blob: 72f199bdc3b72c62e269a87d7debc69883df13b8 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2016 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
"""This module uprevs Android for cbuildbot.
After calling, it prints outs ANDROID_VERSION_ATOM=(version atom string). A
caller could then use this atom with emerge to build the newly uprevved version
of Android e.g.
Returns chromeos-base/android-container-2559197
emerge-veyron_minnie-cheets =chromeos-base/android-container-2559197-r1
from __future__ import print_function
import filecmp
import glob
import os
from chromite.cbuildbot import constants
from chromite.lib import commandline
from chromite.lib import cros_build_lib
from chromite.lib import cros_logging as logging
from chromite.lib import git
from chromite.lib import gs
from chromite.lib import portage_util
from chromite.scripts import cros_mark_as_stable
# Dir where all the action happens.
_OVERLAY_DIR = '%(srcroot)s/private-overlays/project-cheets-private/'
_GIT_COMMIT_MESSAGE = ('Marking latest for %(android_pn)s ebuild '
'with version %(android_version)s as stable.')
# URLs that print lists of Android revisions between two build ids.
def IsBuildIdValid(bucket_url, build_branch, build_id):
"""Checks that a specific build_id is valid.
Looks for that build_id for all builds. Confirms that the subpath can
be found and that the zip file is present in that subdirectory.
bucket_url: URL of Android build gs bucket
build_branch: branch of Android builds
build_id: A string. The Android build id number to check.
Returns subpaths dictionary if build_id is valid.
None if the build_id is not valid.
gs_context = gs.GSContext()
subpaths_dict = {}
for build, target in constants.ANDROID_BUILD_TARGETS.iteritems():
build_dir = '%s-%s' % (build_branch, target)
build_id_path = os.path.join(bucket_url, build_dir, build_id)
# Find name of subpath.
subpaths = gs_context.List(build_id_path)
except gs.GSNoSuchKey:
'Directory [%s] does not contain any subpath, ignoring it.',
return None
if len(subpaths) > 1:
'Directory [%s] contains more than one subpath, ignoring it.',
return None
subpath_dir = subpaths[0].url.rstrip('/')
subpath_name = os.path.basename(subpath_dir)
# Look for a zipfile ending in the build_id number.
for zipfile in gs_context.List(subpath_dir):
if zipfile.url.endswith('.zip'):
except gs.GSNoSuchKey:
'Did not find a zipfile for build id [%s] in directory [%s].',
build_id, subpath_dir)
return None
# Record subpath for the build.
subpaths_dict[build] = subpath_name
# If we got here, it means we found an appropriate build for all platforms.
return subpaths_dict
def GetLatestBuild(bucket_url, build_branch):
"""Searches the gs bucket for the latest green build.
bucket_url: URL of Android build gs bucket
build_branch: branch of Android builds
Tuple of (latest version string, subpaths dictionary)
If no latest build can be found, returns None, None
gs_context = gs.GSContext()
common_build_ids = None
# Find builds for each target.
for target in constants.ANDROID_BUILD_TARGETS.itervalues():
build_dir = '-'.join((build_branch, target))
base_path = os.path.join(bucket_url, build_dir)
build_ids = []
for gs_result in gs_context.List(base_path):
# Remove trailing slashes and get the base name, which is the build_id.
build_id = os.path.basename(gs_result.url.rstrip('/'))
if not build_id.isdigit():
logging.warn('Directory [%s] does not look like a valid build_id.',
# Update current list of builds.
if common_build_ids is None:
# First run, populate it with the first platform.
common_build_ids = set(build_ids)
# Already populated, find the ones that are common.
if common_build_ids is None:
logging.warn('Did not find a build_id common to all platforms.')
return None, None
# Otherwise, find the most recent one that is valid.
for build_id in sorted(common_build_ids, key=int, reverse=True):
subpaths = IsBuildIdValid(bucket_url, build_branch, build_id)
if subpaths:
return build_id, subpaths
# If not found, no build_id is valid.
logging.warn('Did not find a build_id valid on all platforms.')
return None, None
def FindAndroidCandidates(package_dir):
"""Return a tuple of Android's unstable ebuild and stable ebuilds.
package_dir: The path to where the package ebuild is stored.
Tuple [unstable_ebuild, stable_ebuilds].
Exception: if no unstable ebuild exists for Android.
stable_ebuilds = []
unstable_ebuilds = []
for path in glob.glob(os.path.join(package_dir, '*.ebuild')):
ebuild = portage_util.EBuild(path)
if ebuild.version == '9999':
# Apply some sanity checks.
if not unstable_ebuilds:
raise Exception('Missing 9999 ebuild for %s' % package_dir)
if not stable_ebuilds:
logging.warning('Missing stable ebuild for %s' % package_dir)
return portage_util.BestEBuild(unstable_ebuilds), stable_ebuilds
def CopyToArcBucket(android_bucket_url, build_branch, build_id, subpaths,
arc_bucket_url, acls):
"""Copies from source Android bucket to ARC++ specific bucket.
Copies each build to the ARC bucket eliminating the subpath.
Applies build specific ACLs for each file.
android_bucket_url: URL of Android build gs bucket
build_branch: branch of Android builds
build_id: A string. The Android build id number to check.
subpaths: Subpath dictionary for each build to copy.
arc_bucket_url: URL of the target ARC build gs bucket
acls: ACLs dictionary for each build to copy.
gs_context = gs.GSContext()
for build, subpath in subpaths.iteritems():
target = constants.ANDROID_BUILD_TARGETS[build]
build_dir = '%s-%s' % (build_branch, target)
android_dir = os.path.join(android_bucket_url, build_dir, build_id, subpath)
arc_dir = os.path.join(arc_bucket_url, build_dir, build_id)
# Copy all zip files from android_dir to arc_dir, setting ACLs.
for zipfile in gs_context.List(android_dir):
if zipfile.url.endswith('.zip'):
zipname = os.path.basename(zipfile.url)
arc_path = os.path.join(arc_dir, zipname)
acl = acls[build]
needs_copy = True
# Check a pre-existing file with the original source.
if gs_context.Exists(arc_path):
if (gs_context.Stat(zipfile.url).hash_crc32c !=
logging.warn('Removing incorrect file %s', arc_path)
else:'Skipping already copied file %s', arc_path)
needs_copy = False
# Copy if necessary, and set the ACL unconditionally.
# The Stat() call above doesn't verify the ACL is correct and
# the ChangeACL should be relatively cheap compared to the copy.
# This covers the following caes:
# - handling an interrupted copy from a previous run.
# - rerunning the copy in case one of the googlestorage_acl_X.txt
# files changes (e.g. we add a new variant which reuses a build).
if needs_copy:'Copying %s -> %s (acl %s)', zipfile.url, arc_path, acl)
gs_context.Copy(zipfile.url, arc_path, version=0)
gs_context.ChangeACL(arc_path, acl_args_file=acl)
def MakeAclDict(package_dir):
"""Creates a dictionary of acl files for each build type.
package_dir: The path to where the package acl files are stored.
Returns acls dictionary.
return dict(
(k, os.path.join(package_dir, v))
for k, v in constants.ARC_BUCKET_ACLS.items()
def GetAndroidRevisionListLink(build_branch, old_android, new_android):
"""Returns a link to the list of revisions between two Android versions
Given two AndroidEBuilds, generate a link to a page that prints the
Android changes between those two revisions, inclusive.
build_branch: branch of Android builds
old_android: ebuild for the version to diff from
new_android: ebuild for the version to which to diff
The desired URL.
return _ANDROID_VERSION_URL % {'branch': build_branch,
'old': old_android.version,
'new': new_android.version}
def MarkAndroidEBuildAsStable(stable_candidate, unstable_ebuild, android_pn,
android_version, package_dir, build_branch,
r"""Uprevs the Android ebuild.
This is the main function that uprevs from a stable candidate
to its new version.
stable_candidate: ebuild that corresponds to the stable ebuild we are
revving from. If None, builds the a new ebuild given the version
with revision set to 1.
unstable_ebuild: ebuild corresponding to the unstable ebuild for Android.
android_pn: package name.
android_version: The \d+ build id of Android.
package_dir: Path to the android-container package dir.
build_branch: branch of Android builds.
arc_bucket_url: URL of the target ARC build gs bucket.
Full portage version atom (including rc's, etc) that was revved.
def IsTheNewEBuildRedundant(new_ebuild, stable_ebuild):
"""Returns True if the new ebuild is redundant.
This is True if there if the current stable ebuild is the exact same copy
of the new one.
if not stable_ebuild:
return False
if stable_candidate.version_no_rev == new_ebuild.version_no_rev:
return filecmp.cmp(
new_ebuild.ebuild_path, stable_ebuild.ebuild_path, shallow=False)
# Case where we have the last stable candidate with same version just rev.
if stable_candidate and stable_candidate.version_no_rev == android_version:
new_ebuild_path = '%s-r%d.ebuild' % (
stable_candidate.current_revision + 1)
pf = '%s-%s-r1' % (android_pn, android_version)
new_ebuild_path = os.path.join(package_dir, '%s.ebuild' % pf)
variables = {'BASE_URL': arc_bucket_url}
for build, target in constants.ANDROID_BUILD_TARGETS.iteritems():
variables[build + '_TARGET'] = '%s-%s' % (build_branch, target)
unstable_ebuild.ebuild_path, new_ebuild_path,
variables, make_stable=True)
new_ebuild = portage_util.EBuild(new_ebuild_path)
# Determine whether this is ebuild is redundant.
if IsTheNewEBuildRedundant(new_ebuild, stable_candidate):
msg = 'Previous ebuild with same version found and ebuild is redundant.'
return None
if stable_candidate:
logging.PrintBuildbotLink('Android revisions',
git.RunGit(package_dir, ['add', new_ebuild_path])
if stable_candidate and not stable_candidate.IsSticky():
git.RunGit(package_dir, ['rm', stable_candidate.ebuild_path])
# Update ebuild manifest and git add it.
gen_manifest_cmd = ['ebuild', new_ebuild_path, 'manifest', '--force']
extra_env=None, print_cmd=True)
git.RunGit(package_dir, ['add', 'Manifest'])
_GIT_COMMIT_MESSAGE % {'android_pn': android_pn,
'android_version': android_version},
return '%s-%s' % (new_ebuild.package, new_ebuild.version)
def GetParser():
"""Creates the argument parser."""
parser = commandline.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument('-b', '--boards')
parser.add_argument('-f', '--force_version',
help='Android build id to use')
parser.add_argument('-s', '--srcroot',
default=os.path.join(os.environ['HOME'], 'trunk', 'src'),
help='Path to the src directory')
parser.add_argument('-t', '--tracking_branch', default='cros/master',
help='Branch we are tracking changes against')
return parser
def main(argv):
parser = GetParser()
options = parser.parse_args(argv)
overlay_dir = os.path.abspath(_OVERLAY_DIR % {'srcroot': options.srcroot})
android_package_dir = os.path.join(overlay_dir, constants.ANDROID_CP)
version_to_uprev = None
subpaths = None
(unstable_ebuild, stable_ebuilds) = FindAndroidCandidates(android_package_dir)
if options.force_version:
version_to_uprev = options.force_version
subpaths = IsBuildIdValid(options.android_bucket_url,
options.android_build_branch, version_to_uprev)
if not subpaths:
logging.error('Requested build %s is not valid' % version_to_uprev)
version_to_uprev, subpaths = GetLatestBuild(options.android_bucket_url,
acls = MakeAclDict(android_package_dir)
CopyToArcBucket(options.android_bucket_url, options.android_build_branch,
version_to_uprev, subpaths, options.arc_bucket_url, acls)
stable_candidate = portage_util.BestEBuild(stable_ebuilds)
if stable_candidate:'Stable candidate found %s' % stable_candidate.version)
else:'No stable candidate found.')
tracking_branch = 'remotes/m/%s' % os.path.basename(options.tracking_branch)
existing_branch = git.GetCurrentBranch(android_package_dir)
work_branch = cros_mark_as_stable.GitBranch(constants.STABLE_EBUILD_BRANCH,
# In the case of uprevving overlays that have patches applied to them,
# include the patched changes in the stabilizing branch.
if existing_branch:
git.RunGit(overlay_dir, ['rebase', existing_branch])
android_version_atom = MarkAndroidEBuildAsStable(
stable_candidate, unstable_ebuild, constants.ANDROID_PN,
version_to_uprev, android_package_dir,
options.android_build_branch, options.arc_bucket_url)
if android_version_atom:
if options.boards:
# Explicit print to communicate to caller.
print('ANDROID_VERSION_ATOM=%s' % android_version_atom)