blob: 9469f8acd0434849fb1e96cea6e5a4cfdfd67e0e [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
import logging
import os
import random
import sys
import time
import httplib2
import infra_libs
from infra_libs.event_mon.protos.log_request_lite_pb2 import LogRequestLite
from infra_libs.event_mon.protos.chrome_infra_log_pb2 import ChromeInfraEvent
def time_ms():
"""Return current timestamp in milliseconds."""
return int(1000 * time.time())
def backoff_time(attempt, retry_backoff=2., max_delay=30.):
"""Compute randomized exponential backoff time.
attempt (int): attempt number, starting at zero.
Keyword Args:
retry_backoff(float): backoff time on the first attempt.
max_delay(float): maximum returned value.
delay = retry_backoff * (2 ** attempt)
# Add +-25% of variation.
delay += delay * ((random.random() - 0.5) / 2.)
return min(delay, max_delay)
class _Router(object):
"""Route events to the right destination. Base class.
This object is meant to be a singleton, and is not part of the API.
Subclasses must implement _send_to_endpoint().
router = _Router()
event = ChromeInfraEvent.LogEventLite(...)
... fill in event ...
def push_event(self, log_events):
"""Enqueue event to push to the collection service.
This method offers no guarantee on return that the event have been pushed
externally, as some buffering can take place.
log_events (LogRequestLite.LogEventLite or list/tuple of): events.
success (bool): False if an error happened. True means 'event accepted',
but NOT 'event successfully pushed to the remote'.
if isinstance(log_events, LogRequestLite.LogEventLite):
log_events = (log_events,)
if not isinstance(log_events, (list, tuple)):
logging.error('Invalid type for "event", should be LogEventLite or '
'list of. Got %s' % str(type(log_events)))
return False
request_p = LogRequestLite()
request_p.log_source_name = 'CHROME_INFRA'
request_p.log_event.extend(log_events) # copies the protobuf
# Sets the sending time here for safety, _send_to_endpoint should change it
# if needed.
request_p.request_time_ms = time_ms()
return self._send_to_endpoint(request_p)
def _send_to_endpoint(self, events):
"""Send a protobuf to wherever it should be sent.
This method is called by push_event.
If some computation is require, make sure to update events.request_time_ms
right before sending.
events(LogRequestLite): protobuf to send.
success(bool): whether POSTing/writing succeeded or not.
raise NotImplementedError('Please implement _send_to_endpoint().')
class _LocalFileRouter(_Router):
def __init__(self, output_file, dry_run=False):
"""Initialize the router.
Writes a serialized LogRequestLite protobuf in a local file. File is
created/truncated before writing (no append).
output_file(str): path to file where to write the protobuf.
Keyword Args:
dry_run(bool): if True, the file is not written.
self.output_file = output_file
self._dry_run = dry_run
def _send_to_endpoint(self, events):
if not os.path.isdir(os.path.dirname(self.output_file)):
logging.error('File cannot be written, parent directory does '
'not exist: %s' % os.path.dirname(self.output_file))
if self._dry_run:'Would have written in %s', self.output_file)
with open(self.output_file, 'wb') as f:
f.write(events.SerializeToString()) # pragma: no branch
except Exception:
logging.exception('Failed to write in file: %s', self.output_file)
return False
return True
class _TextStreamRouter(_Router):
def __init__(self, stream=sys.stdout):
"""Initialize the router.
stream(File): where to write the output.
_Router.__init__(self) = stream
def _send_to_endpoint(self, events):
# Prints individual events because it's what we're usually interested in
# in that case.
infra_events = [str(ChromeInfraEvent.FromString(
ev.source_extension)) for ev in events.log_event]
try:'%s\n' % '\n'.join(infra_events))
except Exception:
logging.exception('Unable to write to provided stream')
return False
return True
class _LoggingStreamRouter(_Router):
def __init__(self, severity=logging.INFO):
"""Initialize the router.
severity: severity of the messages for reporting events
self.severity = severity
def _send_to_endpoint(self, events):
for ev in events.log_event:
ev_str = str(ChromeInfraEvent.FromString(ev.source_extension))
logging.log(self.severity, 'Sending event_mon event:\n%s' % ev_str)
except Exception:
logging.exception('Unable to log the events')
return False
return True
class _HttpRouter(_Router):
def __init__(self, cache, endpoint, timeout=10, try_num=3, retry_backoff=2.,
dry_run=False, _sleep_fn=time.sleep):
"""Initialize the router.
cache(dict): This must be config._cache. Passed as a parameter to
avoid a circular import.
endpoint(str or None): None means 'dry run'. What would be sent is printed
on stdout. If endpoint starts with 'https://' data is POSTed there.
Otherwise it is interpreted as a file where to write serialized
LogEventLite protos.
try_num(int): max number of http requests send to the endpoint.
retry_backoff(float): time in seconds before retrying posting to the
endpoint. Randomized exponential backoff is applied on subsequent
dry_run(boolean): if True, no http request is sent. Instead a message is
_sleep_fn (function): function to wait specified number of seconds. This
argument is provided for testing purposes.
HTTP_IDENTIFIER = 'event_mon'
self.endpoint = endpoint
self.try_num = try_num
self.retry_backoff = retry_backoff
self._cache = cache
self._http = infra_libs.InstrumentedHttp(HTTP_IDENTIFIER, timeout=timeout)
self._dry_run = dry_run
self._sleep_fn = _sleep_fn
def _send_to_endpoint(self, events):
"""Send protobuf to endpoint
events(LogRequestLite): the protobuf to send.
success(bool): whether POSTing/writing succeeded or not.
if not self.endpoint.startswith('https://'):
logging.error("Received invalid https endpoint: %s", self.endpoint)
return False
logging.debug('event_mon: POSTing events to %s', self.endpoint)
attempt = 0 # silencing pylint
for attempt in xrange(self.try_num): # pragma: no branch
# (re)set this time at the very last moment
events.request_time_ms = time_ms()
response = None
if self._dry_run:'Http requests disabled. Not sending anything')
else: # pragma: no cover
response, _ = self._http.request(
headers={'Content-Type': 'application/octet-stream'},
if self._dry_run or response.status == 200:
logging.debug('Succeeded POSTing data after %d attempts', attempt + 1)
return True
except Exception:
logging.exception('exception when POSTing data')
if response:
logging.error('failed to POST data to %s Status: %d (attempt %d)',
self.endpoint, response.status, attempt)
if attempt == 0:
logging.error('data: %s', str(events)[:2000])
self._sleep_fn(backoff_time(attempt, retry_backoff=self.retry_backoff))
logging.error('failed to POST data after %d attempts, giving up.',
return False