blob: 6905805d65f4af388a3d8125c509cdff1b229700 [file] [log] [blame]
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright 2018 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
# This file is heavily based off of LUCI
"""Definition of possible RPC response status codes."""
from __future__ import print_function
import collections
StatusCodeBase = collections.namedtuple('StatusCodeBase', ['value', 'name'])
class StatusCode(StatusCodeBase):
"""Mirrors grpc.StatusCode in the gRPC Core.
OK = StatusCodeBase(0, 'ok')
CANCELLED = StatusCodeBase(1, 'cancelled')
UNKNOWN = StatusCodeBase(2, 'unknown')
INVALID_ARGUMENT = StatusCodeBase(3, 'invalid argument')
DEADLINE_EXCEEDED = StatusCodeBase(4, 'deadline exceeded')
NOT_FOUND = StatusCodeBase(5, 'not found')
ALREADY_EXISTS = StatusCodeBase(6, 'already exists')
PERMISSION_DENIED = StatusCodeBase(7, 'permission denied')
RESOURCE_EXHAUSTED = StatusCodeBase(8, 'resource exhausted')
FAILED_PRECONDITION = StatusCodeBase(9, 'failed precondition')
ABORTED = StatusCodeBase(10, 'aborted')
OUT_OF_RANGE = StatusCodeBase(11, 'out of range')
UNIMPLEMENTED = StatusCodeBase(12, 'unimplemented')
INTERNAL = StatusCodeBase(13, 'internal error')
UNAVAILABLE = StatusCodeBase(14, 'unavailable')
DATA_LOSS = StatusCodeBase(15, 'data loss')
UNAUTHENTICATED = StatusCodeBase(16, 'unauthenticated')
# Used in ServicerContext.set_code to assert that the code is known.
ALL_CODES = frozenset(
getattr(StatusCode, k)
for k in dir(StatusCode)
if isinstance(getattr(StatusCode, k), StatusCodeBase))
INT_TO_CODE = {c[0]: c for c in ALL_CODES}