetPatchSeries(self, helper_pool=None):
if helper_pool is None:
helper_pool = self.MakeHelper(cros_internal=True, cros=True)
series = patch_series.PatchSeries(self.build_root, helper_pool)
# Suppress transactions.
series._Transaction = self._ValidateTransactionCall
series.GetGitRepoForChange = \
lambda change, **kwargs: os.path.join(self.build_root, change.project)
return series
def CheckPatchApply(self, apply_mocks):
for apply_mock in apply_mocks:
apply_mock.assert_called_once_with(mock.ANY, trivial=False)
value = apply_mock.call_args[0][0]
self.assertTrue(isinstance(value, validation_pool_unittest.MockManifest))
self.assertEqual(value.root, self.build_root)
def SetPatchApply(self, patch):
return self.PatchObject(patch, 'ApplyAgainstManifest')
def assertResults(self, series, changes, applied=(), failed_tot=(),
failed_inflight=(), frozen=True):
manifest = validation_pool_unittest.MockManifest(self.build_root)
result = series.Apply(changes, frozen=frozen, manifest=manifest)
_GetIds = lambda seq: [ for x in seq]
_GetFailedIds = lambda seq: _GetIds(x.patch for x in seq)
applied_result = _GetIds(result[0])
failed_tot_result, failed_inflight_result = [
_GetFailedIds(x) for x in result[1:]]
applied = _GetIds(applied)
failed_tot = _GetIds(failed_tot)
failed_inflight = _GetIds(failed_inflight)
self.assertEqual(applied, applied_result)
self.assertItemsEqual(failed_inflight, failed_inflight_result)
self.assertItemsEqual(failed_tot, failed_tot_result)
return result
class TestUploadedLocalPatch(PatchSeriesTestCase):
"""Test the interaction between uploaded local git patches and PatchSeries."""
def testFetchChanges(self):
"""Test fetching uploaded local patches."""
git1, git2, patch1 = self._CommonGitSetup()
patch2 = self.CommitFile(git1, 'monkeys2', 'foon2')
patch3 = self._MkPatch(git1, None, original_sha1=patch1.sha1)
patch4 = self._MkPatch(git1, None, original_sha1=patch2.sha1)
series = self.GetPatchSeries()
series.GetGitRepoForChange = lambda change, **kwargs: git2
patches, _ = series.FetchChanges([patch3, patch4])
self.assertEqual(len(patches), 2)
def testFetchChangesWithChangeNotInManifest(self):
"""test FetchChanges with ChangeNotInManifest."""
# pylint: disable=unused-argument
def raiseException(change, **kwargs):
raise cros_patch.ChangeNotInManifest(change)
patch_1, patch_2 = patches = self.GetPatches(2)
series = self.GetPatchSeries()
series.GetGitRepoForChange = raiseException
changes, not_in_manifest = series.FetchChanges(patches)
self.assertEqual(len(changes), 0)
self.assertEqual(len(not_in_manifest), 2)
self.assertEqual(not_in_manifest[0].patch, patch_1)
self.assertEqual(not_in_manifest[1].patch, patch_2)
class TestPatchSeries(PatchSeriesTestCase):
"""Tests resolution and applying logic of validation_pool.ValidationPool."""
def setUp(self):
self.PatchObject(FakePatch, 'assertEqual', new=self.assertEqual)
self.PatchObject(FakePatch, 'build_root', new=self.build_root)
self.PatchObject(patch_series, '_FetchChangesForRepo',
def SetPatchDeps(self, patch, parents=(), cq=()):
"""Set the dependencies of |patch|.
patch: The patch to process.
parents: A set of strings to set as parents of |patch|.
cq: A set of strings to set as paladin dependencies of |patch|.
FakePatch.parents[] = parents
FakePatch.cq[] = cq
def testApplyWithDeps(self):
"""Test that we can apply changes correctly and respect deps.
This tests a simple out-of-order change where change1 depends on change2
but tries to get applied before change2. What should happen is that
we should notice change2 is a dep of change1 and apply it first.
series = self.GetPatchSeries()
patch1, patch2 = patches = self.GetPatches(2)
self.SetPatchDeps(patch1, [])
apply_mocks = [self.SetPatchApply(x) for x in patches]
self.assertResults(series, patches, [patch2, patch1])
def testSha1Deps(self):
"""Test that we can apply changes correctly and respect sha1 deps.
This tests a simple out-of-order change where change1 depends on change2
but tries to get applied before change2. What should happen is that
we should notice change2 is a dep of change1 and apply it first.
site_params = config_lib.GetSiteParams()
series = self.GetPatchSeries()
patch1, patch2, patch3 = patches = self.GetPatches(3)
patch3.remote = site_params.INTERNAL_REMOTE
self.SetPatchDeps(patch1, ['chromium:%s' % patch2.sha1])
self.SetPatchDeps(patch2, ['chrome-internal:%s' % patch3.sha1])
apply_mocks = [self.SetPatchApply(x) for x in patches]
self.assertResults(series, patches, [patch3, patch2, patch1])
def testGerritNumberDeps(self):
"""Test that we can apply CQ-DEPEND changes in the right order."""
series = self.GetPatchSeries()
patch1, patch2, patch3 = patches = self.GetPatches(3)
self.SetPatchDeps(patch1, cq=[])
self.SetPatchDeps(patch2, cq=[patch3.gerrit_number])
self.SetPatchDeps(patch3, cq=[patch1.gerrit_number])
apply_mocks = [self.SetPatchApply(x) for x in patches]
self.assertResults(series, patches, patches[::-1])
def testGerritLazyMapping(self):
"""Given a patch lacking a gerrit number, via gerrit, map it to that change.
Literally, this ensures that local patches pushed up- lacking a gerrit
number- are mapped back to a changeid via asking gerrit for that number,
then the local matching patch is used if available.
series = self.GetPatchSeries()
patch1 = self.MockPatch()
self.PatchObject(patch1, 'LookupAliases', return_value=[])
patch2 = self.MockPatch(change_id=int(patch1.change_id[1:]))
patch3 = self.MockPatch()
self.SetPatchDeps(patch3, cq=[patch2.gerrit_number])
apply_mocks = [self.SetPatchApply(x) for x in (patch1, patch3)]
helper = series._helper_pool.GetHelper(patch2.remote)
def QueryChecker(query, **kwargs):
self.assertEqual(query, patch2.gerrit_number)
return patch2
helper.QuerySingleRecord.side_effect = QueryChecker
applied = self.assertResults(series, [patch1, patch3], [patch1, patch3])[0]
self.assertIs(applied[0], patch1)
self.assertIs(applied[1], patch3)
def testCrosGerritDeps(self, cros_internal=True):
"""Test that we can apply changes correctly and respect deps.
This tests a simple out-of-order change where change1 depends on change3
but tries to get applied before it. What should happen is that
we should notice the dependency and apply change3 first.
site_params = config_lib.GetSiteParams()
helper_pool = self.MakeHelper(cros_internal=cros_internal, cros=True)
series = self.GetPatchSeries(helper_pool=helper_pool)
patch1 = self.MockPatch(remote=site_params.EXTERNAL_REMOTE)
patch2 = self.MockPatch(remote=site_params.INTERNAL_REMOTE)
patch3 = self.MockPatch(remote=site_params.EXTERNAL_REMOTE)
patches = [patch1, patch2, patch3]
if cros_internal:
applied_patches = [patch3, patch2, patch1]
applied_patches = [patch3, patch1]
self.SetPatchDeps(patch1, [])
self.SetPatchDeps(patch3, cq=[])
apply_mocks = [
if cros_internal:
self.assertResults(series, patches, applied_patches)
def testExternalCrosGerritDeps(self):
"""Test that we exclude internal deps on external trybot."""
def testApplyMissingDep(self):
"""Test that we don't try to apply a change without met dependencies.
Patch2 is in the validation pool that depends on Patch1 (which is not)
Nothing should get applied.
series = self.GetPatchSeries()
patch1, patch2 = self.GetPatches(2)
self.SetPatchDeps(patch2, [])
helper = series._helper_pool.GetHelper(patch1.remote)
def QueryChecker(query, **kwargs):
self.assertEqual(query, patch1.full_change_id)
return patch1
helper.QuerySingleRecord.side_effect = QueryChecker
self.assertResults(series, [patch2],
[], [patch2])
def testApplyWithCommittedDeps(self):
"""Test that we apply a change with dependency already committed."""
series = self.GetPatchSeries()
# Use for basic commit check.
patch1 = self.GetPatches(1, is_merged=True)
patch2 = self.GetPatches(1)
self.SetPatchDeps(patch2, [])
apply_mocks = [self.SetPatchApply(patch2)]
# Used to ensure that an uncommitted change put in the lookup cache
# isn't invalidly pulled into the graph...
patch3, patch4, patch5 = self.GetPatches(3)
self.SetPatchDeps(patch4, [])
self.SetPatchDeps(patch5, [])
# Sanity check so we only set up one mock query.
self.assertEqual(patch1.remote, patch3.remote)
helper = series._helper_pool.GetHelper(patch1.remote)
def QueryChecker(query, **kwargs):
if query == patch1.full_change_id:
return patch1
elif query == patch3.full_change_id:
return patch3
helper.QuerySingleRecord.side_effect = QueryChecker
self.assertResults(series, [patch2, patch4, patch5], [patch2],
[patch4, patch5])
def testCyclicalDeps(self):
"""Verify that the machinery handles cycles correctly."""
series = self.GetPatchSeries()
patch1, patch2, patch3 = patches = self.GetPatches(3)
self.SetPatchDeps(patch1, [])
self.SetPatchDeps(patch2, cq=[])
self.SetPatchDeps(patch3, [])
apply_mocks = [self.SetPatchApply(x) for x in patches]
self.assertResults(series, patches, [patch2, patch1, patch3])
def testApplyWithNotInManifestException(self):
"""Test Apply with NotInManifest Exception."""
series = self.GetPatchSeries()
patch1, patch2, patch3 = patches = self.GetPatches(3)
self.SetPatchDeps(patch1, [])
self.SetPatchDeps(patch2, [])
self.SetPatchDeps(patch3, [])
apply_mocks = [self.SetPatchApply(x) for x in (patch1, patch2)]
not_in_manifest = [cros_patch.ChangeNotInManifest(patch3)]
series.FetchChanges = lambda changes: ([patch1, patch2], not_in_manifest)
self.assertResults(series, patches, applied=[patch1, patch2],
def testComplexCyclicalDeps(self, fail=False):
"""Verify handling of two interdependent cycles."""
series = self.GetPatchSeries()
# Create two cyclically interdependent patch chains.
# Example: Two patch series A1<-A2<-A3<-A4 and B1<-B2<-B3<-B4. A1 has a
# CQ-DEPEND on B4 and B1 has a CQ-DEPEND on A4, so all of the patches must
# be committed together.
chain1, chain2 = chains = self.GetPatches(4), self.GetPatches(4)
for chain in chains:
(other_chain,) = [x for x in chains if x != chain]
self.SetPatchDeps(chain[0], [], cq=[other_chain[-1].id])
for i in range(1, len(chain)):
self.SetPatchDeps(chain[i], [chain[i-1].id])
# Apply the second-last patch first, so that the last patch in the series
# will be pulled in via the CQ-DEPEND on the other patch chain.
to_apply = [chain1[-2]] + [x for x in (chain1 + chain2) if x != chain1[-2]]
# Mark all the patches but the last ones as applied successfully.
apply_mocks = [self.SetPatchApply(x) for x in chain1 + chain2[:-1]]
if fail:
# Pretend that chain2[-1] failed to apply.
self.SetPatchApply(chain2[-1]).side_effect = (
applied = []
failed_tot = to_apply
# We apply the patches in this order since the last patch in chain1
# is pulled in via CQ-DEPEND.
applied = chain1[:2] + chain2[:-1] + chain1[2:] + chain2[-1:]
failed_tot = []
self.assertResults(series, to_apply, applied=applied, failed_tot=failed_tot)
def testFailingComplexCyclicalDeps(self):
"""Verify handling of failing interlocked cycles."""
def testApplyPartialFailures(self):
"""Test that can apply changes correctly when one change fails to apply.
This tests a simple change order where 1 depends on 2 and 1 fails to apply.
Only 1 should get tried as 2 will abort once it sees that 1 can't be
applied. 3 with no dependencies should go through fine.
Since patch1 fails to apply, we should also get a call to handle the
series = self.GetPatchSeries()
patch1, patch2, patch3, patch4 = patches = self.GetPatches(4)
self.SetPatchDeps(patch2, [])
self.SetPatchApply(patch1).side_effect = (
apply_mock = self.SetPatchApply(patch3)
self.SetPatchApply(patch4).side_effect = (
cros_patch.ApplyPatchException(patch1, inflight=True))
self.assertResults(series, patches,
[patch3], [patch2, patch1], [patch4])
def testComplexApply(self):
"""More complex deps test.
This tests a total of 2 change chains where the first change we see
only has a partial chain with the 3rd change having the whole chain i.e.
1->2, 3->1->2. Since we get these in the order 1,2,3,4,5 the order we
should apply is 2,1,3,4,5.
This test also checks the patch order to verify that Apply re-orders
correctly based on the chain.
series = self.GetPatchSeries()
patch1, patch2, patch3, patch4, patch5 = patches = self.GetPatches(5)
self.SetPatchDeps(patch1, [])
self.SetPatchDeps(patch3, [,])
self.SetPatchDeps(patch4, cq=[])
apply_mocks = [self.SetPatchApply(x)
for x in (patch2, patch1, patch3, patch4, patch5)]
series, patches, [patch2, patch1, patch3, patch5, patch4])
def testApplyStandalonePatches(self):
"""Simple apply of two changes with no dependent CL's."""
series = self.GetPatchSeries()
patches = self.GetPatches(3)
for patch in patches:
apply_mocks = [self.SetPatchApply(x) for x in patches]
self.assertResults(series, patches, patches)
def testResetCheckouts(self):
"""Tests resetting git repositories to origin."""
series = self.GetPatchSeries()
repo_path, _, _ = self._CommonGitSetup()
self.CommitFile(repo_path, 'aoeu', 'asdf')
def _GetHeadAndRemote():
head = git.RunGit(repo_path, ['log', 'HEAD', '-n1']).output
remote = git.RunGit(repo_path, ['log', 'cros', '-n1']).output
return head, remote
head, remote = _GetHeadAndRemote()
self.assertNotEqual(head, remote)
series.manifest = mock.Mock()
series.manifest.ListCheckouts.return_value = [mock.Mock(
__getitem__=lambda _self, k: {'tracking_branch': 'cros/master'}[k]
def _MapStar(f, argss):
return [f(*args) for args in argss]
with mock.patch.object(parallel, 'RunTasksInProcessPool', new=_MapStar):
# verify that the checkout is reset.
head, remote = _GetHeadAndRemote()
self.assertEqual(head, remote)
def TestCreateDisjointTransactions(self):
"""Test CreateDisjointTransactions."""
series = self.GetPatchSeries()
p = self.GetPatches(6)
changes = p[0:5]
ex = Exception('error transaction')
# A -> B means A depends on B.
# p0 -> (p1, p2)
# p1 -> (p2)
# p2 -> ()
# p3 -> ()
# p4 -> (p5)
transactions = [(p[0], [p[0], p[1], p[2]], None),
(p[1], [p[1], p[2]], None),
(p[2], [p[2]], None),
(p[3], [p[3], p[4]], None),
(p[5], (), ex)]
self.PatchObject(patch_series.PatchSeries, 'CreateTransactions',
ordered_plans, failed = series.CreateDisjointTransactions(changes)
changes_in_plan = [change for plan in ordered_plans for change in plan]
self.assertItemsEqual(changes_in_plan, p[0:5])
self.assertItemsEqual(failed, [ex])